Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 831: The daughter of Fuxi-Luoshen!

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"Trapped ...". Liu Piaomiao's voice trembled slightly, and now they are trapped here and are in trouble, mainly because they don't know what kind of creature is the existence hidden here.

"Why go so fast? I haven't chatted with people for a long time, and I feel kind when I see you." That eerie voice came again.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao felt shudder.

They may not have any feeling of intimacy with this strange existence in the stone temple.

"Seniors are humans or ghosts? Please come out and see." Lin Feng said in a deep voice that he had quietly removed the relic and held it in his hand.

If the other party is a evil spirit, its own relic can handle it.

"Sari, this is something to deal with ghosts, you have no use to take out."

The mysterious existence seemed to have known everything for a long time, and a dark voice came.

Lin Feng frowned and looked around cautiously.

Suddenly, he felt that his entire body of hair was standing upright. Just three meters behind him, a thin, skinny, withered face stood like a ghostly old man, and a pair of murky eyes looked up.

Liu Piaomiao looked down at Lin Feng's eyes, and after seeing the old man, he was also terrified.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and suppressed the fear in his heart.

Now that the stone door is closed, he and Liu Piaomiao are trapped here.

If this person wanted to kill them, he had already started, and would not say so much nonsense, thinking of this, Lin Feng felt a little calm.

He looked at the old man and said, "The two juniors stumbled into this place and disturbed the seniors' spiritual practice. May the seniors look at our young ignorance and spare us."

The old man laughed, but his laughter was too gloomy, which always gave Lin Feng a creepy feeling, "The old man just wanted to chat with you, why did he ever want to harm you? If you want to harm you, you have already started "".

Lin Feng Zhuang asked courageously, "I don't know how to call my senior?".

The old man said, "Am I? I have long forgotten what I am called. I will continue to breathe and guard the stone temple. It will not end this tragic fate until my life is at the end"

"Guardian Stone Temple?". Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao moved slightly.

Liu Piaomiao asked, "Is this stone temple a rumored temple? Was it a temple inhabited by God?".

The old man said, "This is something before the endless years, maybe this is really a temple."

Lin Feng asked doubtfully, "Aren't seniors guarding this palace? Is it not clear whether this palace is a temple?".

The old man said, "Although I have been guarding for too long, I have never seen a god."

An inexplicable expression flashed in the eyes of the old man, Lin Feng felt that the old man had been looking at himself.

This feeling is very strange, but also makes Lin Feng very uncomfortable.

Although the old man did not attack Lin Feng.

Not even showing hostility.

But Lin Feng felt that the old man seemed to be fighting his own idea.

Is it an illusion?

Lin Feng can only suppress the fear in his heart and try to keep himself calm.

"What are these coffins?" Lin Feng asked.

The old man looked at the coffins and said, "These are **** servants."

"God servant?"

Both Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao looked surprised.

God servant, isn't it the golden giant?

But these coffins are obviously impossible to hold the body of the golden giant.

The old man seemed to know what Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao thought, and he said, "Are you wondering whether the gold giant is a **** servant?".

Lin Feng and Liu Piao nodded.

The old man said, "The golden giants are not servants of gods. They are only guards of the temple. They have been passed down from generation to generation. Although the blood lines of the golden giants are far from comparable to their ancestors, their family is still guarding The responsibilities of the temple, the real servants of the gods are those beings lying in the coffin, they are servants of the god, and before declining, they bury themselves in the coffin. "

Lin Feng's face suddenly changed at this time. He looked at the old man and said, "Are seniors also **** servants?".

The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Feng. At this moment, Lin Feng felt cold all over.

He secretly guarded, the mysterious old man in front of him was too strange.

The old man said, "Yes, it can be said that I am the seventy-third **** servant."

In the third heavy stone hall, there are seventy-two coffins.

Obviously those coffins are dead servants.

They buried themselves here.

Liu Piaomiao asked, "Senior, the gods are dead, why are there servants here? What temple is this temple? Can seniors tell us?".

The old man said, "This palace is called Luoshen Temple."

Lin Feng cursed that the old guy didn't tell the truth. Before that, he didn't know if the temple was a temple. Now he actually named the temple.

Obviously the old man concealed many things.

Liu Piaomiao exclaimed, "Luo Shen? Isn't that the daughter of Fu Xi, the originator of the human race?"

There is Luoshen Fu in ancient times, and the story of Luoshen is recorded.

The daughter of Fuxi, the **** of Luohe.

She is the goddess of heaven.

Countless people fell for it.

Lin Feng said, "Luo Shen is one of the ancient giants. Her palace is here. In mythology and legend, Luo Shen disappeared silently. Even her father Fu Xi failed to find her. What happened in the past? thing?".

The old man suddenly said, "Will you listen to a story?".

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao nodded and said, "Hear your ears and listen."

The old man said, "Luo Shen was traveling before the endless years. I don't know how many gods I lost. There is a **** named Zhu Yin, whose face is red, and he lives under Zhongshan Mountain. This is an extremely powerful god. He began to pursue Luo Shen ".

"But the **** who pursued Luoshen was not only candle Yin, there was also a **** called the Arctic Divine Emperor, and the two gods fought against each other. Zhuyin defeated the Arctic Divine Emperor. , Luoshen was involved in a war of gods and demons. Zhuyin killed the gods and demons battlefield and rescued the dying Luoshen, but Zhuyin failed to save Luoshen, Luoshen died, and Zhuyin came to the temple of Luoshen, Day and night guarded by Luoshen's body until he died and never left. "

Lin Feng asked, "Senior wanted to say that this temple actually buried Luo Shen and Zhu Yin?"

The old man said, "I didn't say that, because it's just a mythical story, it's too far away, and it's so far away that it can't be traced back to his origin."


But at this time, under the hall, a roar suddenly came out.


The whole hall was shaking violently.

"what happened?".

Both Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao's complexions changed dramatically.

"Don't be afraid, under this hall, a demon was suppressed."

Said the old man.

"Suppressed a demon?" Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao wondered what happened?

"It was suppressed by a **** servant. The demon wanted to occupy the temple after the **** died, and was suppressed by a **** servant, but the life of the demon was too long. Countless years have passed and he is still lingering."

The old man said sullenly.

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