Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 832: Woman imprisoned under the temple

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Lin Feng looked at the old man, but he had a very strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that the old man could not believe it.

This is an intuition, this old man makes Lin Feng feel uneasy.

"Booming ...".

The hall shook again, even worse than before.

The old man said, "The devil's nature is indelible, even after hundreds of millions of years. The devil here is too terrible, but fortunately his life is coming to an end"

"What kind of demon is this?" Lin Feng asked.

"A demon that cannot be mentioned." The old man said meaningfully.

Lin Feng said, "Can seniors let us go?"

"Let's go, you can wait a little bit and you will be able to get out of trouble."

The old man opened the stone gate. Lin Feng was surprised. He didn't expect the old man to let him go so happily.

This is different from what Lin Feng thought.

Could it be that he misunderstood the old man himself?

Actually, is he a good person?

But Lin Feng's idea that the old man is a good man is even less reliable.


He and Liu Piaomiao returned to the first palace.

Liu Piaomiao wanted to say something, but Lin Feng shook his head, motioning to say nothing now.

Every move in this place certainly cannot hide the old man.

They are waiting for the old man to leave the opportunity, but where is this opportunity?

The next day.

There was a strong man coming from outside the sky, and a terrible breath surged across the world. Even in the palace, Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao felt it.

"Amitabha, Shanzaishanzai ...". More than a dozen monks came and the Buddha's light was vast. They were bathed in the Buddha's light and were sacred and inviolable.

This is a Buddhist monk who came from the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions.

"Infinite Dao Zun".

Several Taoist priests came in hand-held whisk, fairy bones.

They are Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain and leaders of Taoism in the world.

If infinite Taoist priests see Longhu Mountain here, these Taoist priests will probably grudge their teeth.

At that time, "Moving Mountain Taoist priests" was expelled from "Taoism", which was the decree issued by Longhu Mountain.

The movement of Taoist priests in the mountains is now almost close to the incense inheritance, and naturally has a great relationship with Longhu Mountain.

"The monks and priests are all here, but it is not common on weekdays."

There is a strong voice indifferent, lingering in the endless divine light, this is the strong in the Hall of Eternal Life.

The endless magic cloud covers the sky and the emperor comes.

The evil cloud is overshadowed, and this is the strong man of evil Tao.


Many top powers have strong men coming, and they are here to find the meteorites.

"The news is true, there is a celestial meteorite here."

Many people exclaimed.

These top powerhouses also moved.

Meteorites outside the sky are very involved.

Archaic supernatural powers, any kind, can create a huge force.

The Taoism that appears today is probably the Taoism of the Fighting Saint Ape, which is not comparable to the general Archaean Taoism.

Fighting holy ape, what a terrifying cry of ghosts and gods?

The heavens and the world? Who competes with each other?

"Do it ...".

These strong men attacked and wanted to take away the meteorite.

And these golden giants worshipped as if they were heavenly meteorites as gods, so naturally they were not willing to let these monks take them away.

The golden giant fights with forces such as Buddha, demon, evil, demon, and Tao.

Large areas of mountains and forests have been destroyed. It is almost like extinction. This level of battle is far from Lin Feng's imagination.

"The old guy said that the opportunity for us to leave is coming soon, and then many powerful men came here. Can the old guy know whether the prophet is not successful? This is too scary?"

Lin Feng murmured, deeply shocked in his heart, but also worried, because he felt that the old thing was not good for himself from beginning to end.

"boom……". At this time, a terrible breath came from a distance, and then Lin Feng saw a white peacock flying.

The white peacock turned into a 16-year-old boy.

The young man, Jianmei starry eyes, handsome and handsome, with a smile on his lips.

His smile is very friendly, this is a character like a son of the world.

"Who is this?" Lin Feng was surprised.

The young man in white stepped forward and walked towards the meteorite.

"Sacred Lord Peacock, it's you ...".

After seeing this person, many strong men's faces changed dramatically.

"I want this extraterrestrial meteorite, you will find it elsewhere."

Said the white peacock turned out loudly.

"Sacred Lord Peacock? Peacock Saint Lord, one of the supreme clan?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is definitely a ruthless man. He has heard that the Peacock Lord is the patriarch of the demon peacock.

Peacock family? What race is this?

In ancient times, the Buddha Lord was swallowed by peacocks.

The Lord Buddha opened the back of the peacock and wanted to cut it off.

But the Buddhas said that since the Lord Buddha came out of the body of the peacock, he should regard the peacock as the mother of the Buddha.

Therefore, the Lord Buddha named the peacock as the Peacock King Ming Bodhisattva.

It can be seen how amazing the origin of this peacock family is.

Now the arrival of Peacock Lord is really domineering.

"A strong and powerful Peacock Lord, one person is so strong against so many strong people, so calm, and looks at the many strong people, I don't know his strength? If so many strong people are besieging together, I am afraid it is difficult to cope?

Lin Feng murmured.

"Get rid of him together."

Sure enough, those strong men chose to join forces to kill Peacock Lord.

Lord Peacock stepped forward, swiping his right fist and punching it out, when even a dozen strong men were swept out.

It was a strong man of the age of giants, but he could not resist the attack of the Peacock Lord. He made three consecutive punches. The Peacock Lord swept away all the strongmen and came to the Tianwai meteorite, reaching for the Tianwai meteorite.

The Golden Giant King roared, hitting the Peacock Lord with a huge stone hammer, and the Peacock Lord screamed loudly, roaring the mountains and rivers, and flew the Golden Giant King out.

He charged the meteorite and flew towards the distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


These ancient giants were naturally reluctant, roared angrily, and quickly chased out.

"So scary?"

Lin Feng was shocked in his heart, and the powerful Peacock Lord gave him a feeling like facing a god's mansion.

"let's go". Liu Piaomiao said.

Lin Feng nodded and rushed out with Liu Piaomiao without hesitation.

In the previous war, all the gold giants participated in the war, including the gold giants who originally guarded the stone palace, so they gave Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao the chance to leave. They rushed into the mountains and did not stay. They flew quickly towards the outer areas. go with.

In the third hall, the "God Servant" narrowed his eyes and seemed to see through the hall and saw Lin Feng in the mountains. He murmured, "It is really a pair of bloodlines of that race. Perfect body, but not strong enough, I need to wait for me to get started ... ".

桀桀 桀桀.

Then the old man made a gruesome laugh.

Rumble! Rumble!

The hall shook violently.


The old man shouted, the hall split, and he flew deep into the cracked hall.

Under the main hall, there was a clattering voice.

Can be seen vaguely, in the darkness, a woman locked her limbs and pipa bones with chains.

The woman saw the old man coming down and screamed, trying to fight it up.

But she couldn't struggle to open the chain.

"Now I am no one, no ghost, all thanks to you. Your next life will be more tragic, letting you know what life is better than death."

The old man's sullen gaze looked at the woman with the shawl and could not see her face clearly.


Inside the Temple of Luo.

He returned to deathly quiet.

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