Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 855: Siege of Aotian Ancient Capital!

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In the dark, the banner is spreading.

A team of 50,000 people, riding a beast, ran across the sky in the void.

This is the monk of the gentleman city.

The person headed is the painting of Lin Feng and Han Zi sitting on an ancient chariot.

This army is composed of the major families and forces of the gentleman city.

"Tomorrow noon, you can reach the ancient capital of Aotian."

Han Zihua said.


Lin Feng nodded.


Aotian Ancient Capital, the ancient city ranked first in the Eastern County of Shenzhou.

The master of the ancient capital of Aotian, the Dugu family, is also the first force in Shenzhou, East County, able to communicate with "God".

Who dares to take action against Aotiangu in the territory of Dongzhou Shenzhou?

But now Lin Feng has led the four-cities allied forces and besieged the ancient capital of Aotian.

The gates of the ancient capital of Aotian are wide open, and people come and go.

As always lively.

The loud noise of "Boom" came from the horizon, and countless people looked out.

I saw that the black army was crushed by a beast, as if it were a **** of heaven.

The sound of the drumming drums resounded through the sky.

"The horn of war? Someone will not succeed in attacking Aotiangu?" Many people were surprised.

"Who is this? Dare to attack the proud ancient capital, don't you die?".

Countless people are talking about it, and it is unbelievable that some people dare to attack the ancient capital of Aotian.

Isn't that just attacking the Dugu family?

The Dugu family is huge and the strong are like clouds, but it is not so easy to attack.

"Boom ..."

In the other direction, the war flag was shaken, and the army came to the ground.

"Another army is coming", many people shouted in shock.

This is the second huge army, and depending on the number of people, I am afraid that there are more people than the first team.

Before everyone's mood had calmed down, the third army came to the ground.

"Look, look, that's the people of Tiansheng City. The senior members of the five families in Tiansheng City are all there."

"There are the people of Sun and Moon City, and the leader is Li Mingdao, the owner of Sun and Moon City."

"That's the people in Shicheng. The seniors of the nine big families in Shicheng are here."

When the 200,000 strong men of the three armies were killed, some people recognized the leaders of the three armies and were shocked.

Everyone is wondering, what the **** is going on?

Heavenly City, Sun Moon City, Stone City.

These are all ancient cities among the ten ancient capitals of Shenzhou in East County. Now there is no sign, and they are leading the army into the ancient capital.

"Boom ..."

In the distance, the fourth army came from the sky.

"Another army"!

In the ancient capital of Aotian, countless people looked out, and many people were pale and scared.

There are many monks who quickly rushed out of the ancient capital of Aotian and fled towards the distance. They feared that they would be affected by the pond fish once the war started.

"The fourth team is from the Gentlemen City, Han Zihua, the leader of the Gentlemen City, personally led the people to come."


Many people in the ancient capital of Aotian have been scared out of their wits.

The four ancient capitals are coming together.

In the history of the Eastern County of Shenzhou, such a large-scale movement occurred only when the siege of the Soul Palace was siege.

"Close the gates and open the defense ban."

The proud general of the ancient city of Aotian shouted anxiously, "Hurry, go and tell the master of the city."

The ancient capital of Aotian is already panic-stricken. Even if the ancient capital of Aotian is powerful, it can face siege from the four cities.

I dare not say that I can resist the masters of the four cities.

"grown ups".

Among the stone city army, Zhan Junhua flew out and saluted Lin Feng.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Feng.

The reason why the four ancient cities sent troops was because of Lin Feng.

"You follow me today, Lin Feng besieges the ancient capital of Aotian, Lin Feng remembers everyone's kindness in my heart."

Lin Feng said with a fist.

"Princess Lin is polite, Du Guao Tian is arrogant and arrogant. He has always ignored us, and the Du Gu family has acted with no one in sight. We did something that I do n’t know how many people are angry with. Today, we follow Lin Gongzi to annihilate the Du Gu family. East County Shenzhou eradicated the biggest evil. "

Liu Xian, the head of the Liu family in Shicheng, quickly said awkwardly, first placing himself at the highest point of morality and punishing the Dugu family.

"Patriarch Liu is right. The Dugu family has acted fiercely. In these years, in order to expand its power, it has done everything possible. However, all the forces that dare to resist, the family has been wiped out by the Dugu family. I do n’t know how many innocent people died. The temple is not so evil, if we can eliminate the Dugu family, we can return a grand and powerful world in Dongjun Shenzhou. "

Wang Donglong, the head of the Tiansheng City King's family, said awe-inspiringly.

The high-level leaders of these great forces were filled with indignation and condemned Du Guaotian.

Lin Feng clenched his fists, "You guys really understand the meaning of justice. I admire Lin Feng very much. When the head of the lonely and proud man is cut off, it will be the time when Dongjun Shenzhou returns to peace. At that time, the stability of Dongjun Shenzhou needs everyone to maintain "

"This is all our responsibility," the senior executives of the major families said quickly.

Of course, these are some kind words on the bright side.

The reason why these great forces are willing to attack the ancient capital of Aotian is not because they are doing justice.

Big family only talks about interests, what justice? The world of cultivators has always been so cruel, and the world is bustling, all for profit.

The reason why these forces are willing to follow Lin Feng to attack the ancient capital of Aotian is because they are optimistic about Lin Feng's future.

Now these forces also want to bet, icing on the cake will never be as good as sending the charcoal in the snow, this time following Lin Feng to attack the proud ancient capital.

If Lin Feng really grows up in the future, if one day, he will become a strong man against the sky.

Could they be the first to follow Lin Feng's family?

Wealth and wealth need to be in danger.

What's more, these forces also heard that Lin Feng had a way to deal with the "God", and even their last doubts vanished.

In this world, there is no reason for no reason, no help for no reason.

Lin Feng naturally knows why these forces follow himself, but Lin Feng doesn't care about their purpose, what Lin Feng cares about is that they can really help themselves, which is enough.

Many high-level officials from the ancient capitals of Dugu, Aotian and Aotian came to the city wall. He shouted, "What do you mean by the four ancient cities? Lead the army to come, do you want to live with me Aotiangu?"

The senior officials on the side of the Allied Forces of the Four Cities were sneering at the threat of Du Guaotian.

Lin Feng came out step by step. He stood in the void and looked coldly at Du Guao Tian, ​​saying, "Duo Guao Tian, ​​can you remember me?".

After seeing Lin Feng, Du Gu Ao Tian's eyes were split, he now knew Lin Feng's true identity, and he also knew that Lin Feng had cut Du Gu Xuan, and he wished that Lin Feng would be utterly slashed. Say, "The little evil seed of the neighbor, the city's master will throw you thousands of knives, and then withdraw your soul, into the endless purgatory, so that you will be tortured by endless pain, and you will not be born forever."

Lin Feng's voice was cold: "Duguxuan was also so domineering in front of me, but he was cut by me. You really deserve to be an axe, it's a raccoon."

Duguaoaotian gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth, and he grinned loudly, "Little Sin, this seat will break you up."

Lin Feng sneered, he shouted loudly, "Everyone in Aotian ancient capital listens, today the Four Cities Allied Forces are to destroy the innocent and sinful solitary Du Gu family, if you don't want to die, just stay with yourself honestly Don't come out of the family. If anyone dares to join forces with the Dugu family, then the day your city is broken, your family or forces will be slaughtered by the four cities. "



Accompanied by the order of the siege.


The earth shivered violently.

I saw a huge siege crossbow car was pushed out.

Each crossbow vehicle needs three thousand talents to push it up, and the giant crossbow above needs 500 people to pull it apart.

Once the giant crossbow is fired, it is said that even fierce beasts such as Qiongqi will be shot.

Thousands of such large siege crossbow vehicles were pushed to the proud ancient capital by countless monks.







Drink loudly.

Swish swish ...

The dense arrows shot out.

Each arrow has a length of three hundred meters and a diameter of sixty meters. There are twisted runes on it.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The arrows blasted the defensive formation that enveloped the ancient capital of Aotian.

The entire Aotian Ancient shook.

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