Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 856: Summon god

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The formation that enveloped the entire Aotian ancient capital was finally fragmented under the siege of 250,000 troops for three days and three nights.

Lin Feng shouted loudly, "Don't mess up, don't mess up, form a phalanx, a small phalanx of 1,000 people, a large phalanx of 10,000 people, and cooperate with each other."

The battles between monks are all magic weapons and supernatural powers, so once they start fighting, they are all melee.

The strong can often kill many people easily.

This is a huge surprise with the army of the secular world.

The army of the secular world often likes to form a square because of insufficient cultivation.

Lin Feng once joined the army in the Zhenwu Kingdom to fight against the orc invasion.

So there is a certain understanding of the formation.

He quickly gave orders to the high-level of the four ancient cities, let them be responsible for the layout of various large arrays.

A long snake formation,

Two dragons came out of the water array,

Heaven and Earth Three Talents,

Four-door pocket,

The Five Tigers Flock,

Liuding Liujia formation,

Qixing Beidou array,

Eight-door golden lock array,

Nine-word serial array,

Ambush in ten directions.


Although these large formations are all formations used by the secular world army in battle.

However, the monk wars can still work wonders.

Because the strength of the monk is far stronger than the strength of ordinary soldiers in the secular world.

The monks were loose in character and pursued unfettered freedom. Therefore, in the case of a melee, they all fought individually, without unity and cooperation, and often suffered heavy casualties.

Once the formation of a large formation, unified command, it is simply overwhelming.

I saw that all the monks gathered under the command of the high-level of the four ancient cities, formed a large array of tactics.


The four-city monk coalition forces have entered the Aotian ancient capital from all directions.

"Kill all clean, one will not stay."

In the ancient capital of Aotian, the cold voice of Dugu Aotian came out.

In addition to the Dugu family, there are ten families in this proud ancient capital, all of which are ancient families. These ten families also participated in this war.


The sound of shouting was everywhere, and the dense monks besieged the four cities of the Aotian ancient capital.

These people take advantage of the situation and occupy a favorable position.

They originally thought they could unilaterally slaughter the four cities of the coalition forces.

But when they actually fought, they were shocked to find that they were wrong.

Allied forces of the four cities are arranged in an orderly manner.

There are one thousand small squares, ten small squares form a large square of 10,000 people, a total of twenty-five large squares.

Fighting, the various formations complement each other.

It's almost invincible.

puff! puff! puff!


Allied forces of the four cities began to reap their lives.

Countless monks were beheaded by the Allied Forces.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the monk wars could still use this method, which is really strange."

"This is a great art of war in the secular world. I did not expect that the great art of war in the secular world is so powerful."

On the side of the Allied Forces of the Four Cities, countless people were excited.

Many people originally thought that this war must be extremely difficult.

The casualties were heavy.

Many people even came with the determination to die.

But did not expect that the result is this.

It turned out to be the monk who crushed the proud ancient capital here.

The reason for such a very different result is that the monks of the ancient capital of Aotian are too scattered.

They were still thinking that monk warfare was a "fight", which led to defeat.

Of course, the four city monks also know.

This time the Four Cities monks were able to obey the orders so as to form a large formation, because the high-ranking leaders of all major forces followed the orders of Lin Feng.

There was no intrigue.

If Dugu Aotian also allows monks in the ancient capital of Aotian to form a tactical array, it simply cannot be done, because there are a lot of cats between the major families in the ancient capital of Aotian.

This may be the so-called "people's heart".

The hearts of the people are united and their profits are broken.

"Master, the monks of the ancient capital of Aotian are losing ground, I am afraid that they will not be able to support it for a long time."

The senior leaders of the top ten families in the ancient capital of Aotian came to Dugu Aotian's side with a sad face, pale as paper.

"The Art of War, even the Art of War, how did the Lin family of small gangs unite the monks of the four cities?".

Du Guao Tian's face was extremely gloomy.

He is well-informed, and naturally can see at a glance the tactical formation of monks from the four cities.

These large artillery formations are all formed when the secular army is fighting.

The secular army has strict military discipline and the soldiers abide by the military discipline, so the general can form a large artillery formation with a single order.

Du Guao Tian even went to the secular world in person to observe the Art of War, and when he returned, he also practiced Art of Art, but the effect was very poor.

So then Du Guao Tian simply gave up.

But now the four-city coalition forces led by Lin Feng are united, and everyone's goals are the same, forming a large formation, and constantly harvesting the lives of the monks of the ancient capital of Aotian, making Duguaotian's face extremely ugly.

"You resist the Allied Forces of the Four Cities, and this seat will now invite the" Spirit "to take action. When the" Spirit "comes, all the Allied Forces of the Four Cities will die."

Du Guao Tian said.

The eyes of the top executives of the ten major families suddenly rose.

If the gods shot, then do n’t say that there are only 250,000 troops in the four cities.

Even 2.5 million people will be killed today.


"The monks of the ancient capital of Aotian listened, the city master had already gone to invite the gods to take action. Everyone resisted the attack of the four-cities allied forces. Once the gods came, when the time came, it was the time when the four-cities allied forces fell.

The senior of the ten big families shouted.

The morale of the monks in the proud ancient capital was suddenly boosted.

More intense wars between the two sides broke out.

In the depths of the mansion of the Dugu family, the altar has been laid out.

Above the altar, a bronze villain was placed.

Dugu Aotian led the people of the Dugu family to worship three times and nine times and perform sacrifices.

Dugu Aotian prayed, "A great god, the remnant of that family, the son of Lin Baitian led the army to siege the ancient capital of Aotian, and invited the great **** to come and personally capture the son of Lin Beitian, the sinner."

The bronze man suddenly opened his eyes, and a grand voice came out, "Lin Baitian's son? But is it true?".

"It's true". Du Guao Tian said quickly.

The bronze man's face suddenly showed a grinning expression, "The descendants of sin blood turned out to be direct descendants of sin blood, so great."


The voice fell.

The bronze villain shattered directly.

at the same time.

Above nine days, the endless golden light surged out.

The golden light seemed to connect a mysterious world.


At the next moment, a man wearing a robe stepped out.

The man was surrounded by endless divine light, and behind him, the images of the gods and gods of the heavens appeared.

After he appeared, the void was twisted, and the avenues were shaking.

Countless people looked up at the man who was surrounded by divine light.

"God, really is God."

"God, came."

Countless people shouted in shock.

Flutter, flutter ...

Whether it is a monk from the ancient capital of Aotian, or a monk from the Allied Forces of the Four Cities, he could not help but kneel on the ground and worship the gods.

"The rumor is true, the Dugu family can communicate with God"

"God is coming, are we going to die?"

Countless people on the side of the Allied Forces of the Four Cities looked at the **** in the sky with a pale face. Many people were deeply frightened and desperate in their hearts.

That's God.

Who can contend with God?

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