Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2318: Are you threatening me?

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No one can bear the consequences of betraying the Jin family and betraying Jin Shaoyang.

Although Zan Jiu's current identity is Fang Chen's servant, he also wants to live.

Otherwise, it will not compromise, follow Fang Chen, and even make a martial pledge.

He thought that after all, he would encounter Jin Shaoyang one day and even be retaliated against by the latter.

However, I did not expect this day to come so fast.

His body shivered involuntarily, looking at Fang Chen for help.

"I let you follow my brother, let you protect him, not let you betray him." Jin Shaoyang calmly said: "However, you stabbed him at a critical moment, you said I should kill you Alright? "

"Jin Shaoyang, such despicable villains, why don't you do it and let me kill him for you."

Qin Yifeng seemed to deliberately pay Jin Shaoyang well, with a little toes, and instantly came to Zanjiu.

"Master, save me."

Zan Jiu asked for help aloud, Fang Chen was angry, and his heart moved, Xuan Tiancong was already in his hand, ready to urge.

However, at this moment, a violent breath went straight to the sky.


A loud noise, Qin Yifeng's body, flew out unexpectedly.

After the crazy energy, it was the white text of the ragged clothes.

He walked out of the prison, flew Qin Yifeng with a punch, and saved Zan Jiu.

"Fang Chen is my brother who wrote in the daytime. If you dare to move him, you are doing the right thing with me."

At the moment, Bai Wen, with great momentum, strode towards Qin Yifeng.

"How can it be?"

Qin Yifeng was shocked, wasn't the book trapped in the prison during the day? Why did it come out.

"Do not……"

Qin Yifeng shouted miserably, looking to Jin Shaoyang for help.

I saw that instead of saving him, the latter was running away.


Bai Wen's fist penetrated Qin Qin Yifeng's body, and then grabbed the latter's Yuanshen in his hand.

"Brother Fang, you take it first."

After all, Bai Wen threw Qin Yifeng's Yuanshen Light Group to Fang Chen.


Qin Yifeng struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"Want to go?"

Bai Wen's whole body is full of breath. Although there are injuries on his body, it does not affect his performance.

He came like a demon god, stepped on the ground, and punched out with a punch, directly blasting out Jin Shaoyang, who had not entered the void.


Jin Shaoyang's body fell to the ground.

"Books during the day, I have no injustice with you." Jin Shaoyang shouted angrily.

"No injustice?"

Bai Wen sneered: "Fang Chen is my brother. If you bully Fang Chen, you are bullying me during the day."


Another punch, Jin Shaoyang was hit **** the body, and immediately threw it away.

Several consecutive punches directly indented Shaoyang's chest, and he spit blood and his face pale.

"My brother's hatred is gone. How about the grudges between us?" Jin Shaoyang hurriedly said, "You will be punished by the top powers of the holy list by slaughtering them like this. Home will not let you go. "

"I killed you, who would know?" Bai Wen didn't intend to let Jin Shaoyang go.

"I left your brother's life outside Canglan Castle, but he avenged his revenge and wanted to kill my brother. In the end, he was counter-killed by my brother. It can only be said that he blamed himself." Bai Wendao said: "And you now, It ’s ridiculous to avenge your brother. "


Bai Wen gathered the strength of the whole body and threw a punch again.


Like a sandbag, it was directly smashed on the ground and a big pit was smashed out. Jin Shaoyang's breath was weak and his vitality was dissipating.


Suddenly, a distant voice came from the distant sky.

Jin Shaoyang was overjoyed when he heard the words. "It is the ancestor of Puxin."

"Puxin Patriarch?"

Wen Yan, Bai Wen's complexion also changed a bit.


In the void, a figure walked out. He was wearing gold armor, wearing a crown, and holding a scepter, giving a very strong feeling.

"Puxin Patriarch."

Jin Shaoyang, who was extremely weak, climbed up hard and hid behind the ancestor of Puxin, saying, "You came so well. If it is later, I will not see you anymore."

It can be seen that Puxin Patriarch and Jin Shaoyang have some friendship.

"I passed by here and felt your breath, so I came to see, who can think of you being attacked by the book of the day." Puxin Laozu said lightly.

"Puxin Patriarch, will you stop me?"

Bai Wen Shen Sheng asked, his dark eyes, staring at Puxin Patriarch.

The latter looked at Bai Wen and said, "This matter, let's just stop."

Bai Wen clenched his fists tightly and creaked. This ancestor of Puxin relied on his strength to be so shameless.

If now, he was hit hard by Jin Shaoyang, would he still say that?

Bai Wen is not reconciled, but dare not say anything.

The opponent is the Puxin ancestor, the eleventh superpower of the Holy List, and even the ten Bai Wen are not opponents of the latter.

"Jin Shaoyang is old with me, just look at my face, just leave it, what do you think?" Puxin ancestor said with a smile, and said to Jin Shaoyang: "Go and grab those two guys Let's go. "

"Pu Xin Patriarch." Bai Wen said in a deep voice: "You said that this matter would stop, I Bai Wen also agreed, but now you want Jin Shaoyang to take my brother away, what do you mean?"

Ancestor Pu Xin glanced at Bai Wen lightly and said, "Jin Shaoyang has hatred against this kid. The grievance between them is naturally to be resolved all at once, why? Do you not agree with Bai Wen?"

After a few light words, we can see the mentality of Puxin Patriarch.

He didn't take the daylight book into his eyes at all, what about the Holy Command fifty-three?

He is the ancestor of Puxin, the eleventh peerless strong man in the holy list. Looking at the heavenly gods, he is more powerful than him, and there are only the ten guys in the top ten in the holy list.

Every day, if it is not disdain, it will have disappeared.

"I disagree."

Bai Wen was out. "He is my brother. If I watch him taken away without being indifferent, how can I gain a foothold in Canglan District?"

"During the day, don't give your face shame. The ancestor of Puxin is noble and doesn't want to know you in general. You don't want to push your nose to face." Jin Shaoyang scolded.

Ancestor Pu Xin supported him, so he had no fear of writing during the day.

"Jin Shaoyang!"

Bai Wen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth with hatred. He should have just slashed this shameless guy with thunder.

"Why? Want to kill me? Dream? Go to Puxin ancestor here, not to mention you, even the top 20 strong men in the holy list can't do it." Jin Shaoyang chuckled and said In the meantime, he walked towards Fang Chen.

From the beginning to the end, Fang Chen did not speak, his dark eyes staring at Puxin Patriarch.

At the same time, the Xuantian cone in the palm of the hand is also tightly held.


Bai Wen roared, and punched with a punch.


However, when the violent fist was about to strike Jin Shaoyang, it was blocked by a layer of invisible force and shattered instantly.

At the same time, Bai Wen's body was also rebounded by a powerful force.

"During the day, are you tired?"

I have expressed my position. During the day, the book actually did not know the life and death. It was a great disrespect for myself to shoot Jin Shaoyang.

"On the holy list, few people dare to disrespect my Puxin ancestor." Puxin ancestor said slowly: "In the daytime book, I originally planned to spare you not to die, but now, my ancestor I changed my mind and immediately voluntarily decided Here, otherwise, I will set you up and smash your corpses. "

Climbing up from the ground, Bai Wen stared at Pu Xin Laozu with scarlet eyes: "The eleventh strong man in the hall of the holy list actually only insults the weak. I have seen Bai Wen, if you want to do it, just come , Bai Wen will not frown. "


The ancestor of the Puxin ancestor waved Bai Wen's body immediately.

"Go unscrew his head." Puxin ancestor said.

Jin Shaoyang stolen joy in his heart and went to Bai Wen.

Seeing this, Fang Chen finally spoke.

"Puxin Patriarch, are you sure you want to do this?"

Questioned by a warrior who opened the heavens, Puxin Patriarch was very dissatisfied.

"What kind of thing are you? Qualified to speak with Puxin Patriarch?" Jin Shaoyang scolded directly.

Fang Chen's eyes stared straight at Puxin Patriarch.

"I bet you will regret it if you insist on it."

"Are you threatening me?"

Ancestor Pu Xin narrowed his eyes and looked at Fang Chen lightly.

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