Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1423: Forced the three elders (first)

At this moment, Guan Heng interrupted the other's words impatiently, and he said blankly: "I will save you a life, go to the top of the mountain and tell the three elders at Molangbao, and say that someone will come to beat his heart. Let him wait for his death honestly, don't even think about running away! "

The words didn't fall, Guan Heng's body moved, and innumerable afterimages instantly appeared in front of the werewolf who was the first to speak. "噗噗 噗-嚓嚓 嚓!" Between the flashes of light, the air suddenly spread thick. The **** atmosphere, except for the talking werewolf, all of his companions stood up with blood on the spot. The werewolf saw this scene and scared a heart that almost did not burst on the spot!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhh-" the surviving werewolf turned around and ran away, Guan Heng shook his head at this time, facing his siblings with both hands: "Actually, I'm still kind-hearted, you see, Wouldn't you spare one? "

"Oh!" Seraki and Tings sneered on the ground in disdain, and they laughed in unison: "We believe you are weird."

At this moment, the multi-headed Basilisk rushed from the sky with a dark cloud, and then slowly landed in front of Guan Heng. It said, "Master, those wolf slaves and pure-blooded werewolves have been cleaned by the servants. Any instructions? "

"Not yet. Come up the mountain with me." At this moment, Guan Heng slowly felt a different breath on the top of the mountain. He thought it was the three elders of the demon wolf castle waiting for him, so he took his companion to the top of the mountain and proceeded. .


A few minutes later, at the top of Montenegro, the three elders of Molangbao were kneeling in front of a shaking werewolf, who was just Guan Hengfang.

"Elder Three, the guy who shot and killed our tribe is really terrible." The news werewolf trembled shivering to the ground, his tail trembled between the thighs: "The man said that he should be taken away Your heart, let the elders wait for you to die on the top of the mountain, don't think about escaping. "

"Abominable! The old man has spent countless years in the abyss of the seventh floor, and has never encountered such a arrogant guy!" After hearing this, the three elders in red and black flower robes were almost spitting out old blood.

But the three elders were also cunning werewolves with some hearts. He thought for a second, and his heart suddenly jumped: "Well, I have arranged hundreds of werewolves and pure-blood werewolves around Montenegro. Why are these people so far? No response? Could it be said ... "

Thinking of this, the three elders were suddenly shocked: "Well, my men are afraid that they will be completely killed. Those guys who came by surprise are definitely not the only one I can deal with, I have to retreat!"

But at this time, it was too late to leave, and a voice came from not far away: "Well, what kind of elder Wolfwolf is that, right? But I have found you."

It was Guan Heng who walked up the mountain in a big way, and followed him with Seraki and Tingsi.

"Who are you !?" The elders saw that it was harder to get away at this time than climbing to the sky, and his forehead slowly exuded cold sweat: "Why is there a reason why Zunjia attacked our demon wolf castle?"

"Originally, I'm too lazy to care about your wolf cubs, everyone should be safe." Guan Heng said slowly, holding his shoulders, "But you have a wolf slave who doesn't have long eyes. If you dare to bite my companion, then I have to poke out your werewolf heart to detoxify her. "

"Uh ?! For this reason, you have killed hundreds of our demon wolf castles ?!" The elder almost didn't believe his ears. At this moment, his heart was hated and afraid: "Well, if the black devil If Her Majesty the Wolf is here, he will tear you to pieces, but now ... "

In the face of the endless murderous energies radiated by Guan Heng, the three elders' own momentum was getting weaker and weaker, and he couldn't raise the thought of resistance, but he suddenly bit his teeth and raised his head and roared: " There are no breeds in the dark wolf tribe. If you want to care for your husband, I will never let you do it! "

"Wolf Fission-Wolf Shadow Howling !!" After a while, the three elders who decided to resist to the end suddenly changed dramatically. His body suddenly increased tenfold, and he became a giant wolf more than ten meters tall. Tight Then, the wolf shook his body. "Hello!" It was immediately divided into three, and all of them were screaming with their heads raised, their teeth slowly staring at Guan Heng!

"Selach, take Tings back, Basilisk, and protect them with all their strength!"

Guan Heng gave a command, and then the double-edged dragon teeth on his back came out of the sheath. He sneered sneerly: "I knew it would not be easy to get rid of your old thing. If so, let me experience it for myself. What are the skills of the **** sons of the Dark Lord Wolf King and the elders of the Monster Wolf Castle? "

"Oh!" Guan Heng shook his body, and suddenly he flashed in front of the werewolf who was paralyzed on the ground, then flew up and kicked his body, and flew towards the giant wolf forward.

"Woohoo!" The transfigurated giant wolf suddenly opened his mouth to bite the flying werewolf, and his jaw snapped and shattered it. At this moment, Guan Heng had already rushed to the three giant wolves like a lightning storm. The other two wolves saw the machine very quickly, showing the fangs giant teeth about one minute left and right, and attacked Guan Guan at the same time.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng's body shape turned sharply, and he dangled to the foot of one of the giant wolves. The dragon's teeth and blades swept across the wind: "Yeah!" The opponent's two front paws were cut off, but it was unexpectedly missed, and Guan Heng suddenly realized: "This giant wolf is a ghost ?!"

Sure enough, Guan Heng expected. In the next few attempts, Guan Heng has learned that the other three wolves are two falsehoods and one fact, but whenever Guan Heng shines a chance, he tries to cut the real body of the giant wolf. At this time, this guy quickly alternated with the other two ghosts, continuously confusing Guanheng's eyes!

"Huh, it's just a boring little trick, it's easy to break you!" At this moment, the corner of Guan Heng's mouth flashed a sneer, and he suddenly retracted the dragon's tooth blade in his hands to his scabbard. Standing busy, with a chuckle in his mouth, "Come on, you can attack me at will!"

Guan Heng's strange behavior suddenly made Seraki and Tings, who were watching the battle in the distance, a little scratched. They didn't know what Guan Heng wanted to do.

However, the three giant wolves in the battle circle did not consider so many. At the moment when Guan Heng exposed the flaws, they decided to put the opponent to death in a gap!

"Hum hum hum—" At the next moment, the three giant wolves shouted at the same time, splitting into three directions: front, left, and right, and flung wildly at Guan Heng with sharp teeth, trying to bite madly.

"Huh, finally here, the three elders, now I will show you how bad your strength really is!" The voice did not fall off, Guan Hengzhou suddenly burst into the 30% momentum of the dragon's breath crystal, this powerful force When the shot burst out, the two giant wolves suddenly shattered and disappeared.

—— [2016.7.11 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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