Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1424: Big Wolf Castle


"Tongtong!" The third giant wolf was the elder's real body, and it fell into the ground in a scream.

At this moment, Guan Heng had attached the power of Dragon's Breath to his fists, and he sneered: "Even if the body grows bigger, the waste is still waste!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" It was like the shadows of the sky and the fist of the torrential rain and wind, which poured down on the head and face of the giant wolf in an instant.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" At this moment, the wolf's screams and screams were ringing through the sky, and the sound kept echoing in the woods and valleys.

In less than ten seconds, the wolf covered with scars shook under the tremor, and instantly changed back to the dying three elders. At this moment, Guan Heng's wrist turned sharply, the dragon's tooth turned in a circle, and the blade point down. Poke, the heart of the three elders is about to come out.

However, at this moment, Guan Heng's Dragontooth Blade suddenly stopped in mid-air. As soon as his eyes turned to his heart, Guan Heng murmured: "Yes, I now think of a better one. idea."

With a certain idea in his heart, Guan Heng immediately waved and greeted the soul demon king behind him: "Basilisk, immediately get me a little soul demon clone, and let it get into the body of the three elders."

The multi-headed basilisk did exactly what he said, and transformed into a little fist with a big fist, and rushed into the ears of the three elders.

The next thing was easy to handle. In order to force the three elders to learn about Wolf Wolf Castle, Guan Heng temporarily left his life and fanned him a few mouths to draw him away, but the old guy started to have a hard mouth. He was silent and refused to say something useful.

However, Guan Heng had already anticipated this, and immediately driven the little spirit demon inside the three elders to start tossing, and immediately made the old guy hurt and die alive, more than a hundred times more uncomfortable than when Guan Heng was fat.

"Hurry up, stop the monsters in my body !!!" The three elders who rolled on the ground begged to beg for mercy: "Ancestral, uncle, I said, is it okay if I say everything? Forgive me!"

The information that Guan Heng wanted to ask was about the transport array debris, as well as the path and method to the sixth abyss.

As the son-in-law and relatives of the Dark Lord Wolf King of the Abyss, the three elders knew some of these things, and told Guan Hengyi that the fragments of the space teleportation array had been kept by the Dark Lord Wolf King himself, and went to the sixth floor "three eyes" The method of the territories of the "Demon" clan is only known by the Dark Lord Wolf King.

After Guan Heng asked about these situations, it was confirmed that the elders did not have the courage to lie under the torment of the little soul demon. At this moment, Ting Si, who had listened for a long time, asked: "Brother Guan Heng, this old guy should How to deal with it? Do you think I'll swallow it immediately? "

"Ah ?!" Hearing this, and then seeing Ting Si's eyes were not good, the three elders immediately struck a cold war, but at this moment, Guan Heng shook his head and said, "Don't worry, there is a distance from here anyway. Devil Wolf Castle is not too far away, let's take this guy as a guide, and it's not too late to find the other two elders. "

"Yes, sister, we are not in a hurry at this moment and a half, you have to bear it first." Just now Guan Heng quietly told Seraki about the "elder triplet", and he now knows that his sister has May have swallowed three werewolf hearts in succession, so he spoke to appease Tingsi, trying not to let the girl detect any flaws.

Tingsi heard her brother and Guan Heng talking secretly, but she didn't care about these things.

So everyone went on the road, Guan Heng came up with a "bad idea". He found a thick rope, one end was tied to the hands of the three elders, and the other was tied behind the back saddle of his Redwing Wind Warcraft. Let the unlucky three elders run behind, and when everyone spent dozens of minutes running to the entrance of Molangbao, the three elders were dragged and dragged all the way by the tow, and they were almost out of breath.

At the next moment, Guan Heng and his two companions had rushed up with the three elders and rushed to the gate of Molangbao.

"Oh!" The three men were aggressive at the same time, and immediately kicked two metal gates.

"Bang, bang-huh!" The door panel that flew out was like a sharp blade, and suddenly flew over the body of several wolf slaves that rushed over, and immediately chopped their waists on the spot. "Flop!" Suddenly fell to the ground.

At this moment, Guan Heng had taken a deep breath and yelled at the sky suddenly: "The two elders of the demon wolf castle, and what kind of dark devil wolf king, you listen to me, get out immediately Suffer, otherwise, I will burn your demon wolf into white ground with a fire, not even dregs! "

"Bold, so arrogant!" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and several distant shadows had already appeared in the distant Demon Wolf's house, falling in front of Guan Heng and others.

"Is it the second or second brother ?! Save me!" The elder three saw at a glance that the other of them had his own second brother, the second elder of Molangbao, and he hurriedly shouted, "I ..."

"Slap!" Before the elders shouted this sentence, Guan Heng's backhand was a slap in the past: "Mixed balls, I dare to speak without making you say anything, are you trying to die ?!"

"Uh!" The three elders sat down on the ground in a scream. He covered his cheeks and spit out, spitting out several **** teeth.

"Abominable, you **** thing, since I tortured my third brother so much!" Seeing the brother's suffering, the second elder suddenly became furious. He was the only dark werewolf in magic wolf castle who was good at magic, and immediately pulled himself out of his waist. Wand pointed at Guan Heng and shouted, "The devil wolf flashes flame!"

"Hoo!" A huge wolf's head suddenly formed in mid-air, and it glowed blue flames all over its body, screaming at Guan Heng.

"I'll break it!" Tingsi came out in a low whisper, and she shouted with a white staff: "Dragon Spell, Wyvern Dance!"

"Hello!" A large swath of ice grains suddenly flashed in the air, and they formed the shape of an ice dragon while hovering and dancing. "Oh!" Said time and time, Binglong roared loudly and greeted the blue flame wolf head from mid-air!

"Bang bang!" In the fierce collision, Binglong tore the blue flame wolf head into pieces after breaking down three times and removing two. The second elder suddenly became furious and irritable when he saw this. He raised his staff again and aimed Ting Si: "The little girl who can't help herself, let you taste the old man's skill !!"

"Dark Demon Wolf Summoned !!" With the second elders roaring, the sound of the ground screech around them rose and fell, and suddenly there were countless black holes, followed by a hundred black howling wolves, howling out of the black hole. , A few moments surrounded Guan Heng and others.

"My dark wolf pack, shred me this group of **** invaders!" Under the command of the second elder, the wolf pack rushed like crazy, at this time, the oblique sprint burst out of Sierra. Strangely, he shouted with a big sword and shouted, "Dragon qi wind slashes ten times!"

—— [2016.7.11 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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