In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 22: Iron Prison! Impel Down!


The piercing alarm broke the calm sea, and the red lights kept flashing under the sky.

In the boundless ocean, a dark building stood on the sea.

The black wall had a few ominous signs, as if it was imprisoning evil spirits residing in the human world.

If an ordinary fisherman passed by here, he would feel a little fear in his heart just by looking at it from a distance.

Dozens of huge Marine warships tightly surrounded the building.

The chilling muzzles on the warships were ready to pour out at any time.

All this made the building more solemn.

Solid as a rock, unbreakable, these words are difficult to be the adjectives of this building.

Only hell, this word can perfectly express this building.

This is hell.

This is Impel down!!!

Countless vicious criminals are imprisoned here, and there are also the most powerful and strict guards in the world.

However, at this moment,

This prison, which is called Hell, is surrounded by a terrifying aura.

Whether it is the vicious criminals, the well-equipped Marines, or the jailer beasts who have lost themselves because of their power, they are all restless under this aura.


Impel down..

The fourth layer of hell...

In the warden's office of Blazing Hell.

Magellan, who is wearing a black warden's uniform, with two pairs of devil wings on his back and a face like a devil, holds a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

He dials the number of Naval Headquarters with a serious face.

Countless red candles are looming around him, as if under that aura, even a non-existent thing like flames can't suppress his fear.

'Bang! ! ! '

The door of the office, which is made of solid steel, was kicked open by someone.

A fat man with a face like a ghost walked in from outside.

He said to Magellan with a proud face.

"Hey!!! How can you be a warden? Do you know what happened? What's the matter with that frightening momentum!"

"Now the group of jailers outside are getting in the way and urinating and defecating uncontrollably. If we don't deal with it, Impel down can be renamed as the public toilet city!"


"Then will you be expelled by the Five Elders? Then, will your position be mine? Hahahaha!!!"

Han Barney, the deputy warden, laughed excitedly, not realizing that he had accidentally spoken his true feelings.

Magellan looked at his subordinate who was honest but said something wrong with his mouth.

A few black lines appeared on his head, and he held his forehead with his hand and said speechlessly.

"I have contacted the Naval Headquarters to dispatch Marine to investigate. If you have nothing to do, go to the fifth and sixth floors to patrol."

"Tsk! Damn it!!! I almost became the warden! Damn it..."

Han Barney's words were not finished yet.

There was only a loud 'puff' sound.

From between Magellan's buttocks, a stream of purple gas burst out, sweeping the entire office with an extremely terrible stench.

At the same time, Magellan's expression became extremely enjoyable.

"Ah~ comfortable~~"

"Damn Magellan!! Don't think I will fall down like this!!!!" Hanbani yelled, then covered his nose and quickly fled out of the office.

He could still be heard shouting something from a distance.

Sooner or later, the position of the warden will definitely be mine.

"People's hearts are scattered, and it's hard to lead the team." Magellan habitually complained.

Then his facial expression became extremely stern again.

His fingers kept tapping on the table.

There was a 'dong dong' sound.

The flickering candlelight was even more erratic, as if it could be completely destroyed at any time.

"What exactly is going to happen? This feeling of uneasiness is exactly what makes people feel uncomfortable!"

Magellan's pair of Prajna-like eyes twitched uncontrollably for a few times.

The anxiety in his heart became very strong.

"Don't worry, warden, my little darlings and I are ready at any time." A very charming female voice.

It sounded outside the office door.

The tempting voice that made the man crazy spread far in the corridor.

But there seemed to be countless terrible beasts crawling behind the woman, which made people daunting.

"Sadi chan, you are more reliable at the critical moment."

Magellan's voice had just fallen, and only a burst of hurried running was heard in the distance.

A woman in a beige tight dress and long golden wavy hair hurriedly ran towards the office.

Impel down Deputy Warden Domino rushed into Magellan's office with a panicked look on his face.

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