In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 23: The Prison That Was Once The Kingdom Of God!

"Warden, all the Den Den Mushi in the prison have been paralyzed by the inexplicable aura and have completely lost contact with the outside world."

"Moreover, the prisoners on the first and second floors have all fainted, and it seems that they were all stunned by some terrifying force."

With Domino's report, Magellan's already terrifying face became even more terrifying.

"Although the prisoners on the third, fourth and fifth floors are not unconscious, they are all trembling, as if they were frightened by the aura and are very depressed."

"And that's..." Domino hesitated to look at Sadi chan beside him.

Then he continued.

"All the jailer beasts fainted..."

"Ah~ my babies~~" Sadi chan exclaimed, then twisted her sexy body and ran away quickly.

Purple poison gas continued to emerge from Magellan's body.

There was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes, and the candles around him burned fiercely, and then intensified. The originally dark room was temporarily darkened by the daylight.

"Impel down begins a comprehensive inspection, and the danger must be nipped in the bud!!!"

The roar like a hellish devil echoed in the corridor.

With a bit of hoarseness and a deep sense of uneasiness.....


Impel down sixth floor...

This is the end of the so-called endless hell, a forbidden place where even the sun can't shine.

All the people who can be imprisoned here are the most dangerous criminals in the world.

Their existence is the biggest evil thought in this world.

Every guy who can be imprisoned here.

Without exception, they are all nightmares that have made the world feel great pain.

This group of unruly and evil people in the past are now shocked by a powerful momentum.

Da Da Da~

Mo Yi strolled leisurely in this hell, as if walking in the back garden of his own home, relaxed and carefree.

"The World Government really knows how to use resources. The abandoned prison of the Empire of God can be transformed into this."

"It seems that the world has not been standing still for hundreds of years."

Mo Yi looked at this endless dark hell like an artist appreciating prison decoration, and his eyes were not interested.

"Ah? This guy, who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The man who asked the question was trapped in a huge cell, with countless sharp knives and blades pointed at his body. If he moved a little, he would be pierced through by the swords.

The largest human in history, the San Juan Wolf, known as a huge battleship, looked at Mo Yi with a vigilant face.

His head, which looked like a rice ball, was shaking and thinking about Mo Yi's identity. His body, which was as high as 180 meters, was also twisting dishonestly.

Like a patient with ADHD, the sharp swords and knives pierced his body, causing his blood to flow, but the next second.

The wound began to heal continuously.

San Juan Wolf stared at Mo Yi with a pair of eyes like little suns, like a curious baby.

But Mo Yi ignored him, but looked up at San Juan Wolf.

The huge warship, as majestic as a mountain, covered his mouth as if he had seen some terrible demon.

Like a child who made a mistake.

Afraid that he would make a little noise and cause Mo Yi's displeasure.

As a giant, his life span is countless times that of humans. Even if he has been imprisoned for a hundred years, San Juan Wolf is only equivalent to the prime of human life.

Before being imprisoned, he had been the king of the sea and had seen countless strong men.

But no one could give him such great pressure as Mo Yi.

Just looking at him, it was like an invisible big hand strangling his throat.

If he said one more word, his throat would be crushed by the terrible big hands.

"Gulu~ What a terrible guy." San Juan Wolf couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Walking in Eternal Hell, Mo Yi was not in a hurry to find his treasure.

Instead, he walked around casually.

Like a bored traveler, he was watching the prisoners around him.

"This pretty boy!!! As long as you can let me out! I would rather be your vanguard!!" A strange prisoner with a cylinder on his head shouted at Mo Yi who was walking freely outside.

Then countless prisoners came one after another to tempt him.

"Brother! As long as you can let me out, I will give you the legendary treasure map of the ancient kingdom~~"

"As long as you let me out, my Kahn fleet can be used by you and charge for you!!"

They looked at Mo Yi as if they were looking at a key to the door of freedom.

There was a look of desire in their eyes.

They even made all the promises.

But facing such a noisy scene.

Mo Yi frowned slightly.

A trace of displeasure rose in his heart.

"Humph! Quiet!!!"

Mo Yi snorted coldly, and in an instant, a terrifying aura like the power of heaven quickly broke out on his body.

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