In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 24 The Sixth Level Is Not The Final One!

At that moment.

With Mo Yi as the center, the terrifying might of heaven surged like a tide, sweeping the entire sixth floor.

Eternal Hell became quiet in a moment.

All the criminals looked at Mo Yi with a look of fear.

Too strong!!

The criminals on this floor were shocked by Mo Yi's terrifying power that seemed like the might of heaven.


I don't know who swallowed unconsciously first.

But before he felt embarrassed, the next moment.

"Gulp~" Countless prisoners swallowed their saliva together and made a loud sound.

"Who is he?"

Such a question arose in everyone's mind.

This group of prisoners were all guys who could be called "kings" on the sea without exception.

They fought with countless powerful enemies and fought with the terrifying sea.

They had seen countless strong men in this world, but they had never felt such terrible power in one person.

That was the absolute power that made them completely unable to resist.

In the depths of Eternal Hell.

Three cages are tightly connected together.

A lion-like man, his legs are missing, and his arms are fixed on the wall by two black spikes.

Opposite him, is an old man with silver hair bound by countless chains, although he is trapped in the cage. '

But it still can't cover up the elegant and noble aura emanating from him.

"Hehehe~ Red Earl, it seems that a very interesting guy has come."

Golden Lion Shiki laughed strangely and said to his "roommate".

Red Earl's eyes also looked in the direction of Mo Yi, and his pair of vicissitudes of life flashed a little shock.

"Such a powerful momentum, this person is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"Hehehe!~ I really want to fight him!!" A heavy male voice came from another cage.

Bullet, known as the descendant of the devil, has muscles all over his body, and his body was crushed to the ground by countless seastones.

The voice still carried a deep fighting spirit.

Even though they had clearly sensed Mo Yi's terrifying aura, the three of them remained unmoved.

They were the most terrifying existence in this Eternal Hell.

Even in the sixth floor where there were many strong men, their existence still represented the pinnacle.

The leader of the Hiten Pirates, the pirate admiral, the master of the empire with 800 pirate ships, Golden Lion Shiki.

If he had not lost to Tianshi in the battle with Roger, I am afraid that there would be no legend of the Pirate King on the sea now.

Instead, the glory of the Golden Lion Empire was sung.

The Red Count, the lonely Red Barorick Redfield, was a name that represented supreme combat power in the last era.

He was the strongest of the year with his own strength and was called the strongest of the year with Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and Roger.

Prove what it means to...

In the Roger era, his red represented absolute strength and the "alien" who carried out loneliness to the end and the strong did not need partners.

Bullet, the descendant of the devil, is the strongest fighter on the ship of Pirate King Roger. He is said to be as strong as Pluton Rayleigh. His lifelong goal is to defeat his captain.

The previous Pirate King Gol·D·Roger lost his goal after Roger's death.

He decided to destroy everything to prove that he is the most powerful existence.

These three legends will make the world tremble if they are spread out.

The next moment when talking about the powerful momentum that appeared on the sixth floor.

Without exception, they set their eyes on their cages.

In front of them.

A handsome boy with almost perfect appearance appeared.

The momentum emanating from his body.

Like an emperor who reigns over the world.

Noble is not enough to describe it..

Domineering is hard to see...

Even the most temperamental Barrorick Redfield felt what it meant to be dwarfed when he saw Mo Yi.

"So it's here." Mo Yi completely ignored the three legends who were looking at him vigilantly across from him at the moment.

He tapped the floor with his toes a few times.

Crack, crack, crack~

Under his toes, the space seemed to be constantly breaking.

: "Hey!! Boy! You seem very strong!!!" Bullet was pressed to the ground by countless seastone special plywood.

But his voice was very loud.

He looked at Mo Yi's figure, and showed a bloodthirsty smile like a hungry wolf seeing its prey.

Hearing Bullet's words.

Mo Yi raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

His eyes moved from the ground to Bullet's strong body.

There was a bit of teasing in his scarlet eyes.

Eternal Hell? This is an absolutely claustrophobic space built under the sea without sunlight and without any gaps.

At this time, a gust of cold wind appeared for some reason.

Woo~ Woo~

These so-called overlords of the sea involuntarily had goose bumps all over their bodies.

A sense of uneasiness from the soul kept raging in their hearts.


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