"What!!!! No!!!!" Magellan looked at everything in front of him in horror, and could hardly believe his eyes.

That represented the attack that Magellan had put all his efforts into.

It was instantly destroyed by the dark red terrifying sword energy.

The next moment, the slash was getting closer and closer in front of Magellan's eyes.

In Magellan's purple-black eyes, Mo Yi's casual slash was so unstoppable.

It was as if the gate of hell was constantly opening under that blow.

That touch of blood-red sword energy.

It slowly bloomed like a scarlet rose.


And deadly~

Magellan seemed to be lost in this beautiful red, and his huge body froze in place with a dull expression.

"Damn warden!!! What are you looking at!!! Get out of the way!!!"

Hanbani stared at his most hated boss with his eyes wide open, and shouted anxiously.

Looking at Magellan who was dumbfounded, he mustered up the courage to stop Mo Yi's slash.



Just when Hanbani finally stopped his legs from shaking with fear.

An unparalleled terrifying pressure erupted with Mo Yi as the center.

At that moment, it was like an emperor from ancient times, coming to the world.

Everyone was shivering under this aura like divine punishment.

"Gurgle~" This was the first time that the huge warship swallowed its saliva because of shock.

I couldn't help but tremble.


Is this really just a simple Conqueror's! ! !

The power that was so strong that it was almost real continued to spread in Eternal Hell, and the air around it began to become sticky.

Everyone even found it difficult to breathe.

The terrifying pressure instantly pressed on everyone's heart.

The criminals who could be imprisoned in the sixth floor were all terrible strong men who could cause harm to the world.

But even this group of guys who could be called kings.

At this moment, they had to lower their noble heads under the momentum of Mo Yi.

Because they realized that if they continued to stare at Mo Yi's figure, there would be unimaginable terrible attacks.

"Is this still a human?" Golden Lion fell to the ground unwillingly. He was originally floating in the air because of the power of the fruit.

Under the momentum of Mo Yi, he could not control his floating ability normally.

Even a strong man of Golden Lion's level was like this, and he was even more frightened by a mere Han Barney and the group of Marine "rats" hiding in the corner.



Han Barney's eyes were filled with disbelief, and his consciousness was blank in an instant.

The next moment, there was a dark scene in front of him.

He fainted on the ground with a "dong" sound, foaming at the mouth like a crab.

Everything happened in a flash.

It took less than a breath.

The scarlet rose that bloomed like hell suddenly bloomed.


The sword energy suddenly penetrated Magellan's huge body, and the Impel down warden from beginning to end.

The man who was said to be able to make the most terrifying criminals in the world tremble, did not even move.

His mind had been shattered by the terrifying magic sword the moment Mo Yi slashed that knife.

At this moment, it was just an empty shell with a good appearance.

Too scary!! Who is this guy? Such terrible power, such a terrifying magic sword, even the first generation of ghost is far less than one ten-thousandth of this magic sword.

Everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils. They had already seen that Magellan would not be the opponent of this boy who suddenly appeared.

But such a casual blow, just like killing a chicken or a pig, completely killed the dignified warden Magellan. All this was full of unreality.

Times have changed~

Or is the era of World government coming to an end?

I don't know why such a sentence appeared in everyone's mind.

Are all the criminals in Eternal Hell extremely sensitive? At this moment, they realized it.

This man who ignored Marine's dignity and killed the warden in Impel down has thrown Marine's dignity on the ground.

"That ~ Sir, as long as you let me out, I am willing to be your subordinate." The giant battleship spoke first.

He, who has lived for hundreds of years, reacted immediately.

While all the criminals were lost in thought, he thought about it.

Since Mo Yi has such an attitude towards the World Government, does it mean that this terrible man wants to declare war on the World Government?

If you join this man, you can not only regain your freedom, but also pull down those arrogant souls.

Thinking of this, Juan Wolf's eyes were hot. If he didn't seize such a precious opportunity, he would be really stupid.

Really think that he is a giant without brains.

The other pirates also reacted immediately after hearing Juan Wolf's words.

Without exception, these people are all evil people who bring disaster to their neighbors, but without exception, they are all very cunning people.

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