In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 35: Conquering The Prisoners On The Sixth Floor!

At their level, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the only one who could save them was the young man outside.

Seeing Juan Wolf's behavior, they secretly hated themselves for being a step slower.

Then they all half-knelt on the ground, imitating Juan Wolf's behavior.

"Sir! I am willing to go through fire and water for you!"

Good guy, this is also a smart man, who came up and pledged his loyalty directly, even more decisive than Juan.

"Sir~ I am willing to be your vanguard~"

"Sir, I am not only willing to be your younger brother, but also to offer all my treasures."

"As long as you are willing, even I am yours~"

Hearing about Caterina Tipon, even the air froze. Who would want you! Big sister, can you look in the mirror?

Although all the criminals were complaining, no one wanted to offend Caterina Tipon.

After all, this female pirate, who is known as the most vicious in history, has earned her reputation by killing hard.

"Fuck! A bunch of followers!!" Juan cursed in his heart.

His reaction was already fast, but he didn't expect that his cellmates would follow him closely.

They pledged allegiance.

The Hegni sword in Mo Yi's hand continued to emit a strange black aura.

Hearing the shouting of these criminals, he was stunned at first.

Then he looked at these guys whose strength was barely acceptable.

He calculated in his heart.

Now that he had just woken up, he really needed a group of subordinates. After all, as a king, it was really hard to do everything by himself.

And Alabasta's strength was indeed too weak.

These guys would be a good group of "chess pieces".


Mo Yi's eyes condensed slightly.

The atmosphere around him became extremely lonely the next moment, like autumn water frozen by ice.

The criminals who had been shouting their loyalty to Mo Yi shut up as if the pause button had been pressed.

Even the body movements stopped.

The scene of Mo Yi killing Magellan with a sword was still replaying in front of everyone.

If you touch Magellan now, it is estimated that the body will not even be cold.

These guys stared at the terrifying magic sword in Mo Yi's hand.

They thought that no one could take Mo Yi's slash.

The strong talk about dignity, and the weak only seek survival.

In front of Mo Yi, these guys are undoubtedly well-deserved "weak chickens".

At this time, they can no longer act according to the eyes, then they really deserve to be locked up in this Eternal Hell.

Otherwise, even if they die under that sword, it is what they deserve.

"You guys, you have no dreams, no meaning, and even the value of survival is not much in my eyes."

Hearing this, everyone felt cold in their hearts.


Is it because this peerless strong man looks down on them?

Now they may have forgotten their status and strength.

After all, all this is so insignificant in front of Mo Yi.

But the next moment.

Mo Yi gently raised the long sword in his hand, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He casually waved the Hegni Sword.

Hula la la! !

A huge red sword energy was quickly cut out, and then began to fill up.

Countless murderous auras swept out from all directions, quickly wrapped up in the sword energy.

When the murderous aura and the sword energy overlapped, a terrifying beast was constantly outlined.


The last creature that looked like a wolf but not a wolf, and a dragon but not a dragon appeared out of thin air.

He let out a chilling roar.

"Ya Zi~"


Boom! ! !

The terrible sword energy instantly submerged everything around.

Then there were constant sounds like the rejection of wild beasts from all directions.

Kacha~! Kacha! ~

The endless darkness seemed to be ignited by this blood color.

The sword energy sounded with bursts of thick smoke.

Like a mist, it was constantly alive in Eternal Hell.

The smoke began to recede gradually.

The sword energy also gradually disappeared.

Everything around seemed to have fallen into a silent world of death.

Except for Mo Yi, there was no sound in the huge Eternal Hell.


Suddenly, a figure as big as a mountain appeared in the smoke.

Bang! !

Eternal Hell made a muffled sound, and Juan's whole body was freed from all restraints at this moment.

His whole body exuded terrifying power, and every muscle was surging with explosive power.

His body was shaking with excitement.

Fifty years! ! A full fifty years! !

Even Juan, a giant, had long had enough of living here.

At this moment, he half-knelt in front of Mo Yi.

Looking at Mo Yi, who seemed to have done something insignificant, he knocked his head hard on the ground.

"Juan Wolf is willing to go through fire and water for you, sir!!" His voice was extremely loud, his expression was extremely solemn, and he clenched his fist on his chest. Mo Yi knew that this action was regarded as eternal submission by the giants. If a normal person was treated like this by the giants, he would probably be so happy that he would go crazy.

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