In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 73 This Era! It’S Not Ancient Times!

Crack, crack, crack!!

The next moment, dragon scales continued to condense on Kaido's body, wrapping his sturdy body in them, and every breath seemed to carry strong fluctuations.

The surrounding space made a few mournful cries, and the space began to twist slightly, making people feel a little palpitation.

Sherlock Linlin's terrible momentum, in front of Kaido, was like a virtual thing.

It was like a demon dragon from the ancient barbaric period, crawling on the earth, with endless abyss in his eyes, crushing all the creatures that could be swallowed.

If Sherlock Linlin at this moment is the unrivaled tyrant who dominates the world.

Then Kaido of the Beasts is the dragon king who hovers under the sky.



The originally clear sky quickly became gloomy, and the dark clouds were like rolling waves, covering everything, and thunders with great momentum were constantly brewing in the dark clouds.

A deafening roar broke out.

Boom boom!!!


The angry thunder roared like a god, and countless lightning in the sky danced like silver snakes.

The lightning illuminated the faces of Kaido and Linlin hidden in the darkness.

It reflected two faces like hellish devils.

"Mmmmmm!!! I don't care about the human race, the gods, or the underworld!! I have only one goal!! That is to take the treasure house of the 'king' for myself!! Mmmmm!!!"

Sherlock Linlin laughed wildly, and the sound exploded like a substantial sound wave.

The sea made a 'boom' sound in her wild laughter, and the huge waves were swept up.

In the eyes of this woman, this world is a huge toy factory. It doesn't matter which race it is. Her dream is to create a 14th

utopia with everything in the world.

Let all races live happily in everything. No matter how powerful the Hades and Gods are, in her opinion, they are just races that need to be occupied.

"Hehehe!!! You are still like this, Linlin, then get ready!!! In the coming storm, our warships will be the only coordinates."

"Tell those old guys who have awakened from their slumber! Who has the final say in this era!!!"

Kaido laughed loudly, and the laughter of the two complemented each other, like evil spirits in hell, constantly echoing on the island.


Kaido's eyes were more vigilant than Sherlock Linlin.

"Linlin, this crazy woman, dared to look down on Gilgamesh so much! She really doesn't know how to live or die! But it's good this way. When necessary, this fat woman can be used to block it."

"Before the Gods wake up, if we can make friends with the so-called Hades Admiral Army, then the future of this world will be truly in my hands."

Kaido laughed, tears streaming down his face, he sneered, his heart was cold.

Too simple!

The so-called alliance is nothing more than a body of shared interests.

"Kaido! Your smile is really disgusting!!!" Sherlock suddenly stopped laughing, and the pair of eyes with thick purple eyeshadow looked at Kaido with a bit of sarcasm.

There was no madness in his eyes.

Seeing Linlin's expression, Kaido suddenly felt a chill on his spine, but he quickly changed the subject.

"Next! What are you going to do!"

"What to do? Well, well, well!!! Of course, declare war on the World Government! (dafa)! A terrifying era is coming, and the World Government has been forced into a dead end.

If you don't declare war now, wouldn't it be really inferior!"

Kaido looked at Linlin in front of him.

Thinking in his heart, Linlin's heart

"Declare war! It makes sense. Morgans' newspaper said that our "king" is about to go to Marineford, so let's declare war!"

"In the name of the Four Emperors, declare war on the justice of the stomach!!!"

A breeze appeared out of thin air on the sea.

It was like a butterfly flapping its wings.

Sea Circle Calendar 1521.

The Evil Alliance, formed by Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors, and Big Mom Sherlock Linlin, also one of the Four Emperors, made their voice heard throughout the world.

At this moment...

The two emperors on the sea announced at the same time...

Declared war on the World government that has ruled the world for hundreds of years!!!!

The first half of the Grand Line

On an unknown island.

There is a country that cannot pay the sky gold and is abandoned by the World government.

But unlike all the "abandoned" countries that are ravaged by pirates and human traffickers, everything here is peaceful and tranquil.

People's faces are filled with bright smiles that outsiders have never seen. Children run unscrupulously on the streets. Ladies are chatting about family matters while washing clothes and cooking.

Some men are carrying prey, and some are chopping wood and trees. In this small country, there is an atmosphere called peace and prosperity.

This is the base of the revolutionary army.

It is also the first survey point of the revolutionary army.

"Declare war!!! A rare opportunity! This is simply a godsend! No matter which so-called ancient king is true or false, this is the best opportunity for us!"

" Kaido and Linlin announced the battle against the Marine government at the same time, and our revolutionary army can take this opportunity to completely step onto the world stage. Only by seizing this opportunity can we overthrow the tyranny of the World government!!!"

Although the man covered in black robes could not see his face, his excitement and excitement could be heard from his voice alone.

In the room, the highest cadres of the revolutionary army frowned as they looked at the excited man in black.

Feeling the hesitation of his companions, the man in black pressed his hand on the edge of the table with some dissatisfaction, and scanned everyone with his eyes, finally stopping at a man.

The man had black hair scattered on his head, his green clothes looked a little shabby, and there were tattoos of unknown meaning on his face, and his mouth was deeply pursed together

As if he was thinking about how feasible the words of the man in black were.

Monkey·D·Dogra, also known as Monkey·D·Dragon!

The most dangerous criminal in the world recognized by the World Government.

The man who intends to overthrow the world, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the son of the Marine hero Garp the Fist, and the biological father of the future Pirate King Luffy.

All these identities piled up together, making this man more mysterious.

At this moment, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were tangled, the tattoo on his face was twitching slightly, and the corners of his mouth were pursed from time to time. With his silence, the atmosphere around him began to become a little weird.

The man in black looked at Dogra's figure, and calmed down from the previous enthusiasm and sat on the chair behind him.

This man seemed to have a kind of magic that made people around him calm down involuntarily.

"This is not an opportunity. At least not for us!" Dogra slowly said after an unknown period of time.

"Why!~" Although the man in black was very puzzled, he did not make any extreme moves, but looked at Dogra seriously.

Dogra sighed softly, folded the newspaper in his hand in half, and placed it on the table.

In the newspaper, the photo of Mo Yi destroying the Gate of Justice and severely wounding Mihawk with one sword were neatly placed in front of everyone.

"This man is called Gilgamesh. What the newspaper said is right. Eight hundred years ago, he was the king of mankind. Only he knows everything that existed in the more distant history."

"The original intention of our establishment of the Revolutionary Army is to liberate the people of the world and let everyone's face show joy and peace. However, if the gods mentioned by Gilgamesh are revived, then what will happen to this world! ! ! "

Dogra slammed the table, and the newspaper seemed to be lifted up by some terrible force, and automatically turned a page full of text.

"The Gods, who sacrificed the flesh and blood of all living things in the world, wiped out all races that could not provide sacrifices, and committed countless murders in the torrent of history!" "We rebel because the World Government uses the so-called heavenly gold to divide everything into different levels, but compared to the 'Gods, I think the World Government can be put aside for a while. This is the biggest crisis that mankind will face!" When Dogra was speaking, everyone in the room was silent. This man was like the sun, bringing together these guys who had lost their dreams. "What do you think?" Dogra said. His face was bigger than his body, and he wore exaggerated makeup, like a pervert, the transvestite king Ivakov, tapped the table with his fingers a few times, and his huge eyes blinked a few times, and there were actually a few breezes around him. "Is it not possible that Gilgamesh lied? Long, why are you so sure of what the other party said?

In theory, Ivakov is a brainless supporter of Dogra, but in this case, some questions can only be asked because he has a better relationship with Long.

Dogra took a long breath when he heard Ivakov's question, and a stream of white smoke came out of his nose.

"My last name is D. There are some things I can't tell you, but if it's that person, there is no doubt that he won't do such a thing that damages his nobility. '

"Since he said it, it will definitely become a reality!" Dogra's words were decisive, without the slightest hesitation, but it made everyone's heart tremble.

Mo Yi's words were more or less doubtful in their hearts. After all, whether it was the God Clan or the Hades Clan, they were too terrible.

What kind of terrible race would have a tribe member who would reach the emperor level once he reached adulthood.

They simply couldn't imagine it. .

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