In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 74 The Great Era Of Revival Is About To Begin!

However, since even the dragon trusts the words of the most ancient king, I am afraid that the revolutionary army is really about to face an opponent far beyond their imagination.

In the face of such a powerful threat, even the World Government, which has always been regarded as their ultimate goal, seems to be able to be let go for the time being.

Belo, the captain of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army, held a cigarette in his mouth, flipped through the newspaper in front of him, and then raised his hand and pointed at a name and said.

"This heaven-defying looks a bit like our revolutionary army. If according to Gilgamesh's statement, this guy is about to wake up, we can try to contact him."

Dogra nodded in agreement. Belo's words were exactly what he thought in his heart.

A hero who was willing to sacrifice himself to pull the Lord of the Gods, who ruled countless races, into sleep, was exactly what he admired.

Moreover, they also needed a strong man who could check and balance Gilgamesh.

"King, the times have changed! In today's era, people need liberation rather than an "emperor" who rules everything!" Dogra thought secretly in his heart.

"Then let's make sure! Next we need to accumulate all our strength and temporarily abandon the plan against the World government, make all preparations, and wait for the resurrection of the Hades."1

""Zero Zero Zero" In addition..."

"Ivankov, forget it! I will go to Alabasta in person to see the true face of the 'king' who supported the weak humans through the Dark Ages eight hundred years ago."

In Sea Circle Calendar 1521, the revolutionary army, which has always been committed to overthrowing the World government, began to adjust its policies rapidly.

All members of the revolutionary army passed a proposal to temporarily stop the reactionary plan against the Marine government, accumulate all available strength, and prepare to welcome the Dark Ages mentioned by the 'king'.

At the same time, the revolutionary army commander Dogra personally went to Alabasta to meet the oldest king.

The azure sea has countless terrifying creatures in the deepest part that humans cannot see.

Countless beautiful mermaids are playing and fighting everywhere.

This is the underwater world, the azure kingdom, and the paradise of mermaids.

Holy Land Mariejois 10,000 meters under the sea

Mermaid Island...

Dragon Palace...


A fishman with thick and fluffy orange-red hair and beard, flame-like tattoos on his arms, and thick body hair sat on the throne. In front of him, a piece of news wrapped in bubbles floated in front of him.

Neptune, the Great Knight of the Sea, who is also the current mermaid king, looked at the news in front of him. His face was extremely gloomy.

"The peace that was hard-won is going to disappear again! Why can't this world be a little more peaceful!!!"

"Your Majesty, no one can change the future."

Shyarly, sitting on the crystal ball, shook her head helplessly, and there was endless sorrow in her pair of blue eyes.

With short dark hair and cold eyes, she wore a hooded top, and the pipe in her hand kept emitting smoke.

As one of the few beings in the world who can peek into the future, the life span of the fishman is extremely short.

Looking at the crystal ball under her, she couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Mrs. Shyarly, what did you say?" Neptune couldn't help asking again, but Shyarly still shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, it's a blessing to not know the reason for some things." Shyarly seemed unwilling to recall the scene that had happened in her eyes. She closed her eyes. Neptune clenched his fists tightly. Even if he didn't think about it, he could tell that once that terrible race revived, the mermaids would definitely not be able to stay out of it. Neptune hated his weak self so much for the first time. If he was strong enough, he could protect his country and his people. Instead of trembling like a frightened bird before the dark age that was about to break out, like now. "There is still a chance~! Heaven-defying!" Shyarly's tone was extremely serious. He opened his eyes again, as if he had gotten rid of his fear, and looked at Neptune seriously. "In the future, a man born from darkness and walking out of hell will appear before our eyes, and he is the key to solving everything.

"Seize this opportunity! The Hades Admiral Army is heaven-defying, he is the only dawn that penetrates the darkness!!"

"Then, what about Gilgamesh? "Neptune suppressed the shock in his heart and asked.

Shyarly was stunned, and then said with a look of horror that Neptune had never seen before.

"That man? Don't see it!!"

In the future she watched, a huge black dragon was hovering in the sky. Everything in the world lost all its color in front of the black dragon, and was as humble as an ant.

And a man with a black body, as if he could penetrate the world, led countless races to kill in the sky.

And the moment he touched Gilgamesh.

Shyarly saw a scene that she would never forget.

A pair of huge blood-red eyes, crushing all the future scenes, appeared in the crystal ball. There was no emotion in those eyes, only endless coldness.

The scarlet was like hell, and the eyes were like an abyss, which made her dare not raise the courage to peek.

"I know! The Hades, I will do my best to help them, I just hope they can bring us true peace."

Neptune clenched the trident in his hand, believing Shyarly's words.

New World

Inside the Donquixote family's residence.

Doflamingo, who was called the young master, lay on the soft sofa, showing an extremely hideous smile, and the newspapers were tightly held into a ball.

The pair of eyes hidden under the sunglasses rolled around, and flashed a few gleams from time to time.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's really interesting, chatter, chatter, this is called a big deal!! Gilgamesh, this man, has dragged the world into a huge game!!"

"I admire you! I admire you!!!"

Doflamingo laughed a lot, looking at the content of the newspaper and muttering to himself.

"If what he said was false, this man's strength and means are so terrible, then what will his game be like? The king who awakened from eight hundred years ago, hehe, if that old thing is not dead, he will definitely believe it. "He has always believed in the legend of the oldest king!" Doflamingo was skeptical about the words in Morgans' newspaper. Looking at the arrogant figure in the newspaper, he fell into deep thought. As a JOKER in the underground world, his information channels are almost as good as the Four Emperors, so he has long known the truth about the destruction of the Gate of Justice. But he absolutely does not believe that Mo Yi is the human king eight hundred years ago. "Everything is a huge conspiracy. How to gain benefits from the conspiracy is what I should do. .... O Doflamingo crossed his legs and looked at his subordinates outside, and laughed weirdly. That laughter made people shudder. East Blue. Windmill Village... The world's most recognized weakest sea area. But countless big figures appeared. The great pirate Rocks, the Pirate King Roger, and the hero who defeated them both.

Garp the Fist.

They all came from the weakest East Blue in the four seas. This is hard to believe.

And at this moment..

The hero of Marine is quietly drinking the muddy wine in a small tavern in Windmill Village.

Compared with the top wines from all over the world provided to him by Naval Headquarters, the muddy wine in Windmill Village is just like a mixture of alcohol and water.

But in Garp's eyes, the muddy wine in his hometown is better than all the delicacies in the world.

The tavern that has always been infested by people now only has Garp and the proprietress Makino.

Makino, wearing a yellow headscarf and a long green dress, looked at Garp who was constantly pouring wine into his stomach at the bar with a worried look on his face.

She and Garp have known each other for many years, and this is the first time she has seen the shadow of decadence in this man who is as mighty as a lion.

Makino had seen this kind of emotion in countless people, but it shouldn't appear in Garp.

"Mr. Garp, what happened? You don't look good!"

Makino said worriedly.

Hearing Makino's words, Garp's drinking movements froze for a moment, and then he made a "dun, dun" sound, slowly pouring the ten-star-high-proof turbid wine into his stomach.

The turbid wine in Windmill Village is very different from sake. The turbid wine is almost alcohol that has not been fully fermented. For ordinary people, drinking this way is unbearable, let alone a few jars, even a few glasses, there is a risk of alcohol poisoning.

At Garp's feet, countless wine jars have been piled up into a small mountain.

"Hahaha! Makino, don't worry, I just want this one." Garp laughed heartily 0.7.

But his tone was no longer as free and easy as before, but rather a bit heavy.

The sensitive Makino heard the meaning of Garp's words.

Knowing that Garp might not be able to say more, he did not ask any more questions, but quietly walked into the kitchen to cook a hangover soup for Garp.

As Makino walked into the kitchen, Garp's expression suddenly collapsed, and his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could seep out.

Garp, who always seemed to be missing a nerve in front of everyone, now looked a bit like Sengoku.

The same solemnity, the same distress...

This emotion seemed to appear in this man for the first time.

Whether it was Rocks, the great pirate who was so powerful that he dominated the sea and single-handedly suppressed Marine to the point of suffocation, or Roger, the freest pirate king on the sea, he had personally faced them. No matter how powerful the other party was, he had never felt so distressed.

But now.

This emotion continued to spread in Garp, and the silence in the tavern made people a little breathless.


The door was suddenly opened, and a familiar voice reached Garp's ears.

"You are so ungentlemanly that you don't even take me with you when you go drinking."

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