In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 76: One Person Is The Whole World!


In nature, only the weak will make such an appropriate move.

"It is an honor for the ancient king to come. We are a small family in Windmill Village. I wonder if we can afford the wine you want to drink!" Garp is much calmer than Sengoku.

Mo Yi stroked his chin and looked at the two people in front of him with interest. His eyes seemed to see through them completely, with a bit of appreciation and a bit of regret.

"The D clan is really good. It's worth it that I let you go that year." As he spoke, Mo Yi picked up a wine glass and poured the turbid wine in the wine pot into the glass. Looking at the extremely turbid wine, he did not show a trace of disgust, but drank it all in one gulp. This made Garp and Sengoku look confused. On the stone tablet that records Gilgamesh's daily life, it was once recorded that the king of mankind, Gilgamesh, would not drink anything but fine wine, would not taste anything but delicious food, and that he would travel with a golden road paving the world. Now this legend actually drank the cheapest wine. "Don't look at me like that~ A person's nobility has never been in his origin, but in his soul. This wine contains a woman's beautiful expectations. In my opinion, this is an extremely noble and worthy wine. " Mo Yi smiled at the two people who were looking at him casually.

"What is your purpose!!" Sengoku's tone slowed down a lot involuntarily, as if when he looked directly into Mo Yi's ears, he knew why Kuzan would watch Gilgamesh destroy the Gate of Justice without doing anything.

Is this a kind of natural restraint, as if any human being would be born shorter than Mo Yi, and even couldn't look him in the eye.

This is the demeanor of the king of the human race, the most ancient king, above all humans, supreme, and unparalleled emperor!!!


Mo Yi repeated Sengoku's words, and the scarlet eyes narrowed.

A blue transparent panel appeared in front of him that only he could see.

Host: Mo Yi

Current role: The most ancient king Gilgamesh.

Current role

The most ancient king, Gilgamesh, has a 100% progress.

The Admiral Army of the Hades, heaven-defying, has a current progress of 0%

Current number of extractions: zero.

In order to play In preparation for heaven-defying, Mo Yi spent a lot of effort to set up the game.

Not only did he create countless historical texts with vague words to confuse the world.

He even used Gilgamesh's identity as a prelude, but thinking of the terrible momentum of this SS-level character on the day of unlocking, Mo Yi's heart was hot again.

The panel in front of him disappeared instantly, and his eyes were on Sengoku again.

"The darkest era is coming, and as the king of the human race, I naturally have to do something to protect my people.

"Everything will be revived. The World government you are talking about is as fragile as a piece of thin paper in front of everything that is about to be revived. It will be completely destroyed with just a slight touch~!"

Hearing this, Sengoku and Garp widened their eyes and looked at Mo Yi with an angry look.

Even though they were already very dissatisfied with the various actions of the World government, they couldn't help but feel a little indignant when they heard someone slander it like this.

"Haha~ Not convinced?"

Mo Yi didn't care about the angry looks of the two people, and looked leisurely and contented, like a handsome young man who was not interested in worldly affairs.


Empty, empty, empty!!!

Countless golden lights continued to emerge from behind Mo Yi. The golden light was different from the murderous aura of the past, but was a bit gentle, instantly wrapping Mo Yi's body in it.


In the holy light, there were bursts of armor collision sounds.

The next moment.

The golden holy light completely retreated.

And the temperament of a handsome young man in the world on Mo Yi's body had long disappeared, replaced by a terrifying murderous aura that was as real as substance.

His body was covered with a layer of golden armor, and his hair was no longer hanging down like before, but standing up, and the arrogance between his eyebrows soared into the sky.

The slightly raised corners of his mouth were somehow cruel, and his red eyes exuded bursts of coldness.

The black chain around his waist swayed gently, as if it could seal everything.

Garp and Sengoku had a feeling that Mo Yi at this moment was the legendary Gilgamesh, the oldest king who ruled countless human races and fought against gods.

"Some people call me a tyrant, some call me a wise king, but I don't care about all this."

"I only do what I think is right. As the king of mankind, my joy and anger are the imperial decree, and my sorrow and joy are the punishment of heaven!!"

"In contrast, I also uphold the mission of protecting the human race.

"I am the king of mankind, and I should defend the human race!!"

"Except for those old guys who covet my treasure, oh~ those five garbage you call Five Elders, I can forgive you and gather all the forces I can use!"

"Before the gods revive, gather everything! I will stand in front of you again, in front of this weak era, and tell you why I am the 'king'!!!"

Mo Yi's voice shocked the two people's minds like the truth from ancient times.

The two seemed to see it.

In that era when humans were extremely weak, in that world where countless races coexisted, in that era when the sky was high above and the gods dominated all living beings, a young man with holy light all over his body and holding a sword laughed with great arrogance.

Brazenly fight with the five tribes to the sky, and kill the sky together!!

"Five tribes are fighting against the sky, but are there any humans!!!" Sengoku clenched his fists. He knew that this man had trampled on the dignity of Marine, which he regarded as a treasure, but he still respected this young man.

Goosebumps kept appearing all over his body, and he asked the topic that he cared about very much.

The extremely powerful God Clan, the sky that ruled countless races, which of the five tribes would defeat it.

And among the five tribes that brought hope to all living beings, what position did the human race occupy.

That's it.

Sengoku had no doubt that Mo Yi, the God Clan that was about to revive, had already vaguely emerged in Sengoku's heart.

Horrible! Powerful! Arrogant! Rude! Slaughtering all living beings!!

This is simply a more disgusting existence than pirates!!

Although Garp did not ask directly like Sengoku.

But the expectation in his eyes was not hidden at all.

"In that era, humans were the weakest among all races. They did not have the sharp claws of the fur tribe, nor the strange eyes of the three-eyed tribe.

"They did not have the terrifying bodies of the giants, nor the magical magic of the elves, not to mention those powerful races second only to the gods. "

Garp and Sengoku fell silent.

They could imagine how vulnerable the human race was in the face of other powerful races in that era without technology. They were far inferior to those races in terms of both physical strength and lifespan.

How could the ordinary human race be among the five races fighting against the sky?

"But!!" Mo Yi spoke again, with a hint of pride in his tone, and his voice was not as low as usual.

"々`The five races fought against the sky, in that battle that ran through the sky, there were no giants, no three-eyed people, and no so-called elves. They didn't even have the qualifications to watch that level of battle!!"

"And I, the human race, killed my way up to the sky and questioned the sky that was high above. I, the human race, can my sword still be sharp!!"

"Who is it!!! Besides you, have there been any powerful masters in the human race!" Garp didn't even notice that he couldn't help but use honorifics in his words.

"I am the entire human race!!!!"


Countless golden holy lights exploded instantly, and a golden dragon hovered behind Mo Yi, and lowered its head obediently beside Mo Yi's hand, "Like a pet of Song.

I am the entire human race!!!

One person is the entire human race!!!

Human race!!!

Mo Yi's voice kept echoing in Garp and Sengoku's minds.

At that moment.

They finally understood this extremely arrogant and willful tyrant.

Why even after eight hundred years, there are still people who miss him.

Will you hide in the sea of ​​sand, or become a noble Celestial Dragon, and be proud to be his servant.

And can refuse the most noble right in the world.


In front of this king, there is no noble person in the world.


Garp suddenly half-knelt on the ground, and respectfully said to Mo Yi with a courtesy that Sengoku had never seen before. Yi walked down (Wang Qian Zhao).

"The descendant of the D clan, the human race, Monkey D Garp! Meet His Majesty!!"

Marine hero.

Garp the Fist, knelt down in front of Mo Yi with sincerity, without any reluctance. What made him bow down was not Mo Yi's terrifying power, nor Mo Yi's identity as the king of the human race.

But in the more distant history.

That one person is a clan, holding the sword of separation, and the other four clans killed towards the sky, questioning the lord of the gods, whether the sword is still sharp! ! !


Garp remembered another unknown name of Gilgamesh.

A title he learned by chance.

The oldest hero king! ! ! ! Mo Yi looked at the half-kneeling Garp, his face did not change, but he was speechless in his heart.

"Is my acting so good?"

The so-called five clans fighting against the sky is just a means to increase the progress of the performance in the future. "I didn't expect this effect to be surprisingly good.

"I'm going to retrieve the last treasure. The Marineford you mentioned, the holy land? You're right to call it that."

Mo Yi's body began to dissipate, like a starlight disappearing in the wind, looking at Sengoku and Garp with cold and murderous eyes.

"If you want to stop me, try it, if you can!!!"

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