In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 77 Something Big Is Going To Happen!


Mo Yi's figure completely disappeared in the tavern, leaving Garp and Sengoku looking at each other.

"What are you going to do!" Sengoku swallowed his saliva, and his Adam's apple moved down slightly.

His tone was actually a little hesitant.

One was the justice he insisted on, but it was full of holes and filthy.

The other was the tyrannical emperor, but the emperor had killed endlessly for the sake of the human race.

"What to do!" Garp took out a hammer from somewhere.

He looked at Sengoku very seriously, and his tone was even more serious.

"Of course..."

Sengoku decided in his heart that since he couldn't completely determine the path, he would follow this guy who never let him down!

With this expectation, he waited for Garp's next words.

"Of course~~Fix the wall first!!!"


Hearing Garp's words, Sengoku fell headfirst to the ground.

Damn!! Are you talking about repairing the wall now!!!

After finishing the current matter, can I find you a new tavern!!!!

Naval Headquarters


This is the nightmare of all pirates and the real ruler of this sea. The first and only independent political organization of the World Government, Marineford has a unique status.

It is also the nightmare of countless pirates in this world.

As powerful as the Four Emperors, they will not easily appear in the waters of Marineford. This holy place represents the highest honor of Marine. It not only once exposed the body of the ocean overlord Rocks, but also the power of destiny of the Pirate King Gol·D·Roger.

In the name of "absolute justice", it patrols all the seas of the world like the power of heaven.

This is the birthplace of all Marines and the dream place of all Marines.

Only by joining the Naval Headquarters can you truly prove that you are a qualified Marine.

And it is such a Marineford shrouded in countless halos and honors.

At this moment, there is a tense atmosphere.

The Marines are fully armed, wearing white military uniforms like a white wall, tightly surrounding the periphery of Marineford.

Every three meters, there are at least five elite soldiers who have mastered the use of Haki to guard.

And this is only in the outer area.

The closer you are to the majestic building of the Naval Headquarters, the more you can see countless powerful Marines.

Ghost Spider Vice Admiral, Black Rope Vice Admiral, Stolobe, Dogman, Smoker... Countless powerful and famous Marine Vice Admirals gathered together.

Their expressions are extremely cautious, and everyone's Observation Haki are like spider webs, intertwined and intertwined, surrounding the entire Marineford layer by layer.

Whether it is the smiling Black Rope or the smoking Smoker, they have changed their previous frivolous appearance, holding their weapons tightly, with a bit of haze in their eyes.

Some of them belong to Naval Headquarters, and have branches belonging to the G series. Some were still performing tasks in the open sea yesterday, and some directly gave up catching sea for several years. Like birds that have received orders from the tribe, they came to Marineford one after another.

Together, they built a powerful fence to protect the Naval Headquarters behind them. Everyone's face showed an expression as if they were facing a great enemy [even the air was constantly spreading a kind of tension.

Marineford, as if it was constantly shrouded in some terrible momentum.

Even the great court, which represents the sacredness, was firmly protected by countless Marine soldiers.

At the door of the court, wearing a cloak of justice, with a wretched face and a pineapple head, Kizaru, not like usual, ready to go home at any time after work.

Instead, he narrowed his eyes slightly, flashing a few times from time to time, and his aura was very ethereal, like a light that was looming.

The highest power in the world...

The shadow that truly holds the world in its hands...

Five Elders...

At this moment, they have arrived at Marineford from the holy land of Mariejois. The appearance of these five people made the Marines, who didn't know what happened, have only one thought in their minds. ,

Naval Headquarters...

Something big is going to happen!!!

But, this is Marineford! Even the Four Emperors dare not easily appear in the sea area, which represents the holy land of the supreme hegemony of the World government. Who dares to come here to make trouble?

The Marines don't know what they are about to face, but their body instincts and the extraordinary atmosphere around them have told them that they are about to face an extremely harsh battle.

Inside the Marine headquarters.

Operation meeting room...

The Five Elders sat on the high seats, with extremely gloomy expressions on their faces, like angry beasts. They were not as casual as before. The black suit on No. 1 actually had a few wrinkles [This is absolutely impossible for No. 1 who has always been extremely strict.

It can be seen how uneasy these five are at this moment.

"Where is Kizaru~" No. 1 glanced at the characters in the meeting room.

Marine Admiral Akainu, Aokiji are all here.

Marine hero Garp, Marshal Sengoku, Special Vice Admiral, Chief of Staff Tsuru are also sitting in a row.

The former Marine Marshal, called Kong, sat behind the three people. He looked old and confused, but Kong's body was constantly emitting a volcanic aura.

At the door, three men in white suits, top hats and white iron masks were guarding the conference room like guards. Anyone who appeared outside the door of this room rashly would be instantly hit by the strongest killing move from the CPO organization.

All the people who can be called (daff) as senior Marines gathered in this room at this moment.

"Kizaru has gone to guard the Holy Court!" Sakazuki explained. In his heart, Huang, who had always been a pensioner, actually took the initiative to carry out the mission, which was simply great news.

"Holy Court!" Number One muttered the building that Sakazuki mentioned just now, and then said nothing more.

Kizaru, who had eaten the Sparkling fruit, had the speed of light. Even if something really happened here, he could rush back in a blink of an eye.

Compared with others, he was indeed more suitable for guarding.

"You should all know it! Gilgamesh has declared war on the World Government!! This is a just provocation!!!"

No. 1's voice was serious and majestic, and the gloom in his words made people almost breathless, and his eyes were even more uncertain.

For a moment, everyone didn't know how to react. An emperor who existed eight hundred years ago appeared again on the sea and issued a chilling warning to the world.

Then the whole world knew that this man was about to kill Marineford. Morgans deliberately described this incident in large ink in the newspaper, and even used such treasonous headlines as "The King of the Human Race! Eight Hundred Years of Anger!! Killing the Hypocritical 'Justice'!!!"

Now the eyes of the world are on the World Government.

"The prestige of the World Government for a hundred years is all in this battle! If we lose! Then 'justice' will be a big joke."

No. 2 held the famous sword in his hand and gently maintained it with a cotton swab. The seemingly light-hearted words exuded a murderous intent. A terrifying sword energy like a raging hell kept hovering over the long sword in his hand.

It was like a demon was constantly wailing behind him. The eyes under the glasses revealed a scarlet. He was obviously over seventy years old, but he was carrying an extremely terrifying murderous intent.

The atmosphere in the room completely fell into the freezing point with No. 2's words.

Everyone fell into silence.

Since Mo Yi appeared in the world, although he has not done much, each one is earth-shaking. The power that far exceeds everyone's imagination is like a mountain pressing on the hearts of Marine.


The temperature in the room suddenly increased, and the scorching air suddenly erupted, raging along Sakazuki's body in the room, like an erupting volcano. "From his fist, sticky magma slowly left behind, burning everything with terrible temperature.

It made him look particularly terrifying, his expression was like an angry beast, his pale teeth were exposed and bitten together fiercely, with boundless anger between his eyebrows.

"Bullshit the most ancient king!!! If he has the courage to appear in front of me, Laozi will definitely let him know what justice is!!!"

"How dare he look down on us!!! And that Morgans! Is he tired of living! How dare he spread that kind of nonsense everywhere! Does he really think that Marine doesn't know about the little things he did!"

"What do CPO people do for a living! Do we have to do this kind of thing ourselves!!!" Sakazuki shouted out of control, compared to Kizaru's justice of clocking in for work

Aokiji's lazy justice.

Three Among the Admirals, there is only absolute justice in his heart.

In order to defend the so-called justice, he will do anything. When he was young, Sakazuki, who was a major, slaughtered all the villagers who had sneaked into the village to catch a pirate who was good at disguise.

Just to keep the name of justice from being tarnished.

Such a person simply cannot tolerate Mo Yi's seemingly naked humiliation of Marine. His heart is constantly burning with anger like his fruit ability.

"Pay attention to your attitude, Sakazuki! Although you are a Marine Admiral, you are not qualified to point fingers at my CP organization!!!"

Suddenly, behind Akainu, a voice without fluctuations came out, and the tone was as flat as a straight line, which was indescribably weird. .

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