Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1003: Depraved

In the Kingdom of Katyn, the low human rights of slaves are always reflected in various details.

In the case of Hejian City, the entire dock area looks like a large urn or a prison surrounded by high walls.

The slaves want to get in and out of it. Although they only need to use a waist tag to brush the entrance of the channel on the bright side, but the guard ’s stinking and staring expression, or the general gaze of the patrol guards on the street, but Equally speaking from time to time subordinate subtext.

The local slaves may have been used to this treatment, but Zhao Wenrui was irritated. Not because he couldn't stand it at all, but because someone was always in trouble for him.

This kind of harassment by individuals who want to pull a few hairs from him requires him to constantly act and cooperate, which is very tiring. No, from going out to the present, he has encountered three difficulties and exploitation. Although there are a series of changes caused by the Qiaomen massacre, he still feels full of malice.

"These guys are really **** ..." Zhao Wenrui could not help thinking this while drinking sullenly.

Of course, he did n’t know that, in fact, his encounter had the element of ‘ordering and provoking’ inside.

The final area locked by the Magic Array system was the hilltop area of ​​Xiacheng District, and there were 4 apartment buildings in the hilltop area.

The reason for the plan of women and children is because of the low status of women in this era, let alone children.

As for the seller, this occupation is accomplished by equal emphasis on talent and professional skills. It is also easy to check, and it is extremely difficult to replace.

Only the general believers (broad beliefs) and shallow believers (low piety) are the objects that are easy to pretend to be.

Therefore, with the exclusion method, more than 200 people are the main suspects, and they have been harassed to varying degrees.

It's just that Zhao Wenrui is restless, or that, he plays the Garon already has a fixed work and rest habits, even in winter, it will still go to the dock area every day to walk, it is easier to harass.

"Come again for grilled fish!" Zhao Wenrui shouted and chewed at his desk.

Plays Garon, one of the benefits may be to satisfy the desire of the tongue. This large chunk of food is amazing. Zhao Wenrui only needs to maintain his usual appetite to make up for the consumption of hibernation without showing the mountains and dew.

But the real Gallon, although rich, does not want to spend much. Generally, he buys ingredients to go back and cook with a woman who is fooling around with him.

And those women often see it as a welfare.

Can only say that as long as it is open enough, it is really nothing for a meal that is not bad, and it may even be saved from his mouth and given to children and other family members.

Issue in the circle basically does not depend on which man is maintained by green, and more is gossip who has not been unspoken rules.

Can only say that originally everything was for survival, but after a long time, it has become a twisted custom.

Anyone who is familiar with Jialong knows that this guy will only violate the habit of stinging when he is not happy, and spend money to find a woman (the usury interest is also money, usually can solve the needs with meals, cheap) and go The restaurant is gluttonous.

Happened to be frequently harassed by the City Guards and the officials, so that Zhao Wenrui had an unpleasant excuse. These days, he was either eating a sea plug, or fighting in a pair of multi-bed battles.

Of course, the life of such senior prisoners is not happy, in addition to the unpleasant harassment, there are various intangible restrictions.

In short, this role-playing experience is far less than expected.

This is equivalent to telling him that his temper has long been fed by himself, and the interactive life with the neighbor of civilization is no longer suitable for him, let alone integrate it into civilization.

Must say that this kind of possibility Zhao Wenrui had thought of before. But what he was most worried about at that time was the incompatibility caused by cultural differences and three-view differences.

Only now knows that it is the real focus to return to social animals from luxury to simplicity.

The key, naturally, is the independence that is proportional to the power you master.

He can live well even if he is independent. Why should he endure the shackles of community rules?

Of course, people are social animals and social animals. His past determines that the related brand has penetrated into the soul and has become an instinctive demand.

But this kind of demand can be solved by the way of ‘mounting to me’. To put it more bluntly, it is the behavior and lawlessness in the eyes of others.

Generally speaking, Zhao Wenrui felt that the three grandsons were generally aggrieved to adapt to the civilization of this world.

His demand is strong enough, but he knows that this demand may really be solved very little, because he is a traversal, no one can really understand him.

Since most of them have only been addicted, why did he pay so much?

If he is a family member and friend in his hometown, he already has a deep emotional bond, he is willing to tolerate and give, but here are all strangers, and even lack a common cognitive and moral foundation, he feels that he has screwed himself up It's a loss to interact with these people.

"Ah!" When thinking of these, the fragrant glacial grilled fish also became dull.

Zhao Wenrui threw a bite of grilled fish on the plate and shouted at the bar: "Wine, broad beans!"

Picked up the corner of the wooden dish containing the grilled fish, and said to the four children who shrank in the corner: "Give me a head, this is yours."

The eyes of the four children light up, and under the guidance of the oldest child, they came half-climbed and half-run, ‘Boom! "Knocking his head, the oldest child took the dinner plate with both hands and humbly said," Thank you, Master, for the reward ", and then returned to the corner to share the food happily.

And the scene of parting, let Zhao Wenrui look startled.

These cubs are cubs with yellowish hair, thin and shabby clothes, but they are not wild children, but children of restaurant employees.

Their parents may be maids, or may be handy, hard work, meager salary, but pay attention.

Parents a little bit more, they can pick up the leftovers of the diners, and they can deal with the day.

Especially in this kind of cold winter with heavy snow, it is not necessary to be frozen in the restaurant at least.

This is a peculiar phenomenon in the Nuzhong District, and no similar situation can be seen in the public area, mainly because it is unsightly and affects the mood of the diners, and the pretense of ‘hunger and death is small, and the funeral is big.’

"It's not easy to survive, but what about that?" Zhao Wenrui's lazy stall leaned against the corner, drinking a few bites of spicy spirits, eating two grains of salt water boiled broad beans and spicy feeling in his mouth, his eyes dull.

Understands the truth, and there is no lack of comparison, but I ca n’t keep my spirit up, and feel that I am interested in what I do.

He himself did not know when this decadent and goalless state could pass. He was already wondering whether to raise a baby and continue to hibernate.

‘Creak! ’

The wooden door opened, and the broken snow poured in with the cold wind. Six men in cloaks of leather walked in with their chests folded, and the movement was very big.

Zhao Wenrui glanced and continued to drink his own wine.

See people who are not dressed in Hejiancheng.

The slaves in the river city did not have the ‘armed escort’ job. Not because of their low social status and because they are under control everywhere, but because they are poor and rich, and the slaves simply cannot afford to invest in equipment and training.

The wilderness of this world is extremely unfriendly to intelligent creatures. The bowl of rice with blood on the knife head can never be eaten with strength.

Of course, such a strong and strong man like Jialong is a special case.

These people cannot come from the populated area of ​​Hejian City.

Not because people in the populated areas rarely come to drink and dine in this low-end restaurant, but the **** business of Hejian City is in the hands of the official, specifically by the City Guards, and it can even be said that the City Guards practice combat training s method.

Can only be an outsider.

May be specific to the catch business.

The river city is built on a large river with a water surface of up to 3 kilometers. It is the largest river in the Holden area and even the northern part of the Kingdom. It will not be completely frozen in winter, and there is a special aquaculture area that is rich in glacial fish, so even in winter. There are also fish exchanges.

Because winter ingredients are easy to preserve, there are fish buyers from afar.

These are probably the escorts of a fish merchant, taking advantage of the fish merchant's business and drinking a few glasses to warm up.

I don't have many things to ask for, but the man with a very strong tone shouted loudly, and the table banged.

Zhao Wenrui sighed a little, and felt more unhappy in his heart.

He also knows that this kind of restaurant and bar is like this. There has never been a lack of rudeness, but it really hits him, and he still feels depressed. After all, it was 10 o'clock in the morning. He chose this spot to go out deliberately.

Alcohol and food came to the table, and these people started to stab again. They were too booze to drink. They asked whether they were mixed with water;

Zhao Wenrui heart said: "CNM, the price of two or eight cents, would you like to drink Maotai to eat bird's nest? There are chicken feathers than a shrew, and this is also the sword and rice, so this kind of hypocrisy is not chopped to death by colleagues on the road?

But what really makes Zhao Wenrui not look down is that someone teased the child.

It is very rare for a child like Zhao Wenrui to eat a grilled fish and eat it for two.

Zhao Wenrui specifically let them kowtow, because the rice in the Nuzhong District (referring to good food) is not given lightly, but the guts say that the kowtow is the easiest, similar to listening to a song, a transaction, There is money to be happy, not to owe each other. Otherwise, it is easy to cause misunderstandings and lead to unnecessary entanglement.

It was a child who had a big fish, was reluctant to eat it, and chewed slowly. As a result, these people saw that they might feel that the food they were begging for had more noodles than the wine on their table. Some embarrassment, and as a result, some people will be teased in bad faith.

It ’s not a big deal to say, like bars and restaurants are mixed, especially the lowest ones, and there are not many diners who come and go.

Eat the leftovers in such a place, then you have to be a grandson. Especially the children, who are originally vulnerable groups, discussing life here can be regarded as a relatively vivid practical education class.

But there is a certain degree in everything. The children lose their smiles and are fooled around, and in the end they do n’t get any benefits. Even if they are played in vain, they do n’t have the weight of their hands. They all hurt the children and cry, but they still feel evil. Fire, complaining that the child does not know how to tease, but also intensified, Zhao Wenrui really can not stand.

Said in his heart: "This Nima is really a catastrophe. Laozi rewards the fish that he has eaten, which hinders your eyes. A person who has to be poor has to play the master's spectrum, it is really a group of dog fucks!"

Kane, even Black Kane and C Kane, rarely speak swear words, even if they are in anger.

But when Zhao Wenrui arrived, especially after the blackening, it was very meaningful to return to the market. He spit fragrantly, and seemed to feel that only this was enough to be happy.

In fact, this is the expression of the evil fire in my heart, coupled with the lack of self-improvement, I have to pay attention to the image, and the self-discipline habits are gradually lost.

He directly smashed the wine glass in his hand, hitting his head on the wrist of the man who was pulling the child's hair, the pottery cup was broken, and the man's wrist was also half-waste.

Was caught off guard and screamed with painful ‘Ao’.

‘Wow! ’The other five people all stood up, and because of their fierce standing, the chairs were brought down by two.

They had long seen Zhao Wenrui, who was drinking small wine in the corner, but the previous observation was not detailed enough.

Because Jia Wenrui's body weight is too high, the general chair can't eat him, and the ordinary table is also low, so he always finds a corner, makes a pier, and sits by belt.

These people did not observe meticulously, coupled with the lack of light in the corners, they could not clearly see Zhao Wenrui's true size. This half-day malicious teasing of children is actually a kind of provocation that refers to mulberry.

After all, except for them in the shop at this time, Zhao Wenrui was a diner, and there were a few empty plates and bottles of wine on the table. They knew that most of the grilled fish eaten by the children were rewarded by Zhao Wenrui.

I am shabby, but I think Zhao Wenrui pretends that I am unhappy and want to find a reason to tear it.

Now, they really have a reason.

Zhao Wenrui didn't plan to stop here. After looking at the situation, he said, "Just right!"

He picked up the wine bottle in one hand and pushed the heavy wooden table away at will with his other hand.

Then stood up.

From the perspective of a few men ~ ~ It's like a giant beast emerged from the shadows.

A few rays of light from the top window found Zhao Wenrui's face through the dirty and frozen glass, forming a shadowy effect similar to the night flashlight from the jaw up to the top. Eyes, shining like a blade of light.

It was this situation that made people feel chilly. When Zhao Wenrui took a heavy step and fully revealed his figure of more than 2.5 meters, the hairs behind several people were erected.

No matter how you hide it, Zhao Wenrui can't hide the essence of his great druid.

And the extraordinary battleship of Druid, no matter which category is specific, has a very heavy wild character. At the high end, it is the characteristics of the flood, which is a phenomenon that will inevitably exist in the affinity with nature.

And the shadow druid, there is a little less natural softness, more eerie qualities, there is a very different traits.

This kind of trait will give people a kind of thrilling feeling like being in a bottomless abyss.

In particular, Zhao Wenrui is indeed malicious towards these people, and this trait is manifested through the dual role of body language and mental force field. It is indeed comparable to a monster.

Waited for the few men who were frightened to express anything. Zhao Wenrui, who had a clear vent, immediately raised his palm fan-like slap and pumped it ...

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