Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1004: Run away

Gallon played by Zhao Wenrui slaps a strong man.

Doesn't need to use extraordinary power at all. The muscle strength of this big man is enough to beat these ordinary people to find teeth.

He can even ignore the counterattacks of these people, as long as it is not the crotch, eyes, etc., it is a bit exaggerated to be tickled by a few punches and feet, but for him, it feels a little heavier than usual playing, In the words of the American team: "I can play like this all day."

‘Bee! Boom! ’

Zhao Wenrui throws several guys into the snow outside the door like a bag, and the thick wooden doors are bumped one after another, making a loud noise.

Turned around and dropped a gold coin on the bar. "I asked for that table. Take two more bottles of moonlight wine." Zhao Wenrui took the bottle of wine that was previously sandwiched from his armpit and pulled out the cork to take a big gulp.

Moonlight wine means private brew, and this moonlight wine basically does not have the concept of 'mellow', and the aftertaste does not return to sweetness, but only sour and bitter, but Sheng is cool enough when drinking, like spicy fire, and straight into the heart, Burning down all the way reminded Zhao Wenrui of his hometown's "burning knife".

The barman behind the bar first took the wine and waited for a change, but he saw that Zhao Wenrui had already carried the wine head without looking back. He shrugged and whispered, "The sun is coming west."

The miser suddenly became generous, which is indeed abnormal.

Zhao Wenrui knew it himself, but he was too lazy to pretend.

When he decided to teach these few people, he did not plan to stay in Hejian City anymore.

Is still not motivated to do the right thing, but he is tired of counseling himself.

He said to himself: "If you don't want to stay, just change places, find a place where you can be an uncle, and spend some time together."

Walked out of the restaurant door, and was too lazy to see a few humming guys lying on the ground, carrying wine bottles, and walking towards the closer East Pier, taking a few sips from time to time.

The fishing boats that had been fishing early in the morning had already returned, so the pier was very lively and not much affected by the severe cold.

"Hey, I can't get out of the boat, I want to go for a ride and give money."

The drunk Zhao Wenrui was full of alcohol, looking almost like a shipowner, and asked.

Most shipowners do n’t wait to see this kind of drunkard, and fishing for them is a job for them, and they have a lot of attention, even superstitious taboos, not to mention the fishing on the big rivers is small boats. There is basically no place for fish.

However, after all, there is money to see. If the money is in place, then everything is easy to say.

The boat went down the river and was blown away by the cold wind on the river. The drunkenness soon dissipated, and half of Zhao Wenrui looked at the vast river like a lake and felt his heart was as vast as the scenery on the river.

"Huh?" Zhao Wenrui frowned slightly. He discovered before that there were small boats not far from the back.

But I didn't take it seriously at the time. There were quite a few fishing boats on this big river, and the same way was normal.

But it's been a long time. It's not normal to follow along like this. After all, he spends money on a drive, just going down the river, there is still a difference from the set of fishing and hunting to find fish and net fishing.

Think again, even if it is really suspected of being monitored? Anyway, he didn't plan to go back to Hejian City. So he laughed and continued to sit on the bow and drink and watch the scenery.

His guess is accurate. The fishing boat that adorned him was indeed a tailed person.

Even the few men he beat at the restaurant were deliberately trying.

And basically succeeded. Zhao Wenrui's performance is clearly inconsistent with the relevant information collected by the Hejiancheng official investigation team.

It is a pity that Zhao Wenrui was starred, and after beating, he was nostalgic and ran directly to the pier to take a boat to leave. The investigative team was very passive and could only let people continue to stare.

However, once he left the area covered by the magic circle, Zhao Wenrui was an uncapped flying bird. He drank the wine and the scenery was enough. He threw two gold coins to the shipowner, and then said: "Let's go" and fell into the water. , The boats all leaned and almost capsized.

Wait for the shipowner to stabilize the boat and look again. The waves on the river are not exciting, and there is no figure at all. Zhao Wenrui is as heavy as a stubborn stone.

Actually, Zhao Wenrui just didn't want the shipowner to see the scene where he stepped into the shadow plane, so he entered the water to cross the boundary. In that case, it was like falling from a water slide from a place where Mi Xu was high.

The person was still in the air, Zhao Wenrui transformed into a ghost wolf, and when he landed, the body shook, and the water was shaken to most of it, and he ran a few more steps, and soon the last trace of water vapor also disappeared.

People just lost it, and the city master Hejian was naturally very angry. However, he now has more important things to deal with than arresting Zhao Wenrui-the hilltop apartment, which once belonged to the real estate of Jialong, was sacrificed by Zhao Wenrui.

Although Zhao Wenrui lacked motivation, he did not lose his habit of keeping his hands behind. In the past few days, he has done the pre-sacrifice of the sacrifice one by one with the convenience of the inspection by the owner.

Although he is not on the scene, it will lead to a significant reduction in the harvest, but he does not care. He mainly wanted to see what the priority and power of his sacrifices were, and whether he could successfully activate and stand the flagpole in the area covered by the magic circle.

If it succeeds, it means that even if he is in danger in the future, as long as he buys some time, he can establish a home area through sacrifices, which is another BUG-type talent utilization after ‘wild transformation is equivalent to enough sleep’.

The result is naturally to satisfy him.

C Kane intends to attack the outside world as a force of ‘advent’ nature, so the firearms fleet naturally does not mind the presence of the indigenous people, and this apartment building, which is actually worthless, is used as a point of arrival.

The scarlet magical flame of flame suddenly burned up, making the whole apartment a huge bonfire in an instant. The high-temperature flame even cracked the side walls of another apartment building more than ten meters away. Stone powder.

However, such a fire itself did not make any noise. All the people near by heard only the screams of the residents in the burning apartment.

In fact, those people were not burned to death, not because of pity, but in the eyes of Zhihuozhizhinao, it was a waste to be burned to death, like a healthy mouse and then become a variety of living things The element of experiment is the correct use.

So the screams of sorrow are just foreshadowing to make the advent point into a fierce haunted house.

In this extraordinary world where there is no shortage of grieving and tragic deaths, spirits such as evil spirits, evil things, and soul-returning corpses and soul-returning monsters can be encountered from time to time like Warcraft in the mountains.

During the development of the project, the Firefire will inevitably come into contact with this kind of evil things, and the evil environment where these evil things are born. After being captured and strengthened by waste utilization, it will be used as a watchdog and embellishment. To achieve a certain degree of misleading, this is the application arrangement of the salary.

The fire on the top of the mountain is very conspicuous even in the daytime.

Ordinary means cannot be extinguished at all.

Hejian City Master sent the Mystic Master to extinguish the fire and failed.

Came forward, and after using the magic technique to destroy, they also failed.

When the dignitaries and the church considered whether to use the holy domain-level spell scroll to protect their own skin, the fire automatically extinguished, as abrupt as when it ignited.

The green smoke curled up and turned into a misty mist. In the area with a radius of nearly 100 meters, the ashes fell like snow. After landing, it disappears and disappears, while the ground gradually darkens with the fall of ash and snow. The whole area gives a feeling of death and becomes more and more dense.

"Underworld!" A person with knowledge called this title.

Underworld is different from the field that can be exhibited above the legendary level. It is more seen in nature or natural formation.

For example, ancient battlefields, graveyards, mass graves, etc., it is possible to form a nether world. The Fengdu and Mengshan in the Eastern legends of the origin world are the more typical underworlds. They are the gateways connecting the underworld and the display. They can be understood as excessive belts.

Now the underworld is formed under the eyes, whether it is the nobles in the river city, or the clergy of the Zhenglian, naturally their brains are wide open, conjecture that the master behind all this is someone who has mastered the death priest, even master God of the essence of death.

The difference between the priesthood of death and the essence of death is that the former is born of faith, and the latter is part of the rules of the world and even the universe.

No matter what kind, it is not caused by the dignitaries and the church.

Especially after hearing that the magic array of the area has been completely destroyed, and even affected the operation of the magic array of the entire city, the main town of Hejian was frowning. After some thoughts, he ran to the teachers of Zhenglian to complain. .

The leaders of Zhenglian naturally know that these dignitaries actually have a card, and not to mention that these guys often have private transactions with pseudo-gods, heretics, and even evil gods, it is said to be a variety of extraordinary creations including advanced magic scrolls. , Are enough to fight a few hard-to-see battles.

If this is not the case, how can the royal power fight the court with the religious authority supported by the true God?

However, this incident was indeed tricky. They had just asked their gods just now. God ’s reply made them a little bit chilly. God asked them to be vigilant, do n’t move blindly, and unite the power of unity. At the same time, they asked them to get as much as possible. Intelligence, for this reason, the corresponding divine grace and punishment are doubled.

What does this mean?

Even if it is not an old driver in the industry, I am afraid to be able to analyze one or two. In a word, God is also afraid and unsure. He can face this kind of erosion, and he cannot simply accept it. Therefore, he has such a contradictory oracle.

Of course, the only person who gave such a clear oracle was the **** of light and power, Jordan, the youngest and most reckless, who had fallen twice.

The other four gods are absolute **** sticks, and they never give clear and specific instructions, but rather give a direction for the clergy to comprehend, anyway, whether it is understanding right or wrong, it is made. If it's gone, or it's messed up, God is holy and wise.

On weekdays, the upper levels of the church also have the same style of learning, and they are good at speaking ambiguously. But this time it did not work, this time the rewards and penalties are doubled, inaction will lose the favor of the gods, the most intuitive thing is that the level drops, and then the authority will also be lost.

So the masters and bishops of Hejian City quickly reached an intent to cooperate. The Netherland was there and could not run away, nor would they run. At this stage, the main means is to control and prevent its further spread.

And Zhao Wenrui, he must try his best to arrest.

Through the three examples of Qiuzhai, Mojing Mine, and Xiacheng District of Hejiancheng, some contexts are already clear. This Zhao Wenrui is obviously a divine envoy. He follows a certain mechanism to create a sanctuary for his master in the main world to facilitate the coming of the power of God.

Then is the divine power based on the holy domain, devouring or encroaching on the surrounding area. There are those who have strong brains, and even think that such operations are a series, just like animals use the excrement to rule the territory. Once the enclosure is complete, the entire area may be affected.

Therefore, imprisonment and even the killing of Zhao Wenrui is one of the main countermeasures to prevent the situation from worsening.

In addition, they also studied the so-called mechanism followed by Zhao Wenrui, and summarized some laws.

Specifically includes killing rituals, sacrifices and creatures, etc., which can be listed as precautions. It is widely reported that once similar signs are found, they should be stopped as soon as possible.

There is also an important part, which is naturally hunting, wanted, and reward. Zhenglian has mobilized a strong force from the headquarters to set up a special arrest team.

And the owner of the Hejian City also used his network to remind other dignitaries Zhao Wenrui of the destructiveness, and tried his best to engage in a massive joint arrest.

I have to say that areas such as Holton and its sparse population also have its benefits. Due to the danger of wilderness, all villages and towns are barrier-type, and there is basically no diaspora.

Coupled with the severe cold in winter and few traders, as long as more efforts are made in portal inspection and inspection, it is relatively easy to troubleshoot abnormal conditions and monitor strangers.

And the smaller the village, the more stranger or abnormal situation will be dazzling.

Plus the operation of the target will voluntarily go to the door and deal with people.

Therefore, instead of wasting a lot of manpower and financial resources on the search in the mountains and the wild, you only need to spread the bounty, naturally there is no lack of ventilation, only the specific clerks need to work harder ~ ~ Zhang's large catch net covering the entire Holden area quickly took shape.

The Orthodox Church did not hesitate to use group teleportation to put the project team in place, and each branch also responded with twelve points of spirit under the strict wording order.

The dignitaries represented by Hejian Chengcheng also generously. Using magic flying letters and other methods as fast as possible but very costly, the information is passed on. In addition to stating the interests, the information also offers a hundred years of no high reward.

This reward is not just an ordinary person, even legendary strongmen like Eddington and Apocia watched their hearts. All of this was completed within 30 hours, and the entire Holden area began to show excitement and restlessness.

C Kane, who secretly observed all this, was not too surprised. After all, the civilization of the Katyn Kingdom, in some technical fields, is higher than the modern human civilization of the earth in his memory, as long as he is determined and willing to smash. Money, it ’s not a big deal, because after all, that ability already exists.

However, he did not intend to take advantage of the situation with the indigenous gods of this world, not because of fear, but because when Zhao Wenrui left the river city, the Marvel 199999 in the backwaters was very important to him. This is a special event involving the Marvel parallel universe, negative space, the annihilation emperor Enerus, and the artifact universe control rod.

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