Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1190: Come to Wangdu for weirdness

Alissa Fontaine heard of events like ambushing her, which are being staged in many places tonight, and a heart is naturally a shocking thump.

Immediately, he became dependent on the powerful Kane instinct.

Kane felt the dependence through Alisa ’s eyes, and thought to explain: "I am a relative of Harry Potter. Most of the time in the United States, because of Voldemort ’s activity, I rushed to Britain. After all. Halloween is special, and today Voldemort has already gone further and further on the dark and filthy branch. From this point, you can experience one or two by watching the evil wizards and evil beasts driven by him. "

"After arriving in Britain, I found that the situation was much better than I expected. With the intervention of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce, most wizards lived in Hogsmead, and the cooperation of the secular government was very effective. The monitoring network was sparse and not leaking. There is no opportunity for evil. "

"Besides gratifying, I thought of the Hell's Gate incident in the capital of the dead in Paris. In the ebb of the magic, the power of the soul of the dead is coveted by the very dark, and today is so special, so I plan to come and see. "

"Choose to drive by car, one is the sudden interest. The second is the entry through abnormal channels, neither the Ministry of Magic nor the habit of reporting. The third is that I don't want to disturb the local powerhouse and rush to Paris around midnight. The big situation, then quietly flashed people. "

"As for now ... Those mutant blood races, although not weak in strength, but as performers, have limited knowledge, and I can only understand the situation by semi-analysis and speculation. And I insist that the capital of the dead is still The key areas of this **** incident. "

"This is because even if the planner of the event succeeded in achieving a shuffle against the superpowers of the extraordinary circle of France through confusion, temptation, and coercion, the reaction of wizards and even mortals of other countries must be considered. The bounty reward bounty-seeking event has made everyone aware of the effects of global linkage. The Hell's Gate event is also supported by one party, and the earth is already a big village like mortals say. "

"And based on this, this time the perpetrators, in addition to having the mutant blood clan as the backbone, also need enough cannon fodder to fight against the various people who aid the law."

After the analysis, Kane concluded: "I don't have any decent connections in France, and I can't figure out when and where the ambush happened, and what I can catch is the capital of the dead. . "

"It's even colder to say that as long as you can successfully defend the capital of the dead, the general trend is on our side. On the contrary, if you are already on the way to the reinforcements, you will ask yourself: Hasty support, is there any meaning? Will it evolve into To a wave of fueling tactics that have been wiped out? "

Then he turned to the topic and said: "If Ms. Fang Dan wishes to warn me, I can do some small things to restore your injury."

Alissa's eyes, which had originally become melancholic following Kane's words, shone brightly.

Of course she wants to be a rescuer, but she knows how well she can save, I am afraid it is already difficult to say. And with her current situation, the idea of ​​saving others and even the situation is quite unrealistic. Anger, annoyance, anxiety, unwillingness, and trying to do her best are the main emotions and thoughts of her.

Now listening to Kane can help her recover. Whether from the perspective of selfishness or impartiality, it is an exciting thing for her.

"Also please work hard again."

Kane laughed: "You don't need to be so polite, but you don't mind if I cast a spell on you."

After all, they never knew each other, and hurriedly practiced the law. Even if they were out of good intentions, they had to think and communicate repeatedly. Both are old rivers and lakes, and the principle of indispensability is still understood.

In addition, the change of wording when the two are communicating is also natural.

Kane was very polite before, calling Alisa ‘you’, and Alisa was casual.

Now Alisa is very polite, and Kane is more relaxed.

This is the secret self-identification of the other party's way of change in status.

Kane seems to be a bit pretend if he still came to you at this time.

And Alisa, relatively, prefers to use this model to communicate with her class. If Kane still used honorific words, it made her uncomfortable.

In general, since the acquaintance, the way of communication has changed with the change of status, and it is still natural. The sensory impressions of each other are considered extra points.

Kane performed a recovery spell on Alisa. The spell is ‘full recovery’, and the power is approximately equal to the DND nine-ring spell.

A new green light symbolizing life, accompanied by a fresh and sweet smell shines on Alisa. Alisa feels that every cell in her body is full of vigor and vitality!

The effect of the technique is very good. In addition to the mental energy that was previously consumed can not be recovered, other aspects not only recover in seconds, but also overflow.

"Your Excellency, I will notify some friends and the Ministry of Magic, and I hope to join you in the capital of the dead."

Kane nodded and found a delicate and slightly weird gold coin from his pocket in his jacket.

In fact, he temporarily mobilized the gold hoarded in the luggage island, and then used the law of time to make up the scene.

He smiled and handed the gold coin to Alyssa: "This gold coin has a trace of luck. I blessed it with strength. If I enter the kilometer, you can find me through it. A small gift. After all, we are still quite fortunate. "

Alissa was surprised, and then generously took the gold coins with her hands, almost swearing that she would make good use of this thing.

Kane nodded. "So, I wish you all the best."

"I also wish you a smooth trip. Also, on behalf of the extraordinary people of France and all French people, I sincerely thank you for your help."

Afterwards, Alisa uses Phantom Shift to leave.

Kane didn't drive anymore and waved his hand. The Citroen CX, which is quite local in style, showed its original appearance. The special edition of the night blue Rolls-Royce Phantom "Private Secret".

This is a model car he likes, and this car is a souvenir of ‘Glory of the Thousand Years’ by Kane Zhao who is still active in the SC (StarCraft) universe.

Taking the car into Luggage Island, Kane also used Phantom to move to Paris.

As a manifestation of technical excellence, Kane couldn't help but invent many powerful spells in the way of the HP system, and also magically changed many spells.

Like this ‘phantom shifting form’, it has been changed several versions by the magic.

This time Kane used a more energy-consuming version of the "dark passage".

This is a version that requires the help of the night environment. And with the legal system, with the help of this limitation, it has broken through the limitation of the law of heaven and earth to a certain extent, and can achieve the effect of ‘near the end of heaven’ that can only be achieved by God in the realm of God in the material plane.

Just a moment, Kane appeared in the depths of the Undead Capital.

This coordinate was left when he resolved the "Hell Gate Incident".

The capital of the undead covers an area of ​​11,000 square meters and is built on the basis of a quarry, so it is a tunnel model, which is open for people to visit, about one kilometer.

Kane came to the area this time, which was a violation of the Hellgate incident.

The bones here are seriously lacking in sorting, like a mass grave.

The origin of the bones is mainly the victims of the 'smallpox' and 'plague' in Paris in the 18th century. To put it bluntly, they are all deaths with the nature of dying, and the grievances are relatively heavy.

Resentment is one of the most concentrated emotions that can easily generate obsession. It can often generate remnant souls, based on corpses, and will not go for a long time.

From an extraordinary point of view, especially from the point of view of necromantic spells, such corpses are more undead, are materials that can be used, and are man-made extraordinary substances that can extract more extraordinary power.

This is so because the remnant soul will instinctively absorb the power of darkness and evil. Although most of the remnant souls eventually disappeared, they have formed an enrichment.

Then, the effect of gravitation occurs, the magic factor will be attracted, and after years of accumulation, it will become an extraordinary version of coal.

Burning coal will produce harmful substances such as smoke, carbon dioxide, etc. The use of corpses of grievances is even more harmful.

So generally speaking, even dark wizards are not willing to touch easily. After all, the "black" of the black wizard is mainly reflected in the attitude towards the extraordinary power, not the same as the death.

But from a professional point of view, in the extraordinary circle with more emotional needs than rational needs, there are never lack of extreme emotional lunatics. Coupled with curiosity and rebellious psychology, and the pursuit of destructive power. In the extraordinary circle, the research and application of taboo power have never stopped.

Even such an attitude of forgetting life and not being crazy, not being alive, actually fits the ideal technology research and development, so although the number of macro R & D personnel is much lower than that of conventional spells, there are often amazing Spiritual shine and outstanding performance.

It is this kind of sparkle that has attracted generations of wizards. After all, there is a good saying: mediocrity is more unbearable than danger.

In the circle of modern HP wizards, all well-known powerful men and characters marked with genius have more or less been exposed to the power of taboos.

For example, the inventor of the magic stone, Nicholas Flamel.

Another example is Albus Dumbledore.

Curiosity, rebellious emotions, desire for power, and inertia, Albus and his lover Gellert have traveled a long way on the taboo road. If it were n’t for Ariana ’s death to bring enough pain to torment him for a long time, then the famous white wizard would not be born.

It is precisely because Kane knows this that he does not have too much illusions about the wizards, or human nature, that he can easily believe that a major coup of the coup d’ état can erupt in the current French wizarding circle.

He even felt that the French wizards had accumulated too much dissatisfaction.

Especially in the "Hellgate Incident", the Ministry of Magic of France performed badly. Just across the sea, Britain, which is deeply entangled in grudges and grievances, has performed well. Naturally, it is a humiliating resentment and shame in the depths.

And this emotion hasn't waited until the years have passed away, Voldemort began his crazy performance.

Although the Hogwarts fast attack happened in Britain, and the nuclear bomb was not thrown into France, he believed that the French wizard would be like the wizards of other countries, asking himself, if he encountered similar things in his own home, could he perform better?

Then the answer is mostly negative.

Coupled with the volatility of other evil forces triggered by Voldemort's activeness, he believes that many wizards have become anxious and worried.

What to do if you want to come? What about people or things that they value?

In this context, people will be more or less incapable of anger, and tolerance will decline, and the Ministry of Magic's inefficient performance will be particularly dazzling.

Especially those young Aurors. It would be generally accepted that he would risk this dangerous business at the risk of death, but became extremely cheap because of the incompetence of those in power.

So the mood of change and cleansing is already sprouting and brewing.

At this time, some real-hearted speculators put forward a seemingly gorgeous slogan, such as 'The enemy is cunning, we must be more cunning than the enemy, the enemy is dark, we can be darker than the enemy' A certain degree of approval.

As the saying goes, when justice is indifferent, evil wins.

Even if they do not agree to play black, many wizards have become indifferent, instead of standing on the bright side with a clear banner.

This situation will make more people shake. The vicious circle has begun.

In this regard, the agents deployed by the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce are also reported.

It's just that, in the present turbulent times, difficult conditions like the Ministry of Magic in France are almost universal.

Even if he didn't move his family, he couldn't bear the rest of the world, let alone the Devil's Eye Chamber of Commerce who lost his core strength. Without the blood-blooded swarms of the city of Mossobrai, the Devil's Eye Chamber of Commerce can rely on superior systems and institutional structures, as well as sufficient resources and money to play a qualified home guard, and it is absolutely insufficient to enterprising.

He suspected that it was because of the faint awareness of the weakness of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce that the main messenger behind the incident resolutely chose to do something tonight.

Of course, there is also a prediction of Voldemort's behavior. After all, Halloween was absolutely hostile to Voldemort. It was on this day that it not only made Harry Potter ’s reputation, but also made him embarrassed for more than ten years.

While thinking, Kane completed the drawing of the magic circle with his wand.

Now he uses similar techniques, much more luxurious than before, and he is too lazy to prepare all kinds of casting materials and semi-finished products, and directly replace them with mysterious elements.

With his current ability, most of the time, he doesn't need to pay for his own pockets. Instead, it is enough to get the materials locally, and even the surplus. After all, many venues suitable for setting up spells contain a lot of mysterious elements.

This not only made him sigh, even in the extraordinary circle, the spiritual circle, the principle of 'the poorer the poorer, the richer the richer' also applies.

After the arrangement of the magic circle was completed, it started immediately, the black light rose, and the smoke was lingering.

However, whether it is black light or poisonous smoke, it is restricted. The former turns into black crystals and forms a well edge; the latter turns into a poisonous green mist like dry ice, immersed in the black well.


After he returned from 1853, he took a bite.

This facility is extremely dependent on the environment, like now, it is linked to the **** of the Holy See. This choice is mainly because the corpses buried here were mostly believers who worshipped God. Therefore, with the power of his soul, it is easier to open the **** passage of the Holy See.

The Demon Soul is built, and then the next thing is fishing. This will take a while.

Kane was not idle, and took the opportunity to create eight magic circle puppets with the relic-like fangs of the mutated blood family harvested not long ago as sacrifices.

Compared to fighting, the puppet of the magic circle is more like a self-propelled battle flag, and it is longer than the battle formation.

As Kane ordered, the puppets of the circle were flying away like black smoke.

After a while, eight flames resembling candlelights lit up on the outer edge of the Demon Soul Well. This means that the formation puppet is in place.

"Get up!" Kane snorted, the extraordinary power mixed with the sound wave, spreading like a shock wave, even ignoring the bones, soil and other substances, spreading and spreading.

Eventually the situation where the puppets of the phalanx stood was ended, and within this area, they were enveloped by a special iron-gray haze. All things no longer have their own colors, but only a variety of excessive colors from gray to black.

This is the field effect. With the help of the magic circle, the power of the legendary field is expanded to a larger scale than the field of the Holy Land.

After the establishment of the realm, there will be no major movements in the realm, nor will it leak out.

More importantly, Kane can distort the law to a certain extent in the field.

So a moment later, a large amount of fluorescent blue or poisonous green or pink light flew out of the corpses contained in the field and gathered towards the side of the demon well.

Obviously, Kane played a bottom draw.

Doesn't someone want to use the power of the souls of the capital of the dead to use it for themselves?

Kane first drained away, and everyone else had no worries.

Kane not only extracted the power of the dead soul, but also used it to strengthen the ‘fishing bait’.

In a short time, **** demon was attracted by bait.

The so-called gods are not right and evil, and the human heart is crazy and devilish. Such things as demons are accomplished by the extreme distortion of conscious thinking, and they are spiritual bodies, and the body is just a tool that it prepares to act cheaply.

As an energy creature, food is energy. The energy of Kane's targeted preparation is very attractive to Hell Demon Soul.

So, enough magic spirits were gathered when they arrived, just like the anteater's tongue sticking to the ants to move, but after a little exploration, they stuck to a lot of magic souls.

After repeating this operation for more than half an hour, the eyes looked at midnight, and there was basically no new power of the dead soul in the corpses in the field.

The bait was unsustainable and Kane closed it.

The Demon Soul was thrown back directly to the luggage island, and the puppet of the circle was called back to the side, using the demon soul that was caught and compressed to cast its body.

In a similar operation, Zhao Wenrui worked in the ship island world of the Yashan crystal wall system, that is, the ghost ship island collected souls and cast a ghost light.

At this moment, the operation is essentially the same, but the materials are inferior, but the quantity is enough, the technology is good enough, and it can make up for the shortage ~ ~ So the circle puppets have become weird, or they can be called demigods.

These bizarre constant bluish fiery fire buffs, like wearing a robe of flames, look mysterious and pull the wind.

"Go!" Kane waved.

The weird people have become blurred, and finally faded away. This is also a displacement technique, which can be called Li Huo Dun.

Kane gave these eight weird instructions to chase down the mutant blood clan.

They are made by sacrificing the fangs of the mutated blood clan. They are naturally capable of tracking the mutated blood clan. Once a mutated blood clan approaches a certain distance, it will be clearly perceived by them. And even beyond the distance, there are faintly remote sensing, knowing where to look.

Someone builds mutant blood races, then he creates strange hunting mutant blood races. In short, let the other party please.

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