Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1191: Light and shadow intertwined

Kane created eight exclusive hunting monsters to hunt mutant blood races, then left the capital of the undead and went to the surface.

Although there are six million corpses in the capital of the undead, they can't stand to be repeatedly consumed.

There are three regions in total, and one and a half were consumed in the Hellgate incident, and the remaining one is the most difficult to extract, which was just solved by him with high-level technology. And it's cleaner than cat licking.

Nowadays, the capital of the dead has become the tasteless. Even if the technology is superb, that half of the area is worth the effort.

In this way, it is easy to lock. It's just a matter of the mutant blood clan not coming, if it comes, hehe ...

On the north side away from the Seine, there is a small hill, in terms of terrain, it is the commanding height of Paris, which is the Montmartre.

There are entrances and exits for the capital of the dead. During the Hellgate incident, Kane stayed here for a while.

Tonight, he also chose to settle here temporarily.

Because there is a considerable distance from the city center, Montmartre is a slum from the 19th century to the early 20th century.

Later, as the city expanded, it gradually became its own saying: the birthplace of cubism, many modern art masters have worked and lived here. It can be said that it is an artistic holy place mainly based on painting.

Playing here in the daytime, it is easy to meet painters who think that tourists paint portraits.

As for the evening, the cafes and small bars scattered in the narrow alleys of Hengjie are also attractive.

Midnight has passed and Halloween officially arrived on November 1st.

Crowds who like to live in the street are mainly in the city center, and it is relatively deserted here. Moreover, the time is a little late. There are no people in the small street, which is quite quiet. The pumpkin lanterns that can be seen from time to time add a bit of mystery to this place.

Kane also put on a crow suit, or a suit for death.

This set includes a pointed hat with a certain narrow eaves (the top of the fisherman hat is changed from flat to pointed), a beak mask, a crow feather cloak, a hem coat, leather leggings and Martin boots

Of course, a high-grade wide leather belt and a fist-sized, waist-mounted lantern are also essential, which is very helpful to enhance the image style.

Weapons, um, in theory should be matched with ordinary Qimen cold weapons, not Jedi samurai lightsabers, that way of painting is too weird.

Then he thought of the style weapon in the "Blood Source Curse", like a guillotine knife with a crank and a foldable saw.

It's not practical, but it looks brutal enough to have no friends, high-value weapons.

It is easy to squeeze a handle out, and even the worn-out rags wrapped around the handle are not lacking. Carry it in your hand. This time the props are complete and have an internal taste.

National costume party! It must be said that for adults, Halloween is more fun on this point. No matter how weird or flirty, no one will be surprised. Even if it is a real monster and does not hurt people, it can be mixed with the people in the crowd.

But Kane was dressed like this, not just for fun. He went to the Sacred Heart Church at the top of the high ground.

From the outside, there are more lights in the Sacred Heart Church tonight, just like the simple and simple neon makeup, and a more gorgeous.

Kane knew, however, that the Sacred Heart Church at this moment was sinking into the dark moment.

As the ruler of darkness, the perception of him at night is a bonus. And it's also easier to use techniques like 'Mind Probe'.

This technique is a mixture of mental power and law. By concentrating the senses in a line, mixing with the law-level dark power, like a super tentacle, it can detect the specified direction at a long distance, up to three kilometers, and can be controlled freely, like a snake.

Therefore, far away, he had a certain degree of understanding of the Sacred Heart Church.


In the weird cries, there were skinny humanoid monsters like cruising geckos, wagging their tails, appearing on the roofs of nearby houses and on the side walls.

From time to time, they spit out a snake-like tongue with a bifurcated front end, a poisonous green self-luminous vertical pupil, staring at Kane, and they would attack at any time. And more of these monsters are rushing to gather from nearby.

"Stupid and dirty stuff!" Kane whispered in a low voice.

This is an undead lizard. It is a monster that surpasses the reproductive isolation and allows human females to conceive mutant lizards through extraordinary means. After birth, they quickly matured and then sacrificed them by means of refining living corpses.

In general, this is a dark taboo witchcraft, a blasphemy and distortion of life.

"Shadow Raven turned into magic!" This time Kane was cast without a wand. Twenty-four black and gray figures similar in shape to him, but with a shape between reality and reality, flew in all directions starting from his body.

These doppelgangers are vigorous, and can even transform into a huge crow flying into the air, and then slam.

The most striking part of them is their eyes and the sharpness of their weapons, which are scarlet and glowing, and once this scarlet is over-focused, it will produce a weird sense of oppressive blood and blood. Vomiting **** gas.

This is actually a kind of confusing enemy BUFF. It will trigger if you continue to pay attention for a long time.

What's even more weird is that the more deliberately you try not to watch, the more you will have the desire to watch.

This is a class-level application of blood quality. There is no rule that is consistent with the concept of blood quality, but as long as the technology is smart enough, this self-concept can also be infinitely close to the power of the Dadao law, even in special circumstances, it is the law.

As soon as the shadow crow came out, the undead lizard was immediately irritated and launched attacks on Kane one after another.

The specific attack method turned out to be venom jetting. A pile of it, like a glowing poison arrow.

These venom arrows, with little resistance, penetrated the body of the crow, leaving only a light green mist in the corresponding area.

This actually represents energy infestation. It has a certain influence on the energy crow. But it is still within the tolerance range of the shadow crow.

Shadow crows are most afraid of targeted power and play style, and the damage is often doubled. In the face of non-targeted extraordinary power, they have nearly 70% injury-free.

It can be said that except for the blade of the weapon and the eyes that represent the foundation of observation and insight, the rest of the shadow crow is an energy state, not an entity.

So the venom arrows attacked him, and the crow continued to operate, almost unaffected.

And Kane just shook the cloak of the crow feather, and there was a scarlet light overflowing between the cloaks of the cloak that looked like feathers.

The venom arrows hit the red light, exploded, slammed and splashed, no matter where they fell, they made a rustling corrosion sound, but there was no point in taking Kane.

The Shadow Crow is a Death Eater who restrains the undead series.

Weapon waving, the gleaming red light, sharp and unmatched, swept by it, the skin of the undead lizard kanbit rubber, and the demonized bone that is harder than steel, can only be cut off The end.

As for the effect of sawtooth, in fact, it is to deal with the real skin-thick meat shield type undead, and the undead lizard is a dexterous type.

On top of the dexterous type, there are the swift type, the madness type, and then the meat shield type.

The dexterity type is a skill type unit, which is as flexible as a monkey, but is just a start.

It's just that as an undead system, the dexterity type's preference is not dodge, but fast attack.

Like now, the undead lizard's attack speed is very fast, and is good at cooperating, good at misplaced attacks, always jumping around, one shot away, no hand left, run back and then return, looking for new opportunities for attack.

And they have a threatening attack method, in addition to the spitting venom, there are claws containing paralytic toxins, and the tail.

The tail has bone spurs of reverse scales, which are swept, just like being drawn by a serrated whip, and deep dents can be drawn on the steel.

However, these skills, it is difficult to play a role in the shadow crow.

Because the body of the shadow crow is a spiritual body, as long as the structure does not collapse, it can always maintain its form.

The only thing that has a harmful effect on it is the energy strike.

Although the venom arrows and claw poison of the undead lizard have certain extraordinary energy attributes, the amount is still a little less. This means that the attack is far from deadly for the Raven.

In this way, although the shadow crow is not much quicker than the undead lizard, but it can use the injury-for-injury play to inflict heavy damage to the opponent in the bombardment.

In fact, the undead lizard is not afraid of dismemberment in the general sense. Even if it is cut off by the waist, and the head is broken, the talent of the "undead soul" can still be restored as before.

However, the shadow crow plus possesses the characteristic of "cutting the life and eating the soul". Not only does the wound have a fuse-like effect, but if it is not cut off, it will hinder the restorative proliferation. It also has a certain soul-hook effect like the sickle of death.

Like the vampires, the undead lizard is an organic fusion of soul and body, which is difficult to strip. However, after a certain percentage of soul power is extracted, it will become muddy, or may be mad and mad, disobedient to normal sanity.

So after several fights, the battlefield was completely messed up, the ground was full of convulsions trying to connect, but it was unable to do so, and many undead lizards with missing arms and legs also became out of touch. Or catch who scratches who.

At this time, there was a white shadow over the Sacred Heart Church on the top of the mountain, which seemed to flow slowly and quickly like a cloud.

Kane, who was watching the battle with a saw, grinned and said, "Is it finally out of control?"

The newcomer is also a ruthless person who can do it without BB, and he is already brewing on the road. When he enters the battlefield, he will be released directly.

The effect is similar to the use of 'Call God Guard' to deal with dementors. The energy fluctuations of Holy White continue to spread around it, and under the impact of this energy fluctuation, the crows are impatient to fight and fly away. Up.

But those undead lizards are also uncomfortable, just like boiling with boiling water, the whole body is steaming and screaming.

And Kane was not idle, casting a spell: "Theorem of life, must attack!" At the same time projected a sawing knife.

This is a fusion technique of law-level techniques and combat skills. The meat saw turns into a disc of dancing in the air, and it attacks the target with a lateral curve flight path.

Although the speed of this disc is not fast, it is able to fine-tune the track by itself. ‘Cloudman’ seemed to drift around in the air for a while, and it seemed that the tracking effect of the saw was found in time, and he no longer dodged.

Before the meat saw hits, the light cloud transformed by the body of the "Cloud Man" suddenly expanded and became virtual, turning from the original porcelain white to a large mass of cotton candy.

Then I saw the disc made of the saw knife, as if chopped on the fog, passing through without hindrance.

The saw blade finally drew a huge arc in the air, circled back to Kane, and was easily held by his detective, but the "cloud man" was like a soap bubble that reacted violently, without high frequency. Regular expansion, trying to gather and solidify, but failed.

The fight between the shadow crow and the undead lizard is fierce again. Although the shadow crow's energy body appears gray, which means it is damaged, it does not affect the combat power.

As a magical creation, the psionic puppet created by Kane has this characteristic. Unless it is a collapse, the combat power is guaranteed. This is also a big reason why he dared to use the tactics of "injury for injury".

Looking at the slaying of the undead lizard, the army could not be defeated, and the Sacred Heart Church finally had a new action.

In the sound of ‘heresy, rudang being punished’ like the sound of Huang Zhongda and Lu Ming, a magnificent holy light spewed out from the church directionally, rushing in front of Kane as if a turbulent flow.

Ubisoft ’s Kane naturally understood that this 'ruling of the gods' used ancient Egyptian language that died out as early as the 5th century AD, that is, the secular body in the mouth of linguists (7th century BC-5th century AD ).

He laughed secretly. The secular body has some mana, but even the planetary characters he created in his early years are incomparable, not to mention the original characters.

Nowadays, he has created the Dadao Mantra or the creator script on the basis of the original script.

As for the divine sound, it is actually a variant of divine irradiation. The main difference between it and the unnamed divine irradiation of the old branches is that it is deliberate and more controlled, while the divine irradiation of the old branch , Is a natural aggression similar to aura damage.

The deliberate divine illumination is more concentrated and rich in information, and even has a mysterious element as a carrier. But wanting to hurt his soul is undoubtedly an idiot.

In this world, if you want to influence the spiritual attack of his soul, even if you break the limit and complete the move against the sky, the power of the majestic way of falling down the laws of heaven and earth may not be effective. It can be said that as high as the relevant boundary between the world and the universe is, how high is the resistance of his soul!

Of course, in order to avoid scaring the children, or playing the grass and snakes, the proper face is still to be given to ~ ~ so he issued a howl of evil spirits in due course.

'squeak! ’

It must be said that as far as the human can hear, the sound can be called a weird level of style.

But at the level of ultrasound, infrasound, and dimension, it is like the roar of deep-sea monsters. In this voice, the verbal Divine Voice from the Sacred Heart Church is like the comparison between the close-range tiger roar and the shy girl who read the text aloud, and the verbal Divine Voice is completely suppressed.

As for the power of the magnificent Holy Light, after he changed clothes in seconds, instead of failing to cause damage, he turned into a tentacle-like wing of light, which made him extremely powerful for a while.

At this moment, Alissa Fontaine and his party arrived.

And he heard the snarling roar of popularity in the Sacred Heart Church: "Damn! This guy also has a magical instrument (Evil God is also a god), and he knows how to reverse light and darkness!"

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