Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1211: Rowing Scoundrel Fallen

The cruel environment and the state of hunger forever give Kane the sturdy character and minimalist and pragmatic style.

The Temple Knight is not really good enough to devour death vines without paying a price.

In fact, it died soon.

But the rat people have group thinking. A rat eats a grain and all the same race can learn a lesson. The ratman completed the mission before it died.

It is self-cutting and burns itself to ashes with pale death flames.

This flame does not have a hot temperature, but it is particularly palpitating, even worse than the famous fire.

The rest of the Ratman Temple Knights, after collecting the remains for their companions, left silently. The people of the three forces present were heavy in their hearts. Their respective seniors soon learned about some of the Ratmen.

If it is changed to the past, they will inevitably question the relevant person, confirm the root of the rat, conduct a threat assessment, and then try to control regardless of the final score.

But now, perhaps they are determined to fight the Ratmen to determine who is the upper race, but they are not afraid of the power behind Kane.

The first-hand death notice has shown enough deterrence. People do it at home. The disaster comes from the sky. They seriously doubt that Kane is a true **** with two gods, fate and death.

They will not act rashly until they understand the specific mechanism of death notification. After all, even if they want to make trouble, they will not be organized.

Of course, they would not do nothing. The knight of the rat-foot temple left, and the message of the hind feet reached their respective headquarters. Then the rat-person investigation team was established.

Although human beings claim to be the primates of all things and the overlords of the earth, to be precise, they are just overlords on land, the ocean world, and the underground world. There are too many mysteries yet to be explored.

At this point, the transcendents are more sober than most mortals.

What's more, there are gods and their families, as well as other extraordinary intelligent creatures, so they are relatively cautious in handling such issues.

Thanks to this, over the years, it has indeed not caused any major events beyond its control. But looking at the chaotic situation in front of us and the endless stream of bad things, the stable days of more than two hundred years from modern times to modern times are probably really coming to an end.

This is not just lamentation and remembrance, but once confirmed, it will adjust its strategy, begin to shrink, and save, in order to survive through the difficulties.

At this point, the current rulers of the dark HP universe are not much different from the rulers of the dark old-time ruler world seen by salary king Kane.

The limitations of species, the limitations of wisdom, the limitations of the current environment and civilized state, these four limitations determine the humanity of this world, and they can't do anything too saucy.

On the afternoon of November 4, Kane passed Miranda and keenly discovered the strategic adjustments of the major forces.

In the past, the strategy of spreading the network of forces in a scattered manner was abandoned, and the new strategy of sticking to the key points was replaced.

Taking the lighthouse country as an example, it can be seen from the schematic diagram that the borders of the original forces bordered each other as clear as the national borders, but now it is like the ebb tide revealing more shallow seabeds and more public areas.

This means that the various forces no longer strive for the interests of these regions, or as a buffer zone, and the change from attack to defense is already very obvious.

More specifically, it manifests as the withdrawal of those with extraordinary abilities.

People with extraordinary abilities have always been relatively scarce human resources. Especially in this age of the last law, being able to awaken itself means that talent is not bad. Once the magic wave resurrects, this type of person rises to one or two levels, which is almost a pinnacle.

So all forces are actually very visually conscious. Taking Britain as an example, many young wizards who were awakened in the Muggle family received an invitation to attend Hogwarts when they were still ignorant, and there will be mentor-level wizards who will serve as guides.

This actually reflects the emphasis on the extraordinary blood awakening from one side.

The larger the cardinality group, the greater the probability of awakening. This is clear to everyone.

An important reason for the three major forces fighting for the territory is to go towards the ownership of the awakening.

In this regard, the Holy See has the most advantage. After all, it was the winner of the extraordinary war, the only extraordinary group standing in the sun.

However, because the Holy See was shrinking due to the supply of extraordinary energy in the late French era, as early as 1950, talents entered a state of saturation beyond the virtuous circle. It is embodied in a large number of seed members waiting to be converted.

Against this background, the Holy See ’s threshold for storage has naturally increased time and time again. At first, it only set the threshold of faith. After Voldemort got into trouble, there were three more generations of Cha Zhe who were similar to the political trial. The stones of other mountains can attack jade. Characters like Voldemort, no matter where they are from, can be called home. unfortunately.

When the Holy See came down, it was the wand wizard, and finally the extraordinary group.

It seems that the extraordinary group can only pick up the rest, but it also has its own set.

For example, don't talk much about rules.

Behind such unruly rules, the essence of quick success is often revealed. It is the most common way to introduce deceivers into the so-called astray even with deception.

Another embodiment is illegal human trials.

Not only involves all kinds of living experiments of mortals, but also involves the transformation of the extraordinary, or the experiment of artificially activating blood vessels.

For example, the dumb cannon of the pure-blood wizard family, in the eyes of the forces of the extraordinary group, is worth the effort.

The practice of the extraordinary group was naturally despised and warned by the Holy See and the International Federation of Wizards.

It ’s just two days or three days, and the Holy See and the International Wizarding Association do n’t waste so much manpower and material resources on them.

Fortunately, the extraordinary groups are more tight in terms of extraordinary energy. This can be seen from the increasing tightness of magic coins, so even if they engage in some terrible experiments, the scale is not large.

It's awkward to say, extraordinary energy is much more valuable than the 'white mouse'. Therefore, the huge missing and dying population of the world can not be thrown to the extraordinary groups every year. The people killed in the racial confrontation in Africa every year are enough for the extraordinary groups to consume for 100 years.

From the perspective of this number, this world can withstand the scourge of the extraordinary group at present, and the Holy See and the International Wizards ’Union have closed their eyes.

Now, with the contraction of the three parties, the hollow zone without the extraordinary power has appeared.

But the tripartite forces will not be cheaper for others. Correspondingly, they have liberalized the output of low-level technologies and creations to a certain extent.

In fact, the first to break the existing rules in this regard is the Devil's Eye Chamber of Commerce of the Shafick family. Fortunately, the Shafik family can still be human, and soon realized that doing so would easily offend the public, so the output of technology and items limited the scope and quota. And giving priority to the Holy See and the wizards is considered to be indirectly for the grassroots of the two parties. Replacing a stubble of equipment is also a good thing.

After all, the magic equipment sold by the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce is not only cheap and good, but also accepts gold and even mortal currency.

For the Holy See and the International Wizarding Federation, these are typical floating assets, and the extraordinary energy flow represented by magic coins is fundamental.

This increasingly difficult fundamental problem has also been alleviated to a certain extent along with the co-management and production allocation of the Shafik family's black hemp base in the Sahara Desert.

Black leaf hemp planting, just like the Internet industry in mortal society, is a brand new industry, an extra delicious cake. And with the sale of black hemp seeds, even if the growers are not as productive as the black leaf hemp plantings of the Shafick family, it is beneficial to the entire extraordinary world.

It is precisely for this reason that the three parties have not embarrassed the Shafik family, and have also made good friends with them, so that some people have been sour and jealous that the Shafik family is already a rising fourth party force.

This kind of speech was once very popular, occupying the news page of the world's forces.

Of course, Kane has no sense of this. After all, even if he does not mention the great improvement in strength, but from the perspective of time, it has been 30,000 years ago, and what was new in that year has already become an old almanac.

With the exposure of the French Halloween event, the Shafick family was squeezed out of the hot search.

Interestingly, at this time, someone jumped out again, accusing the Shafick family of inaction.

The reason for the accusation is naturally ‘the greater the power, the greater the responsibility’, and the events of the Venice rally and the Paris Hell ’s Gate incident are cited.

The argument pointed out that Kane Shafiq showed two games and achieved success and had enough advertising effect to hide behind the scenes and make money happily. It is no longer the conscience of enthusiasm for public affairs and for the well-being of the general public.

However, this argument, to Shafick, took out his private black leaf hemp to share with all the extraordinary, and through the industry under the magic eye chamber of commerce, provided superiors with cheaper and more magical tools. Not to mention.

Fortunately, the French Ministry of Magic did not make a white-eyed wolf, and it is estimated that they did not dare. The Shafick family shot out to kill the murderers of the Halloween event, preventing France from being nuclearly attacked. In the most authoritative Paris Gazette (superior circle newspaper) After the announcement, the French Ministry of Magic officially expressed gratitude on it, saying that the Shafick family is a permanent friend of France. Only then did the deliberate remarks cease.

Of course, the news headlines take turns, and Danggui State is now.

The death vine incident was still a "leakage", and the extraordinary circle suddenly became an uproar.

The main characteristics of this plant are indeed a bit scary.

The tripartite forces also took the opportunity to vigorously sell their low-level extraordinary knowledge and technology, and even articles to secular officials or organizations.

Zhuyu, which has a cooperation between the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce and the British government, is ahead, and the tripartite forces do not have to worry about the proper cooperation.

In short, after taking my things and receiving my benefits, I can do things for me. As a result, a group of trained instructors have a certain understanding of the extraordinary world, but basically the magical version of the coordinator with the mortal weapons and unowned masters has taken the stage in such a hurry. .

In the process of retreating and selling, the tripartite forces naturally used a lot of real benefits and resources to achieve the first stage of contraction + savings.

What makes Kane interesting is that all this happened very efficiently. Even if it does not arrive within 24 hours, the general trend has been set.

Obviously, the tripartite forces were prepared early in the morning, so that they could implement the strategy quickly and efficiently when needed.

"Sure enough, everyone is good at acting. Without forcing it, they secretly blame responsibility, fight for benefits, and dare not try to be thankless."

Kane felt the sly side of the three forces, and of course realized his own "credit". Whether it was in the Shafiq era or after his return, it was he who often came out to fight against the forces of chaos and spoiled the three forces. Problems.

Imagine that, based on the vast territory occupied by the three major forces and the long time of domination, can there be few artifacts and few killers?

When he first started, relying on the island country of England, he played a game of chess. Even if the three major forces have redundant officials, redundant staff, and other disadvantages, how could they not be as good as an emerging force? It is nothing more than an old fritters of rivers and lakes. You can't work hard, and you don't want to work hard, but you can make mistakes. Once there is a violent head like him, it is just in harmony with these people.

In the future, Hermione told him about his tragic encounters in the ordinary world, in fact, it was in this atmosphere that other people paddled and sold his desperation, and was alive and dead.

For a long period of time, he regarded this view as a malicious speculation. He felt that even if those people were really so selfish, they were not stupid, let alone the endless eggs under the nest, which was relative. Simply, apply a manifestation of the world, the sensitivity of capital, once the society is unstable, capital will soon escape, and then a vicious circle.

Therefore, as a lesson, stability is the foundation of prosperity, from the national capital to the urban area. Public order is one of the important labels of stability. People are panicking, who still wants to engage in production?

He felt that such a simple truth, as everyone knows, no matter how sly and sneaky it is, it wouldn't smash its own rice bowl.

But now he feels that he still underestimates the shame that Li Ling can achieve and the degree of stupidity. It may not be accurate to say stupid, it should be said to be a fallen inertia.

It is getting worse and worse, and it is so weak that you want to stop, and you can only continue to sink. This is depravity.

So it ’s not a question of understanding, or a question of whether to change, but a question of whether it can be done.

Just like those addicted men and women, don't know how to blame? I do not know that I am running on the road of social death. I know, but what about that?

Speaking of which, even now, Kane still feels powerless.

A bunch of rogues.

A group of people who know that he cares about this world, this civilization, this fairly stable mortal international community, and then play the rogue rogue ~ ~ completely eradicated? It seemed too violent and did not get there.

Ignore it, there is always a sway in front of your eyes, staged a play that occupies that pit and does not shit, disgusting you.

He may not be bad, but the matter itself is a bit gratifying.

This time he also arrogantly and savagely, grabbed a not-so-large head, and directly announced the death. Sure enough, each one was a lot of energy, but it seemed to have become a bird of startling bow, shrinking and protecting themselves, busy Toss the stall and plunder wealth.

"It's really a cheap thing." Kane couldn't help but scolded. But think again: "Knowing that you are an extraordinary version of capitalists, could you still expect them?"

In fact, these extraordinary rulers are not as good as some mortal capitalists. At least the capitalists, under the persecution of widespread public opinion, do good deeds even when they are acting. The extraordinary rulers, without corresponding problems, have greater power and corruption.

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