Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1212: Magical olfactory

Kane Ratman Kingdom basically has no blame.

Every task is a crisis. Success, go further; defeat, thanks to death is the norm.

So in order to succeed, not only do I go all out, but also dare to work hard. At least fight for yourself, not to involve relatives and friends.

It is this cruelty, so the population has never been able to explode, and the development of civilization has been exceptionally rapid.

Some people say that haste is not enough.

It is not good if civilization develops too fast, and its foundation is unstable.

The rat-man civilization basically has no such problem, mainly because they are filled out with life. Similar to the ancient dynasty change of mankind, a cycle of hundreds of years, the rat people only need decades.

And their top-level buildings, that is, Rat Adam, Rat Eve, and the Golden Family, are unchanged. This has two advantages. First, the dynasty will not change, and the table will not be lifted. The upper limit of the intensity is guaranteed, so as not to escape the extinction of the dead.

Second, the top-floor building is constantly absorbing knowledge, accumulating and growing, and becoming a master, so that no one will die, and in some links, it will be pushed down again and again.

Therefore, the rat-man civilization itself is relatively stable. There is no such a fatal shortcoming to promote seedlings and promote civilization.

However, Keanka died of the upper limit of the Ratman civilization. Rather than locking protons like the aliens in "Three Body", human beings can never be discovered and unable to study, but a series of means, including the semi-permanence of the top-level building and religious belief, have locked the height of civilization.

The Ratman became a big shovel suitable for dirty work and chores.

The three major forces in the extraordinary world of North America are shrinking, and the rat people are expanding,

Kane imparted the Ratman Phantom Shifting method in a gift-given manner, which made a part of the Ratmen and suitable to be an investigation unit.

These ratmen, called ghosts, are admired and envied among the ethnic groups, and enjoy a high social status. The relative investment given by the tribes is also higher, so they are the elite units among the ratmen combatants.

They took the lead in moving to the areas planned by the rulers, and then laid out the conveyors. After the portal is opened, guarding the rats and working rats will continue to open.

Then the work started.

These ratmen use extraordinary techniques while using technological equipment, such as fossils for mud + small excavators.

This two-pronged approach, coupled with the large number of staff and the talent for digging holes, so it was only one night, and a mountain was dug out.

Building a mountain is a typical feature of the ratmen building a city. The more magnificent the underground rat nest, the taller the mountains on the ground. And this mountain will also be part of the lair, planned from the beginning, and finally equaled to a mountain fortress.

Not all squirrel strongholds are built in remote uninhabited areas. Although they have been as far away as possible from the human city node network system, the distribution of humans on this planet is extensive, comprehensive, and does not disturb the people. possible.

Those next to the town are okay, and some are side by side with the big city. After a night, there are suddenly more earth hills. People are naturally curious.

It didn't take long for the officials and even the extraordinary to receive the news, and even by guessing, it was possible to guess what the **** was going on.

There is only one question left, are you going to fight?

For this reason, people cannot quarrel.

Kane got it and smiled: "Habitual quarrel. I can't fight."

Kane thought he knew the gang very well.

The group of people was not decisive when they were decisive, and they were still decisive when bullying the weak and fighting for their interests.

But like this, there is not much benefit in winning, and wanting to win decently is a very difficult and challenging battle. No one rushed to participate.

The reason why we can quarrel is mainly because of how to allocate responsibilities and extra war-related expenses.

As expected, no matter whether it was mortal or extraordinary, 72 hours of quarreling failed to produce a decent result.

By this time, the ratmen had basically ceased, and at least the construction of the earth-filling hills had ended. The remaining underground part is built, so it is rich and frugal, and maybe there are some phases of the project.

The rulers of the lighthouse country, after measuring the construction speed of the ratmen, learned that not only the lighthouse country, but other countries are also facing similar problems, so after calculating the approximate population of the ratmen, they came up with Long-term strategy.

In fact, the squirrels are squeezed into this world stiffly, and it is impossible not to confront humans. The more lack of information, lack of cognition, and relatively backward technology, the more reckless and reckless, like to talk about it, and this kind of "leader" does not need to be sidelined, and the strong sense of territory will be under the outsider. Black hand.

For example, African warlords. Another example is the chief of the Middle East.

It is true that the Middle East is rich in oil, but there are actually many poor people. Among them, the armed forces in a certain area of ​​Yemen near Saudi Arabia are very uncomfortable with the sudden increase of earth and sand in the sand sea.

After being reminded by the local extraordinary, he was full of heads, 'Hot weapons against cold weapons, even with extraordinary power, the range is less than 100 meters, and the rocket launcher is several times your ...' etc. The weapon crushing idea opened a big Combat.

In 1991, there were no decent powerful weapons on the market in the world for armed groups to buy. If it were n’t for the Bear Bear Mansion, private sales of state-owned resources, including weapons, would be rampant. Middle Easterners might still be fighting on a dromedary and carrying a five-round rifle.

As a result, a group of fighters, who should be called "bandits" by serious professions, went into the seemingly undefended and even quite spacious caves, just like the place where the mercury was flowing, disappearing in one go.

The leader of the armed group did not believe in evil, and organized another wave of attack. Before leaving, he specifically told him: "Don't be clever, save your life before you can output. If you can't do anything, retreat and don't shame."

As a result, mud bulls entered the sea silently.

The leader suddenly panicked, but was able to become a leader. There are definitely two hundred brushes in the mouth gun and on-the-spot play. At that time, there was a chaotic cover of demons and demons. It was called the evil nature of this place. Most people get lost when they go in. In order not to let more God's people suffer, it is necessary to blow up the hole and prevent the demons from coming out.

So he got a pile of explosives and blasted the entrance of the hole, and then withdrew. Turning back means that you have achieved a glorious victory. Although the brothers have suffered some losses, they have successfully sealed the demon in their self-built tomb, and those brothers who sacrificed for this are all pious warriors of the Lord. Career sacrifice, will also go to the kingdom of heaven, everyone can have 72 beautiful and gentle virgin girls waiting, very happy.

After this "successful" confrontation, several big hooligans in the world became more and more cautious about tying with the ratmen. Various reasons indicated that the war was not easy to start, and when the media followed the mountains of global "crazy growth" When inquiring about the reasons behind it, the official was secretive.

In fact, it is not really afraid of ratmen.

The mortal official has a big weapon of nuclear weapons. They always believe that as long as the detonation method is correct, a nuclear weapon can destroy a squirrel underground stronghold and most of the squirrels in it.

And the Transcendentals also have such big killers. If they are really fighting, they are not afraid.

The main factors that seem to be ineffective are those two:

First, it is laborious and unsuccessful, and has won the reactive power and lost.

Second, the mouse-trapping device, the ratmen suddenly spread all over the world, which shows that its execution and combat power are just new, and there must be an extraordinary plague, a super plague epidemic, who suffered? Many people still remember the Spanish flu in the early 2000s. Compared with the extraordinary plague, what is the Spanish flu?

Moreover, Kane is also a terrifying existence.

In fact, there is a third main reason, that is, in the dozens of hours that the Ratmen built the city, there was a breakthrough in the detection of death vines.

Specifically, it was discovered by the Ratman, and it was quickly achieved with a special talent called 'Magic Smell'.

The mouse already has a keen sense of smell, and after becoming a demon mouse, this aspect has been strengthened.

And their eyesight is also very strong. Black mice have about 6 times the eyesight as humans, and even devil rats. Especially at night, it is a natural blessing of night vision.

But their hearing is very poor, and the devil is even worse in this respect, which is the main reason why psychic abilities are born. Demand determines the direction of evolution.

Since the Ratmen are cruel enough, in-vivo research has been fully carried out when the technology is still relatively backward, and a large number of similar species die every year on the alchemy table. Therefore, its biology, genetics, and other techniques that it calls flesh golemology are relatively developed.

Organ transplantation and limb remodeling are nothing new in the Rat Kingdom.

However, if we say that there are relatively few side effects, so far, only the "phantom shadow" of the rat-man can be regarded as an example.

And this case was born at the beginning, is also full of small probability of chance, and successfully obtained the key technology before the first death, so that it can be reproduced and reproduced this technology, making accident become inevitable.

At the expense of Shouyuan, the ghosts not only stabilized their phantom talent, but also strengthened their magical sense of smell.

When the Ratman Knight who dared to sacrifice took the death vines and shared the information with other colleagues before death, the shadows all got the relevant information, which is about equal to the effect after they swallowed the death vines.

It was through this skillful swallowing of the information obtained, as well as information sharing, magic smell, that the shadows spread their nets, and then contracted individually, finally gaining at around 21:00 on the night of November 4.

At this time, the specific death vine bloomed in the world, less than 24 hours.

It is popular in the detective community that 48 hours after the case occurs is the most golden time.

This statement was confirmed once again in this incident.

As the case was detected fast enough, the offender was caught off guard.

Even the executors who were deliberately engaged in trouble only returned to their strongholds half an hour earlier than the Ratmen Combat Team. Just after taking a shower and washing away the dust, the coffee cup was picked up, and the Ratmen went to the door. I was arrested.

Perhaps the experience was drawn from the film and television. The group was very careful in committing the crime and arranged a series of detailed steps to make the retreat leave no trace.

Like what is the ride of a tour group, etc., who can think that it is a criminal to play a singing competition with a group of middle-aged and elderly people in a bus?

In short, the details are perfect, all the way ingenious, no surprises but some time-consuming return to their stronghold.

As a result, the simple way that the Ratman went straight to the theme showed off. It can even be said that if the criminal does not choose a stronghold, it is safe, at least for a period of time.

After all, they no longer have death vines on them, and the tracing of the ratmen is typical of people and people, wherever the death vines are, then go where they are.

There is nothing to say about the specific combat process.

Although the Ratman has only three hundred years of civilization history, these three hundred years have basically been spent in a state of war. The difference is only in the intensity of the war.

Therefore, the squirrel is relatively mature in terms of military, tactical and weaponry, not to mention the elite combatants who participated in the operation this time.

What is more important is that there is no distinction between grandeur and despicableness in the cognition of the rat-men. The term "unscrupulous" also needs no mention for the rat-men. To survive and win, it is very normal to use everything.

So the meeting was the opening of a compound gas bomb.

The confrontation in the Middle East also used this weapon to solve the battle.

Due to the passage of time and the protection of the Geneva Conventions, few people in this era remember the terrible chemical poison gas raging on both sides during World War I. Not to mention that the organizations to which these criminals belong do not systematically receive professional military training, but the existence of cult types.

Kane read more comprehensive related materials, it was already the morning of November 5th.

He deliberately is not anxious and restless, just like a nobleman who has no concept of going to work. One important reason is that he continues to put pressure on the wizards of the Magic Congress.

As time passed, the noose of death became tighter, and some people could not bear the pressure and collapsed.

And Kane thinks this is actually quite good. He believes that with such an unforgettable memory, public officials of the Magic Congress of the Lighthouse State can change their previous bad habits to a considerable extent and maintain them for decades.

If there is no such thing, with the remarkable achievements of the lighthouse country in the past 20 years (the Cold War victory, the defeat of the bear, the two battles against Iraq, a veritable name), I think that it is the father of the mortal regime. The wizards of Congress are afraid that they will only become more arrogant.

To clean up in advance, save time when there is no one in the eyes, and do something that is so angry that he can't help it.

Having eaten the breakfast specially prepared by Copley Plaza Hotel to cater to his taste, Kane listened to Miranda ’s case investigation report like a morning newspaper.

He found that this organization that is dying of the world is a cult similar to ‘Jones Town’.

According to the official definition of a cult in the lighthouse country, a cult is an extreme or false religion or quasi-religious organization. He often lives in an unconventional way under the leadership of an authoritarian and charismatic leader.

Common utopian models such as 'True Communism' and 'Big Sleeping Together'.

The town of Jones, created by Rev. Jim Jones, is such a thing. At least believers believe that they are creating a 'socialist paradise.'

Eventually, Jim Jones bewitched more than 900 believers and went to heaven collectively after drinking a ‘cool love’ brand beverage containing potassium cyanide. This happened in 1978, only 13 years after that, many people still remember it.

A similar organization was captured by the ratmen with a gas bomb.

However, they are secret and more hidden, so there is no need to move to Guyana, but in Arizona.

Under the guise of a big farmhouse, there is also a big head of agricultural and animal husbandry who acts as an umbrella, while in the background, it is a typical extraterrestrial worship.

Many cults of the old dominators were worshipped outside the ground.

For example, Turzcha, the Green Flame Brotherhood of his sect of earth believers, is a very typical extraterrestrial worship.

These believers believe that the world will be destroyed in the event of ‘Final Dawn’, and the thighs near Turzcha will be redeemed. Turzcha would even send some of Baiyaki, who was like a pterosaur, to pick them up, cross the void, and go to the other side.

Salary King Kane dealt with the gang in the world of the dark old ruler.

And this organization that calls itself 'evolution of life' this time knows that it is a cult that improves the level of individual life by means of obscenity.

It has to be said that since this world is indeed a world of extraordinary existence, cults often have some "dry goods" in hand, making it easier to succeed.

As far as Kane knows, there are many low-level superheroes in the lighthouse country, specializing in deception and control, or researching psychology and communication, and then relying on semi-dead-handed superb methods. Lack of girls, no shortage of money.

Of course, this is illegal. Mortal officials did not engage them because they deceived ordinary people and infringed upon their interests. Although these flags were ostensibly on the surface, they were essentially the same as the reasons why Lincoln launched the Civil War in the name of freedom. Peer is the enemy, these fools who are easy to cheat serve your happy cause, what shall we do? Those who do n’t wear such a high B price and disrupt the normal market order must prevent it from happening and ban it as soon as possible.

And the transcendent official ~ ~ maybe because of jealousy? Anyway, Kane felt that it must be more or less a bit. If everyone is doing this, it is a question whether they can recruit enough Aurors.

The personal treatment of these cult leaders is much better than that offered by the Ministry of Magic to the Aurors. Who doesn't know how to seek benefits and avoid harm?

So cults are street rats in this world, and even the extraordinary rulers have a certain degree of cooperation with mortal officials, and they all have their credit.

As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance. The cult organization is also evolving, and the gameplay is becoming more and more professional. If there are no two sets of unique skills, they are embarrassed to enter the industry.

The leader of life evolutionism also has a special skill, but in the eyes of a discerning person like Kane, at a glance, he knows whether he has created something or inherited it.

This time it was the latter. Kane did n’t think that this man was so shocked that he could rely on his own ability to establish a symbiotic relationship with the death vine ...

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