Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 840: Gatekeeper

Turzcha has a simple title, Green Flame, which is named after its external image that can be visually recognized by humans.

It is said to be one of the invisible dancers that surrounds the Hall of Assatos.

Strictly speaking, it can't be regarded as a formal deity in the old dominator lineage, but more like a parasite, like the relationship between a gadfly and a cow.

Of course, it is indeed an external god, with a force beyond this crystal wall system.

At the scene, as the green fire became more and more powerful and broke through the threshold of a certain law, the advent began, a wave of translucent green energy shock spread out, and a bright energy ring was formed, and the visual effect was still quite Not bad, especially the ground outside the Big Lonely Peak was rolled into a glass texture by Kane's nuclear explosion ball, which can reflect the light. For a time, it was naturally like a light source entering the crystal hole, which was exceptionally bright.

However, the negative effect of this wave of energy shock is a bit ugly. Death corrosion, an effect that cannot be explained by the scientific side, looks like some desertification + ashes + radiation, but the actual situation is worse. Because it is endowed with negative-like transcendent properties, it is extremely unfriendly to all positive substances and energies. Kane simply called it the 'abandonment effect', which means that it is basically unusable.

Many people use this to relate Green Flame to the concepts of 'death, corrosion, life', etc. This is a misunderstanding. According to Kane's information, almost all the gods of the old dominators are coming There is a similar effect.

Otherwise, how to say a foreign evil spirit whose fundamental purpose is to devour the universe?

That is to say, instead of defining the 'abandonment effect' in a far-fetched way to facilitate understanding, it is better to admit that this is actually the gastric juice or saliva of the evil spirit version.

The old evil spirits are indescribable, indescribable, and unreasonable because they have factors outside the universe. For the existence of wisdom that only knows part of the information of the known universe, it is naturally not a state of structure.

Kane can't actually, after all, the old branch is old enough, and the accumulation of years is not comparable to his latecomer. But it is still possible to grasp commonality and find an understandable target. From a certain point of view, this is no different from the ordinary adventure of fighting monsters. It makes you into a hard battle and a dangerous battle. Whether you have the other party ’s information is not the first element. The strength is worse than the opponent. Who is weak is passive, it's that simple.

Therefore, the more rich the experience, the more Kane appears to be 'reckless'. There is no need to rush to look forward and back, suffering, and gaining and losing. That is what you need to think about after you can't move the other party. Know and learn to fight against each other. As the saying goes, it's the mules and the horses.

Therefore, after confirming that the other party began to come, Kane rushed into the green flame without hesitation.

This flame column is nearly 100 meters in diameter, and it is naturally enough to include the solidified Titan.

The powerful corrosive cold flame impacted the Titan, and it literally suspended thousands of tons of Titan as if it were ashes in the planetary engine.

I have to say that this is another vision.

If it is a normal stamping, a flame that can blow up thousands of tons of Titans, at this moment, the top of the earth's dome has been corroded into a big hole, and the green flame has skyrocketed.

It gave Kane the feeling that the reason for blowing the Titan was more about the Titan's "offensive" move into the flame, not wanting to be stepped on the head as soon as it came.

And Turzcha ’s erosive power is indeed very full. Anyway, Kane wants to maintain the Titan from collapsing, he has to constantly repair the film of the field, which shows that Turzcha ’s power is also at the level of the law, and the level is more high.

Of course, Kane wouldn't fight the rule with the other party all the time, even if the other party was only Asatos' parasite.

Kane's idea is to use cheaper power to talk to each other.

The Titan twisted and hung in a green flame in a prostrate position. The chest and abdomen suddenly opened dozens of holes densely covered, spraying the extremely warm flame like a pressurized shower head spraying water.

From a certain angle, this is like using hydrogen to hold down the flame.

Green Flame's corrosive power suddenly jumped up, and it was about to enter the Titan's body, as if the flame was burning at the mouth of the hydrogen bottle.

Kane knew that once he let Green Flame jump in, his attempt would basically lose.

So he continued to carry out nuclear explosions inside the body of Titan, and controlled the field, further compressing the volume of Titan.

From a certain point of view, his behavior is already artificially producing white dwarf stars, but white dwarf stars are generally the process of carbon fusion because they do not have enough high pressure and high temperature to cool and collapse, and eventually become a super diamond process, and Kane is currently Still using hydrogen as a fusion fuel, even helium has not been used.

As he continued to pressurize implosion, Titan's chest and abdominal injection finally withstood the intensity of the erosion and reached a temporary fragile balance.

There is no doubt that this is actually the situation that Kane wants, and it is expensive to be cheap.

To some extent, this is also affected by the plot of the homeland. Because of the environment in which he grew up, the country still has a large gap with the powers in the field of military technology. One of the most simple ideas for any imaginary battle is to rely on many people. .

Although as early as the 1990s, the Gulf War proved that the tactics of the sea of ​​man have passed, but he is still like many people, and it still makes sense to believe that there are many people.

Equipment is indeed the first good way to improve combat effectiveness, but the role of personnel cannot be ignored. Reliable warriors, relying on combat skills and superb tactical thinking, are likely to make up for the shortcomings of poor equipment.

Of course, if the equipment level difference is more than 2 generations, then there is nothing to say. Doctrine is not omnipotent.

Whenever he thinks of the evil god, Kane naturally puts himself in the position of the weaker party. In the case of all gods, although he still feels inferior to the other party, he does not feel that the gap between them is desperate.

Especially in a restricted context.

For example, in this material world, the ceiling is the sanctuary ++, and no matter how high it is, it cannot be brought into play, or the higher part must first follow the root laws of the material world. If you win, it will be no problem at all.

But this is basically possible. If they can win, the old rulers will not have to spend a little bit of time to devour the universe.

From a certain point of view, the main material plane is already very good, super magic level, if it is a little unusual, the legend starts to touch the ceiling, once the legend, it feels like you ca n’t stretch your hands and feet.

Kane has almost hit the ultimate damage of Sanctuary ++ now, he is not so fierce, but with the help of the temporary tool of flame streamer Titan, step by step to upgrade the firepower, so there is.

For Turzcha, who was coming, Kane's fight made him uncomfortable.

He must have a suitable energy environment to complete the advent, that is, the green flame beam.

However, Kane rushed in and destroyed, and he had to protect the environment and finish the coming.

But the consumption of this protection has reached the extreme point allowed by this world. That is to say, as much power as he puts in, he will consume as much energy to protect the environment, and other needs, such as the shaping of the advent of the body, etc., cannot be carried out.

So He is now playing an old game like an old PC, reading cards because of computing power problems, ya! The operation of Yanya means that this link cannot be ended in time.

It can only be said that Turzcha encountered an iron plate this time, and some of them came to play. If there are assistants, such as believers and ritual priests, then he will be able to open a few more processes, although it is small Water pipes, but at least it can bring the whole advent to a state of advancement, but now there is no ghost on his side, which is really difficult.

Of course, Turzcha ’s believers in this world cannot be the only ones here, so in fact he still has a workaround.

In order to set this tone with Kane, He has passed down the oracles and asked other believers in this world to start an emergency ritual. Although it is a bit far from the mountains and the sea, the effect is greatly reduced, but that is also effective.

For example, as long as he has enough savings, he can arm believers and directly open the door to help the war.

Turzcha's thoughts were fine, but Kane thought of this too.

In fact, as long as Kane used the fusion fireball to kill Gaia, the warriors had already entered the battlefield.

They did not hide in the distance to watch the play.

Kane's War Bugs are still very powerful, especially these customized versions of Warriors, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are a bunch of legendary tools with major shortcomings.

They had already arranged a huge enchantment when Kane started Turzcha.

Using the flame of the god-level salary king that Kane gave them, they jointly propped up this special energy **** of flame and high temperature.

Just like Kane used magnetic force or domain power to bind nuclear fusion to make it controllable, now the samurai warriors form a special furnace by binding nuclear fusion energy, and when Kane and Turzcha showdown, they overflow The strength of the Turzcha side.

It can also be said that the strength of Turzcha currently has only one vent, that is, the abyss.

Like a puddle under the scorching sun, the earth of the abyss sinks at a rate visible to the naked eye. This sag lasted for several hours, and the light gradually showed through the ash-like waste soil, which was lava.

The lava engulfed the waste soil, and neutralized it, and further surged up. This time, Turzcha added another enemy, a world represented by lava.

Even so, He forcibly opened the green space door beside the pillar of green fire and let the armed believers come to help.

These half-monsterized and half-crystalized, like the "Destroyed Day" filled with kryptonite stones (recommended by the corpse of General Zord, specially designed to deal with superhuman weapon-level monsters), all of them have legend Level of strength.

Although they are constantly collapsing, restoring, deforming, and soul and consciousness are also being destroyed in the distortion, but before that, they can really contribute a force.

Kane was struggling because of these new guys, but suddenly, the Flame Slurry Titan added dozens of jets and burned these green flame fans with an unmatched ultra-high temperature and high pressure flame. gray.

It was only then that Turzcha knew that Kane deliberately indulged, so as to wipe out the potential of his followers.

That's right, Kane did mean so much. Not all believers can bear the emergency armed forces of Turzcha. This time, Turzcha engaged in this is equivalent to consuming his latent power in this world.

Of course, Kane also comes at a price. The Flame Slurry Titan has shrunk a lot, and its height is less than 9 meters.

The Flame Slurry Titan is his "pot bottom". Under the background that the spray has reached the limit of the unit time release, each additional blow will consume a part of the pot bottom, and the other part of the power naturally comes from the interior he has been working on. Nuclear fusion.

Internal nuclear fusion is not without an upper limit, because the power to maintain the domain is to consume his mind. So there is an optimal cost-effective concept here, which determines how often he carries out an internal nuclear explosion, and determines how long he can sustain at this frequency.

From another perspective, Kane is now like a guard guarding the gate of the world alone.

Outside the door of the world, the army of Turzcha can be understood as infinite for the time being!

To put it bluntly, this time Turzcha came, in fact, the Atonement tried to find a way to open a hole for him, so that he might get into it. The volume of the hole is limited, and the power that can flow in per unit time is also limited. , And his army depends on his accumulation over the years.

How rich Tulcza's accumulation may be, even he himself is not clear.

So to a certain extent, how long he intends to continue this advent battle is entirely in his mood.

The current situation is that if Caienken pays enough, it can end Turzcha's arrival.

But Kane was reluctant to pay this price, and also showed a posture of being a monopoly when he was closed, meaning that you come and can cross me and count you as a win.

Faced with this kind of provocation, Turzcha naturally couldn't swallow this tone, so the two of them were stunned.

Turzcha ’s odds are how long Kane insists that he will be exhausted to death, or may have to completely block the passage of this advent.

As for Kane, this is naturally a kind of replacement. He uses cheap materials and Turz checks for dry goods. Even if it is turned into garbage, he can also get many benefits from it. After all, his system features In addition to the powerful breeding of war worms, garbage recycling is also in use.

In the past few hours, it not only killed the backbone of the World Green Flame Brotherhood and the believers' pits, but also recalled the three strange materials of the two heavenly kings.

Didn't he shape this General Zord, did he occupy the resources of the two kings? Now I have earned it.

So even if he is a dignified **** doing the drudgery work, he is still as sweet as a servant. Whoever makes the foundation thin, this kind of drudgery money should be earned.

Fighting like this, it has actually become boring. The only thing that matters is how much Kane can withstand, just like watching how much goods a coolie can carry without stopping.

And after this contest lasted for more than 72 hours, Turzcha gave up his heart ~ ~ He conveyed: "I will find you and destroy you", and gave up this advent.

Abandoning this is the most costly, and exploded a sum of three strange substances to Kane, and also put on the holy body he prepared for himself. Kane really made a big profit for this. It can be said that since he came to this world until it soared, the rare resources gathered were less than this time.

Of course, he does not think that Turzcha is just talking.

If he is a gambling stick, then Turzcha is the king of gambling. The place where the gambling king is stronger than the gambling stick may not necessarily be technology. More importantly, wealth. He can win this time, but because the two are at the upper limit of 10,000. During the game, Turzcha was impatient and left the game. He really wanted to let go of the bet. He simply didn't have the capital to compete with the gambling king.

Turzcha came to him for a positive PK, it should not be just talk, but he is not afraid, he has the initiative, he has the opportunity to choose a map and rhythm, and has already done a good job with the old dominators. Evil God contest, Turzcha as an entry point, there is nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, with this large sum of money, the progress of the main body is undoubtedly shortened, it does not take 3 years, and it will be a month later, but he finally decided to accumulate another year, and then crush the situation, Destroy Dark Cybertan A.

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