Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 841: Another wave of small farming

Once there was a magnificent view of the depths, it became a super-large high-energy melting furnace.

Kane united with the Samurai, and pressed most of the high-temperature energy into the lava, and finally raised the overall temperature of the earth's center by a few tenths of a degree, which is a rough aftermath.

This may bring many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but whatever, these are the damages that the world bears, which is more than the direct explosion of this special furnace, causing the orbital offset or rotation to slow down or accelerate. Be stronger.

As Turzcha was blocked by the door and failed, Kane felt that an important means of death in Catholicism was cut off.

He had n’t been able to figure out before, what made the Atonement so much more aware of the prophets than other supernatural powers. He firmly believed that the supernatural crisis was imminent. He did not hesitate to completely abolish the signboard of the Catholic Church, but also to implement the series of unlimited Operation, but also invested heavily to build an eschatological ship like the Dark Ark.

This time, after a fight with Turzcha, it was a complete blow.

The believer of Turzcha, also known as the Brothers of the Green Flame, loves to preach the most, that is, ‘Final Dawn’.

‘Final Dawn’ refers to a series of cataclysmic events. The world will be completely destroyed in such catastrophes. Joining the Green Flame Brotherhood, you may be favored by Turzcha and leave before the world is destroyed. Although this ‘Final Dawn’ itself is probably caused by the Green Flame Brothers ’own summoning of Turzcha to this world.

With this information, the atonement practice is easy to understand. If the extraordinary crisis is coming, it means that the claims they preached are correct. If they did not come or came but the level did not reach the expectation, they will add fire and turn the world's destruction into reality.

If Turzcha comes, it will appear in the attitude of the highest limit that the main material world can bear, that is, Sanctuary ++. Such strength, unbridled turmoil, is indeed enough to destroy the world again.

After all, the main material plane is not limited to this planet, but refers to the planets within the reach of all star seas that can be reached by normal methods. This world is precious because of life, but it is not the only one. This is why Sanctuary ++ is more powerful than a nuclear bomb to wash the ground, which is enough to destroy the world without being directly kicked out.

Compared to the main material plane, the ceiling of the outer plane is much higher, which is almost the level of the creation god, so Kane needs to worry about not the fighting of the main material plane, but Turz to investigate The trouble of finding his body on the outside.

Anyway, looking at the current situation, if found by Turz, even if his skills are better, Turzcha can rely on capital to crush him alive.

Even if it is different from each other, Turzcha ca n’t find it, but it needs to be searched slowly, even found. It takes a short time to plan to kill it, but since it is established, this hatred is even It's really settled, it's gone.

So he needs to do two things now.

First, thoroughly build the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is his lair. Among them, he has a high percentage of geographical advantages. Just like the ancient siege, it generally needs ten times more troops than the defender to have a hard attack. Even if he had no choice but to face up, Turzcha couldn't take him down in a hurry, and he was in a fierce battle, which in itself meant more choices.

Second, complete the Mysterious Fort as soon as possible and upgrade it to a real space-time ship.

In the loving craft universe, there is a concept that there is no other universe, or the characteristic is not obvious enough, a great race.

It represents the complete conquest of time, its individual can transcend time and space, and cast his spirit into the distant past and future ...

Does the concept sound familiar?

Yes, Kane is almost in line with the setting of this great race.

But it was almost close. Despite the close dependence of space and time, Kane could still control it by himself, or space delivery. At least he could not perform pure time delivery.

Pure time delivery means that you can ignore the concept of time and project your spirit to any point where the coordinates are known.

This is Kane's ability to recognize the existence of high-dimensional existence. He can only achieve a similar effect by indefinite exile, but in fact this is a pseudo operation.

For example, this dark love craft universe, came here is Kane? Qian thinking body. Its body is in the dark original sin universe playing ice steam era, and the **** gang headed by the snake father Igo is torn.

Another example is the dark WOW universe, where came Kane Sun's thinking body, whose body was entrusted by the **** king Eugen, torn against Niederhog in the dark abyss universe.

Really let them project their thinking bodies into the love craft universe and the WOW universe, even if the coordinates are given, they can only be achieved by the mode of semi-exile and semi-wandering, and there are some important prerequisites, including some causation, etc. Elements of higher law.

If it is not available, the result of exile and wandering, 99.999% will not reach the other side until the thought body is completely annihilated. Only when certain prerequisites are involved, the concept of time will be basically erased, like a wormhole. I do n’t know How many universes and crystal wall systems have reached an unknown point.

Kane's creation of the Mysterious Castle, to put it bluntly, is to use the characteristics of the substrate of the Mysterious Castle (eroded by the power of the artifact dial for a long time), and the knowledge gained by parsing the mysterious dial to advance the ability to cross time and space.

Basically, this is already a dimension-up operation.

Each great existence has a different way of ascending the dimension. Kane's first rule is that information is supreme. Then his model of ascending the dimension is to know enough information and wait for it.

Of course, there is a very important issue involved here, knowledge is poisonous.

The gods of other universes are not easy to say, but the gods of the old rulers are indeed very compelling. Because they have done multi-dimensional navigation.

Another Kane knew that the multiverse navigation can be regarded as a regular existence, that is, the Vientiane door system for which he worked in his previous life.

These two exist. If the old supporters are gangsters, the Vientiane Gate system is probably a thief.

The reason why he seems to be able to travel through the multiverse is because of the dark dimension, so from the perspective of the technology and information he attaches the most to, he is a pseudo, and others really have the ability.

So he wanted to remove the "false" title. From the current situation, he would either tear off the old one or find the Vientiane door system.

According to the actual situation analysis, it is more reliable to tear with the old support. The king of thieves is too slippery to keep his hands, while the king of gangsters is not afraid of any challenges.

Moreover, he has been sinking in the deep pit of the dark multiverse, and it is indeed easier to meet the old branch here than the Vientiane door system.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the Vientiane door system seems to indulge the reincarnations, but the high-end technology is actually very stable. The thug is always the thug, and the high-end technology is basically not touched. Its own integrity is also very high.

The old branch is different. There is a clear hierarchy inside the old branch. The highest position is naturally Assatos, then the three-pillar god, then Cthulhu, Hasta and other first-line gods, and then the snake father. Igo, Turzcha and other second-line gods, there are also third-line gods like Aihot and Graki, below there are evil gods, high servant race, low family.

This level of subdivision based on power and looming can be regarded as an information ladder. Different levels have different levels of information, which is more convenient for him to cut in and get a little bit.

But the old branch is not a fool. The information is indeed true information, but the processed information is poisonous.

What kind of poisonous method is actually bluntly speaking, that is, the more the information is used, the stronger the distortion of consciousness.

For example, it used to be the normal aesthetic of human beings. After using the old knowledge, it gradually became an octopus aesthetic. The tentacles are really beautiful. If they are supplemented with mucus, it is even more reliable. A large number of tentacles creep like earthworms in the transparent nutrient solution. The scene should not be too beautiful ...

This distortion is absolute. You can suppress it with your own high will, but it will never be without this effect, unless you are at least one level higher than the old branch. And if that is the case, there is no need to use the knowledge of the old branch as a ladder to climb up, at most it is only a copy of the collection nature.

When Kane was still in the dark HP universe, he carefully manipulated the knowledge about the old branch, and used tens of thousands of mice to filter the information. It was a lot of tossing, and then there was the relevant technology of pseudo yellow seal.

But this technical information is relatively superficial. Kane needs deeper and more toxic, and needs tens of thousands of sanctuary-level powerful soul filtering.

But he obviously didn't.

This is a subject that needs him to overcome.

Kane had the consciousness in this respect before. The battle of the salary king, at the cost of burning the soul, is the most suitable for this job, whether it is resistance or forced, which is why he is himself s reason.

But now it seems that there are new options, at least an attempt to become an old deity.

The seed of Cthulhu ’s nightmare, Turzcha ’s advent shell, and the flesh are all ready, and then his own will.

Kane naturally knows how dangerous it is to make such an old deity. Veronica has already performed it not long ago. It still has the limitation of the material plane, the highest holy domain ++. This may be able to get rid of the shackles. Become the true God.

But he felt that this was also part of the sacrifice, saying something irresponsible, even if it was out of control, he added another demon to this messy universe that had already entered the countdown. Just let him go to scourge, he is not a civilized person You must throw away the trash, and the **** must be pulled out of the urinal and still be responsible for flushing.

There is no doubt that Kane's thinking is equivalent to breaking another principle of self.

His body can't do this, or it will take a long time before it can break the limit. But as a body of thought, the will itself is much weaker, the reflex arc of breaking the ring is faster, and the pressure is enough, and it is reflected.

But it is undeniable that this is indeed a workaround. The deity takes knowledge, thinking body, or incarnation, and immediately abandons it after corruption to ensure the purity and restraint of the deity's thinking. After all, it is much easier to restrain yourself from thinking about it than to deal with guilt or something.

It's awkward to say, it's like a big one can be understood as someone picking up a fortune and making a fortune, rather than carrying the blood of human life.

In the final analysis, things like principle refer to self as an enemy, and self-deception is sometimes a useful tool.

For Kane, who already has a long life, the theme of self-war is bound to increase in the survival of life.

But for the miss Kane, this is a fake sky, his goal does not need to be so philosophical, more intuitive, and correspondingly, happiness is also intuitive.

To win Turzcha and make the future brighter, this is naturally a cool thing.

Therefore, he should naturally handle the delivery of the delivery.

When confronted with Turzcha, the body is naturally awake, without the help of the body, he does not have so many mental thoughts and Turzcha continues to tear.

How to use the won resources, he doesn't need to pay attention, and even the formal body just issued an order to the AI ​​of the Mysterious Castle, and continued to sleep.

From a certain point of view, the body sleep time will become longer and longer, not because of laziness, but because of the active state consumption, the strength of the god-level salary king is strong, the consumption of the **** soul is also a geometric multiple, and it is also a problem that needs to be faced. The firewood of this stove can be simmered or simmered without ensuring when we can get more firewood.

Colonel Zod was happy, and he was not so eager to go to Catholicism. This time he was very productive. He also had a share of himself. As a personality who deeply planted farming into his soul, he would naturally think Turning this harvest into actual strength, he, the warrior of the gods, the space ship Sky Storm, and even the nuclear fire club, can fully improve a wave, he is very self-directed.

So he took the Storm and returned to Haiyuan Island.

Still on the road, he drafted a rough upgrade plan. After returning, the details were enriched and the implementation began.

Operation one, upgrade the magic modification dock to make it have the ability to build a magical spaceship.

Related technologies are basically ready-made, but he only needs to work hard to create more sophisticated related equipment by extraordinary means.

In this regard, as long as he can understand his thoughts, there will naturally be no problems. He is blessed with thoughts, and manufacturing precision parts is not a problem. With the addition of the extraordinary energy conservation system, the aging problem of the equipment has greatly slowed down.

Operation two, upgrade the space factory. This factory mainly uses the space environment to produce materials. The previous scale is not large. Its application is mainly to provide raw materials for Hengyue Space City.

Now that Kane wants to build a spaceship that can shuttle in space and the atmosphere, there are higher and more requirements for materials, and here needs to be upgraded.

Operation three, personnel beckoning, puppet manufacturing, the newly-produced air and space ships require manpower, and recruiting and building puppets is naturally a due link. This recruitment is a social recruitment, facing the world, using the IP of the Nuclear Fire Society to recruit excellent talents to join the group ~ ~ As for the puppet, it is naturally the coolie on the ship, the cannon fodder in the battle, Kane The idea is to take a two-pronged approach, endowing it with the extraordinary properties of a candle bonfire, and it is also a mechanical device.

Operation 4. Expand the nuclear fire ’s self-production capacity, and engage in marine cultivation, sea wheat, and sea rice. Such species can be spawned by extraordinary means. Of course, it needs to pay the price of Sanqi.

In general, as long as you have core resources and use extraordinary technology, you can burst out a comprehensive production capacity that is much sharper than existing technologies, greatly improving production capacity and overall technical level, quickly starting from scratch, and opening up to scale Order creation to meet the needs of all parties.

Kane did this, but it was nothing more than a fulcrum to release more power, making the total energy throughput more efficient, thereby winning opponents in the battle.

In addition, for Kane, farming is a very addictive thing. Looking at the battleships in line, and watching a troop from scratch, the thought of this is the result of their hard work, they will be full of accomplishment.

In a blink of an eye, six months passed. When Colonel Zod was still fighting hard to form a new army of nuclear fire, a fake old version of the wild **** Kane was born ...

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