Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 461: You can't beat me!

The latest website: Boom! ! !

Whoa whoa whoa! ! !

As the floor shattered, a native of the motherland in a black costume fell directly between the black and Queen Maeve!

Seeing this, Queen Maeve frowned. Unlike before, she now has more backing and courage, so she softly reprimanded the people of the motherland!

"You shouldn't show up at this time, and you should at least change back into your own clothes!"

"It has nothing to do with you!!!"

In the face of Queen Maeve's scolding, the people of the motherland tried their best to roar at Queen Maeve!

Immediately afterwards, his eyes, which were covered by the black mask, suddenly shot a slender red laser!

The laser was fixed straight on the black body, and the black armor shattered in an instant.

But in just a moment, Xuan Se stretched out his hand, and with his own hand, he firmly blocked the laser of the motherland in front of him.

No matter where the laser of the motherland is directed, the black hand will block it. This kind of action only shatters a small part of the armor on the black body.

Seeing Xuan Se's actions, the natives gritted their teeth, and then cursed extremely fiercely!

"Have you finally decided to show me yourself, Xuan Se!!!"


Facing the question from the motherland, Xuan Se took a deep breath and continued.

"Since I was born..., or rather, since I was created....

I've been waiting for today!

To see you defeated, to see the deep sea as it is now, down in his own room.

Of course, after seeing that I was covered by your conspiracy...

Although it was different from my original intention, I was finally able to speak! "

At the same time as his voice fell, he gently put down the right hand that was blocking the motherland.

At this moment, Queen Maeve clearly saw that there was no scar on the black hand!

"Wait, motherland, what did you find?

Why didn't you show up as planned, you... Did you discover some secret of Xuan Se? "

Speaking of which, Queen Maeve didn't wait for the motherland to answer, she turned her head and continued to look at Xuan Se.

"And you, the old man who does the dirty work at the top, before today, you never said a word in front of us!

But after hearing your voice, I feel very familiar, very familiar! "

The voice fell, and Queen Maeve swallowed hard.


she said nervously.

"Xuan Se's voice sounds... very similar to you!"

"Of course he looks like me!"

While the motherland responded angrily, he shook his body and completely took off the black armor on his body.

While exposing his suit, the native targeted every piece of armor he took off with laser eyes, completely destroying the armor.

Immediately afterwards, standing beside a mass of ashes, the natives moved their mouths unhappily and asked.

"It's a surprise, isn't it, Xuan Se, or...myself!

I almost spit it out on the spot when I learned your true identity from the mouth of the old guy!

Who would have thought that in order to deal with the ending that I might get out of control, they actually created another me!

Come on, take off your mask, asshole.

Let me see why you are considered by them to be the ultimate weapon that can kill me! "

The words fell, and the natives clenched their fists tightly, and he stared at the opposite Xuan Se viciously.

But just when Xuan Se was about to speak...


The violent wind disrupted the rhythm of the crowd, and with the sound of hurried footsteps, the locomotive suddenly stopped beside them!

The moment he stopped, he had already seen everything that happened at the scene, so he asked in disbelief.

"What happened? I was awakened by a thunderbolt from my dream, but it wasn't the thunderbolt, but the movement made by the seniors!"

The voice fell, and the locomotive pointed nervously at the corpse in the deep sea.

"He... what happened to Mr. Deep Sea, how did he become like this in our company!!!"

"It's all made of black!"

Hearing the question of the locomotive, Queen Maeve frowned and spoke out the plan.

"I just heard the abnormal noise, but when I appeared near the abnormal noise, I saw the deep sea and black color now!"

Beside her, the natives took a deep breath, then suppressed their anger, and continued to add as planned!

"And me, the reason why I made such a big noise is because I also heard a little abnormal noise. Unfortunately, I found it too late. When I rushed to the top floor, all the senior management of the group died in the black knife. Come on, he's crazy!!!"

The words fell, and before the locomotive could figure out what happened, the wall beside them suddenly shattered!

Seeing that Xingguang broke through the wall and rushed in, she couldn't help coughing twice.

"Ahem, hell, I shouldn't have smashed the wall!

I've never done this before, it's so dusty and choking!

cough cough cough... eh?

Vomit ~ ~ ~! ! ! "

As Xingguang spoke halfway, he saw the scene clearly.

The broken lower body and arms of the deep sea, and the blood all over the ground, directly caused the coughing starlight to spit it out!

When she vomited, even Xuan Se couldn't help but feel sick.

So, Xuan Se shook his head and said.

"It's really disgusting here, why don't we talk about it in another place, how!

I'm going to see what 'I' have done! "

The voice fell, and Xuan Se walked slowly to the window, and jumped out directly from the twenty-second floor.

After the motherland and Queen Maeve looked at each other, they immediately followed behind Xuanse and fell outside the Water Company!

At the same time as the motherland left, Queen Maeve also said to Starlight who vomited.

"Poor girl, I don't have time to explain to you, in short, the crazy black just killed all the senior management of the Walter company.

Perhaps his evil deeds were first seen by the deep sea, so when I arrived, the deep sea had become what it is now! "


I see!

What do you need me to do?

vomit……. "

Starlight retched and followed in the footsteps of her predecessors to the window. She herself didn't like her own vomit.

Watch the adapting stars and the confused and fearful locomotives.

Queen Maeve simply ordered.

"There is only one thing you have to do now, and that is to completely control the black color with me and the people of the motherland!"


"I know, vomit."

The locomotive and Xingguang immediately agreed, then quickly left the room and ran towards the outside of the Walter Company.

After the two of them left, Queen Maeve looked at the window and shook her head worriedly.

"I'm afraid we can't complete the original plan, Xuan Se is more mysterious than I thought!

Forget it, take a step, take a look! "

The voice fell, and Queen Maeve rushed to the window and landed beside the motherland and Xuanse who were in the confrontation!

At the same time, the chaos caused by the members of their Super Seven also made the countless paparazzi in the vicinity of the Water Company completely excited!

There are countless buildings around and countless corners.

The paparazzi holding the candid camera can't wait to hit a strong hand to split the skull to enjoy it!

Originally it was just a routine squatting, and I wanted to take a picture of superhero lace news.

It turned out to be such a stunning picture!


Not to mention the excited figures of the paparazzi, after Queen Maeve landed, she immediately paid attention to the confrontation between the motherland and Xuan Se.

Looking at the angry motherlanders, Xuan Se sneered and said softly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my brother, in fact, even I didn't expect that you didn't know my true identity until now!"

"Some information, it's never too late to know!" The motherland responded coldly.

Black shook his head noncommittally.

"That's not necessarily, hehe, it's a pity you didn't give me more time.

Otherwise, I will definitely give you a lot more gifts than now! "

"What else do you want to give me, hehe, that old guy told me everything!

You are my clone, you have far stronger strength and anti-strike than me, you are the weapon used to deal with me, I already know all this! "

"Haha, what about the things I did with your face when I put on your clothes?"


The natives were stunned by the black words!

At the same time, I looked at the dazed motherlanders, and then looked at the surrounding Queen Maeve, Starlight and the locomotive.

Xuan Se smiled and murmured with great satisfaction.

"Remember the beginning, natives!

Remember how you started out?

At that time you were still a child, you were only eighteen years old, and you were very innocent.

Although you are sometimes irritable, but barely obedient, you want to be a hero!

But until the day of your bar mitzvah, the night you were drunk... "


The natives suddenly interrupted Xuan Se's words, and he recalled it unbelievably!

"Now I have nothing to admit, I was drunk that night and I killed the first innocent person I met in my life!"

"No no no, that's not one, native of the motherland!"

"Yes, not one, I killed forty-two people without knowing anything!"

The natives roared in disbelief.

"I still remember that indescribable face when I woke up the next day!

I still remember the smell of blood on me!

That incident was tampered with by Madeleine into a villain invasion, but so what, I exposed my true self? "

"Haha, you don't have the real you that you think you are at all, I did those things in your clothes, hahahaha!!!"

Black said with great passion.

"You know, my brother, from the motherland!

From the beginning, I have the same genes as yours.

Of course, your abilities are not the same as mine!

Although all of our abilities come from the leader of the Revenge Seven, that is, the **** Storm Herald from that era!

But when you were created, you fine-tuned your genes to make you better at flying and firing blasts of energy!

And I, I have the physical strength far beyond you and the storm vanguard, even if I don't have your fancy skills, my inner is far stronger than you!

And the reason why I was born, the reason why I appeared, is because of you! "

Having said that, Xuan Se slowly took off his mask, facing the countless pairs of eyes staring at him!

On the side, after listening to the shocking and extremely rich dialogue between Xuanse and the motherland.

Xingguang and the others looked at Xuan Se nervously, they wanted to see what that face looked like!

To their disappointment, after Xuan Se took off the mask, what appeared was not the face of the motherland.

It was a tattered, scarred, black face!

Even the natives were startled by the appearance of Xuan Se, he just wanted to say something.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Se was stuck for time and continued to speak.

"People of the motherland, when you were born, you killed all the experimenters who delivered your babies!

In the process of your growth, your irritable temper has allowed you to hurt countless people indirectly or directly!

When you were three years old, they created me, and created me far stronger than you!

And my appearance is to kill you when you can't control it!

I waited, waited, and kept my mouth shut for decades!

I suppressed all my emotions and endured the loneliness and loneliness that you can never imagine!

Until the year of your bar mitzvah, I finally can't wait!

Seeing that you are getting better as you get older!

Seeing that you are becoming more and more heroic!

Seeing your life, you don't know how long it will last while you become more and more satisfying to them!

I can't help it! "

As he said, Xuan Se stretched out his right hand, he pressed his right hand on his face, and slapped it hard!

The mask on his face was directly smashed, and the handsome face under his black face was exposed to everyone's eyes.

At this moment, everyone who saw him took a deep breath.

That face is exactly the same as that of the motherland! ! !

And then, Xuan Se continued to say!

"Under their guidance, you have grown gradually, getting closer and closer to the standard of a hero!

But that makes me feel dissatisfied, very dissatisfied!

If you never go astray in your life, if you never make mistakes!

Then I can only be your shadow forever!

So, here I go! "

The voice fell, Xuan Se stretched his shoulders, and the armor on his body gradually cracked.

Finally, the armor on his body disappeared completely, and under the armor, the black clothes were exactly the same as those of the motherland!

Of course, they still have a little difference, that is, the black color has no cloak.

While showing himself completely, Xuan Se opened his arms excitedly!

"That night, I got you drunk and killed a small number of people at the banquet!

After that night, when you woke up to those **** surveillance cameras and learned from the people who were still alive that you did it all....

The confused look on your face at that time was really fun, haha!

Then every six months or so, sometimes two or three months, sometimes eight or nine months.

I will always take advantage of your rest, or when you are lost, to do the next bit of unbelievable things as you.

Until I heard such a news…. "

Black pointed to the motherland!

"Eleven years ago, when I heard you asked Madeleine to find a psychiatrist.

When I learned that you were diagnosed with schizophrenia.

When I learned that you even fell in love with that old woman because of your confusion.

When I saw that you had completely fallen into the dark side, you really followed the advice of the psychiatrist and took the initiative to release what you thought was your second personality and killing instinct from time to time.

At that moment, I knew very well that when I could fulfill the meaning of my life, it was coming soon!

Hahahaha, you're an idiot, bro!

You actually really thought that those things were all controlled by your evil personality!

You really thought you raped that and thought it was really your child!

Especially when you were really ready to be a father, and you actually took on all that for me, hahahaha! ! ! "

Just when Xuan Se laughed and saw the increasingly ugly faces of the motherland.

He twisted his face, and finally said to the people of the motherland.

"You are so stupid and so failed, brother!

Look at what you've been through in the past.

Look at you just now!

I really want to ask you, is it cool when you do bad things in my clothes?

Then you know, no matter how cool you are, I was 10,000 times, 10,000 times better than you just now!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha! ! ! "

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