Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 462: skin **** debut

The latest website: Just in the crazy laughter of the black.

The faces of the people of the motherland are completely black!

It's different from the anger just now, and the disgusting feeling that he was cloned by high-level officials.

What Xuan Se said a second ago really penetrated the softest place in the hearts of the motherland!

Once upon a time, although the people of the motherland had a hot temper because of their strength.

But under the guidance of many elders at that time, he also has a heart that desperately wants to be a hero and is sought after by others!

Don't you see the people of the motherland, even now, even when he kills like a numb, he still tries his best to maintain his hero status in front of the crowd!

In order to maintain his identity, he can even endure the suspicion of countless reporters, and in many public places, those who make him extremely angry!

In short, the people of the motherland really want to be heroes!

However, the people of the motherland now know very well that he is not a hero at all.

Because he has long been infected with wanton behavior and abuse of life.

But how did he get these ailments?

Because he discovered a long time ago that he was suffering from schizophrenia, and would do some extremely terrifying things without his knowledge!

Once, no matter how he controlled himself, he couldn't completely get rid of the appearance of the second personality he thought!

So, in order to solve his second personality, the motherland consulted a psychiatrist, and the doctor's advice to him was..., proper release!

In this way, the people of the motherland have completely embarked on this hypocritical road. . . .

But now, when the people of the motherland find that they have never had any evil second personality!

Those things that he thought were controlled by the second personality were actually done by Xuan Se under the guise of his own face! ! !

That is to say, if I could understand the truth earlier, then I might really be able to live the way I want, instead of today's... today's...?


Thinking of this, the natives were slightly taken aback.

Then the expression on his face changed drastically, and he sneered fiercely.

He figured it out!

What's wrong with yourself now?

I feel great now!

The taste of killing is just like the taste of being sought after, so he can't stop!

Controlling other people's life and death can also make him extremely excited like becoming a **** in other people's hearts!

So, aside from the fact that he was faked.

He doesn't hate who he is now, he even thinks he is happy enough to live now! more thing!

The natives sneered and said coldly to Xuan Se.

"My son... not my son, but... yours!"

The voice fell, and the increasingly messy laughter from the motherland's mouth gradually became more cruel!

"Hahaha, what are you trying to tell me, Xuan Se, do you want me to feel ashamed?

No, I never thought that was a shame, after all I already knew everything from your mouth!

If I didn't know it all along, then forget it!

But now that I know, hahahaha, Xuan Se, I will not let your son live! "

"As you please, my brother!"

Looking at the motherlander whose mouth became more and more mad, Xuan Se gradually revealed the same smile as the motherlander.

He smiled and slowly raised his right hand.

"The current me, I don't care what the future you will be like.

After all, hehe, I have already turned you into what I want!

It was I who made you into the monster you are today, and it was I who made you keep approaching the road destined to be destroyed by me!

As for today….

Although the incident happened suddenly, I am quite satisfied with the result!

No matter how much you say, you will still speak with your fists!

So, hehe, natives!

I'm here to show you why everyone treats me as a weapon to control you!

That's because, anyone who knows me knows that I'm better than you! ! ! "

The voice fell, Xuan Se moved violently, the ground under his feet collapsed and cracked directly, and he rushed straight to the sneering motherland at a speed unimaginable for ordinary people.

Seeing the person rushing towards him, even the charging posture was the same black color as his own, and the natives chanted.

"Don't be ashamed!!!"

With just one word out of his mouth, the arm he stretched out to block collided with the fist swung by Xuan Se!

A second ago, the people of the motherland still behaved calmly, and he really didn't take Xuan Se's so-called stronger than him to heart!

For the past few decades, the people of the motherland have always been the first in the world.

Although these days, he has met Clark and Heisenberg one after another.

Therefore, he lost two games, but he didn't think he would be so unlucky that he would meet three people who were stronger than him in a row!

But when his arm collided with the black...

The people of the motherland know that they have suffered at the moment of contact!

Because the speed of Xuan Se is really much faster than him!

This kind of lot is by no means a star and a half, but at least a double!

Because now, he watched as Xuanse's right hand turned into a claw and grabbed his arm, while Xuanse's left hand avoided his block and smashed straight into his face!

Obviously all this is seen by the people of the motherland, but the people of the motherland can't keep up with the actions of the black!

The next second, the black fist slammed into the mandible of the motherland!

boom! ! !

With just one punch, the mandible of the motherland was directly shattered, his entire face was tilted to one side, and more than half of the teeth in his mouth were instantly lost!

Xuan Se does not know that the speed is much faster than him, and even his purest strength is more than three times that of the motherland!

In this way, accompanied by the black fist, the groggy motherland was extremely shocked, and at the same time extremely regretted!

I am so arrogant!

I shouldn't be confronting Xuan Se, I should fly!

And at the same time….

Xuan Se grabbed the motherlander's arm, turning the motherlander from flying backwards to approaching him again.

He raised his right foot and stomped on the chest of the motherland!

Click! ! !

At the same time as the sound of fine bone cracks sounded, countless blood spurted from the slanted nose and mouth of the motherland!

Aside, Queen Maeve and others were really frightened by the battle between Xuanse and the motherland!

Known as the number one in the world, but the people of the motherland who have been knocked down one after another in the recent stage have been simply knocked over again!

However, no matter how weak the people of the motherland are, they must also rescue the people of the motherland!

Because by now, they understand better than anyone.

If it is difficult for even the natives to endure the three punches and two kicks of the black, then they will not be the opponents of the black at all if they have lost the frontal confrontation of the natives!

So in the next instant, Queen Maeve simply waved her hand.

"Damn, quickly support the cape, that's the motherland!!!"

The voice fell, and Queen Maeve rushed forward first, but although she moved early, her speed was very slow, and the locomotive beside her directly overtook her!

As he took out his speed and approached the black color quickly, the locomotive said in shock.

"Damn, I can't imagine that the first thing I did after joining the Super Sevens was such a big deal!"

The voice fell, and the locomotive had also approached the motherland and Xuanse.

He looked at the postures of the two of them, then stretched out his hand, desperately trying to pull the motherland out of Xuan Se's hands first!

But as soon as he started to pull the people of the motherland, he felt a gust of wind in his ears.

Before he could figure out the meaning of the wind noise, his head was....

boom! ! !

The sky full of blood plasma and brain plasma sprayed out.

Just imagine, even the natives can't keep up with the actions of the black, and the locomotive is not the big wall flasher, and he is not the owner of the speed force.

Then why would he be faster than Xuan Se?

As for his body....

In the same sentence, even the hard body of the motherland is completely unable to compete with the black fist.

Then how could his locomotive survive?

In just an instant, the headless body of the locomotive flew behind Xingguang.

Looking at the locomotive….

No, it's time to call him a train because he's headless….

In short, looking at the body flying by, the starlight who just took two steps stopped in the same place!

She is afraid! ! !

Although she is small, she knows that Xuan Se is an opponent that he is far from being able to compete with. She... is really afraid!

Beside Xingguang, even Queen Maeve quickly stopped, and Xuan Se's strength simply shocked her.

So in just an instant, Queen Maeve stopped in place and shouted in front of countless shocked reporters!

"Boss, help!!!"

After the voice fell, countless reporters who were watching from afar were all blinded.

They are still thinking, who can be worthy of the status of the boss in Queen Maeve's mouth!

Also, when the truth revealed by Xuan Se and the strength of Xuan Se's easy defeat of the motherland made them extremely terrified.

Who else can stand up and defeat Xuan Se, who can't even be defeated by the natives?

For a while, the paparazzi were all guessing.

"Is it the secret weapon of the Water Company?"

"No, he should be calling Superman. After all, we have all seen the power of that Superman!"

"Yes, it should be Superman. No wonder Superman has disappeared recently. I'm afraid he has secretly joined Walter International!"

"No, it doesn't have to be Superman, my mom's sister's daughter works in our special international!

Listening to the inside information she told me, it is said that the Super Seven has a new boss, and that boss really wants to have the same name as the German Heisenberg! "

"Who knows, I just wanted to take a good picture of what happened today.

Heck, it's been a long time since I've seen such a dense amount of big news today! "

For a while, the paparazzi were very nervous about everything on the battlefield!

And then, with the cry of Queen Maeve, he finally appeared! ! !

I saw a little cutie with yellow hair jumping straight down from the top of Water International under the light of the moon in the distance.

The next moment, when Queen Maeve anxiously waited for Heisenberg.

She felt a heavy weight in her arms!

Looking at her arms in confusion, Queen Maeve rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Why are you here, your master?"


Hearing Queen Maeve's words, Pikachu stood up and waved his short hand confidently.

Seeing Pikachu's actions, Queen Maeve frowned in disbelief.

"Wait, you mean, can you solve it?!!"

The voice fell, and Queen Maeve didn't have time to say anything like a joke.

She saw Pikachu jump out of her arms and rushed towards the black in a blink of an eye!

Aside, holding the black color of the motherland, he glanced at Pikachu who flew over, and smiled disdainfully.

"This is his pet, hehe, if he shows up in person, I might be a little stressed!

Although you have also seen it, defeating the people of the motherland is not a big deal.

But he does give me a little pressure.

But, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

He actually only sent such a small thing to deal with me! ! ! "

Xuanse picked up the people of the motherland and said coldly

"If you didn't come up with these things today, then... I might find you and discuss with you about killing Heisenberg.

Although I hate your existence, I hate a person who is not you standing on top of my head!

You lost to him, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that the two of us are invincible together!

But now, hehe, just roll aside for me and see how I do better than you alone!

I'll kill his pet and then the guy who beat you!

I will do better than you! "

The voice fell, and Xuan Se violently threw the motherland at Queen Maeve.

Facing the flying motherlanders, Queen Maeve stretched out her hands with great difficulty and tried to catch the motherlanders.

But as soon as she met the motherland, she flew out uncontrollably!

After rolling hundreds of meters all the way, they barely stopped until Xingguang also rushed to help.

While standing up with difficulty, Queen Maeve pulled the motherland.

As for the native, after he got up, he adjusted his jaw in fear.

After recovering from the injury, the natives spoke of their mouth with few teeth left.

"I underestimate the enemy, he is really strong!"

"Of course, didn't you listen to him, he is the ultimate weapon those people use to deal with your loss of control!

As a weapon, he must have the power to kill you! "

Queen Maeve persuaded her, and then patted the nervous starlight beside her.

"Don't worry, since we can't handle the trouble at hand, Mr. Heisenberg will stand up!"

"I-I'm not nervous~."

Xingguang shook his head duplicitously, and then nervously looked at Pikachu who was standing more than thirty meters away from the black.

Looking at Pikachu who was pretending to be serious and constantly confronting Xuan Se, the tension in Xingguang's eyes quickly turned into worry.

"I'm just a little puzzled, why is Mr. Heisenberg willing to let such a cute little guy deal with black?"


Opposite Pikachu, he looked at Pikachu who was naive even though he was as serious as possible.

Xuan Se sneered and shook his head.

"I really don't understand, is he afraid, or does he think I will be fooled by your looks?

But no matter what, if your little thing is ripped off by me, he will definitely feel distressed, haha! ! ! "


Facing Black's sarcasm, Pikachu wagged his tail in dissatisfaction, and then fell to the ground on all fours.

Accompanied by the action of its falling to the Countless fine thunders appeared between Pikachu's hair!

At the same time, a fluttering voice suddenly came from Pikachu and everyone's ears.

"It's up to you, Pikachu!"

The moment the voice fell, Heisenberg quietly appeared behind Pikachu.

I saw his right hand pointed forward, and then continued to order lazily.

"Use a flash of lightning!"


As soon as the order came down, Pikachu directly transformed into an afterimage.

And the next moment, the black color, who was getting more and more alert because of Heisenberg's appearance...

His figure completely disappeared directly from the earth!

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