Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7818: Meet your Royal Highness Crazy God!

The old butler led Lin Xuan to the front of an ancient hall.

This hall was extremely mysterious. Lin Xuan just approached, he felt a trace of fatal crisis.

He did not dare to move forward, but stood there and waited.

The old butler took out a bell and quickly transmitted the sound.

At the same time, in the hall, a bell rang.

An old man opened his eyes,

The old man was wearing a black robe.

On the black robe, there was some purple light flashing.

From a distance, those purple rays are like scales.

The old man opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely biting, like two black lightning bolts that cut through the world.

This old man, named Nether Ancestor, is the master of Nether Castle.

In this ancient Nether City, there is a very terrifying existence, it can be said that it is one of the overlords of this ancient city.

Before, he had notified his men, don't disturb him.

But why do you want to wake him up now?

"What is it?" Old Ancestor Nether asked coldly.

There was a bit of bitterness in his voice.

If the subordinates cannot give him a satisfactory answer, I am afraid they will endure his anger.

The old housekeeper was sweating, and he quickly said: "Netherworld Fairy, bring back a young man."

"This young man has a black dragon ring in his hand."

Old Ancestor Youming was initially a little angry, but when he heard this, he banged and stood up.

The breath on the body, like a vast ocean, sweeps across 4 directions,

The whole ancient temple shook.

I saw the two doors of the ancient hall opened, as if Jiuyou Hell had opened.

A tall, demon-like old man, strode over.

He was dressed in a black robe with white hair flying all over his head.

The look in his eyes is more like, two ancient nether lamps flashing between the sky and the earth.

In an instant, he looked at the old butler and said, "Where is the person?"

This is the son.

The old butler was taken aback. He had never seen him before. The master had such an excited face.

You know, their master, who has lived for endless years, is one of the overlords here.

Always calm and calm,

There has never been anything that can shock the other party.

But this time,

I feel that their master is going crazy.

The old housekeeper became more curious in his heart.

Where is that young man sacred?

What is the origin of that ring?

What they know about the ring is not clear.

They only know that they must be polite when they see this ring.

But the specifics are not clear to them.

The ancestor of the ghost stared at Lin Xuan instantly.

Lin Xuan was also taken aback.

Unexpectedly, the strength of this ancestor Nether was so terrifying.

It feels a little scarier than Xiaoyaohou.

This nine secluded land is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Prior to this, he had never heard of the name of the old ancestor Nether.

Unexpectedly, there are such masters here.

I wonder if there are any hidden old monsters in other ancient cities?

Lin Xuan was surprised,

It seemed that the power of the ancients was far more terrifying than he thought.

What he saw now was probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Lin Xuan reached out his palm and turned it, the black dragon ring on his thumb.

A dragon sounded,

The bodies around those people trembled.

The old housekeeper only felt cold all over, and he felt that a supreme mighty power swept over him.

The body of the old ancestor Nether trembled.

He was extremely excited: "Yes, it is the Black Dragon Ring."

The next moment, he made an action that everyone could not think of.

He came to Lin Xuan, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Farewell to Your Highness."

what's the situation?

Youruo was stunned,

Her ancestor knelt down willingly.

The old housekeeper was even more shocked.

For a moment, how did he feel that he was dazzled?

He saw the master kneel down.

This is the supreme overlord. Half-step God King! It was almost close to the realm of the real **** king.

Even if you see the **** king, you shouldn't kneel down.


The old housekeeper was completely dumbfounded.

Lin Xuan was also taken aback. He quickly said, "Old man, please!"

He can't stand it, a half-step **** king, such a big gift.

Ancestor Youming stood up, looked at Lin Xuan, crying and laughing.

He was really too excited,

The black dragon ring has reappeared.

The kingdom of the black dragon might be able to reappear.

Others don’t know, what does this ring represent?

He knew that this was the symbol of the Black Dragon Kingdom.

Only the Divine Lord of the Black Dragon Kingdom is worthy of this ring.

Before, it was carried by the Black Dragon King,

Now in the hands of Lin Xuan.

This shows that the Black Dragon King passed the entire Black Dragon Kingdom to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan is the young master of the Black Dragon Kingdom!

He called His Highness without exaggeration.

Kneel to Lin Xuan, what is it? He can even give Lin Xuan his life.

Nether Ancestor is one of the members of the Black Dragon Kingdom.

Back then, he was a **** under the Black Dragon King.

With the Black Dragon King, he fought south and north, swept the stars, and laid down the kingdom of the black dragon.

But later, the Black Dragon King disappeared somehow.

The Black Dragon Kingdom gradually lost.

Old Ancestor Nether, but retained this part of the power in his hands.

Hidden in the ancient city of Netherworld, waiting for the return of the Black Dragon King.

He hadn't seen the Black Dragon King, but he had seen the descendant of the Black Dragon King.

Now, Lin Xuan came holding the black dragon ring, and he saw hope.

"Your Highness, please follow me."

The ancestor of Netherworld brought Lin Xuan to the ancient palace.

Then with a wave of his big sleeve, the ancient temple closed again.

People outside cannot detect the situation inside.

Youruo came back to her and asked: "Old housekeeper, what is the situation?"

"What is the origin of that ring?"

"do you know?"

The old butler stayed there, like a wooden statue, only after hearing You Ruo's words did he come back to his senses.

He took a breath, and his expression became non-dignified.

After thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

He has been with Nether Ancestor for many thousands of years.

However, he didn't know the origin of this ring.

Inside the ancient hall,

Old Ancestor Nether looked at Lin Xuan with excitement.

He has many questions and wants to ask Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan also answered them one by one.

In addition to his own secrets, he did not say anything about the Black Dragon King.

Old Ancestor Nether was surprised and sighed, but he did not expect that the Black Dragon King was still alive.

However, the state of the Black Dragon King was not right, and it turned into a state of divine consciousness.

After the Black Dragon King came out, he didn't even find these subordinates.

But leave, no news so far

I don’t know, where did the Black Dragon King go?

In the end, he sighed and said: "His Royal Highness, since the Dragon King, gave you this ring. You are the Highness of the Black Dragon Kingdom."

"From now on, the old will assist you and restore the kingdom of the black dragon."

To be honest, Lin Xuan never thought about the restoration of the Black Dragon Kingdom.

Now, Lin Xuan had to think about it.

The black dragon king, this ring left to him is too extraordinary.

There are so many forces that can be mobilized,

Nether Ancestor is one of them.

It is estimated that some gods were left behind.

If Lin Xuan can control it, it will undoubtedly be an amazing force.

When the time comes, fight the other side and have greater control.

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