Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7819: Drive Long Xian'er out!

After thinking about it, Lin Xuan agreed.

As long as his strength increases, he becomes the king of gods and wants to restore the black dragon **** kingdom.

It shouldn't be a problem.


Old Ancestor Nether smiled,

Although he could see that Lin Xuan was still a true god.

But if the opponent can get the black dragon ring, it shows that the opponent has won the affirmation of the black dragon king.

In the future, Lin Xuan's future is absolutely limitless.

The two talked a lot in the ancient hall.

At the same time, the Nether Castle is also lively.

Because Long Xian'er is here.

Long Xian'er, will hold a banquet to celebrate his recovery.

The Protoss, including those from the heavens and all realms, and those family sects, came to congratulate.

And the venue is in the Nether Castle,

For a while, the Nether Castle was extremely lively.

Long Xian'er, accompanied by Zhen Qianjue and the other elders, walked forward.

She looks very beautiful, has outstanding temperament, and she has a fairy spirit, just like a nine-day dragon girl.

Let countless people look up.

Every step down, there are flashing dragon shadows.

In this way, Long Xian'er was arched over the moon by the stars, and walked towards the heavenly hall in front.

This heavenly order hall is extremely extraordinary.

Under normal circumstances, the true **** is not qualified to come here to hold a banquet.

Even the half-step **** king wants to hold a banquet here, it is very difficult.

However, this time, Long Xian'er can be held here!

What a shame!

In this regard, Long Xian'er is very satisfied.

With a boom,

The Heavenly Stage Hall opened, and an ancient breath flew out.

Inside the heavenly hall, the layout is very mysterious, just like the heavens.

After everyone entered, they were dumbfounded.

Even the disciples of the Protoss were shocked.

To be honest, they are from the Protoss, they are high above, and don't put everything in their eyes.

Facing the Heavenly Order Hall at this moment, they were also dreaming.

Under the world, there is such a magical place.

It's incredible.

Even Long Xian'er stayed for a while.

She had only heard of the Heavenly Order Hall, and she had never come in.

None of the other people have come in either.

This time, I was lucky enough to be able to come in.

Some geniuses of family sects walked over immediately.

They said: "Princess Xian'er, Hong Fu Qitian, we are just following Zhanguang."

"Yes, if it weren't for Princess Xian'er, I wouldn't be able to come in in this life."

Those around me are grateful.

Long Xian'er raised his chin slightly, with a trace of pride in his eyes.

This feeling of being looked up to is really great.

She is like a proud little princess, walking forward.

Those behind them followed.

They are like people from the mountains, looking around, full of curiosity.

To be honest, even Long Xian'er was excited.

Her current treatment is higher than the average half-step **** king.

Next, the banquet began, very lively.

The gifts that everyone took out were all rare treasures, shocking the world.

the other side,

In the ancient hall, Lin Xuan and Old Ancestor Nether had a long chat.

Old Ancestor Youming said: "His Royal Highness, are you hungry, look, I just want to ask you questions."

Lin Xuan is indeed a little hungry,

Old Ancestor Youming laughed: "I will take you to the Heavenly Order Hall for a meal."

He took Lin Xuan and walked out,


The old butler was still waiting there.

After such a long time, his mood still couldn't calm down for a long time.

You Ruo did not leave, she was also very curious.

She also wanted to ask the ancestors, what is the identity of the other party?

At this moment, the temple door in front opened and the two quickly raised their heads.

The old butler walked over, bowed respectfully, and then asked, "Master, what's your order?"

You Ruo said curiously at this time: "Old Ancestor, this young man is actually?"

On this point, Old Ancestor Nether had already thought about it.

The matter of the Black Dragon Kingdom cannot be said yet, otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble.

When the Black Dragon Kingdom was strong, no one dared to mess with it.

However, after the disappearance of the Black Dragon King, there were many more enemies in the Black Dragon Kingdom.

If you learn about Lin Xuan's existence, those enemies back then might have murdered assassins.

Old Ancestor Youming felt that Lin Xuan was too weak now, and he had to give him time to grow Lin Xuan.

"This is the mad son of the Dragon Palace. He has some connections with me."

"From now on, you can call him His Royal Highness Crazy God. When you see him, you must respect him as you see me."

"His words are mine, and his commands are mine."

"do you understand?"

The two old butlers were shocked again.

I'm struggling with the sky, this status is too noble.

Old Ancestor Nether is the overlord here, just like the other party. Doesn't it mean that this mad son has also become the overlord.

If this spreads out, those family sects in Nether Ancient City will be shocked.

It is estimated that even those Protoss will be shocked.

After all, the status of the ancestors, even if they get the Protoss, it is also very important!

"Well, your Highness is hungry, you quickly go and prepare to open the Heavenly Order Hall."

"Let Your Highness dine."

Old Ancestor Nether, said to the old butler.

The old butler hurried to do it,

After just two steps, he turned back.

He said: "Ancestor, today is Long Xian'er of Dragon Palace, it's time for a banquet."

"She should be in the Heavenly Order Hall now."

The Heavenly Stage Hall is extremely precious, and there is only one Nether Castle.

The old butler thought about it and said, "Or, I will open the underground hall."

The ground-level hall, although not as good as the sky-level hall, is also a very noble existence.

Ordinary true gods are not qualified to enter,

It is estimated that only the pinnacle true **** is qualified.

"No way."

Old Master Nether shook his head.

Just kidding, Lin Xuan is His Highness, that is his Young Master.

He felt that Lin Xuan was a bit wronged in the Heavenly Order Hall.

Now, even using the ground floor hall? This is a treachery.

If you let other gods know that your Highness has been wronged here.

Where to put his old face?

How will he explain to the Black Dragon King in the future?

Old Ancestor Nether said: "You go to clear the field and let them leave the Heavenly Order Hall."

The old housekeeper was dumbfounded. He said, "This is not so good."

"That Long Xian'er is the proud daughter of the Dragon Palace, and more importantly, his brother is Long Tatian!"

If it's just a general genius, then forget it.

However, Long Tatian is different,

That is the existence that can become the **** king.

In the opponent's hand, he had a weapon of the **** king class, and his combat power was against the sky.

In his opinion, the ancestor Nether will definitely compromise after learning about it.

Where did I know, Old Ancestor Nether said: "So what?"

"She's just Long Tatian's younger sister, not Long Tatian, she is not qualified yet, she jumps in front of me."

"Furthermore, even if Long Tatian is here, what about it?"

"Long Tatian is not as good as His Highness in my eyes."

"Hurry up and do it."

"I know."

The old butler took a deep breath and hurried to act.

His heart was shocked.

Apparently, he still underestimated the position of the crazy god.

This nether ancient city, and even the heavens and worlds, is about to change.

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