Chapter 4114 The Counterattack Of The Void Universe (2)

“Huh? Duke Zhen, did the guy behind the scenes make another move?”

When the town guru of the void universe appeared in another area.

A strong Tianyuan good fortune who was waiting there heard it, with a look of excitement on his face, and immediately asked.

“Yes, the energy has been sealed by me, and no strong person can sense this energy.”

Duke Zhen Guo nodded: “Send the news to Duke Tianmen and them, and let them come over!”


The strong heavenly origin of the void universe responded immediately.

He immediately sent the disappearance.

Soon, in the surrounding locations, one figure after another came in the teleportation formation.

In order to prevent being sensed by the powerhouses of the six universes, they are all in different positions!

“Duke Xining, did you succeed?”

An old man walked over and asked openly towards the town country in the void universe.

“Yes, the energy has been sealed up by me, and it’s up to you, Tianmengong.”

Duke Xining nodded, and with a move of his palm, the treasure that sealed the power of wind and thunder appeared in his hand.

Tianmengong nodded, and also took out a treasure.

“My space pointer can specify a target, as long as it is within the scope of a universe, he can’t escape it!”

Tianmengong said confidently!

A pointer fell into the wind and thunder energy, slowly absorbing this energy.

Slowly, the wind and thunder pointer was wrapped around the space pointer, pointing in one direction.


Xining, who was next to him, asked.


Tianmengong smiled and nodded.

“In this case, start to do it, and I will completely wipe him out!”

Duke Xining said with murderous expression!

The two nodded, and the three strong Tianyuan good fortune on the side also nodded with murderous expressions.


As soon as they moved, they immediately flew in the direction pointed by the space pointer!


At the same time, Wang Xian was in the position of another tribe.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he felt a sense.

The power of wind and thunder that he attacked has disappeared!

He muttered, frowning slightly.

“Is the target’s strength too strong this time, or does he have some treasures in his hands? This level of treasure has a very high probability of having treasures in his hands!”

Wang Xian thinks about everything.

However, thinking of the fourth strong man of good fortune in the Void Universe so quickly, Wang Xian always had a bad premonition in his heart!

It was his luck that the first three strong Tianyuan good fortune were found by him.

But for the fourth place, Wang Xian always feels a bit weird!

Especially after the Void Enemy he released was destroyed!

This is a problem, and it is still a very big problem.

It stands to reason that three consecutive strong celestial elements in the Void Universe have been attacked, and the other strong men in the Void Universe should be vigilant and should be aware of them all.

But it also made him encounter one at Shuiyuan so easily.

Combined with the current situation, this is a problem!

“The powerhouse of the void universe definitely has any plans.”

“Did you succeed in slaying the three strong Tianyuan good fortune?”

“There is a possibility. If so, they should be thinking of ways to deal with themselves.”

“If they want to deal with themselves, how can they be sure of themselves?”

“Only the power of wind and thunder that I released, the other selves have not left any flaws.”

“The power of wind and thunder?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, and he felt that he might be in danger right now!

If the powerhouse of the void universe really wants to deal with himself, it may not be one or two, but three, four, or even four or five.

Among them, there may also be strong masters of Tianyuan’s good fortune at the control level.

“First of all this is my own guess, I have to make sure.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart and looked at Lin Niu aside: “Lin Niu, you enter the brood space first, we may be locked by the powerhouse of the void universe!”


When Lin Niu heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, with a surprised look on his face.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Lin Niu didn’t ask much, and went directly into the brood space.

With Linniu’s strength, he wanted to come out of this brood space, and could come out at any time.

And can sense the situation outside.

After Lin Niu entered the brood space, Wang Xian did not immediately escape.

His body shook, once again causing a ghost ghost to hide beside this teleportation formation.

Then, his real body flew towards the outside.

It has been flying towards the outside to the limit position of the ghost clone and body.

In this position, Wang Xian needs to fly for five minutes.

Even if it is a strong heavenly good fortune with spatial attributes, it will take three or four minutes to reach the position of Wang Xian Minggui’s clone from here!

After arriving here, Wang Xian waited here quietly.

Time passed day by day.

The Void Universe Xining Gong Tianmengong followed the space pointer and flew quickly.

Their speed is much faster than that of other powerhouses who dominate the pinnacle realm of the universe.

After all, spatial attributes have a great advantage in hurrying!


Ten days later, the space pointer in Tianmengong’s hand trembled suddenly, which made his gaze condensed!

“Stop, he is not far ahead.”

He immediately transmitted the voice, staring at the front position!

“how far?”

Duke Xining looked at him and asked.

“The distance of two teleports!”

Tianmengong replied!

“He has treasures that can detect us, we can’t get close!”

Xining said publicly: “We want to surround it, don’t let him run away!”

“Then we will surround the surroundings and seal the surrounding void!”

Lord Tianmen looked at them and said!

“Okay, use space energy to interfere with a void, but we must move quickly. Our burst of energy is too strong, and it may attract the powerful heavenly origins of the six universes!”

Xining just reminded!

“No matter how strong the guy behind the scenes is, he still has the power to dominate the pinnacle realm. If we attack together, we can definitely kill him quickly!”

The three Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses next to him said confidently!

Tianmengong also nodded: “He is currently two teleports in front of us. Go to the other three directions, listen to my signal, and double-team directly. Once you encounter him, you will directly burst out the strongest attack. , Entangle him, as long as you entangle him for a moment, you can!”


Duke Xining nodded and assigned directions.

Then they immediately began to teleport towards the surroundings, and began to arrange!

Soon, the messages came one by one, and Tianmen Gong pursed his mouth!

“Do it!”

He gave a low voice and disappeared instantly!


At the same time, in the sky above the water source, Wang Xian stood quietly on the water!

When the five powerhouses of the Void Universe surrounded him separately, the Kongwen compass had already issued a reminder.

Seeing the five white dots above, Wang Xian’s expression also changed slightly!

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