Chapter 4115 Foreign Aid

“Five powerful people of Tianyuan creation, among them there may be a control-level existence, really want to kill me, ha ha, and they have treasures in their hands to lock me!”

Wang Xian murmured, his eyes gleaming.

Feeling the rapid attack of the five figures, Wang Xian’s figure trembled and disappeared instantly!

Underworld transformation!

In the next instant, Wang Xian’s figure appeared beside the tribe’s teleportation formation not far away.

He stepped directly into the teleportation formation and immediately teleported away!


“Disappeared, he disappeared so quickly, did he discover our siege?”

At the same time, Tianmengong sensed the change in the space pointer in his hand, and his face changed slightly.

He looked a little ugly, and immediately teleported to the location where Wang Xian was just now.

“Huh? Tianmengong, how about people?”

Duke Xining and the others teleported in, but they didn’t find Wang Xian, with a look of error on their faces.

They asked in surprise.

“Fleeing, he discovered our arrival in advance, and the treasure in his hand can detect us in advance.”

Tianmengong’s expression was a bit ugly.

“Able to find us in advance? Doesn’t that mean that he has escaped when we can get close to him?”

When Duke Xining heard it, his brows tightened, and he said.

Tianmengong nodded, his face was a bit ugly!

In this case, it is not a good thing for them.

Because as long as they get closer, the other party can also find them.

In this case, the other party fled directly.

Never try to lock each other out.

“He has a treasure for investigating our spatial attributes. Once we get close, he will find us.”

Tianmen said openly, his eyes swept to the other people!

“The detective treasure in his hand is very strong, and it is very difficult for us to surround him.”

Public Xining shook his head.

“He should only be able to detect us with spatial attributes, and other attributes should not be able to be detected.”

A strong celestial element in the void universe guessed.


His words made several other people slightly raised their eyebrows.

“If we can find a strong Tianyuan fortune with other attributes to help us entangle the latter scene, we have a chance to destroy it!”

There was a contemplative expression on the face of Mr. Xining.

“This is a way. The more powerful people we can find, the better. As long as they can help us entangle the latter scene, we can quickly rush over and kill them completely!”

The eyes of the other powerful celestial creation powerhouses in the void universe shone with luster.

“Two lords of the town and country, do you have any strong people you know? This is a very good way. We can give him some rewards.”

Asked a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“I have a choice here. If we give some compensation, he shouldn’t refuse!”

Tianmengong thought for a while and said!

“I’m not sure what I have here.”

Duke Xining pondered for a moment, and also said!

“Just ask, if you can’t do it, I won’t have any problems with one of them. According to my feelings, the latter is a person.”

Tianmengong said to him.


Duke Xining nodded.

Even if they can only find a strong one, as long as they entangle it for a minute, they will be able to rush over from a distance.

And completely surround it!

Tianmengong immediately took out the communication stone tray and made some contacts.

There are some connections between many strong Tianyuan good fortune.

Most of them are used to trade some items.

Under normal circumstances, few strong people are willing to do this kind of thing.

However, the Tianmen public is sure to call a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“He agreed, a strong man in the Yin Yang universe, we need to give them some reward.”

Soon, Tianmengong got the news of the preparations, and he looked at the crowd: “A dark-attribute Tianyuan creation powerhouse in the Yin-Yang universe, who has just entered the ranks. In the Six Ways of the universe, we are all suppressed in the pinnacle of the universe’s dominance. , The dark attribute entangles the latter for a few minutes, there shouldn’t be a big problem!”


Duke Xining and the others nodded: “His remuneration is evenly divided among us, and we are determined to kill that guy.”

“In that case, prepare for the next attack!”

Several people nodded, and then began to plan the second attack!

“It seems that the pit kill I just started should be successful. Otherwise, the Void Universe would not be able to make five powerful men come to encircle and suppress myself, haha!”

Wang Xian came to another tribe in Shuiyuan through the teleportation array, with a smile on his face!

He was not angry because of the siege.

This is actually good news in his opinion.

Moreover, facing the encirclement and suppression of the void universe this time, he can be said to be a perfect escape.

The empty text compass of the Twelve Ancestor Witches can discover them in advance before the arrival of the powerful in the void universe.

Although they have locked their own treasures, Wang Xian also has treasures to discover them in advance.

So, looking at it this way, he is safe.

He doesn’t have to worry about the attacks and siege of the Void Universe at all.

“However, you must be careful about everything!”

Wang Xian murmured: “Now that the Void Universe has vigilance and counterattack, I can’t continue to kill the powerhouses of the Void Universe, so that’s good, continue to look for the traces of the heavenly good fortune.”

He said in his mouth, and then flew in one direction.

Wang Xian did not release the Linniu, nor did he use the Five Elements Great Mill.

These are all used as hole cards.

In the face of the powerful void universe, even if one of their attacks was avoided, Wang Xian still had to be careful.

After all, this is a powerful void universe.

Flew to the front quickly, and Wang Xian began to stroll around Shuiyuan.

Time passed quickly again.

Decades have passed, and the past few decades have been calm, but to Wang Xian’s helplessness, there is still no news about the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

“Everyone of the Void Universe, haha!”

Located in the chaotic space next to Liudao Universe.

Five figures are floating there.

At this time, a figure shrouded in darkness suddenly appeared and greeted them with a smile on his face!

“Light and shadow, fast!”

Tianmengong looked at this figure and said with a smile on his face.

“Hehe, at a location near here, there is the birth of the treasure of heavenly origin in the six universes, and I want to come and take a look.”

The dark figure called the light and shadow said with a smile!

“Help us fix that guy first!”

Tianmengong said to him.

“Naturally, there is no problem. Even if the opponent is a control-level existence, his strength will be greatly reduced when he enters the six realms universe. If you drag him for a minute, there is no problem!”

“If you are a beginner, it will be even simpler!”

Guangying said confidently!

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