Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1259: Coming for annihilation

When the voice fell, everyone present could feel a deep chill, as if they were in the ice and snow, it was difficult to move.

"Then I might as well tell you."

Lin Lang faintly said, "I'm here for the demon wolf clan, to destroy the clan."

At this moment, Lin Lang had already had a strong killing intent on this so-called demon wolf clan chief. Not only what he did, but more importantly, he and the Sirius ancestors also had blood feuds.

Sirius ancestor is one of the strong men who besieged and killed Hongmeng Sanren.

Besides, he didn't have the slightest need to show mercy to the demons.

"Born to be a blood food, you must have the consciousness to be a blood food!"

The head of the Demon Wolf clan was completely furious and flew over.

How terrifying is the anger of a half-step God-level Demon Race mighty power, almost instantly bursting out power far beyond the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

However, this is just a starting action!

The patriarch of the Demon Wolf clan was astonishingly fast, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly beside Lin Lang, raising his hand, and a vast wave of demon energy erupted, instantly tearing the space apart.

Behind him, a burst of energy transmitted from the void space was constantly devouring Lin Lang's breath.


The head of the Demon Wolf clan frowned, and he probably didn't expect the weak human being in front of him to withstand the power of his blow.

of course.

Although he was surprised in his heart, it did not mean that he had nothing to do with Lin Lang. The next moment, the head of the Demon Wolf clan burst out of two sharp lights, surrounded by dragon-like devilish energy.

The magic is rolling, arrogant.

Innumerable amounts of devilish energy gathered in the sky into hideous faces. They had sharp fangs and their faces were disgusting.

"Human, you should have known how small you are." The patriarch of the Demon Wolf clan faintly said, at the same time, countless faces rushed towards Lin Lang.

Immediately afterwards, the head of the demon wolf clan flashed, and behind him summoned a phantom of an ancient demon god, holding a black demon axe full of thorns and sharp teeth, and chopped down at Lin Lang.


The world was shaken by it, the Demon God's Axe had not yet approached, and the entire council hall had collapsed under this terrifying power.

As soon as he made a move, it was a move that could shake the Sun, Moon, and Galaxy, and the many members of the Demon Wolf tribe on the side could not help but applaud.

"The patriarch is so strong!"

"Yes, let the humble human race see our strength!"

Countless members of the Demon Wolf tribe held the huge Demon God phantom that had grown into the void in awe, trembling. This is the fame supernatural power of their demon wolf clan chief, even God dare not ignore it completely under a single blow.

As for the people in the Chamber, they have already fled at this moment. Otherwise, under the indiscriminate destruction of the Demon God's Axe, I am afraid they will be directly beaten to ashes.

The head of the Demon Wolf clan's gaze was firmly locked on Lin Lang, he remained silent, and he also planned to let his clan members leave the realm that the magical powers can reach first.

What surprised him was that Lin Lang still stood in place, smiling at him. "Does he have the ability to counter this blow from me?" The head of the demon wolf clan was puzzled.

It seemed that Lin Lang was planning to take his blow.

But in any case, since the venue has been vacated, the head of the Demon Wolf clan naturally didn't say anything about his moves.

The next moment, with the sound of a tsunami-like crack in the sky, the demon in the sky struggling to chop an axe.


The entire Demon Clan Continent was shaking, not to mention that the ground under the Demon Wolf Clan's feet had cracked, even tens of millions of miles away, there was a violent vibration.

"With such a powerful wave, that guy from the Demon Wolf Clan made an all-out effort? Could someone start a war against the Demon Wolf Clan?" On the other side of the remote Demon Clan continent, a figure shrouded in black robe suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at the direction of the Demon Wolf Clan in confusion, although the naked eye could not penetrate such a long distance, but he was able to perceive the fluctuation of the Demon Wolf Clan's patriarch's full shot.

"Could it be that the family of God took the knife against the demon wolf clan? This is a great thing!" The prince of the prison demon clan got up and went out, and then he pointed out dozens of prison demon clan masters.

"Children, let me go to the devil wolf clan's lair to see what's going on. If someone does something to the devil wolf clan, I don't mind helping!"

The two families of Demon Wolf and Hell Demon are family feuds. It is said that the original Liangzi was forged by the two ancestors. In the years that followed, the two families often went to war.

If the Demon Wolf Race is in trouble, they naturally don't mind to cheer!


Dozens of magic shadows flew into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.


As the head of the Demon Wolf clan fell with an axe, it was unknown how many masters in the Demon Wolf clan were swept by the aftermath.

Half-step God’s blow is so terrifying!

At a greater distance, countless members of the Demon Wolf tribe stared at the depths of the smoke and dust: "Under such a terrifying attack, even if the human race has ten lives, don't you want to live again?"


The first to discover the anomaly was the patriarch of the Demon Wolf clan. He could still perceive the strong human aura: "Not dead yet? No!"

The head of the Demon Wolf clan suddenly realized something, and was about to dodge and retreat. But at this time, I only heard a faint sound coming from the smoke.

"That's it."

When the voice fell, I saw Lin Lang's slow move, but he was able to cross the space, holding the wrist of the demon wolf clan chief, his hand exerted force, a domineering force was directly transmitted through the wrist to the demon wolf clan chief's body .

The domineering demon energy rolled in, but Jie Li completely ignored it, like a steel knife, crushing all the obstacles of demon energy.

In a short moment, the force of the robbery drove straight into and broke the route of the demon wolf clan chief's exercise method. The phantom of the Demon God summoned from his back also turned into countless shining fragments at this moment.

"Damn, this weird power..."

The head of the Demon Wolf clan dared to say that he had never seen such weird energy since he was born. His condensed demon energy looked like tofu, which was easily shredded.

You know, shouldn’t the powers that humans possess be water, fire, or such low-end power? Devil energy has the attribute of restraining all energy, but in the hands of this celebrity monk, it is resisted to death.

The patriarch of the Demon Wolf clan made a decisive decision, broke off one of his arms, and withdrew to retreat.

"The reaction is fast, but it's useless."

Lin Lang faintly said, his fingers turned into a sword, a cold light suddenly appeared, but only a dazzling white light flashed by. The patriarch of the Demon Wolf clan dodged to avoid it, and Baimang circled around and landed at the foot of Lin Lang.


The original tiny white light now turned into a sword exuding heavenly power in front of Lin Lang. Lin Lang stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword in his hand.

This is his robbery sword!

In the absence of a carrier, the power of tribulation is limited, but Lin Lang can condense a sword that represents disaster with the power of tribulation.

Of course, the robbery sword here and the robbery sword in Lin Lang's magical skills are not the same thing. Jie Jian is a kind of magical power, and what is in front of him is just a vehicle for displaying magical powers.

Before forging his own artifact, the magical sword of Tribulation could bear part of the power of Tribulation.

As for the semi-divine weapon to seize the spirit, it is no longer worthy of Lin Lang in real battles, and more often it is to use the attributes of the seizure sword itself.

"You are strong."

The head of the Demon Wolf clan stopped in the distance, staring deeply at Lin Lang, and said: "It is impossible for humans in the Demon Realm to cultivate to this level. You are from another world."

Lin Lang smiled and nodded, and one person and one sword flew out at this time. But seeing the devilish energy surging in the sky and the sword light everywhere, other than that, the spectators could no longer see the match between the two.

The devilish energy was shining with sword flowers, and Lin Lang held a sword to strike horizontally, despite the various methods of the demon clan chief, but Lin Lang completely relied on one person and one sword, and the demon wolf clan chief who killed was continuously injured.

The power of the robbery is also preventing the recovery of his injury.

The patriarch of the Demon Wolf clan was beaten by Lin Lang on the ground. He supported the ground with both hands and shook his head suddenly.

Starting from his head, his head turned into a wolf's head, and his skin was also covered with a dark gray. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a 10,000-meter-high giant wolf overlooking the forest.

The demon wolf clan is a different species of the demon clan. If you have to describe it carefully, they can probably be attributed to the demon clan with the blood of the demon clan, but they are not half-demon and half-demon, and all the pure demon blood flowing in their bodies.

Their main body is the Sky-Swallowing Demon Wolf, a creature that almost claims to be able to swallow everything in the world. The same is true of their cultivation methods, growing rapidly in constant swallowing.

"It's time to end."

Lin Lang murmured.

After all, this is the territory of the Demon Race, not to mention the mysterious Celestial Demon Race, even if the six Allahs of the Demon Race are enough for him to drink a pot.

The fighting at this moment, I'm afraid it has already attracted the attention of a lot of Demon God, and it cannot be delayed.

When the voice fell, the demon wolf screamed, and behind Lin Lang, an intact blood moon appeared. Under the blood moon, a few bats faintly flew past.

This is a vision.

next moment.

The magic wolf opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, continuously zooming in Lin Lang's field of vision. Accompanied by it, there is a terrifying ability to swallow, and a shattering will is entangled in the swallowing.

The supreme magical power of the demon wolf clan, the demon wolf swallows the moon!

This kind of emperor technique created by Sirius ancestors, apart from the original Sirius ancestor, few people in the world can fully display it.

The emperor skill is profound and profound, but it also needs a huge cultivation base for support. That's why, most of the descendants of the magic wolf in the central universe practiced incomplete emperor art.

But even so, it does not hinder the horror of this emperor technique. The fact that a high-ranking immortal emperor of the Demon Wolf clan swallowed a Nine Tribulations Lord with the technique of incompleteness is still legendary.

The blood moon in the sky fixed Lin Lang's figure, and his blood basin covered Lin Lang with a big mouth.

Gradually, even the moonlight disappeared, and the world fell into a dead silence, leaving only that terrifying force of destruction that was constantly smashing Lin Lang's body.

So far.

Molang just closed his mouth contentedly and entered his stomach. Few people could come out alive. That is an independent digestion space. Maybe someone can resist the force of killing, but they cannot face this force forever.

As long as the magic wolf is still alive, this digestive space will always exist. Until the food is exhausted, the repair base cannot be struggling for a day.

In this space, even the emperor can't even think about it...

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