Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1260: Extremely rushing to the magic palace

Just now.

The face of the head of the Demon Wolf clan suddenly changed, and he suddenly discovered that the supernatural power he was so proud of had failed Lin Lang's slightest. Lin Lang's body was like a god-made iron, and could not be broken at all.

He quickly controlled the muscles in the world inside his body, squirming quickly, trying to squeeze Lin Lang into the corner. But his wish fell through once again...

Lin Lang raised his hand and cut open the digestive space of the Demon Wolf patriarch. At this moment, he was in the body of the head of the Demon Wolf clan, surrounded by a squirming blood, bright red and blood.

He stood on a squirming muscle, and his body continued to rise and fall with the muscle. Lin Lang glanced around, stuck the sword on the wall of flesh and blood beside him, and then his body fell all the way.


Where Lin Lang passed, no flesh and blood could stop his sword power.

Outside, when the demon wolf patriarch sensed all this, he hurriedly called out to the masters in the clan: " the guardian array!"

Although he knew in his heart that even the guardian formation could not stop Lin Lang, he could still temporarily suppress Lin Lang through the guardian formation.

The people of the clans didn't understand what was going on. At this moment, they saw a subtle to the extreme light on the surface of the head of the Demon Wolf.

Subsequently, the body of the demon wolf patriarch began to be divided into two, the two halves of flesh and blood collapsed into two lumps, and there was only one shoulder connected to the flesh on both sides.

Lin Lang opened the belly of the devil wolf. He stood in the air like a **** responsible for the trial, his eyes indifferent and calm.

In sharp contrast, the head of the Demon Wolf clan.

He looked at Lin Lang with horror and disbelief: "You are the human emperor! The human emperor from other worlds!"

"You finally realized it."

Lin Lang showed a slightly stern smile, the next moment, the sky fell thunder, and the power of the sword broke out, blasting the demon wolf clan chief into a mass of flesh.

The emperor's vitality is very strong, and the existence of the series of the half-step emperor, except for the fact that he has not proved to the sky, other qualities are no different from the emperor.

To some extent, if the number of Half Step Great Emperor is large enough, more than five people will have the strength to damage or even kill the Great Emperor.

The patriarch of the demon wolf clan also comes with a talent for devouring, not so easy to kill.

"Huh? There is no true spirit?" Lin Lang was a little surprised. He wanted to kill the true spirit of the demon wolf patriarch directly.

But what is unexpected is that there is no true spirit in the body of the demon wolf patriarch. The true spirit, that is the deepest thing in the monk's spirit, the spirit will be destroyed, but as long as the true spirit is still there, it can still be reincarnated.

The head of the demon wolf clan...

"However, it is also difficult to escape the fate of extinction." Lin Lang said faintly. At this moment, he urged the robbery, and countless heavenly punishments came across the boundary, shattering the sky of the demon world, and completely smashing the hinterland of the demon wolf clan. Shrouded.

In an instant.

The ancestral land of the demon wolf clan has become a land of heavenly punishment, and endless thunder catastrophes descend from the sky, unscrupulously destroying the demon wolf tribe.

"Humanity, do you want to completely annihilate my race?" Yao Xi has already transformed into his body, roaring.

"I said, I'm here to destroy the race."

Lin Lang faintly made a sound. As he tapped his finger, Yao Wei only felt locked by the secret of heaven. With his cultivation base, he couldn't break it at all. He could only watch the pouring thunder robbery coming down. On him.

Thunder Tribulation... This is a very strange vocabulary for the Demon Race...

Lin Lang stood in the air and observed for a long time, watching countless magic wolves struggling in the flames and thunder, revealing a contemplative expression.

He figured out one thing.

The real demons do not have real spirits, only spirits dominate their bodies. The reason why he discovered this is because the scattered demons in the central universe are mostly descendants of Sirius ancestors and humans.

Therefore, the demons in the central universe have true spirits and are not pure.

"The demons are really beings abandoned by heaven and earth."

He shook his head and turned around, then disappeared, leaving behind only a scorched earth ruin where God's punishment would often come.

Shortly after.

The ancestor of the Prison Demon Race arrived here, staring at the ruins in front of him, completely stunned. He stood on the spot, lost in thought: "Which God has acted on the demon wolf clan, and it is impossible for an ordinary God to destroy a fabulous family in such a short period of time."

"Furthermore... the thunder robbery here is not like a method that the Demon Race can master, could it be the one from the Sky Demon Race..." The ancestor of the Prison Demon Race felt a panic when he thought of this.

The one from the Sky Demon Race is absolutely taboo for them!

"Let's go! Don't make public the affairs of the Demon Wolf Clan!" The ancestor of the Prison Demon Clan felt that it was big for a while. The existence of the Sky Demon Clan must have a deep meaning to make a move.

When the words fell, the ancestors of the Prison Demon Race decisively left with a group of people who were still excited, and did not even take over the territory of the Demon Wolf Race.

The demons have always been greedy, but the reaction of the ancestors of the prison demons can also prove the terrifying power of the mysterious powerhouse of the demon race!



The ancestors of the Prison Demon Race did not publicize what he saw and heard, but there was no way to hide such a big news, and the news basically spread within a few days.

The demon wolf clan exterminates the clan overnight, not just by anyone.

The demon world was shocked to discover the mighty power of the world, whose strength was comparable to that of God, and was injured by the mighty power in the palace after rushing into the palace of the devil. At this time, he was being pursued and killed by two Allahs, and fled all the way to the Continent of the Night.

When two pieces of news came out one after another, many demons also recovered from their horror.

It's no wonder that the Peerless Family, as powerful as the Demon Wolf Clan, was wiped out overnight, and it turned out that someone from another world came. Naturally, the group demon connected the two things together.

"It's just... in another world, humans can also cultivate to the realm of God? Since there is a different world, can we send troops to attack again!"

The discussion in the demon world continued.

Here, Lin Lang was still hunting the demon masters everywhere, and when he heard the second news, he couldn't help but froze.

He and the Supreme Immortal Venerable once had a bet, and there were more demon masters who killed them. It's not difficult to understand that the Supreme Immortal Venerable slaughtered.


"Does this guy plunge into the palace without figuring out where the Heavenly Demon Palace is?" Lin Lang's mouth twitched.

He and the Supreme Immortal Venerable's combat power is basically equal to that of the Demon God. If you want to leave, I am afraid that few people can keep them. They dare to directly rush into the Demon Realm and kill them with the courage of the art masters.

However, the guy Extreme Xianzun seemed to be out of luck and directly ran into the base camp of the demons.

"In that case, there should be a master of the Demon Race in the Sky Demon Race, and even the powers of the realm of the Supreme Immortal Venerable are not opponents at all."

Lin Lang pondered briefly. From here, it can be seen that the base camp of the demons is by no means simple, and the overall strength is no longer much weaker than the central universe.

"So, are there other races outside of the universe? The universe is vast, and the center of the universe and the Demon Realm are not the only ones. How powerful should the other races be?"

With this thought, Lin Lang has soared into the sky, rushing towards the direction of the fleeing of the Supreme Immortal Venerable. Such as the fluctuations caused by their powerful fight, even if they try to hide it, they can feel it.

It is not difficult to get the trace of the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

It's just that the breath of the Supreme Immortal Venerable is so far away from this continent, even if Lin Lang is on the road at full speed, it will take at least three days.


The Supreme Immortal Venerable is more miserable. He did kill many masters of the Demon Race when he first entered the Demon Realm, and soon attracted the attention of a large number of Demon Race seniors, and attracted a large number of Demon Race siege.

Say he is shrewd, he chose to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the demons, intending to take the demon's lair first. Who thinks, there is still a mysterious master in the Heavenly Demon Palace, the two of them have not been fighting for a long time, and the Supreme Immortal Venerable is injured.

Seeing other masters of the demons turn around and kill, the Supreme Immortal Venerable can only choose to run away. But the Mozu did not have the slightest heart to underestimate, and they dispatched two God-level masters to chase and kill them all the way.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable also worried that directly killing the space connected to the center of the universe would cause the demons to invade, and passively chose the opposite direction to escape.

Only then did he fall into danger step by step.

The two demon gods behind are not vegetarians, the demon tribe does not survive the heavens, but the strength of these two is no longer under the real emperor.

The two joined hands, and there were many demon masters around to help. The Supreme Immortal Venerable could also fight and discuss, trying to avoid frontal conflict.

For this reason, he also suffered serious injuries.

"Stupid human beings, you can't escape anymore."

In the direction in which the Supreme Immortal Venerable was fleeing, the void rippled, and the upper body of a goat-headed Demon God Lord slowly floated into the void.

He was one of the two masters of the demons who chased the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but he took a shortcut and stopped the Supreme Immortal Venerable in advance.

at the moment.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable was under the enemy, and there were several half-step God-level monks watching around. I am afraid it will be difficult to escape!

"Don't you demons claim that they are invincible in the same realm?" Although the Supreme Immortal Venerable realized that it was not good, he still laughed loudly and said: "In that case, why not come one-on-one to see if it is your demons. Strong, my Human Race Great Emperor is even better!"

"Do we have to fight with you?" God of the Goathead Demon Race was full of sarcasm: "In the words of your human race, the turtle in the urn also has the power to negotiate terms?"

This person is one of the six Allahs of the Demon Realm. He is called God Kongshan. He has established his own belief in the Demon Realm and is very powerful.

Supreme Immortal Venerable sipped to the ground, and said: "If you don't have the guts, you don't have the guts, your grandpa, and I will dare to let you have a hand."

"As you wish, take the move."

When the words fell, God Kongshan evoked a black cloud, covering up his original figure. Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and countless tentacles suddenly protruded from the sky, slamming, lashing, and piercing towards the Supreme Immortal at various tricky angles.

"Bath style!"

The Supreme Immortal Venerable took a step forward, burning flames all over his body, burning the tentacles around him. Under the terrifying heat, the tentacles in the sky also began to waver, and they lingered to land.

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