Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 216: Honest anger

Maybe Sun Bin is just a small person in his life. He has to face the oppression of his boss, the eyes of his customers, and travel for life. He also has to make money to serve his wife and children.

It can be said that he is just an honest man, but he tells everyone the truth, honest people also have patience limits, and the anger they release in the depression is enough to break through the clouds!

All kinds of humiliation and oppression are now coming to my heart.

Sun Bin now has only one thought in his heart, arguing for himself!

As for other consequences, he had no brain at all to consider it.

A cold flash flew by, and the target was exactly Li's head.

Boss Li turned around in horror, instinctively wanting to dodge, but the response was an ordinary person anyway, and it was impossible to take the blade close at hand.

It's over!

Boss Li felt cold.

However, the imaginary split did not appear, and the sharp blade just stayed on his forehead. From the top to the bottom, the blade slowly pressed down, and a long scar was cut in his forehead to the tip of his nose.

Had it not been for the kitchen knife to stop, I was afraid that Li's entire head would be cut in half.

Sun Bin was blinded and looked back subconsciously. It was Lin Lang who held his right arm with one hand, making the whole person unable to move.

"Brother Lin, are you?" Sun Bin muran said, according to his thinking, at this moment, boss Li should have been hacked alive by him.

"Are you sure you are ready to do everything desperately? As long as I let go, this scum will die in front of you immediately."

"And you will become a murderer." Lin Lang said lightly.

"I ..." Sun Bin was a little clearer.

Yes, as long as he let go, he would become an outright murderer.

After such a reminder of Lin Lang, the cold sweat suddenly struck his back and shivered.

Although he was still holding a kitchen knife in his hand, he could no longer handle it after the impulse just now.

He really didn't dare.

At this moment, the door of the left bedroom suddenly opened, and a petite little girl came out from the crack of the door.

"Daddy, it's so noisy outside."

The little girl's eyes narrowed and she stretched out her hand and rubbed her confused eyes.

"Little litchi ..." Sun Bin murmured.

The emergence of Litchi completely destroyed the last line of defense in his heart. Yes, even if he no longer has any illusions about that bitch, even if he can not investigate Boss Li's revenge on his wife.

But ... he still has litchi, and he has a daughter to take care of!

咣 Dang.

The kitchen knife fell to the ground and smashed the tiles on the ground.

Sun Bin lost all the strength in his body and fell to the ground weakly.

"I'm really useless, not even a dog being humiliated, I can't avenge myself," Sun Bin said na na.

Lin Lang sighed.

Sun Bin is indeed a poor man, betrayed by his wife, and the adulterer still looks aggressive in his presence. But he was born in the wrong time. Although in the society ruled by law, he would be inevitable if he killed people.

He is a major overhaul in China and is the leader of a special operation dedicated to punishing evil. He has the ability to dominate the lives of martial artists at will and manipulate billions of industries.

But Sun Bin is not. He is weak and too weak to be responsible for his actions.

This is the reason Lin Lang took the shot to stop the opponent.

"After all, you have to go your own way." Lin Lang patted Sun Bin's shoulder.

Boss Li was also scared by the scene, and never thought that the honest people would be so scary when they broke out.

How dare he continue to stay here at the moment, rushing out the door.

He vowed never to come to this ghost place again.

Sun Bin fell to the ground and wept with little litchi, and did not notice this.

But how could Lin Lang let him slip away in front of him, just pointing forward.


Boss Li's staggering steps stopped abruptly, and the whole person could not move.

Boss Li was so horrified that he was astonished that his body was out of control. Think of Lin Lang's words before, and I immediately understood a little.

"Is it a ghost?" Boss Li swallowed, as if he was a ghost.

Human fear is always for the unknown. This is why many people believe that there are no ghosts in the world, but they are very afraid of ghosts.

"of course."

Lin Lang grinned, stretched out his hand and sucked the kitchen knife on the ground, and put it on Boss Li's neck.

The harmless smile of humans and animals fell into the other person's eyes like a devil.

"I just want to ask you a question, as long as you answer it, I won't kill you."

"What's the problem." Boss Li was terrified.

"You know where is No. 98 Xiangtang Road?" Lin Lang asked.

Boss Li froze.

"There is no such road name in Chaohai City." Boss Li shook his head, and inadvertently glanced at Lin Lang's cold smile, adding: "Although Chaohai City does not have this road, there is a company called Xiangtang Cremation. Field. "

"That ... Master, can you give me a solution ..."


When the two cried, Sun Bin calmed down a little, and then he turned his gaze coldly to Boss Li.

Although he didn't dare to hurt the other person's life, he couldn't help but want to rush up to punch him.

When Sun Bin re-arranged the small litchi back to the room, Boss Li could not run away.

Sun Bin is also fighting harder and harder, and the countless angers in his heart are vented, and no matter how important they are, just greet each other.

The master bedroom door was gently pushed open a gap, and then quietly closed.

Boss Li was also swollen and blushed, and Sun Bin, who was lost, almost killed him.

Lin Lang saw it was almost time, raised his hand to stop Sun Bin, and only asked the last sentence: "Do you think he is alive or dead?"

"I ..." Sun Bin went silent again.

If there is a choice, he must want Boss Li to die in front of him, but ... he has to think about the consequences, whether it is within his range.

Seeing Sun Bin hesitating, Lin Lang reached out and opened the acupuncture point on Boss Li's body, then turned back to Sun Bin and said, "Come with me, I will take you to a place."

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