Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 217: Xiangtang 98

From the words of Boss Li, Lin Lang can roughly infer the position of the reward list.

Because the default rules of the killer world and the employer are to take the same thing from the victim after the victory, which can be the first level, the finger, etc. Under such circumstances, their headquarters cannot of course be placed in the downtown area.

The crematorium ... a good base.

Because the black sharks only said an approximate, according to various indications, the position of the Huaxia Bounty List is probably around this.

Lin Lang took Sun Bin and drove straight to Xiangtang.


About an hour or so, Lin Lang got out of the car and was surrounded by a barren field. In addition to a few abandoned factories, there was also a spooky crematorium, surrounded by weeds.

Everything, everything is so scary that the scenery here reflects, in the evening, it is estimated that those who are timid are afraid to go out.

Lin Lang closed his eyes, his consciousness gushed like a tide, and looked around in the vicinity. It didn't take long for him to notice the anomaly.

"Follow me." Lin Lang fainted.

"Brother Lin, let's not go in anyway. I always feel weird around here." Sun Bin swallowed, usually whoever is fine is willing to come to this kind of ghost place.

Lin Lang glanced at Sun Bin obliquely without stepping into the building.


Sun Bin hesitated, or went after Lin Lang's steps.

"Sir, are you here to condolence or ..."

The little cricket at the door seemed to stop, and saw the young boy look at him lightly, and those cold eyes instantly made him fall like an ice cave.

When the three of Lin Lang walked away, Xiao Xun returned to some saneness, and the undershirt behind was already wet.

"This person is very face-to-face. It should not be a well-known killer on the list, but it seems that it is not an ordinary person. It should be for the task." Xiao Xi was afraid.

Anyway, he was a janitor and had some thoughts. When he saw such people often, he didn't take it seriously.


The three Lin Lang walked around in the room. After passing through the incinerator, there were still many cremated bodies around them. Each one looked pale and his eyes were round, which made his spine cool.

After this, Sun Bin was frightened.

As for Boss Li, let alone, he was pulled away. If Lin Lang hadn't blocked his vocal cords already, I'm afraid he would have been howling.

Eventually, the three stopped in front of a corpse locker, and the number on the locker was exactly 98.

Lin Lang stretched his hand forward, it seemed to touch something, the whole room was shaking, the tiles under the three's feet slowly subsided, and a downward staircase was displayed in front of the crowd.

The iron handrails were already rusty, and at the same time a **** smell blew across the stairs. The steps of the staircase were clear and bottomless.

As for where to go, no one knows before entering.

"Brother Lin, what's down there? I'm a bit scared." Sun Bin flinched, and no one was so bold, he dared to enter the dark room of the crematorium.

In case you hit something ...

Sun Bin is overcast.

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and walked down the ladder step by step with boss Li.

Sun Bin played back, and walked away. But thinking about Lin Lang's various magical actions before, gritted his teeth, he followed.

"Even the morgue, there will be a house under the cremation site. Is this for the dead?"

Sun Bin was panicked, and his steps were chaotic, and he rolled down the stairs with a bang.

Sun Bin's head was all green and he thought about the strange surroundings, and he couldn't help raising his head.

He thought that there must be a dead silence around him, and he was surrounded by the cold dead bodies at the table.

But it's not that there's a lot of people here, and there are many sounds of bumping into each other while holding wine glasses. Many people around him are staring at him.

Under the crematorium, there is another world!

"Eating and drinking in the crematorium, this group of people will not have such a heavy taste."

"I still think it was the one who went downstairs to make such a big noise. It turned out."

Seeing his embarrassment, people around laughed.

Sun Bin was embarrassed and wanted to be angry, but seeing the large round waists around him, fierce and evil, so he could not help but swallow the latter half of the words.

After about ten seconds, he was glad that he had just made a rational decision.

Because he found that on the table beside the group of alcoholics, there were not only angry heads, broken fingers, and sharp knives.

That dark thing ... it looks like a gun!

Sun Bin's pupils shrank.

Seeing this, Sun Bin was completely stunned, and looked at Lin Lang subconsciously.

What the **** is this place?

Lin Lang didn't answer, but instead looked at him with a smile, until he was creepy to show him.

"Do you hate him?" Lin Lang said slowly.

Sun Bin froze, and was confused by Lin Lang's sudden sentence.

But he nodded.

"Of course hate, my family was broken up by him, how could I not hate it ?!"

"If you have a chance right now, he will die if you nod your head, and you don't have to take any responsibility."

"Then you want him to die?"

"Lin Lang looks directly at Sun Bin."

Sun Bin naturally knew who he was in Lin Lang's mouth, but he was still afraid to speak.

"Here is the paradise for the rich. As long as you have the money, you can do whatever they want."

"There is no blood on your hands, you can get rid of your opponents by spending money."

Lin Lang sighed and glanced over a group of people who were drinking.

The drinkers turned back occasionally, glimpsing that Lin Lang was not attentive, and continued to line the wine order.

Sun Bin was even more embarrassed by what he said. Vaguely, he could probably hear some doorways.

I was just asking if he wanted to kill boss Li?

"Forget it, killing is for life." Sun Bin shouted.

"Stand here and don't move, it's not too late to come to a conclusion later."

Lin Lang said lightly.

Speaking, Lin Lang pointed in the direction of Sun Bin. Suddenly, an invisible film rose from the soles of his feet and completely wrapped him in.

Subsequently, Lin Lang stepped forward.

A thunder sounded out of the air, the floor suddenly exploded, countless wood dust flying, wafting and falling.

"Which one is in charge here, come and see."

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