Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 261: Meet roommate

"Read it to me."

Lin Lang fainted.

Nozawa Ichiro treated each other wholeheartedly and read the letters left by Nozawa Sword God from beginning to end. It wasn't until Lin Lang walked in front of him that he felt the intangible pressure. Ordinary people can't feel it. Only the stronger meet the stronger.

He knew very well that Lin Youye could easily kill even Nozawa Jiro, and the same was true of him.

Lin Lang closed his eyes and listened. The description is probably that Nozawa Sword God is about to go out to Tokyo to visit an important old friend. He will not return in a short time. It is expected that Lin Lang will return, so he left a letter specially. Lin Lang should not embarrass his people.

After all, he knew that a strong man who was close to the divine realm was going crazy, and a Nozawa family alone was not enough to block it. Even stronger forces than the Nozawa family were not necessarily able to block it.

In addition, he also agreed with Lin Lang on the date of the decisive battle. On the first day of November, 2007, the Tokyo Tower was fighting on the road, endlessly.

When all the letters were read out, Lin Lang still stood still with his eyes closed, silent.

As time passed, the atmosphere began to become tense, and there was a deadly silence. Nozawa Ichiro was holding the stationery in the palm of his hand, and cold sweat slowly leaked out. He was also nervous.

If Lin Youye really made up his mind to kill them cleanly, he couldn't stop himself.

For a long time, Lin Lang opened his eyes and glanced at Nozawa Eroza slightly: "You are very smart and Nozawa Sword God is very smart. If you do n’t have this letter, not only Nozawa old guys, but you all have to give He was buried. "

Nozawa Ichiro silently, indeed, if not the old sword **** left a letter in advance, no, the letter is not the point, the point is that the letter refers to the battle of the Tao, it is these four words that saved the entire Nozawa family .

The battle of Dao is only for seeking the way. It has nothing to do with the position of the team and does not count on life and death. Even if a person dies, the winner will not go to the trouble of the deceased's family. Similarly, the relatives and friends of the deceased cannot go to the trouble of the winner. It's because the Tao in his heart is willing to die.

"If it weren't for those four words, I would be dead by now." Nozawa Ichiro cold sweat.

When he looked up again, Lin Lang's figure had disappeared. Until Lin Lang departed, Nozawa Ichiro was still in a daze, and it felt like standing in front of death.


After Lin Lang left the ancient altar house, he smoothly met Li Xiaoman in the cafe. Watching Lin Lang walk out the door safely, Li Xiaoman was relieved.

"All solved? Are you okay?" Li Xiaoman worried.

After all, just now the gunfire was constant, louder than the sound of firecrackers, and it was difficult for her not to notice.

"It's okay, my old friend came out without me." Lin Lang laughed.

"It's okay." Li Xiaoman was a little at ease, but when he heard the words of an old friend, he felt helpless. If anyone visited such an old friend, he would smash the door.

Fortunately, she did not know the tragic situation in the ancient altar. Otherwise, she did not know what she would think.

"Why am I still worried about him, and I have only known each other for two days." Li Xiaoman wondered.

The two walked forward for a while. There were only rushing pedestrians around, and it was difficult for even small vendors to see a few. Li Xiaoman's heart moved, and suddenly he said, "Yes, since your friend is not here, you are also traveling. I'd better take you for a walk."

Miyazaki Ward is closer to Tokyo, and there are many places of interest nearby. Li Xiaoman has lived in Kanagawa Prefecture for several years. Speaking of these, it is a treasure.

More than half a month before the date of the appointment, Lin Lang had nothing to do. He simply followed Li Xiaoman and walked around.

The two ordered a cold drink at the cold drink shop, and Li Xiaoman took Lin Lang to a few monuments. At the meal, Li Xiaoman was so proud that he took Lin Lang to a famous restaurant and ordered Japanese food at the table, patted the breast and said that I invited.

"That's probably all the places of interest in Gongqian District. After all, it's not as prosperous as the capital, and there are not many places worth visiting, but we don't have a place to go."

"That's the shrine. How did you go to the shrine without going to Japan?" Li Xiaoman held the straw, which had been deformed by her little tiger's teeth, and was still introducing with interest.

There are so many shrines in Japan, and they are famous for Fushimi Inari Shrine, Yasaka Shrine, Kasuga Shrine, and so on. As for other small shrines, they are all over the land. What is a wonderful shrine dedicated to the **** of poverty, disaster, and lucky cat Both. The shrine here is like a land temple. It worships the same shrine, and there may be many shrines.

And Li Xiaoman took Lin Lang to a poor shrine. This shrine can no longer be described as a shrine. It can only be said that it is surrounded by family members. In addition to the surrounding baffles and the fuzzy statues in the middle, Nothing else.

The poverty shrine can only be called a small shrine, but the popularity is relatively high, and many Japanese people around it worship the shrine.

In addition, the worship method of this shrine is also very interesting. Other gods worship incense money as worship materials, and for poor gods they call back loose materials. The visitors to the worship service are not religious worship, but first mention the feet of the idol, then hit the idol a few times, and finally grab a handful of beans and sprinkle them on the idol.

The extent to which the poor God is unseen is evident.

"It's no wonder that the idols are blurry like this. It's not unreasonable. Everyone shouted that the idols can be saved up to now. It's very shameful." Lin Lang felt helpless, but when he looked at the idols carefully, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Huh? This idol has such a strong will." Lin Lang said with a light whisper, his senses poured out, and he looked curiously at the idol.

Desire is incense, and beings wishing to the deities are beings. Over time, beings will be able to accumulate idols to a certain extent, and they will psyche, which will give birth to deities. Such gods are called sacrificial deities, energy bodies composed entirely of divine knowledge, and they will have powerful strength as soon as they are born.

Among the cosmic stars, this kind of **** is also called the indigenous god, and is often favored by some monks who are powerful monks. It is beneficial to monks to capture them and refine them into pure divine energy.

The method of refining and sacrificing gods is also very simple. As long as it is not controlled by those complicated ideas, refining can greatly increase its strength. In the more prosperous world of cultivating immortals, sacrificial gods can even be sold as ordinary livestock transactions.

"Unfortunately, although there is a lot of willingness in the idol, it is a pity that it has not yet reached the standard for the birth of the deity." Lin Lang shook his head endlessly. Before the birth of the deity, the will of all sentient beings was always pinned on the idol's thoughts. Transformation is also useless.

If you give the poor **** a thousand or eight hundred years, it is still possible to give birth to a sacrificial god.

"I've got an idol before, and there is a sacrificial deity called Inari **** in it. So it seems that there should be such a sacrificial deity in Japan. It's not necessarily. If you have a chance, you can see it. Look. "Lin Lang moved slightly.

At first, he met a sacrificial deity, but he left the shrine too long, cut off the supply of willingness, and was not as strong as before. This was easily absorbed by him.

"If you can find a few more such sacrificial gods, it should be enough to reach the level of deification." Lin Lang whispered softly.

"What did you say?" Li Xiaoman looked puzzled.

"Nothing." Lin Lang shook his head slightly.

Just then, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind the two of Lin Lang.

"Well? Lin Lang, you are there!"

Lin Lang turned around, and the speaker was the roommate Sun Mingze who came to Japan with him. Sun Mingze came with his father and saw Lin Lang. The two greeted each other and talked about what they saw and heard in Japan.

"What did you experience in Japan during this time?" Lin Lang suddenly made a noise, because he found that Sun Mingze was obviously different in temperament from his first meeting. In the past, his character was dull and introverted, and this meeting was even more somber. , Gloomy.

"It's nothing. Even if I have eaten a few fruits recently, I should change my mood in a new place. After all, life in Japan is too fast." Sun Mingze laughed.

"I hope so." Lin Lang shook his head. In fact, he did not say something to Sun Mingze, and he is not going to say it for the time being. Sun Mingze's constitution is partial and belongs to the body of Yin and God. This constitution is not very powerful. It is amazing at the beginning of cultivation, but the more difficult it is to break through later, so there are few people with great achievements in this constitution.

The most important point is that the body of the yin and **** erodes the yang. This kind of person is most likely to be taken advantage of by ghosts and becomes very different from the previous personality. This is also the ‘ghost upper body’ in the saying.

In just two days, Sun Mingze's anger was so strong that it was obviously abnormal. The biggest possibility was that someone was pulling out seedlings to promote it.

"If no one touches him, don't blame me for not giving me a way of life if someone is really thinking about him." Lin Lang's eyes flashed cold.

The two chatted casually, talking about each other, and then Lin Lang quickly said goodbye and took Li Xiaoman to walk away.

Sun Mingze and his son worshiped the **** of poverty, and strolled around the places of interest and monuments. They soon got into a Lexus and roared away.

Lin Lang said goodbye to Li Xiaoman first, then quietly followed, and hung far behind.

Soon after, the father and son of the Sun family stopped the car and parked in a village. The two got out of the car and walked into the courtyard side by side.

This village is obviously not that simple. There are dozens of Lexus, Crown, Plano, or Mercedes-Benz. Although it is a country here, it doesn't have to be a countryman.

The village is surrounded by a fence, which is the daily life of ordinary people, washing and cooking, and a rogue with a sword in and out, doing everything. A sign on the village entrance says ‘Shirakawa’.

Here is the famous Shirakawa family in Kanagawa Prefecture.

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