Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 262: Sun family father and son trouble

At ten in the middle of the night, inside the Shirakawa family.

At this time, the senior members of the Shirakawa family had just had dinner, and the guests had dispersed. The servants stepped forward to clean up the leftovers. Only Sun Mingze and his son and the Shirakawa family father and daughter stayed and knelt on the padded mat.

I don't know what a few people talked about in the room, and the loud noises slowly grew.

"Owner Shirakawa, a visitor from afar, you want to put us under house arrest in the Shirakawa family in the future. It would be a bit excessive."

Grandfather Sun's face was somber and clenched his fists. On the other side, Sun Mingze was also stern and said nothing. Originally, they only came to ask for the marriage set by the older generation. However, just a few days after they were happy, Shirakawa Aya, also the head of the Shirakawa family, gave them a foothold, and Xu Jin was not allowed to go out.

"The Sun family's words are bad, I'm not trying to hurt you, but I'm considering it for your grandchildren." The old **** Shirakawa was here, raised his hand and pressed down, and sipped his tea leisurely.

"As far as I know, the Qianjia of Heijiang Province gave birth to a martial arts master six months ago, and then set about suppressing the remaining three major families, and with the participation of other forces, the Qianjia almost destroyed the blockbuster and acquired three large-scale industries."

"And the news I just got these days, Kong and Shi have also surrendered to the Qian family, and now the Sun family's form is at stake. It is estimated that it won't be long before the Sun family will be removed from the four major families. The purpose of the trip is not for the little girl, but to seek a strong ally for the Sun family. "Shirakawa Aya laughed too.

Before the Sun family father and son came, he had already thoroughly investigated the situation of the Sun family. At this time, it was easy to pick up the handle.

"So what, it's the Shirakawa family's deadly opponent who has been supporting the Qian family secretly. You can't get any benefit if you let them unite with the Qian family." His grandfather snorted coldly, this time he did come to the Shirakawa family. Negotiated.

"The Sun family said that the Shirakawa family also needs an ally to get involved in Heijiang Province. There is an old Chinese language, and strong points are weak, while weak points are weak, and the two of us must turn our strength into one. This is the capital to compete with the Qian family. "

"After all, Qian's family is in Huaxia, and it is difficult for us to intervene at will, so we must have a friend who listens to our instructions, otherwise we can deal with the Qian family."

"So you want to put us under house arrest and remotely control Sun's house through me?" Grandpa's face changed, angrily.

"Father, is that really the case?" Shirakawa screamed suddenly.

Shirakawa glanced at her daughter too lightly. If he didn't hear it, he waved his hand and brought a cup of tea.

"Be calm and calm, drink tea first and calm down, we are also in-laws."

"Who is your in-laws!"

The grandfather didn't pick it up, slap the tea cup on the ground with his backhand, and broke it into pieces.

Shirakawa saw no anger at all, but chuckled and said leisurely: "In a few days, I will inform the Sun family on your behalf, saying that Lang Lang's wedding is approaching, and the honeymoon with the little girl Hawaii is gone, and the Sun's homeowner sees me as usual and lingers. "

"Mr. Shirakawa, you are too much!"

His grandfather was furious, and he shot the case, glaring at Mrs. Shirakawa. Now it is no longer a matter of house arrest. It is the Shirakawa family who wants to take control of the Sun family. On the surface, it is a marriage between the two, but it is not the ambition of the wolf that intends to annex the Sun family.

"Mingze, my son, let's go!"

Grandfather sneered and turned away.

"Since it's here, can you still go?"

As the voice of the owner of Shirakawa fell, a large group of people rushed out in the front and rear sliding doors, blocking the door tightly, and after sliding the door, an old man holding a katana took a step.

"Mr. Shirakawa, you really despise me, stop us two ordinary people who have nothing to do with chickens, and send out so many strong people in one breath. I don't know if I should feel honored." Grandfather Laugh at herself.

"Cuitu Three Caves, as the owner of the Sun family, even if you do n’t practice martial arts, I don't believe you will come without any protection." Shirakawa Aya was not red or white.

"Then you're right, I really don't trust your Shirakawa family."

Grandfather gave a cold drink and took out a piece of yellow-colored paper from his arms. The paper was marked with crooked symbols in red cinnabar.

The grandfather said something in his mouth, gradually the paper sign became bright, and a depressing breath gradually poured out, and the entire space seemed to be compressed.

Everyone can clearly feel the chill behind the spine. The energy contained in this paper charm is not less than the power of a bomb explosion.

"You're right, I can't just grab it and be willing to be treated as a puppet by your Shirakawa clan." Grandfather laughed out loud. Although he had never practiced martial arts, he once obtained a life-saving amulet from a practising master. Below, only the portion that was fried into powder.

He shook his hand and threw the note forward. Suddenly a burst of horrible energy gradually exploded, scaring the people of the surrounding Shirakawa family to lose their way, for fear of being blown into powder.

"Don't panic, the little eagle worm."

The little old man saw no confusion, patted the katana in his hand, and a gleam of snow shone out. Waiting for the white light to converge, the little old man retracted the sword, still in the previous position, everything is the same, and the desperate depression just disappeared.

Looking closely, the paper runes thrown by the grandfather on the wooden boards underground are unknown when they have been slashed, and the runes depicted on them have been consumed and have no power.

"How can this be." Grandpa was stunned, holding another piece of paper charm in his chest. These two pieces of paper were originally a set, one attacked and the other could protect him from the whole body under the explosion.

However, now that the main paper rune is broken, the defensive paper rune in his hand naturally does not play any role.

Fu Yu, who can kill even the peak warrior, is now invalid. His grandfather suddenly realized a terrible problem. He looked at the little old man and couldn't help exclaiming: "You are the former homeowner, Shirakawa returns!"

The old man seemed to smile and didn't answer, apparently it was the default.

Grandfather was struggling and lost his sight for a while. Shirakawa is the last patriarch of the Shirakawa family, a well-known master of Dadao, who was the one who cut ten streets with one sword, and eventually killed other families. He did not expect that Shirakawa was too old. Called out.

run? Who can run in front of a great master? Sun Mingze and Shirakawa Sakura rushed forward to hold their father, despairing.

"Father, grandpa, it turns out that you have been calculating my husband and uncle, so that it is not even me who is your pawn!" Shirakawa suddenly said.

"The two of them are relatives of their daughter, after all, please show mercy to their men and don't hurt them." Shirakawa pleaded pitifully.

When it comes to pain, tears shed.

"Don't worry, after all, your father only has a daughter and won't embarrass them. As long as they are willing to surrender the power of the Sun family, what's wrong with them being in Shirakawa." Shirakawa said too lightly.

"Master Father, you're too much like this, uncle, you lower your head too, it's not good for the family to be too stiff."

Both sides of Shirakawa comforted and said, and blinked at the Sun family father and son, which meant that the promises of Xu and Weishe would come down first, and then help them to think of a way out.

"Don't think about it!" Sun Mingze stubbed his neck without giving in.

"Sun family lord, I gave you face. Since you are not in compliance, then I have to kill your son first, and my daughter will find another marriage."

Mrs. Shirakawa's face was getting colder and colder.

"Old man, how dare you!" Sun Mingze yelled.

"Well, Mingze, let's step down first, and I'll talk to them." Grandfather sighed and stood up slowly. In just such a long time, the whole person was stunned a lot.

The erect body also stooped, and he stooped.

"Shirakawa, the Sun family is willing to surrender, and afterwards please ..."

"Dad, no, what's the difference between handing over Sun's family to Shirakawa's owner and meat buns and hitting dogs, please take it back," Sun Mingze said anxiously.

His grandfather ignored him, and hoarsely, finished the rest of his words: "Please also ask the owner of Shirakawa to let our old and young children go alive."

He can't let go of his family business, nor can he put down his flesh. Even though he knows that Shirakawa is too threatening him, he is afraid to gamble.

Sun Mingze's hands were cold, but he felt that he had lost what was most important. He was the tough guy's father, and now he is willing to fold back for him.

Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"That's enough. The farce should end."


"Who is speaking?"

Countless Shirakawa people looked at each other and whispered to each other, but could not find the source of the sound.

Mrs. Shirakawa searched around, glanced across the faces of each tribe, and found no strange face. Shirakawa turned around with bright eyes, his head raised, his bright eyes like a light bulb, and looking somewhere above his head.

"Don't look for it, I'm here."

Lin Lang jumped down from the beam and fluttered to the ground.

"Lin Lang, why are you here?" Sun Mingze was confused, full of surprise and incredible.

"It's him again!"

Shirakawa's pupils shrank, but she was hiding well and was not noticed by others.

"Of course it's me, I'll explain it to you when they're resolved." Lin Lang smiled.

"Who is your lord? Why didn't you say hello and came to visit my Shirakawa family late at night?" Shirakawa returned to take a step forward and looked at Lin Lang with alert. At this time, Shirakawa Aya was too obviously out of control.

Shirakawa returned to his enemies, and the samurai sword he held in his arms was pulled out by him. From the beginning, someone has been lurking above them without being spotted by him. It is likely that this person's strength is not under him.

"You don't deserve to know my name. These two are my friends. I want to take them now." Lin Lang said softly.

"Who do you think you are!"

"Shut up! You don't even want to raise shoes for the owner!"

"Kill him, go up and kill him, who will kill this arrogant thief with me." The people of Shirakawa cried out in rage.

Even though Shirakawa's heart could not help but ignite a nameless anger, he was already a famous swordsman master ten years ago, and now he is humiliated by a junior, and his heart is unbearable.

But after all, Shirakawa is an old fox who is good at punishment. He knows that the strength of the young man may not be inferior to him, and he still calmly said, "If you retreat now, what I can do today has not happened."

"But these two people can't give it to you unless you give me a proper reason." Shirakawa returned to her.

"Why do you ask me for a reason?" Lin Lang smiled, took a step forward, and moved, leaving only a residual image in place, and gradually faded away until it disappeared.

His speed was amazing, he walked in front of Shirakawa in a few steps, pointed out, and then went back to his original position.

"Do you need a reason now?"

Lin Lang's cold voice came out.

A translucent blood hole spreads back and forth between Shirakawa's brows, and the blood rushes through, leaving the last expression on his dead face. Within three seconds, Shirakawa's body collapsed.

A generation of Dadao masters died under the finger of Lin Lang!

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