Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 369: Let Chen Miaoxuan follow me

"Introduction to everyone, this is Qianjin from the Zhonghai Duanjia, the president of Yunhao Finance, Duan Qianxue." Deng Wushuang introduced with a smile.

"Duan Qianxue? Zhonghai Duan Zhengchun's eldest daughter?"

Everyone took a breath. Duan Qianxue, the youngest group of elites in China Shipping, has almost the same status as Xu Zidong and a few others, and is the best practical talent. Just like Xu Zi's pride, they are not at all a grade with them.

They were completely cultivated as the first heirs of the family, and at present their families have given most of their power to them. After a few years, several of them will appear as masters of their respective families.

There are not many such outstanding children even in Sichuan. Even if Deng Wushuang compared with them, it was inferior.

Not only that, in addition to the identity of the financial company president, Duan Qianxue is also one of the shareholders of the Optoelectronics Industrial Park, in addition to holding multiple positions in the Duan Group. At present Duan Zhengchun has retired behind the scenes, most of the business and the underground world of Duan's family are assigned to Duan Qianxue to take care of.

Duan Qianxue is definitely one of the scariest characters in China Shipping. Looking at the audience, only Deng Wushuang is qualified to communicate with Duan Qianxue on an equal footing, and the others are basically nonsense.

Of course, the demon evil of Lin Shenyi can be excluded. In terms of influence, even he could be on a par with Duan Zhengchunping.

"I did not expect that even Duan Qianxue was here. Is the Duan family officially announcing their involvement in the Sichuan and Sichuan dispute?" Everyone thought hard and thought of many things at once.

The relationship between the Duan family and the Deng family was hazy, and the Chen family and the Xu family were unclear about the road. Although there were no reports from the Lu family, they were not expected to be calm.

"Wushuang, I'm almost ready here."

Duan Qianxue first whispered to Deng Wushuang, then Duan Qianxue stood up and walked towards the backyard. After a while, Deng Wushuang got up and looked at Lin Lang.

"Let's talk first. I have something to do with Lin Xue and I want to discuss it with Lin Shenyi." After speaking, Deng Wushuang got up and made a gesture, twisted his **** and hot waist, and hired Tingting. Go to the other side of the courtyard fence.

"Now that Deng Qi's affairs have been resolved, how could she suddenly invite Lin Lang." Chen Miaoxuan frowned. She could be more relieved to be replaced, but she had to think more about Deng Wushuang, a cruel woman.

Lin Lang was not surprised. Throw a reassuring look at Chen Miaoxuan, followed by Deng Wushuang, and stepped into the other courtyard together.

When the two left completely, the room suddenly exploded.

Both Deng Wushuang and Duan Qianxue are unusual people. They both invited Lin Shenyi at the same time. What does this mean? "Did they plan to join Lin Shenyi and swallow Sichuan and Sichuan together?"

"Or do they plan to reach an agreement with Dr. Lin?"

Ignore the speculation of these people. Lin Lang followed Deng Wushuang. Deng Wushuang's body was **** and charming, leaving a trail of fragrance behind her. Maybe her perfume can be modulated. It smells like a hormonal eruption and a germination. The illusion of primitive impulse.

Through the portal, the courtyard is deep and green everywhere, with vines climbing around the fence. This is completely different from the lively side. The tree-lined path is quiet, and there are rare frog drum cicadas. In the tranquility, it was a little less colorful.

Everything is silent.

Somewhat depressed.

Deep in the courtyard, near a square stone table. Duan Qianxue's long and distant Xuexue legs slanted under the stone table, elegant and dignified, do not have a style.

At this time, Deng Wushuang paused.

"I have long heard that Lin Shenyi is Nan Liao Junjie. Numerous girls are the object of admiration. No matter what kind of girl is, they will not refuse your pursuit. Even me, I want to make three points."

Deng Wushuang whispered softly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Lang frowned. Naturally, he wouldn't be arrogant to think that he had such great charm, and he would be fascinated by the underground queen at the first meeting.

"It's very simple." Deng Wushuang exhaled Youlan, and gently reached Lin Lang's ears: "I think you gave Chen Miaoxuan to you, and you will be my man with me later."

Deng Wushuang's eyes were rippling with autumn waves, his eyes were full of charm, his full body was full of charm, and it was definitely a maddening **** stunner. And he said such a straightforward word, I believe that any man must shout out.

It's a pity that Lin Lang's eyes were flat and there was no trace of movement. A woman like Deng Wushuang can indeed be called a stunning beauty in the mortal world, but when you look at the immortal world, there are some people. Lin Lang has seen more beautiful than her, and even pursued his fairy maiden more than the number of hands.

Deng Wushuang is so tender that he wants to seduce a rock that is as firm as ever.

"You are so close to me, I'm afraid I can't help but slap you to death." Lin Lang fainted.

"So disappointed.".

There was a disappointment in Deng Wushuang's eyes. But that's all. She is definitely not lacking a man to some extent, just a few jokes. But even so, it is uncomfortable to think that the charm is unlimited but others refuse it.

"If only you could be my husband-in-law, I have the ingenuity, and you have the courage. Would our husband and wife work together to win the world between Liao and Chuanshu.

"Do you think you have such great charm?" Lin Lang laughed.

Deng Wushuang was intrigued.

"Doctor Lin, I have a question for you."

"Nan Liao and Chuan Shu are thousands of miles apart. It is always well water that doesn't violate river water. Why do you get involved in Chuan Shu's affairs now?" The identity of the students sneaked into Sichuan, even hiding their identities. "

"I guess your purpose is to get involved in the Sichuan dispute. Maybe your men have sneaked into Sichuan at this moment, and wait for an order to launch a thunder strike." Deng Wushuang asked himself.

"I didn't understand it until you fell in love with Chen Miaoxuan. You originally wanted to form an alliance with the Chen family by this means, forcing the Chen family to use it for you and eventually achieve the goal of unifying Chuanshu."

If Deng Wubin's eyes watched the fire, it seemed that Lin Lang's attempt was a little bit. Yes, she can let go of even Deng Qi's hatred, but she has to pay attention to the fact that Chuanshu has a dragon crossing the river, as long as she is inattentive, she can be defeated by the other party at any time. Because Shuzhong City is her Shuzhong City, how do you let others sleep on the side of the couch?

Lin Lang was speechless.

This girl has too much imagination. If he wants to unify Chuan Shu, why not be so troublesome, and directly kill a few principals, Chuan Shu is not difficult.

"I said I was for Chen Miaoxuan. Do you believe that there are no disputes over interests?" Lin Lang said lightly.

"Give me a break."

"Lin Shenyi, in just two years in Nanliao province, it is difficult for ordinary people to judge whether it is wrist or ambition. If you have no purpose and come to Sichuan for two years for a woman, do you think I will believe it?" Deng Wushuang sneer.

"Don't talk to me about love, I have already investigated you before. Before you came to Chuanshu, there was no intersection with Chen Miaoxuan at all, how could it be for her."

"How could a mighty heroine do this for a woman. It is a woman like Chen Miaoxuan who can catch ten casually in the clubhouse of Chuanshu, and she will wait for you and be more obedient to you. Even better than her With a higher status, as long as Lin Shenyi shows his name, he will not beckon. "

"If not necessary, I really don't want to be your enemy." Deng Wushuang smiled.

"But you still do that." Lin Lang glanced around, his gaze pierced through the thick airtight wall, but his eyes were full of jokes.

"Yeah. Now that you know it, I won't cover it up." Deng Wushuang was smiling a while ago, but the next moment his face was completely cold.

"You know that your life is in my hands at this moment. As long as I order, you can only lie out of here."

Deng Wushuang sneered constantly. As she spoke, several red dots were never far away, locked on Lin Lang's chest, forehead, and temple.

With the call of Deng Wushuang, the surrounding area immediately moved, and the rustling footsteps rushed from under the fence of the courtyard.

Hundreds of strong men in black clothes with swords and sticks came out of their brains, all of them fierce, all of them were battle-hardened special soldiers.

"Shouldn't you be naive to think that these shrimp soldiers and crabs would be able to block me?" Lin Lang smiled. Not to mention him, even if a martial arts master came here casually, he could kill these people lightly, otherwise the martial arts master would not be worthy of the city.

"of course not."

Deng Wushuang smiled and stepped back a few steps.

"Lin Shenyi is a sage master. Naturally, you have to deal with it very much. I have prepared a great gift for you, waiting for you to enjoy it."

Deng Wushuang giggled endlessly.

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