Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 370: He is Lin Youye!

It is true that Deng Wushuang never expected to kill the grandmaster with these battlefield-trained special forces. Even if they had firearms in their hands, it would be a bit unrealistic to kill one person in this way.

It is impossible to know this in the Deng family that has a guru.

"You're right, in order to kill you, I specially invited the distinguished guest of the Duan family." Deng Wushuang smiled. Duan Qianxue then got up and slap. Suddenly, a man in black appeared like a ghost, appearing from the dark shadow.

"Duan is old and is working."

The Duan family is the Xiuwu family of Zhonghai. The number of warriors is not a small number, even if there are several great masters, it is definitely not worse than the Bai family of the year. The origin of the old man is even more extraordinary, but that is the guardian of Duan Zhengchun's unfamiliar former family, definitely not the weak.

"In order to deal with you, I have sent a lot of contacts." Duan Qianxue laughed like a silver bell: "Lin Shenyi, I have investigated your information, the founder of Holy Spirit Water, the developer of Life Yuanye, Rising about two years ago, there was a battle with Xiao Zhengning at the beginning of the transformation a year ago, and it was difficult to win. "

"In the following year, it disappeared for a period of time, and there was no outstanding record. It just simply abused a few rich masters."

"Lin Shenyi, you are a talent in martial arts, but unfortunately you have fallen. After fighting Xiao Zhengning, you were lost by the desire for power." Duan Qianxue's eyes flashed a sarcasm: "The life of paper drunks and gold fans is the most incompetent. Although in Liao province, you can still call the wind and rain, but you can only keep the foundation, and I can completely overtake you in five years. "

Lin Lang did not speak, because he felt that there was nothing to refute with these people. In another five years, Qian Xue may be able to reach the level he is today, but by then, he was already standing on the cloud overlooking the beings.

The so-called industry, in his eyes, is just the food that ordinary people fill up their stomachs. Others need to rely on family power, and he is a great power, and he will be treated everywhere.

Deng Wushuang thought that he had pierced Lin Lang's mind, and also pouted a smile: "It is to overestimate him a little more, and have been studying martial arts for two years without interruption. Now he is dead, and he is just a guru in the middle of transformation."

"And Duan is always in the middle of the metamorphosis, only one step away from the later period, and there are snipers ambushing at various high points. Unless you have the combat power in the late metamorphosis, you may still be able to escape. But there are not many such strong players in China. . "

Duan Qianxue's voice and Deng Wushuang's voice overlapped, holding a proud and full breast, full of confidence.

"Well, it seems Duan Zhengchun didn't tell you my identity." Lin Lang sighed softly.

"Your identity, what else do you have?" Duan Qianxue frowned. "Since the end of the previous battle of God, my father has hurriedly closed the retreat, and now he is fully impacting the divine realm. In time, Huaxia will be more A divine realm. "

Duan Qianxue said lightly. Her father is exactly her support. Ten years ago, she was already a master of the late stage of transformation, and now has the capital to shock the kingdom of God. Looking at the entire Huaxia martial arts circle, Duan Zhengchun's name occupies a pivotal position.

"No wonder, if he knew you were ambushing me today, I'm afraid he would lie on the ground." Lin Lang nodded.

Duan Zhengchun visited the hilltop villa in person for a while before, and later witnessed the death of the Yinyang Taoist on Guyu Lake. As long as he is not crazy to find death, he will never let his daughter provoke him.

"I'll see who will get down first." Duan Qianxue sneered, pointing out Lin Lin's direction: "Duan Lao, take him down!"


The old man in black drifted gently towards Lin Lang. Although he was old, Xiu was really horrified, his dry palms protruded forward, and a gust of wind was blowing.

As the guardian of the previous Duan family, his cultivation was by no means simple, even surpassing Bai Mu of that year, even if it was only one line behind Wan Jianyi.

"Duan Lao should be okay? Although Lin Shenyi has been decadent in the past two years, he can fight Xiao Zhengning in the early days of transformation. If he makes a breakthrough, he will definitely be Duan Lao's rival."

"Anyway, he can't do it. This is only the first plan. If he can win the second grandpa, there are two other alternatives waiting for him."

Duan Qianxue has a good idea.

Unexpectedly, her voice just dropped.

The battle on the field suddenly reversed. Duan Lao just came into contact with Lin Lang's body, and was flew out a dozen meters away by an invisible force bomb. Even if he is not in its heyday, it is still easy to deal with a middle-aged man.

Lin Lang pointed forward, a sharp sword gas shot out, and the old scapula appeared a translucent blood hole back and forth.

At the first move, Duan Lao was like a plaything in a cage, and one of his arms was abolished by people.


Duan Qianxue sat up in surprise, looking at Lin Lang with an unbelievable face. The latter looked indifferent, pointing to the past a second time, and Duan Laoru was hit hard, hitting a distant wall heavily, leaving a ruined ground.

Deng Wushuang was equally overwhelming, and exclaimed, "Why is this! Isn't Duan Lao a master, how could he fail so quickly."

No one could have imagined that a great master in the middle of the realm could not even support Lin Lang's moves. Even in a short period of time, she lost her color and lost her combat power completely.

"Old Duan!"

At the same time, a dark mist gathered in the corner, gradually forming a figure. Another guru came out of the shadows.

This man was one of the two great masters of the Deng family, Deng Ai.

This is Deng Wushuang's second hole card. The Grand Master of the Realm has always been extremely proud, and he is not disdain to join forces to besiege others, of course, except for the excessive power gap. If Duan Ai loses, Deng Ai will participate in this battle. Two masters will besiege one person at the same time.

This is the second card of the two women. But what they didn't expect was that Duan Lao was defeated so quickly that even Deng Ai hadn't had time to help, he had completely lost his combat power there.

hit? How else do you fight!

"What kind of person is he? According to my investigation, Lin Shenyi cannot have such a strong combat power. He cannot reach the level of my father in more than a year." Duan Qianxue was breathing short.

As for Deng Ai, he also completely lost his fighting spirit at this time. Since walking out of the shadows, his eyes are full of vigilance.

"It turned out to be you." Lin Lang's mouth angled up.

"Do you know me?" Deng Ai frowned, only to feel that the person in front of him was familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

"It seems that your life is still big enough, and I was thrown down the cliff to survive. I knew you still wanted to be my enemy, and I should kill you completely at that time." Lin Lang's voice was flat, as if looking at ants .

Suddenly, Deng Ai's face changed greatly. He has basically failed since he stepped into the Grand Master. The only time and the worst was the half-death of being beaten by a young master in Yunwu Mountain.

Later he fled back to Deng's house and vowed to be ashamed. However, as soon as his injuries recovered, news of the person who had injured him was heard from the outside. At that time, Lin Youye was already so famous that it was hard to meet rivals in the Huaxia martial arts circle. Naturally, he had to reconcile the enemy's mind.

"What is your relationship with Lin Youye?"

Deng Ai's face was dignified, and the young man in front of him looked similar to Lin Youye in seven or eight points, but not as handsome as the latter.

"Muff, you are Lin Youye!"

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