Deng Ai screamed, suddenly thinking of one of the most terrifying speculations. Yes, there will never be two people in the world that look so similar, let alone such a similar practice.

The only explanation is that the same person!


Duan Qianxue was thrilled. Who is Lin Youye, who is the peak power of Huaxia, and the martial arts circle that ordered Huaxia will tremble. Even his father can only play the role of a pilgrim. A young thief with theft experience.

Even the divine sense obtained by his father was just the fur learned from Lin Youye. How could she fight this? She did not dare to continue her arrogance.

"He's Lin Youye. It's impossible. I've seen his photos. Lin Youye is definitely not like this." Deng Wushuang trembled.

"The strongest in Shenjing will be proficient in some makeovers. The photos can only be used as a reference, and it is not true." Duan Qianxue smiled bitterly. There was no more confident color in the eyes. Even if she still has a third set of plans, as soon as Lin Youye's identity comes out, many methods are immediately useless.

With just one name, it has the power to crush all conspiracy. This is the majesty that Lin Youye played in Huaxia. Who dares to offend?

"How can this be?" Deng Wushuang kept napping. She always had a plan, but for the first time at the moment she had no idea and how she was dealing with the matter at hand.

Who would have thought that the Daling Lin therapist in Nanliao province and Lin Youye, Megatron China ’s first strong man, turned out to be the same person. This is too shocking. Whether this person is a force or his own power, has reached an appalling level.

This is Lin Youye. One year and a half ago stirred up the endless situation in Chuanshu, so that the major families of Chuanshu are still chaotic and often go to war. It is also because of the appearance of this man that the Deng family has taken it a step further.

The status of Deng's overlord of Sichuan and Shu is caused by Lin Lang unintentionally. Similarly, if he intends, the major forces of Sichuan and Shu will once again rewrite.

At that time, I am afraid that the Deng family will still be as beautiful as it is today.

"The two of you are the stupidest. They want to kill me without asking for my information. Now you know why Duan Zhengchun knew what you were doing and should be scared down." Lin Lang faintly said. .

Duan Qianxue was silent. Indeed, if his father learns everything today, I am afraid that not only will he be scared to his knees, he may even kneel down and ask Lin You to let his family go alive.

Because this is definitely an invincible object.

"As for you." Lin Lang's eyes fell on Deng Ai, and he said indifferently, "you have prepared to do something to me several times, and you should have died."

Death is his best destination.

Deng Ai's body shook, and boundless fear came to her heart. He wanted to beg, but Lin Lang would never let such an enemy offend him repeatedly.

Lin Lang shot forward with one palm, and Deng Ai was immediately taken off. During the flight, the sound of numerous bone fractures sounded, until he hit the wall heavily, leaving a **** figure under the dim light.

"And they, locked me for so long, it's time to die." Lin Lang pointed to the sniper in the distance, and suddenly, the first sniper was pierced by an invisible energy, and his body was banging Fall to the ground.

"How dare you!"

The second sniper was hit by Lin Lang from a distance, his head exploded, and the headless body fell weakly from the second-floor balcony. As for the last sniper who has seen this battle, without any weapon, you can kill someone by stretching your fingers.

"Damn, go to the monster."

The third sniper had no choice but to shoot. boom! A loud gunshot echoed. In order to deal with Lin Lang, the three snipers were all iron elites hired by Deng Wushuang, who had no bullets, and the sniper bullets were special armor-piercing bullets.

Lin Lang took a step forward, scratching his palm, and held a bullet still full of vented high temperature in his hand. To this day, with his full attention, he can reach the speed of sound. With the trajectory predicted in advance, it is not difficult to catch the bullet.

He threw forward at random, the last sniper was instantly penetrated by bullets, his body burst and died.


The gun went off!

Chen Miaoxuan, who was in the room, had been waiting anxiously. Lin Lang had been away for almost half an hour. At this time, another clear gunshot came from the backyard.

"It's a gunshot!"

"I'm sure it's the sound of a gun, and it's still a powerful barrel gun, even a sniper rifle!"

Everyone suddenly changed color. They all heard gunfire in the shooting club. Although it was separated by earmuffs at that time, this crisp sound was too familiar. It was definitely not the kind of air gun.

Chen Miaoxuan's face changed dramatically. Sure enough, her most worried thing happened! Deng Qi anyhow represents the face of Deng's family, how can they let others kill at will. If the tone of Deng's family can stand it, it won't be worthy of the names of the four major families.

The appearance of Duan Qianxue is definitely not accidental.

Tolerating her moment of hesitation, she immediately got up and ran to the backyard. Everyone rushed to the backyard non-stop, but was stopped by several sturdy bodyguards at the door.

Chen Miaoxuan was extremely anxious. How could she fight through these battle-hardened bodyguards, even though she was in a hurry, she was put down by a fiercely tricky Yinyin foot and was still blocked.

"Ms. Chen, Ms. Deng is discussing important matters with Lin Shenyi, and I hope you don't disturb."

Chen Miaoxuan has done her best and still can't push these big men, and can only be anxious on the spot.


Lin Lang struck in the past, and the hundred strong men in black were killed and injured immediately. The survivors also basically lost their weapons and surrendered.

"And a few of you."

Lin Lang glanced indifferently, locked Deng Wushuang, and those who dared to offend him must bear the consequences.

Duan Qianxue panicked. Although she has a lot of identities, she is a giant in the business sector of China Shipping, but after all, she is not a person in martial arts. It was only at this moment that she knew that all those identities and auras were all waste.

Duan Lao struggled to get up, and he wouldn't just ignore the beloved juniors. He barely guarded Duan Qianxue, and said in a deep voice, "Lin You Ye, what else do you want to do? The roots of our Duan family. Zhengchun is about to break through the divine realm. I can guarantee it. In the future, the Duan family Wang family, you and Zhengchun will advance and retreat together. "

Lin Lang's eyes were indifferent: "Even if I give him this opportunity, would he dare to ask? You are stupid enough to threaten me with an ant."

Lin Lang gave a pointer to the past, Duan Lao's body was blown up, and he died instantly in front of the second daughter. As for those black-clad thugs, who dare to desperately flee and flee across the wall.

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