After the Jiuyuanjie was attacked, its defenses worked to the limit.

Nine world vortexes are spinning rapidly, and a wave of formation power resolves the overwhelming artillery fire.

"Lord, what should I do? The artillery bombardment of Shenwu was too fierce. Although we can stop it now, the energy consumed at every moment is too great to last too long!"

In the Nine Abyss Realm, in addition to the Nine Abyss Realm Master, there are two Heavenly Dao Gods, but they are all in the first stage.

"I know!"

The master of Jiuyuan was also upset in his heart.

The last time he attacked Shenwu, not only did he not get the benefits, but it caused a lot of trouble, and now he was hit by others.

Of course he could see that every blow of the opponent's giant artillery was comparable to a blow from the Heavenly Dao God. Although the bombardment would cost a huge amount of energy, it was clearly able to support it with the opponent's national strength.

As for rushing out and fighting head-on?

He doesn't have that confidence.

The opponent's national strength is much stronger than him.

Time and space **** stepped out, his time and space city expanded rapidly, the power of time and space was enveloped in an instant, he blasted a palm with the power of the fourth stage, and the endless crystal mist spread.

It is not necessary to use primitive artifacts to be better than heaven artifacts.

Giving the Time and Space God Sky Fire God Orb is not as powerful as the time and space city he used to match his power.

Bang Bang Bang Bang... At this moment, a destructive explosion sounded crazily in the Nine Abyss Realm. With the bombardment of Shenwu, countless prohibition craziness was destroyed, and even the nine vortexes had to stop rotating.

"It's him, it's the fourth stage!"

At the time of tomorrow, Jiuyuan's realm master had also seen the **** of time and space, and now seeing him achieve the fourth realm, the same realm as himself, his heart quickly became flustered.

Of course he is not afraid of being a pure time and space god, but there is a powerful empire behind him.

"Can't consume them anymore!"

The Nine Abyss Realm Master roared: "In this way, passively accepting the attack is to boil the frog in warm water. When the energy consumption of the Nine Abyss Realm is exhausted, it is hard to retreat. Now only the strongman has broken his wrist, abandoned the Nine Abyss Realm and escaped !"

Yes, he wants to escape!

"Do you really want to escape?"

The powerhouse of the Nine Abyss Realm is naturally unwilling.

It took countless efforts to build this world, and there was a threat of magical weapons, so I would not dare to build it casually in the future.

"Keep the green hills, and don't be afraid that there will be no firewood. The most important thing is that we live!"

Another Heavenly Dao and Divine Dao: "That Shenwu is not without enemies. Let's contact Long Shentian and seek protection from them. Long Shentian has a deep hatred for Shenwu, so I won't let them go!"

"I heard that the reason why Long Shentian didn't act on Shenwu right away was because Long Zu was cultivating Chaos Dragon Eggs. When Chaos Shenlong was born, it was the end of Shenwu Shen Dynasty!"

"Also, is there something you haven't noticed?"

The Jiuyuan realm master suddenly laughed strangely: "Their geographical location is too bad, they are too close to Du'ertian, there was nothing before they developed strong, but now the drawbacks are revealed, the expansion is too fast, as a three Thirteen days of this ultimate power, will Duertian look forward to this enemy to continue to develop? The stronger the Shenwu, the less beneficial it is for them, and the Shenwu possesses too many resources, primitive artifacts, and various war equipment. , 33 days will be greedy."

"A word to wake up the dreamer, how can I forget this!"

The strong man in the Nine Abyss Realm suddenly felt better.

"Now it's just a temporary retreat. When Du'ertian or Dragon God's hands are fully implemented, this is our chance for revenge!"

The master of Jiuyuan is extremely decisive.

The nine vortexes were originally rotating clockwise, but suddenly they reversed, bursting into full energy.

Ye E saw this scene and immediately exclaimed: "No, they are reversing the world. They are going to abandon the Nine Abyss Realm and escape!"

Seeing this scene, the magical powerhouse immediately activated a stronger force and began to blockade.

"Want to block me? You can do it too. I can't beat you, but if I want to go, you can't stop it!"

The master of Jiuyuan made a hideous voice, forcing him to abandon the realm of Jiuyuan, how could he not hate it.

Suddenly the whole world shrank suddenly, condensed to a point, a ray of light actually broke through the blockade of Shenwu and escaped toward the sky.

But what they did not expect was that they had just broken the blockade, and suddenly saw the towering figure of the Shenwu God Emperor, a stone gate standing in the sky.

Boom! Their power did not break through the stone gate!

The Sealed Door!

Chu Yuan operated the sealed gate that day, so that the Lord of Jin Qian in the fifth stage did not escape, not to mention that he was still in the second stage of heaven.

Although the Nine Abyss Realm Master made an impact with the power of the entire Nine Abyss Realm this time.

However, Chu Yuan also brought the elite of the empire.

"Haha, this is your majesty's sealing technique, it has sealed their world, they can't run away!"

Ye E laughed frantically: "Jiuyuan, you were very arrogant that day, today I see how you run!"

"Go on, I don't believe you can't break through!"

The Jiuyuan Realm Master's face was extremely gloomy.

Originally, he was thinking of not completely destroying the Nine Abyss Realm to escape and escape, but now he knows that he can't do it, so he wants to destroy the entire Nine Abyss Realm in exchange for the most powerful force.

When he destroyed Jiuyuan Realm, Chu Yuan waved his hand.

A group of brilliant lights, with infinite lightning, straddled and directly bombarded the Nine Abyss Realm.

The wave of the violent thunder immediately sank the Nine Abyss Realm, and suddenly, the infernal sea of ​​thunder permeated, like sea water, which was all thunder and lightning.

Above them, there appeared Kuang Lei Purgatory.

"Original artifact!"

The master of Jiuyuan shouted: "They have other primitive artifacts!"

The Great Devouring Technique is fully deployed, devouring multiple energies and supplying the operation of Kuangthunder Purgatory.

Rumble! A beam of flame struck through again fiercely. It was the Sky Fire God Orb. The thunder and fire exploded with a stronger power, and suddenly I saw the sky fire mixed in the violent thunder.

Two primitive artifacts attacked the Nine Abyss Realm.

"Thunder and fire, okay, thunder and fire are both extremely violent forces!"

Huo Ancestor didn't make a move, just watching the battlefield.

Of course he knew that the power of thunder and fire would be stronger, but this required extremely delicate control, and Chu Yuan had also reached the second stage to perfectly control the power of the two primitive artifacts.

and so.

He waited until he was in his second stage before specifically coming to the Nine Abyss Realm Master to settle accounts ~ just because he was worried that he would run away.

Now, the three gods of Seal Gate, Sky Fire God Orb, and Kuang Lei Purgatory have formed an absolute blockade.

It is impossible to break this blockade with the ability of Jiuyuan Master.

In other words.

The Master of the Nine Abyss is also the turtle in the urn.

Knead as you want.

He also never expected that Chu Yuan would also possess two primitive artifacts and the Sealed Gate, which were specially used for sealing treasures.

Chu Yuan stood in the void, everything was under his control, his aura was over the world, he controlled everything, looked indifferently at the Nine Abyss Realm Master, and gave the order to completely attack and destroy the army.


The God of Time and Space was in charge of the City of Time and Space, and with a cultivation base no weaker than that of the Master of the Nine Abyss, he specifically sought him to kill.

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