Chapter 1406

The oppression of the two primitive artifacts and the Seal Gate forced the Nine Abyss Realm to retreat to the original place.

It's a mess.

Howling everywhere.

"Can't get out!"

The master of Jiuyuan was trembling all over.

His biggest reliance is that even if he can't beat Shenwu Divine Emperor, he can still run out, even if he abandons his foundation, he has the opportunity to run out.

But the facts broke his illusion.

Kuang thunder purgatory, sky fire bombarded.

The powerhouses of the Shenwu God Dynasty have all shot, and his Nine Abyss Realm defense has been completely broken.

"Fight, only fight!"

The master of Jiuyuan is also extremely decisive.

His combat power was fully deployed, and a group of fine light directly hit the time and space **** who had killed him, and suddenly the majestic power caused a shocking shock.

The Temporal God is built like a spar, he is not a flesh and blood creature, his face is expressionless, and the power of time and space strikes.

"Your Majesty, leave the two heavenly gods to me to deal with!"

Where Ye'e's power went, the two heavenly gods were just the first stage. In the battle against Ye'e, where could Ye'e's opponent be, it was almost swept away.

In fact, they are both gods and gods, even if they are not opponents, they are not too afraid.

However, the blockade outside of heaven and earth leaves them no way to run, but to fight.

Chu Yuan was cold and cruel.

He manipulated the power of Kuang Lei Purgatory and Sky Fire God Orb, two primitive artifacts, and immediately created a terrible disaster. Countless Nine Abyss Realm experts were bombarded and wiped out.

He got up and started without mercy.

Since it is an offensive, it must all be killed and no hidden dangers can be left behind.

Shenwu's army also began to attack, rushing directly into the Nine Abyss Realm. The strength of the Nine Abyss Realm was not weak, but their morale had collapsed, and there was a huge generation gap in their equipment.

If you are not an opponent, you can only be slaughtered.

The battleship of the heavens hit, the giant cannon of the heavens blocked.

"How to do?"

The master of Jiuyuan was terrified.

Although he didn't fall into the underdog with the time and space god's shot, he also saw that the entire Nine Abyss Realm was defeated, and he was not an opponent of Shenwu at all.

"Shenwu, listen to me first!"

He shouted at Chu Yuan.

"Yes, I used to be driven by greed, and I was wrong with you. I shouldn't have done it with you, but you, as the emperor, don't have to kill all, to destroy my Nine Abyss Realm!"

The master of Jiuyuan said: "I am willing to make amends. I can give you as much compensation as you want!"

"Haha, it's really stupid. At this time, you are still saying such stupid things and destroy your Nine Abyss Realm, or you will have everything!"

Ye'e laughed.

Now they can be said to occupy a complete advantage.


The subject of Jiuyuan World is plugged.

At this moment, Kuang Lei Purgatory shook, and a sky-reaching thunder light suddenly penetrated down. The terrifying force brought destruction and destruction, and the Nine Abyss Realm Master was thrown away heavily.

"I am not his opponent!"

The master of Jiuyuan was frightened after hearing the wind.

At this moment, the Shenwu God Emperor was too lofty, and the master of Jiuyuan could deeply perceive the gap between the two.


He shouted again: "Shenwu, it's really unnecessary. I can let Jiuyuan Realm be your subsidiary force, or even your courtier, and completely obey your orders. Although my Jiuyuan Realm is not as good as you, it is still the fourth realm of Heaven. !"

He has no guts to continue fighting with Chu Yuan.

He suddenly thought that instead of working hard with Shenwu, it is better to submit to them. Anyway, Shenwu's strength is also extremely strong, and he might still benefit from following them.

In any case, let's pass the immediate difficulties first.

[Choose one: Accept the refuge of the Lord of the Nine Abyss, get 60,000 fate points, and a random heavenly artifact x1. 】

[Option 2: Reject the refuge of the master of the Nine Abyss, get 60,000 fate points, random heavens x1. 】

"Refuge in me?"

Chu Yuan turned his eyes and said coldly: "Yes, but you want to become my slave and give up your soul. Maybe I can consider letting you go."

"You want me to be your slave!"

The face of the Jiuyuan Realm Master changed drastically at this moment, and he roared: "Shenwu, don't deceive people too much!"

He is also a **** of heaven and has his own pride. He can allow himself to take refuge in the martial arts and become his courtier, but he is absolutely unwilling to abandon his pride and become his pride.

Courtiers and slaves are two completely different concepts.

"It's you who deceived me!"

Chu Yuan never let go of his thoughts.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

To a large extent, the temperament of a country has a huge relationship with the emperor. The more domineering the emperor, the more domineering the people.

"I fought with you!"

Nine vortexes suddenly appeared, and the Nine Abyss Realm Master was in the middle, suddenly united, he burned his own strength, and suddenly, directly broke through the blockade of the Time and Space God, and rammed towards Chu Yuan.

"You want my life, and I won't make you feel better!"

The master of Jiuyuan roared.

Chu Yuan just stared at him coldly, the Jiuyuan Realm Master who slammed into it fiercely. The moment he arrived, he himself turned into the greatest devour.

The power of the Great Devouring Technique, a larger black hole vortex, pulled and absorbed the power of the Nine Abyss Realm Master.

Boom! His power directly defeated the Nine Abyss Realm Master's counterattack.

"Great Devouring Technique!"

His face was twisted in terror.

After cultivating to Tiandaoshen, he never felt that death would be so close to himself.

"No! I will never die here, I will ascend the more invincible road, the glory of the universe!"

The master of Jiuyuan roared.

He didn't care what the price was, and the thunder bombarded Chu Yuan frantically, but this person waved his hand to be violent thunder purgatory, and the power of destruction caused his heavenly body to collapse.

"The Master of the Nine Abyss is dead!"

Ye E said in horror on the side.

Yes, he also knew that the **** emperor sealed with the treasure, so that the master of Jiuyuan could not escape.

The strength of the **** emperor also shocked him, becoming stronger too fast.

Standing in the air, Chu Yuan was too indifferent. The emperor's giant hands were like the heavens, covering the sky, facing the Jiuyuan Realm Master, immediately grabbing his body and exploding it.

The original source was reorganized, and the master of Jiuyuan once again gathered.

"You really want to kill me!"

The Nine Abyss Realm Master trembled with He was desperate, and he faced Shenwu's several moves, let him know the huge gap, this person has the strength to pinch him completely.

He regretted not that.

Looking at Chu Yuan who was indifferent and speechless, he already knew the opponent's will and suddenly made a sad voice.

There seemed to be a bell ringing in the world, like a death knell, for his funeral.

"Haha, even if I die, I won't make you feel better!"

His whole body is shining, since there is no way to survive, let it be completely destroyed.

Chu Yuan stared in front of him, the eternal seal, the power of the Great Swallowing technique, produced an unmatched suction force, the Nine Abyss Realm Master was twisting, and his final self-destruction was not achieved.

With Chu Yuan's one step across, his palms rotated, and the horribly rotating black hole made him completely disappear into the world.

Four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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