"That feels like we can make money." Rand breathed a sigh of relief. The gems that Ellie invested in before were useless because there was no place nearby that could exchange gems of this level for coins, so the finances of the den were still quite tight.

Ellie and Olenna nodded in agreement. They were also troubled by the financial problems of the den recently, and Rand did not allow them to support the den out of their own pockets, saying that it would dampen the enthusiasm for the development of the den.

However, since the first phase of the Adventurer Resort has been perfectly completed, the next step is to wait for adventurers to come here to explore the ruins.

If the den promotes itself, they are still more worried that no one will come to explore.

But since the White King is really willing to personally promote it, the situation will not be bad, and then wait for the adventurers to solve the danger in front of the ruins, and then he can personally go to find the legendary artifact buried in the ruins.

And the economy of the den will definitely develop as a result.

As for the future development, there is no need to worry. The minotaur Shasa said that there is a passage to the Underdark nearby. If it really develops into a holy place for adventurers, the Underdark adventure project can be developed later.

Chapter 53 The Bones of the Giant Serpent and the First Adventurer

The power of the god Rand is endless. He not only killed the golem made of magic steel, but also defeated the giant snake as long as a river.

At least the believers in the den think so.

The bones of the giant snake and the fragments of the golem are proof.

With the efforts of twelve adult minotaurs, the bones of the giant snake were finally transported to the den.

This was the first time that Rand used [Greed of the God of Struggle] and successfully obtained a complete set of giant snake bones. Unfortunately, after Ellie's identification, the flesh and blood of the giant snake were inedible, so only some were taken as Ellie's experimental materials.

The whole skeleton of the giant snake was perfectly peeled off, and after being dragged back to the den, it was covered above the sacrificial room, and the position of the head was facing the door of the sacrificial room.

If you enter the sacrificial room directly from the main entrance without passing through the office, you will face the skull of a giant snake.

Although this set of bones has no practical use, it is a very good decoration to enhance reputation. At least in the future, adventurers who come to the hideout will have to think twice before making trouble when they see this giant snake skeleton.

Rand stood at the door of the sacrificial room.

Now the interior of the sacrificial room has also been renovated, and the gate is built more magnificently.

A longhouse was added here as a meeting hall, and behind the longhouse was Rand's original living area.

Looking sideways at Olenna, Rand said helplessly: "Does it have to be like this?"

It was the common idea of ​​Ellie and Olenna to drag the bones of the giant snake here. They believed that this could effectively enhance Rand's majesty and reputation as the owner of this place.

Olena nodded: "Of course, if you can't shock everyone, and people keep provoking you, not only will your dignity be damaged, but we will also have a hard time."

The implication is very simple. If someone tries to provoke Rand's dignity, Olena and her subordinates must not let him go.

The master humiliates the minister and the minister dies more than enough, which is a popular value in this era.

Rand no longer cares. Although he doesn't like exaggeration, since it is necessary to maintain dignity, he has no objection.

And there is another very important point, this is really handsome.

Just when Rand was about to walk around again, Olena suddenly changed color, and in an instant she drew her sword from its sheath and stabbed it across the neck of a girl in a black tights.

Rand only then reacted and looked back at the girl. Because Olena's sword was on her neck, sweat was faintly on her forehead at this time. She didn't understand at all how there could be a top professional in this remote place.

And such a reaction and speed may also be ranked at the forefront among the top professionals.

She admitted that it was wrong for her to want to steal, but it was not a crime punishable by death. She was held up and dared not move. She could only blink her eyes and move her eyeballs up and down to signal her surrender and stop holding the sword.

Rand's face was gloomy because he found that his pants were gone and he felt cold now.

He glanced at the right hand of the girl in black, pulled his pants back, and then walked back to the sacrificial room and said to Olenna: "Look at her."

The girl smiled awkwardly, and then her neck felt the cold sword. She had to hold her expression and minimize her movements. She found that the random lottery theft ability she had acquired since childhood actually drew pants this time.

It turned out to be a man's pants. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but mourn for her career as a thief. If she stole useless pants, her career as a thief must be over. Sad.

After a while, Rand, who had put on his pants, looked at the thief with a sullen face: "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

The girl's legs suddenly weakened, and tears appeared in her beautiful big eyes. She looked at Rand pitifully: "I, I just stole a pair of pants, the crime, the crime is not punishable by death, right?"

Rand rolled his eyes. He had already recognized this girl. In the original "Deep Moon" game, the first copy cg, one of the protagonists who participated in the ruins adventure with Ellie, the thief, Elsa.

In fact, she is essentially a pure fighting assassin, the kind who sneaks in and assassinates and kills all witnesses.

Although she has always called herself a thief, and seems to have a serious kleptomania.

But Rand, a cloud player, has never seen it in the game CG. Elsa actually stole her underwear. What is the morality of a thief? What's the bottom line for being a thief?

But luckily, Elsa is only an advanced professional at this stage. Even if she is extremely talented, she cannot beat Olenna, the most advanced professional.

Olenna was very serious. Although she didn't understand why this thief wanted to steal Lord Rand's pants, this was undoubtedly an offense to him and must be dealt with seriously.

After hearing what the girl said, Rand said with a strange smile: "I am the master of this place, and I have the final say on the laws here."

The girl's heart skipped a beat after hearing this, thinking that her life was going to end here for such a ridiculous reason, right?

She suddenly remembered something and said: "I, I am rich, I can compensate you."

Rand thought helplessly: How come everyone is so rich? Tan'er is like this, Ellie and Olenna are like this, and now this Elsa also looks very rich.

"How do you want to compensate?" Rand tried to control his expression so that he didn't look so greedy for money.

Seeing an opportunity, the girl motioned with her eyes to Olenna to move her sword away.

Then he took out a small bag from his pocket and handed it to Rand respectfully but guiltily.

Rand did not answer, but Olenna did it for him.

After opening the bag, you can see that there are gems similar to those funded by Ellie, golden coins, and some gadgets that don't look very valuable, such as some small gears, toys, and bracelets.

But from a general rational point of view, the value must exceed Rand's pants.

Rand didn't take more, took a gold coin from it, and then returned the small bag to the girl.

"What's your name?" Although Rand knew her name.

"My name is Elsa, Elsa Amberlet." At this time, Olenna had already retracted her sword, so Elsa could make a gesture of caressing her chest and introduce her name and surname.

"Well, can I leave?" She was relieved that Rand didn't take too much, but she still wanted to leave this unfortunate place of right and wrong quickly. She had stolen a man's underwear!

If possible, she would wash her hands now.

Rand shook his head.

Elsa's heart skipped a beat, and she raised her head cautiously to look at Rand, wondering if there was anything else going on. She obviously just stole a piece of underwear, so it wasn't too much!

After thinking about it, Elsa became a little guilty. It seemed, probably, that stealing someone's trousers was indeed too much. Moreover, Lord Rand seemed to be a local lord. Her behavior undoubtedly offended Rand.

Rand continued: "According to the laws of the den, theft requires not only monetary compensation, but also administrative penalties, which are detention and corvee labor."

In fact, there is currently no law in the den.

Elsa breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. She was familiar with this. Isn't it just jail and hard labor? At most, she went to dig or something.

Chapter 54 Actors, script, stage

Autumn has entered at this time, and the autumn wind is rustling. The wheat originally planted in spring is almost mature and it is almost time to harvest.

Moreover, Rand's previous three-crop rotation experimental field can also test some of the experimental results.

It was morning, the sun had just risen from the horizon, and the air was still slightly cool.

But Rand, who had put his pants back on, no longer felt cold.

Rand detained Elsa, of course, not to let her use the sewing machine. The main reason is that the current den does not even have a prison. As for such a high-end machine as a sewing machine, Rand has no ability to develop it in a short time.

I can only say that the professionalism is not right.

What he needs is an actor.

Nowadays, the White King's publicity has solved the problem of the ruins' popularity, but the degree of danger of the ruins and whether there are treasures in the ruins are still unknown. At this time, there is an urgent need for someone to act as a supporter and publicize the treasures and treasures under the ruins. Knowledge.

Thinking of this, Rand suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Miss Elsa, you are an adventurer, right?"

Elsa nodded without knowing why.

"Then have you heard about the White King's family remains?"

Elsa nodded again.

Rand breathed a sigh of relief and then said, "Come with me."

【Elsa Amberlet

Gender: Female

Ability: All-round dexterity] (expandable)

Elsa didn't dare to have any objections. After all, there was a top-level swordsman watching over her. If she didn't obey, she might really die.

Walking down from the den, you can see a large number of houses, as well as a tavern, a blacksmith shop and a temporary medical clinic on the lower ground.

It looks like a small town. On the contrary, the higher-lying den looks like a small village.

Rand's design is to separate the den from the gathering place for adventurers. The den normally does not allow outsiders to enter. At least after being inspected, outsiders can come to the sacrifice room of the den to meet him as the lord.

Otherwise, if you carry the Torch Church's ritual utensils, the newly launched project may be aborted.

Following Rand down, the thief girl wearing night tights and leather armor looked around curiously. She knew that there was a ruin promoted by the White King, and she came here with the intention of visiting the ruins.

It seems that the White King's men are well prepared. It seems that such a large battle will not be an ordinary worthless or low-value relic.

I just don’t know why the Frost Moon Kingdom has no response to this. Did it reach any agreement with the White King?

It's a pity that she had kleptomania and came to steal the lord here. Now she has been caught. Otherwise, it would be very tempting to explore the ruins first.

Walking to the underground Adventurer Resort Villa, Rand said: "I hope you can experience the facilities here and tell me what you think."

Of course, Rand would not say at the beginning that he needed to cooperate with him in acting. This would only make people think that he was a liar. Anyway, as long as he was not too excessive, it was still very simple to deal with this kleptomania patient.

The reason why kleptomania is kleptomania is that the desire to steal cannot be resisted with reason.

When her kleptomania was not on her mind, Elsa was still a very normal beautiful girl, and she was also a very powerful thief. At least she could easily touch behind Rand before being discovered by Olenna. This was not what ordinary thieves could do. Did it.

After Rand took her through the experience, Elsa nodded in approval, saying that it was very comfortable to stay here.

The penultimate location is the tavern, which currently only provides poor ale. In the future, when food becomes abundant, Rand can also try making distilled liquor.

But now it's important to market Rand's juices.

Since the resort has not been officially launched, the counter of the tavern is currently Lysa.

After returning from outside reconnaissance and tasting Rand's juice, she expressed her desire to learn this method.

Rand is incompetent, Lysa has contributed a lot to the den, but in fact Rand has nothing in return for her except strange things.

This kind of thing is nothing that needs to be kept secret from core members of the den like her.

Lysa's body coordination was very good, and the series of production processes were smooth and smooth. The refreshing juice was poured into the wooden cup and handed to Elsa: "4 silver coins."

Elsa felt ripped off. The value of 4 silver coins was not small. In the Northern Union, the price of a pound of bread was 4 copper coins. The daily salary of a knight's retinue was about 80 copper coins. In other words, a knight's retinue was considered very valuable. Even with a high-quality job, you have to work for five consecutive days before you can afford a drink.

But although the price seems to be excessive, and even though he was invited to experience it, he still had to pay. Is this Lord Rand the kind of character who desperately wants money?

However, this small amount of money was not enough to make her feel distressed, and Elsa was still in a state of being sued for the attempted theft, so she paid the coins honestly, then picked up the cup and took a sip.

Her eyes suddenly lit up. She originally thought it was just some freshly squeezed juice, but now it seems to taste quite good. From her perspective, 4 silver coins are quite worth it.

After tasting the juice, she no longer looked very ladylike. She poured the juice into her mouth with a bold gesture that rivaled Rand's.

After drinking, she slammed the cup on the table: "One more cup!"

Rand was not in a hurry, and he waited until she was satisfied with her drink before leading her to continue the tour.

The last stop is the large bathhouse, which is now fully operational. Such benefits must be given to the believers first. Now that the food is good and they can wear warm clothes, there is no need to worry about taking cold baths frequently and getting sick.

Elsa looked up at this huge masonry structure. She had noticed it before when she came down from the den, but she didn't expect it to be a bathhouse. This was the first time she had seen this kind of design.

It's not that the kings or nobles couldn't afford to build it, but that many nobles didn't take baths. Even those who liked bathing only enjoyed it for themselves and would not build such a huge bathhouse.

"Want to experience it?" Rand asked.

Elsa looked at Rand and said angrily: "Are you charging so much?"

Seeing Elsa's initiative, Rand smiled and said, "If it's a basic rinse, it's 10 copper coins per person."

If you want to take a bath in the bath, it costs 1 silver coin. If you want a private room in the bath, it costs 10 silver coins per person.

Elsa asked about the price and felt that the charge was reasonable. After all, such a huge amount of work would require a lot of fuel to maintain hot water.

Nodding, Elsa expressed that she wanted to experience it and handed a silver coin to the front desk of the bathhouse.

Soon she ran out of the bath and gave the bath management desk 9 silver coins. This world is really chaotic. I didn't expect that 1 silver coin was going to be soaked with that Rand and Olenna, that Olenna. She obviously doesn't look like Rand's wife, wouldn't she feel embarrassed?

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