Elsa also carefully confirmed that the public baths also distinguished between men and women, but the special bath rooms did not seem to be subject to this restriction.

Black and Brown Leader, Taner took the letter and saw that the messenger of the hideout had handed over an extra package. He opened it with doubt and looked at it. It was a large bag of crude sugar and spices, and a juice recipe was attached.

Unfortunately, Taner did not have time to try it now.

The friction between the Second Prince and the Third Prince factions intensified, and local conflicts had begun. Taner was ordered by the Black and Brown Earl to confront the Green Leaf Marquis's army here.

Thanks to Rand's military guide, Taner's military command ability was recognized by the Black and Brown Earl. Therefore, in addition to the 150 people that his mercenary group could command, the Black and Brown Earl also sent an additional 300 people to his command.

Unfortunately, it is not easy now. Rand's military guide cannot solve all problems. Since the number of people under his command has increased, various situations will always occur.

What's more serious is that Taner feels that the Green Leaf Marquis can no longer sit still, and the real conflict is about to begin.

Chapter 55 Confrontation, conflict, and the beginning of war

The strength of the Black and Brown Earl and the Green Leaf Marquis is similar, but the army confronting Taner's troops at this time is far more numerous than Taner's.

The opposite side is not a regular army. It looks like there are a lot of flags. It is estimated that there are five or six mercenary groups gathered together.

Such a situation is very common in aristocratic wars. Since a standing army will bring huge financial pressure, many nobles will use mercenaries when facing war.

Although the price is not cheap, it is better than training, training, and maintaining an army by yourself.

But the price is that the mercenaries are not subordinate to each other, and there may even be considerable contradictions.

If mercenaries are used in large numbers, the opposite situation will appear, which looks bustling and noisy, like a mob.

But the advantage of numbers will still bring huge combat power advantages. This group of mercenaries can even defeat Taner's forces by taking turns.

Taner has 450 people here, and the number of people on the other side is three times his, estimated to be 1,400.

The two sides are facing each other across the river.

Because he judged that there would be a direct military conflict, Taner has sent a message to ask the black and brown earl for support.

The two sides are now on a high slope, separated by a small stream that can only submerge the knees. The stream can only slightly block the pace of the army, but it is still a favorable terrain for the defender.

Moreover, once the opponent wants to rush over, it will change from the same height to the low terrain. Now the slingers of the Fengran Mercenary Group have all been replaced by archers.

As long as they rush over, a few rounds of arrow rain can still consume a lot of people on the opposite side.

I'm afraid that the opponent doesn't care about his life.

After receiving Taner's letter for help, the black and brown earl opened it and read it, and then put it in the sorting area aside.

He has almost figured out the origin of this mercenary group. They came from the Crescent Territory. It is estimated that they were forced to be desperate by the war and came here to become mercenaries.

Their weapons and equipment, as well as the commander's brain, are quite popular with the Black and Brown Earl. He is really surprised that the mercenaries can have such quality. If it were in another period, he might even try to recruit the Taner mercenary leader.

But it doesn't matter now. What he needs now is the troops to fill the line. As long as they complete the task well, he, as a noble, will not default on the commission he should pay. It depends on whether they can survive.

The Black and Brown Earl certainly knew that the Green Leaf Marquis was ready to make a move, so he had already arranged another army. There is not only one passage from the Black and Brown Territory to the Green Leaf Territory.

Since it has been confirmed that the Green Leaf Marquis has put troops on Taner, he can completely take another route and go straight to the Green Leaf Marquis's hinterland.

Just when the Black and Brown Earl set out to make a detour, the conflict at Taner officially broke out.

The commander on the other side obviously knew that his mercenaries were good at fighting alone, but if they fought together, they might not be as good as a group of pigs, so he only pressed two mercenary groups in front and behind.

Taner's heart sank slightly. He received a reply from the black and brown earl, saying that he would hold on.

Although he was given another 200 people, it was estimated that there would be no more reinforcements.

But as for the withdrawal, regardless of whether the 500-strong troops under the black and brown earl agreed or not, as long as the employer paid the commission, the mercenaries had no right to disobey the order.

And the black and brown earl was not particularly black-hearted. Now that 650 were fighting 1,400 to 1,500, the pressure had been reduced a lot.

"Shoot!" Following Taner's order, the archers bent their bows and shot arrows, covering the charging soldiers as if they were free.

Taner didn't know the origins of these mercenaries, nor did he know whether they were pulled to the battlefield just to eat.

If he was still the former Torch Church Paladin, he might think that such a conflict was meaningless and cruel.

But now, there is no mercy and justice on the battlefield.

The power of destroying the enemy is the mercy to one's own people. Killing one more enemy will reduce the casualties of one's own soldiers.

Although it is only a stream that can submerge the knees, it can still effectively slow down the speed of the enemy's charge, making the effect of the arrows greater.

After two or three waves of arrow rain, most of the mercenaries in the front were killed or wounded, and began to disintegrate. Then the deserters were killed by the supervisors in the rear. Taner didn't even notice what their flags were. A mercenary group disappeared forever.

Perhaps if there was no "War Strategy Reference" by Rand the God's Envoy, and if it hadn't been favored by the Black and Brown Earl, the Fengrong Mercenary Group might have had the same fate as these mercenaries who were used to consume arrows.

Then the second and third batches of mercenaries rushed up, some with large shields, but the spearmen and halberdmen waiting on the river bank would let them know that even if they crossed the stream, it would not be easy to get ashore.

Taner no longer needed to look through the "War Strategy Reference". He could recite this booklet even if it was written backwards. Every time he thought of it, he had to marvel at the amazing wisdom of Rand the God's Envoy.


In the hideout, Rand was also busy at this time. Adventurers had gradually arrived at the resort villa in the hideout, and all aspects of affairs were about to start.

Rand was still wondering if mixing juice could remind Taner and the mercenary soldiers of the taste of home, although they may have never tasted this kind of juice before.

The package sent to Taner contained a lot of sugar and spices, which should be enough for all the mercenaries to taste a cup. When they come back, they can taste it at cost price.

I just don't know how many people can come back. In fact, not only Taner, Rand can also remember the names of every soldier who went to the Black and Brown Territory. These people were trained by him personally, and I hope that none of them will come back.

Of course, Rand also knows that this is impossible. With the growth of the strength of the mercenary group, the situation in the Frost Moon Kingdom is becoming increasingly tense, and the mercenary group must also participate in this conflict.

Deaths and injuries are inevitable.

But as long as the Fengran Mercenary Group can join it, the legalization of the autonomy of the Crescent Moon Territory will have a chance. After all, after all the reshuffle, there will be a lot of territories left, and those greedy nobles will not have to stare at this poor and remote place.

Now if it weren't for the support of the White King and its own combat effectiveness, the Crescent Moon Territory might have been eaten up by the nearby nobles.

The pace of development must be faster and faster.

Now that the autumn harvest is approaching, all matters must be put on the agenda, but the most important thing now is to seduce Elsa.

Rand prepared a map of the ruins and placed it in the most conspicuous place in the sacrificial room. He would take Elsa to see it from time to time and occasionally mention the map of the ruins.

Rand estimated that Elsa could see that he deliberately placed the map here, but Rand knew that her kleptomania could not be stopped by reason.

Chapter 56 Another mediation and adventure of the Torch Church

Rand knocked on the small blackboard and wrote today's course, first aid knowledge and hygiene knowledge on the blackboard.

Rand pointed to the brass utensils in front of the table, which were all pulled off the laboratory table purchased by Ellie: "This is the distillation of alcohol."

"You don't need to know how to make distilled alcohol, you just need to know that except for the alcohol rationed in the den, it cannot be used to clean wounds."

Low-strength alcohol will only cause wounds to be infected, and it is even worse than clean water.

Rand looked at the believers who were listening attentively in the audience, thinking that when he was in school, he was really not as serious as these people.

"If there is no medical alcohol rationed in the den, then you can use clean water and then wrap the wound with steamed gauze." Rand continued to say that these people will become grassroots officers and village officials in the future, and become the basis of Rand's rule.

In this era, the nobles' rule over the lower classes is very primitive. They only collect rent or recruit militias. Such behavior is called inefficient by Rand.

And Rand's religious rule will touch every aspect. It is not obvious now when there are few people. When there are more people, the war potential of the den power will be several times greater than that of ordinary noble territories.

After class, Rand passed by the office skillfully. Now the office is slightly separated from the sacrificial room by several partitions, and there are more people.

Some people with good talents and fast literacy and math have been arranged to come here for training. Although now, these people can only do more harm than good and make Ellie and Olenna busier, but after a while, when they are familiar with it, they will play a positive role.

As the workload of Ellie and Olena increased, Rand had to come over to help.

Rand's workstation was closest to the window. After sitting down, he picked up the document and looked at it, and asked Olena next to him: "Where did this information come from?"

Olena smiled, glanced at Ellie, and said: "Ellie bribed the eunuchs of the nearby nobles. Now the information of a certain noble nearby will appear on our side at the same time."

Rand felt that the probability was very low, but since Olena said so, he couldn't expose it, so he pretended to believe it: "So the Torch Church is going to mediate again?"

Because the Southern Kingdom discovered the gold mine, the two countries that had territorial disputes were going to fight with their brains. If the information was correct, the Torch Church chose to mediate again.

In fact, if it weren't for being on the opposite side of the Torch Church, Rand admired the Torch Church's philosophy very much.

The Torch Church pursues order and peace, and practices it without hypocrisy.

They will still mediate things that are obviously unrelated to them, hoping that the humans on the continent can maintain peace and reduce internal friction.

But under the current circumstances, it is destined to end up in the dustbin of history.

There are already many contradictions among the humans on the continent. Previously, they were suppressed by force due to the existence of the Church of Nurturing Blood. Now that the biggest enemy of unity has disappeared, the Torch Church still wants to forcibly maintain peace, so it is destined to go to the opposite side of all human monarchical countries.

The countries that have been invaded and suffered losses want revenge, and the countries that have been invaded and forcibly mediated want more, and the contradictions will only intensify.

Starting from this forced mediation of the gold mine war, the influence of the Torch Church in the human kingdom will become weaker and weaker.

This will also leave room for the development of Rand's Goddess of Abundance.

In fact, the order followed by the Torch Church is also problematic, because the basis for maintaining this order is the exploitation of serfs and free people by the nobles. When productivity develops, the Torch Church will gradually weaken, but now it has actively interfered in the politics of human countries, and it is unlucky earlier.

Rand took another document. Because it was autumn, Ellie put on a sweater, which made her temperament calmer, but her agility and liveliness could still be seen from her blinking eyes.

Olena always wears slim-fitting clothes and pants, which is convenient for entering the battle at any time, but it also makes her figure stand out.

Now adventurers are gathering at the Adventurer Resort, and it is estimated that the first group of ruins exploration teams will set off soon.

Such complete facilities still give these adventurers who don’t know the specific situation of the ruins a lot of confidence. At least they can confirm that the managers here want to operate it for a long time, which means that there will not be too little wealth in the ruins here.

Even if the adventurers haven’t gone down to explore, the den has already made a profit. After all, all food, clothing, housing and transportation are consumption.

If there is no house, these adventurers who are used to sleeping in the open may just set up a tent, but since there is a residence, a tavern, and a blacksmith shop, those adventurers with decent economic conditions will naturally not be too stingy.

It’s just that the sales of mixed juice are not very good at present. Before obtaining wealth from the ruins, there are not many adventurers willing to spend money to experience luxury drinks.

However, the fiscal deficit of the den has shown obvious signs of reversal.

At this time, Elsa was wearing close-fitting leather armor, and her whole body was wrapped tightly.

She looked at the ruins route map in her hand in silence and bit her lip.

Elsa was 90% confident that the ruins route map was deliberately placed there by the lord named Rand to tempt her. If she took it, she would fall into his trap, but she still couldn't help stealing it.

She had been blessed by an unknown god since she was a child. Her omnipotent hands gave her talents and abilities beyond her peers, but along with it, there was also the malice of this god. Elsa couldn't control her desire to steal things.

Maybe this is how it will be in this life, Elsa thought dejectedly, she watched herself fall into the trap of the black-hearted lord who was desperate for money.

Now it is meaningless to return the ruins route map, and she can only take it one step at a time.

However, Elsa didn't understand why Rand did this. Was it to let her steal the precious treasures and then control her forever? But from Rand's behavior after she stole his pants, except for being a bit greedy, he didn't seem like such an evil person.

Before the adventurers set off, Elsa entered the ruins with the route map of the ruins.

At the entrance of the ruins, there were traces of explosions and dried blood. According to the service staff of the resort, it was Lord Rand who personally killed the golem taller than the mountain and the giant snake longer than the river.

Although Elsa didn't want to believe it, the bloody bones of the giant snake were indeed placed at the entrance of the resort, which Rand called the sacrificial room.

Is this really possible with the power of a single person? Obviously, Lord Rand was caught by her and stolen from behind, but she couldn't find it in time.

According to the route map, the ruins have ten floors, and each floor has different buildings, knowledge, and wealth.

The treasure marked on the route map is on the first floor, which is the layer closest to the surface. Elsa entered the first floor of the ruins vigilantly.

As a thief, except for her weak level of stealing, she is very proficient in other professional skills, which is also her capital for being alone for many years.

The first floor of the ruins is very empty, larger than the Adventurer Resort and the village on the upper floor combined, and looks like a relic of some ancient civilization.

Does the White King have such a long history? It is actually related to ancient civilization.

Now she is looking forward to what the treasure on the route map is.

Chapter 57 Rand can also be the master of interrogating Lisa (probably)

Although Elsa has mastered most of the professional skills of thieves, she prefers stealth, flanking, and assassination compared to poison, smoke bombs and bombs.

If thieves really have to be divided into schools, she should belong to the type of assassin who is more inclined to fighting.

The first floor is a marble structure, full of patrolling mechanical guards and traps, but these can't stop her.

After bypassing all the traps and guards, she came to the treasure chest.

In front of the treasure chest squatted a mechanical guard that was much larger than the other guards.

After all, there must be difficulties in front of the treasure chest, although the style of this treasure chest is out of tune with the surroundings.

Elsa was very hesitant. This treasure chest was too conspicuous here! Wasn't this just fishing?

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