Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 626: Destroying Taixuan with a snap of a finger (6)


The short arrow hit Lu Qian's eyebrows, spinning rapidly at a terrifyingly high frequency, like a drill trying to pierce into Lu Qian's body.

A bit of golden light seeped out from Lu Qian's eyebrows, and the black short arrow was spinning crazily with a terrifying aura, splashing countless sparks and making a harsh high-frequency friction sound, but it could not hurt Lu Qian's oily skin at all!

His eyes closed slightly inward, and Lu Qian suddenly became cross-eyed. His two pupils were staring at the short arrow that was spinning crazily between his eyebrows. A faint light that contained the Dao Dao lines flashed through his eyes. This one All the attributes of the short arrow were analyzed and deciphered by Lu Qian in an instant, and all the mysteries in it emerged in his mind.

Cause and effect, if a short arrow comes out, it will hit.

King Kong, the short arrow is indestructible.

Fierce flames, short arrows blazing and masculine.

Cursed killing... once it enters the body, the curse breaks out, cutting off destiny, killing the soul, eroding the essence and blood, destroying the foundation, and fundamentally erasing all traces of a person's existence!

Moreover, the pure Yang power of the Vajra on the outside of this short arrow is vaguely consistent with the Buddhist techniques, and has extremely destructive power on the Buddhist golden body.

The person who makes short arrows is a master, an absolute master... He has a deep understanding of Buddhist techniques, and he has created a targeted killing weapon for the powerful golden body of Buddhism, just for this purpose Shoot an arrow through the air to kill a powerful enemy.

"You underestimated me!"

Lu Qian sneered, and the Taichu Mixing Pearl rotated gently, and wisps of subtle energy spread out. Lu Qian's eyes emitted a faint cold light. Through the short arrow, he instantly saw Li Qingwei, who was in charge of the short arrow's attack through the air. A ray of cause and effect was concluded between Lu Yi and Li Qingwei. Then, in the sound of Lu Yi's Buddhist chant, this ray of cause and effect was implicated in Li Qingwei's bloodline and spread all the way to Li Baishu and other direct relatives of the Li family.

At Taixuan Mountain, on the Dharma Altar, Li Qingwei felt that a great terror suddenly struck him. His whole body was cold, and his internal organs seemed to be soaked in ice. Goosebumps appeared layer by layer all over his body, and his heart It was beating violently, and the unbelievable sign of great danger came like a tide, making him almost faint from high blood pressure.

Li Qingwei hurriedly raised her head and looked at the round light emitted by the ancient bronze mirror.

In the round light, the short black arrows were spinning and piercing crazily, but they were unable to damage Lu Qian's oily skin at all. What's even more frightening is that in this ancient mirror, a secret secret passed down by the second master of Taixuan Palace, Lu Qian's figure is slowly blurring.

This treasure can no longer capture Lu Qian's Qi, cannot lock his cause and effect, and can no longer attack him through the air!

This is definitely the first time that this kind of thing has happened in Taixuan Palace for countless years!

There used to be powerful masters in divination who accidentally came into conflict with Taixuan Palace. They could turn things upside down, confuse the heavens, and hide their own causal energy in the endless fluctuations of the great avenue. However, in the pursuit of the ancient mirror in Taixuan Palace, their bodies were still locked and their souls were blown away by various spells.

And the situation in front of me...

Li Qingwei roared loudly, bit the tip of her tongue, and sprayed a little blood on the ancient mirror, and the ancient mirror suddenly shone brightly. He stamped his feet, shouted loudly, and formed seals with his hands towards the ancient mirror. The remaining seventeen short arrows flew into the air and silently flew into the bright light of the ancient mirror.

Next to Lu Qian, there was a sudden void in front of Jie Yin Toutuo and other senior officials of Dajue Temple. A short black arrow flew out and hit them straight between the eyebrows.

Jie Yin Toutuo and others had already noticed the attack and murder of Lu Qian and had already been on guard. As soon as the short arrow was released, golden light suddenly bloomed around them, various powerful defensive powers were activated, and pieces of Buddhist treasures and heavy weapons were sacrificed, emitting thousands of layers of golden light, thousands of silver flowers, and countless auspicious clouds to protect their whole bodies.

Thirty-six great monks who were half-stepping into the realm of celestial beings, including half of them who had already touched the threshold of celestial beings, joined forces to form an formation. The golden light swept millions of miles around, and forcibly froze seventeen short black arrows in the void. Can't move!

Although the spell is mysterious and unpredictable, and has huge lethality, it means that when people are not on guard, one hit will definitely hit them, and they will kill them with one hit!

But now Jie Yin Toutuo and the others are on guard. When the Buddhist formation explodes, its defense power cannot be broken even by ordinary heavenly beings for a while... And what about Li Qingwei's cultivation... Jie Yin Toutuo and the others formed the formation. Among the thirty-six great monks, at least 20 of them have higher cultivation than Li Qingwei. The cultivation level of Guiyin Toutuo and Killing Buddha Wuxin is even higher than that of Li Qingwei by an unknown amount!

How could Li Qingwei alone be able to defeat thirty-six people in a fight in the air?

Seeing the black short arrows spinning and beating violently in the golden aura, they kept making harsh vibrations. Jie Yin Tu Tuo snorted coldly and took out three fist-sized golden relics.

This is the remnant of a Buddhist monk who died in the catastrophe 30,000 years ago. It contains endless Buddhist divine power. Jieyin Toutuo crushed it into pieces without any regrets, completely stimulating the Buddha's power in it.

Three three-foot-tall Buddha statues soared into the sky. The great monks such as Killing Buddha Wuxin punched themselves in the heart at the same time. A stream of golden blood spurted out and merged into the three Buddha statues.

Before Lu Chen joined, under the auspices of Jie Yin Toutuo, Mahakala's behavior was almost like that of a demon... There were not many Buddhist Zen magical powers in the Eight Sutras, and various evil Buddhas, demonic Buddhas, and crooked ways used the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. And I don’t know how many secrets and magical powers I have collected.

At this moment, what Toutuo is using is a magic Buddha's mantra collected by Mahakala, "The Tarsal Bone Maggot of Hundreds of Lives and Thousands of Kalpas"... The mantra is cruel and extremely powerful, with almost no upper limit - what you have invested The more power you have, the greater the price you pay, and the more powerful this spell is!

If this spell hits an enemy, the person who was hit will either be in disarray or die on the spot, or be protected by a heavy treasure and barely escape the disaster. However, this spell will be attached to the target's fate and luck and follow him. Thousands of reincarnations, constant attacks and invasions.

With each reincarnation, the power of the spell is doubled.

Every time you attack, the power of the spell increases by 10%!

After such reincarnations thousands of times and tens of millions of attacks, the power of this spell will increase to an incredible level... And the power of this spell to help is the life and energy accumulated by the target during reincarnations. transport. After being deprived of destiny and luck countless times by this spell, you can imagine how unlucky the target will become!

In the end, the target will either lose his soul and be destroyed forever, or his luck will decline and he will not even be able to enter the animal realm. Who knows how miserable the situation will be.

The three Buddha statues suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, and then the light suddenly turned into blood. The faces of the three Buddhas twitched and twisted, and their bodies quickly transformed into three strange-shaped poisonous insects more than three feet long. They devoured each other and merged, and in an instant they turned into a blood-colored poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous insect the size of a thumb.

The gleaming blood-colored poisonous poison was gently picked by Jieyin Tutuo's little finger, and he opened his small mouth full of sharp teeth, biting through the diaphragm of the void with a 'click', directly penetrating the void and attacking Li Qingwei.

Lu Qian smiled: "This spell is quite interesting... The further you get to the back, the more lethal it is... Yes, not bad... However, this spell is used for punishment, which is extraordinary. What if you want to retaliate on the spot... …That would be a bit more merciful!”

Jieyin Toutuo's eyes widened and he and the other great monks looked at Lu Qian at the same time.

Such a vicious and cruel curse, Lu Qian actually said it was too 'compassionate'?

Brother Abbot, do you have any misunderstanding about the word compassion?

"To kill someone, you must destroy the heart; to kill people, you must destroy the family." Lu Qian's voice gradually became louder, like a dragon's roar, like a lion's roar, like waves of thunder rolling away in all directions. With his current strength far exceeding that of ordinary celestial beings, his voice was so majestic that it penetrated directly into the void and exploded over an area hundreds of millions of miles in radius.

"Tai Xuan Palace colluded with evil spirits to disrupt our Yuan Ling Tian cultivation world and killed countless fellow Taoists. It is truly a heinous crime."

"The young monk, together with the senior brothers from Dajue Temple, prayed for the lives of the hundreds of millions of living beings in the Yuanlingtian cultivation world. With a benevolent heart and compassionate wishes, they went to Taixuan Palace to investigate the truth about Taixuan Palace's collusion with evil spirits."

"I thought I would have to peel back the cocoon and look for evidence, but I didn't expect that Taixuan Palace had a guilty conscience and jumped over the wall in a hurry, and blatantly killed the monks of the temple with vicious spells..."

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids and yelled with great sadness: "We, the monks, have jumped out of the mortal world, are not among the five elements, have no fight with the world, be kind to others, not tainted with cause and effect, and not guilty of killing... We just want to go Taixuan Palace is asking for an explanation, I didn’t expect that you would act so cruelly!”

His right hand flashed with a faint golden light, and eighteen short arrows made a high-pitched and sharp sound, all of which were caught in Lu Qian's hand. Dark golden light flashed on the metal arm guard. Lu Qian squeezed it gently, and eighteen short arrows were crisscrossed by golden light and locked in a cocoon of light the size of a human head.

"Pity me, the disciples of Dajue Temple, more than three hundred of them were killed by Taixuan Palace's vicious spell!" Lu Qian let out a long sigh.

Jie Yin Toutuo and others blinked their eyes... We have lost more than 300 disciples?

Well, I understand... A group of great monks chanted the Buddha's name in unison, and each one used magic power to stimulate the tear ducts in the corners of their eyes, and hot tears rolled out. The amount was enough to give them a cold bath!

"As the saying goes, if there is a cause, there must be an effect. If you practice this vicious curse, you will definitely be punished by God!"

When Lu Qian said these words, the tarsal maggot spell was still flying through the air, but Lu Qian pointed his hand and fixed the spell in mid-air, preventing it from getting close to Li Qingwei.

With his hands forming a seal, the little finger of his right hand shone with a faint golden light, Lu Qian used his hands to forcefully pull the cause and effect of fate, raised all his magic power, and mobilized the majestic power of the large array composed of many monks in Dajue Temple - the total amount of magic power was roughly equivalent to one Hundreds of heavenly beings join forces to strike!

Following the causal line formed by Li Qingwei and Lu Yi just now, Lu Yi gathered the Buddhist divine thunder and gently sent this wave of mana.

Karma comes in an instant.

Li Qingwei didn't even have time to call for help from the two palace masters of the same sect. She heard a muffled sound, and Li Qingwei's body exploded and was instantly annihilated, leaving not a trace of smoke left.

Lu Qian's terrifying attack followed Li Qingwei's bloodline and spread all the way to Li Baishou and other members of the Li clan.

Just as the explosions continued, in one breath, the whole family of the Li family, the second lord of Taixuan Palace, were wiped out by the Buddhist divine thunder.

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