Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 627 Daluo Blood List

Upper Bound.

There is Tao in the East and Buddha in the West.

Originally, it was still the barbarians in the south and the evil spirits in the north.

However, in the past three thousand years, the Eastern and Western Buddhas had a tacit understanding and dealt harshly with the southern demons and the northern demons. After several battles, the southern demons were swept out of their caves and their bloodline was cut off; the northern demons were destroyed and their inheritance was extinct. .

Today's upper realm is where Taoism and Buddhism are fighting. The two base camps are operating with impregnable strength. In the north and south, there are lower courtyards and sects everywhere, and they are intertwined with each other. Today, a group of bald thieves were bald by cow noses, and tomorrow a group of ox noses were burned off by bald thieves...

Upper boundary, south, Daluo Mountain.

This is the core blessed land in the southern region of the Upper Realm, the Supreme Cave Heaven. Since the Upper Realm had historical inheritance and written records, this place has been the ancestral court of Kui Niu, the supreme royal bloodline of the demon barbarian clan. At that time, the place was called ‘Leize’.

Two thousand years ago, an ascetic Bodhisattva from the Buddhist sect led his twelve disciples and one hundred and eighty monks into the southern region to spread Buddhism and fight against the Kui Niu clan. The Demon King Kui Niu was drunk and killed the Bodhisattva, and made soup from his twelve disciples and one hundred and eighty monks, and shared it with his tribe.

Buddhism was furious, and the eight great Buddhas came out of the mountain to fight with the Kui Niu clan.

The Kui Niu clan used the power of the demons and barbarians in the southern region and fought fiercely with Buddhism for hundreds of years.

After a hundred years of war, the Buddhist sects formed formations and stood firm, consuming the strength of the demon barbarians step by step. When the demon barbarian clan's vitality was greatly reduced, the twelve sages of the Eastern Taoist Court brought millions of true immortals to attack, destroying Lei Ze and annihilating the Kui Niu clan with one blow. Blood vessels, skin was peeled off to make drums, cramps were made into clothing, flesh and blood were refined into elixirs, and bones and horns were made into various fairy weapons.

After the war, under the Taoist court, numerous super sects, the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, relocated and forcefully entered the southern region, occupying Leize as their own mountain gate. It has been 1,800 years.

At the core of the former Leize Crypt, a crystal clear white jade lotus flower was quietly embedded in the earth.

This lotus has 3,600 large and small petals, and the smallest petal is more than 30,000 miles long and wide.

The lotus platform in the middle has no entity, but a cloud of purple air that takes the shape of a lotus platform. In the middle of the lotus platform, a needle-like wisp of purple air rises into the sky, and the thin purple air emits bright divine light, illuminating the surrounding area for hundreds of millions of miles. All mountains, trees, flowers, plants, birds, beasts, insects, fish, and buildings, wherever they are illuminated by this purple light, shine clearly without any shadow.

This extremely thin line of purple air rushed up to a million miles high. Above the extremely high nine-layer Xuantian Gang wind, the purple air spread and turned into a thick purple cloud that stretched for millions of miles.

There are thousands of auspicious auras and auspicious lights, dragons are roaming all over the ground, and luan and phoenixes are flying high.

There are also countless rare birds and animals, which are densely covered with stars, making the palaces and buildings on the purple clouds beautiful. It is truly a paradise for gods, not an imperial palace in the world of mortals.

Standing on the edge of the purple clouds and looking down, you can see that around the Daluo Mountain, with the huge white jade lotus as the center, and a huge circle with a diameter of 180 million miles, there are twelve giant pillars that reach the sky. .

Twelve giant pillars nearly ten thousand miles high are shining with golden light, as if they were carved out of glass, with endless rays of light rolling inside and a dragon-shaped golden light hovering outside. Twelve giant pillars emitted monstrous flames that shot straight into the sky millions of miles high, turning into twelve golden lights that filled the sky outside the large purple clouds. Above the large palace buildings, the golden light spread out and intertwined into a large dragnet, connecting the entire sky. A void was sealed and airtight.

This area of ​​palaces and buildings is where the ancestral hall of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect is now located.

The headmaster of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, the ancestors of all parties, the true disciples, and the deacons of all ministries all live above this dense purple cloud, with infinite spiritual treasures at their disposal, high above, overlooking all living beings. In this palace, any one person, even a maid serving tea and water, can decide the life and death of tens of thousands of creatures with one word.

The twelve giant pillars below circled the countless mountains in the middle of the giant circle with a diameter of 180 million miles. They were the ordinary inner and outer sects of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, and even the registered disciples, servants, servants, and miscellaneous people. It is used as a residence for servants and maids, and even for idlers such as powerful warriors, firemen and medicine farmers.

However, in addition to the mountains guarded by giant pillars, the Hunyuan Luotian Sect also occupies countless cave heaven blessed lands. These cave heaven blessed lands are large and small, good and bad. Whenever the disciples of the lower sect of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect in the lower realm ascend, the Hunyuan Luotian Sect will ascend. The Yuanluo Heavenly Sect will allocate these blessed lands of cave heaven according to the root conduct and Tao conduct of these ascended disciples, so that they can take charge of the sect!

On this day, the sun was just right, the sky was bright, the sky was clear and the clouds were white.

High in the sky, extremely thin streaks of cloud light were criss-crossing. Wherever the sight could be seen, there were more than hundreds of millions of Hunyuan Luotian Sect disciples flying at different heights.

These light-escape flights also have their reasons.

According to the level of cultivation, disciples who are less than a true immortal can only fly in the air from a thousand feet to a thousand miles above the ground. Each different realm of cultivation has a fixed flying height for you to choose.

Thousands of miles high in the sky, only true immortal-level powers can walk freely.

In the void, there are golden flying cars patrolling back and forth. These are the law enforcement warriors of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect. If there are disciples who have insufficient cultivation and break into the flight path of the high-level monks without authorization, once they are captured by these law enforcement disciples, the lightest thing will happen. If you eat a giant thunder whip made of a hundred kui beef tendons, half of your life will be taken away at least.

The golden speeding car walked back and forth, constantly making thunderous noises, leaving golden traces of Mars in the void, majestic and shocking in all directions.

These golden speeding cars travel all over the sky from east to west, from south to north.

Wherever the speeding car passed, the disciples of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, including many true immortals and powerful men, hurriedly retreated, fearing that they would collide with these unreasonable, arrogant and rough law enforcement warriors.

But every time these law enforcement warriors drove their speeding cars close to the twelve towering pillars, they all became frightened and cautious.

Every time these golden speedsters approach the giant pillars that are millions of miles away, the giant pillars will make a loud noise, and large flames will rise from the top of the giant pillars. Above each giant pillar, there will be a strangely shaped and huge flag gate looming, spraying out. Billions of rays of light shook the sky, causing the sky to tremble. The speeding cars jolted violently, like small fishing boats in a tsunami. The law enforcement officers on the speeding cars all had pale faces. They drove the speeding cars cautiously, slowed down rapidly, and carefully followed the speed. Walk around the huge pillar.

And every time the flag gate appears on the twelve giant pillars and shakes the void, a flag gate that is a hundred times larger than the flag gate on the giant pillar will appear above the very thin line of purple air ejected from the white jade lotus.

The flag gate in the middle is huge in scale and has a complex structure. Hundreds of thousands of immortal weapon flags and various colored tokens and immortal treasures flash in the sky, and the pressure released rushes into the void. Large clouds fly rapidly, and countless immortals are released. The spiritual energy nourishes the sky. When the clouds are rolling, a large amount of rain pours down. The rainwater contains infinite energy of creation, which nourishes the mountains and rivers below to make the soil rich and full of spiritual energy.

It's just obvious that the flag gates on the twelve giant pillars around it are solid and stable, giving people a feeling of solid foundation and eternal prosperity.

In the middle, the most important thirteenth flag gate, which is suspended in the void, has a dim light. The monks sitting in various hubs inside have haggard and sad faces, as ugly as their dead father.

Above the dense purple clouds, there is the highest palace palace.

The light is brilliant, the circular tutuo, the palace is like a golden elixir, emitting shining light to illuminate the sky.

The palace contains the wonders of a small world. From the outside, it looks like a palace that is only a few acres in size, but the space inside is thousands of miles in diameter. Countless fairy furnishings are densely packed, making this palace so magnificent that it is difficult for mortals to describe it. describe.

In the deepest part of the hall, under a huge relief sculpture of stars in the sky, a Nine-Dragon Soaring Cloud bed made of hundreds of treasures is suspended on a cloud of happiness. The headmaster of Hunyuan Luotian Sect, Mr. Mayfly Zi, with his face drooped, is leaning on a bed with gorgeous hair. On the white fox with red eyes.

Mayfly, three feet tall, looks like a five- or six-year-old child in both body shape and face. He has fine skin and tender flesh, big eyes and red lips. He is so cute and watery that people want to pick him up and take a bite.

His long, pitch-black hair hangs casually behind his back. His long, pitch-black hair is like a night curtain, with countless tiny stars twinkling inside. If you stare at his long hair for a long time, countless visions will appear over and over again. There is infinite Taoism that is forcibly poured into your soul, obliterating your consciousness of self-existence, and forcibly transforming your Tao into the Tao of a mayfly!

All senior True Immortal disciples in the entire Hunyuan Luotian Sect know this - you must not look directly at the Master, otherwise there will be unforeseen disasters!

Mayfly's Taoism has reached the terrifying state of being able to infect a world while standing high in the void.

He practices intensively in this palace every day and enjoys himself. He never goes out for a walk unless absolutely necessary... He has reached some kind of sublime bottleneck. If he is not careful, his aura will leak out and the entire Hunyuan Luotian Sect will be destroyed. All the monks, whether they are just starting servants or high-ranking true immortals, will be infected by his Tao Yun, and will either die suddenly on the spot, or become his puppet clones. No one will be spared!

Leaning against the white fox with the thirty-first level of the Immortal Fruit, Mayfly asked softly the elder deacon who was standing in front of Qingyun with his head lowered and not daring to look at him.

"You guys are so careless... you fell into this evil trap."

"Qing Ming is dead...all his descendants are also dead...doesn't it mean that we spent three hundred years of hard work and finally transformed the most important one among the Thirteen Flag Gates into the 'City of Creation'?" All your hard work was in vain?"

"Look, find someone to take the blame for this mistake... Anyway, at least three idiots who failed to live up to their expectations must be killed, otherwise my heart will hurt with this breath!"

Mayfly looked down at the deacons and elders whom he usually favored, and sighed heavily: "That's all, that's all, no matter who caused the trouble, for the sake of you bunch of villains, I won't hold you accountable. , and the guilt of your good-for-nothing descendants... just find three unlucky ones at the True Immortal level, drag them out, and beat them to death in public!"

The elder deacon smiled, knelt down and saluted to Mayfly: "I will obey the Master's decree!"

Mayfly waved his hand again: "However, Qing Ming is dead, and the 'Life and Life Creation Yuan Liquid' condensed by the Gate of Creation every year will be out of stock? I have only relied on this little hobby to support myself these years. ... Hurry up and think of a way, how long can this Gate of Creation last? Hurry and think of a way, this Gate of Creation cannot be broken!"

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