Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 818: The method of liberation (3)

What is fundamental?

Lu Qian knew.

The old monk Hongchen did not teach him such profound Dharma, such powerful magical powers, such unpredictable secrets, such earth-shattering fighting skills... all of them were side effects, and in his opinion, irrelevant. Urgent stuff.

Once upon a time, when he was the Inverted Heaven and the Emperor Zuntian, the old monk Hongchen mastered countless unfathomable 'skills'. Those things are the "Supreme Treasure Book" and "Supreme Secret Records" that countless monks in Liangyi Heaven dream of. His magical powers and secret techniques, even if you teach them even a few, are enough to make people go crazy.

For example, the 'little immortals' in the first and second realms of the True Immortal Realm can cast the supreme secret spell of killing the Buddha from a distance.

Is this secret technique powerful?

Very strong, and extremely terrifying.

There are so many similar things in the old monk Hongchen's shop.

But to today's "red dust", those things are just broken bricks and tiles, without any value.

"We need to be clear about what our ultimate pursuit is."

"We need to see clearly what the reality of this world is."

"To understand these problems and see the world clearly, we don't rely on fighting and killing, nor on human sophistication, nor on power, money, beauty, fame, and other such things."

“The only thing that can truly bring us great liberation and great freedom is wisdom.”

"But where does wisdom come from? This is the fundamental method of Lao Na today."

The old monk Hongchen talked eloquently. He taught Lu Qian the people and things he had seen over the years, told about the gods and monsters he had encountered over the years, and described with a smile the stormy waves and bloody storms he had encountered. . There are all kinds of strange and weird elements in the sky and the earth, blue and yellow springs, people and gods, ghosts and monsters, and all kinds of inexplicable existences.

You have traveled a long enough road, you have seen enough scenery, and as long as you are not too stupid, you can extract enough 'commonalities' from these chaotic elements and countless scenery. These ‘common characteristics’ are respected by practitioners as ‘the great road’. The skills and methods to refine these ‘common characteristics’ are ‘wisdom’.

The old monk Hongchen smiled and said to Lu Qian: "A wise person may not be very powerful personally... but if he wants to become extremely powerful as soon as possible, then he must have countless ways."

"Whether a wise person is strong or not depends only on his willingness, not on his ability."

The sea of ​​blood was rolling, the Deputy Chief of the Punishment Department was roaring, and countless gods and demons were frantically attacking him.

Lu Qian absorbed bit by bit what the old monk Hongchen taught him.

The old monk Hongchen told Lu Qian that one year, he saw a nest of ants encountering a flood in a small heaven. The turbid waves rolled in. These ants were bound to die, but in the end, they only lost 30% of their nests. All other ethnic groups escaped the flood.

Before the flood, these tiny and insignificant ants relied on their huge bodies to form an 'ant ball' about three feet in diameter, which floated on the flood. The flood killed the outermost layers of ants, but all the ants in the inner circle survived.

The old monk Hongchen told Lu Qian that that year, when he was passing by a small heaven, he happened to meet a domineering and evil monk. That great monk had the cultivation level of a small Bodhisattva in Liangyi Heaven. He acted wantonly in that small heaven, causing the entire heaven to be in dire straits and making the people miserable.

And this great monk eventually fell into the hands of a mortal woman. Guess how she did it?

In the final analysis, it is very simple. It is nothing more than a 'beauty trap', and then, 'touch her mind with deep love', 'exchange her sincerity with her true heart'... This mortal woman made herself truly fall in love with the great monk, and then let the great monk The monk truly fell in love with himself. In the end, the woman allowed the great monk to breed a child with herself, and finally used this child to set a trap, making the great monk willingly die of exhaustion!

The old monk Hongchen told Lu Qian that one year, he passed by an extremely lush heaven. At that time, he was already the "Emperor Zuntian". As a result, he encountered a 'love disaster' in that heaven and almost stayed in that heaven for the rest of his life.

The person who attacked him was just a very ordinary, ordinary woman with extremely weak cultivation.

How did she get 'Emperor Zuntian' to join her? The method was very simple. It was nothing more than other people deliberately flattering 'Emperor Zun Tian', while she was disdainful of 'Emperor Zun Tian'... The more dismissive she was, the more inexplicable curiosity she made 'Emperor Zun Tian' have. As a result, He felt more and more that this woman was "incomparably beautiful" and "flawless", so she fell headlong into the pit.

The old monk Hongchen also told Lu Qian that another year, he passed by a world of heaven, and there was not even a single animal in the conventional sense in that world. In the vast world, there are only countless flowers, plants, trees, and countless vines and moss.

He almost died in that heaven. And what caused all of this was actually the most inconspicuous and everywhere in that world, the weakest and cheapest 'moss' that seemed to be at the lowest level of life!

All the plants in the entire heaven are derived from the moss. There is an immeasurable amount of moss. Each tiny moss has its own subtle and weak intelligence. When countless tiny intelligences gather together, they become a terrifying 'aggregation of wisdom'.

He deduced the secrets of heaven, understood the great ways, transformed the entire heaven, and made the entire world extremely perfect. Every leaf fell, every flower bloomed, and every wisp of wind blew through the treetops and made a 'swishy' sound. It fits perfectly with the "Tao Yun".

The old monk Hongchen mistakenly entered that heaven, and suddenly discovered that everywhere he could see, there was 'Tao Yun'. He was overjoyed and immersed himself in that rhyme, pondering, learning, absorbing, and refining it, like a mouse breaking into a rice vat, frantically absorbing the rhyme of that heaven into himself.

As a result, one day he suddenly woke up, and he was shocked to find that his own "Tao" had been "dyed" by the external "Tao Yun". His body, standing frozen on a mountaintop somewhere in that world, was filled with countless tiny moss spores, and his entire body became a moss hatchery!

He spent a lot of effort to get rid of the foreign Tao charm in his Tao heart.

He cut off almost 90% of his cultivation before he managed to completely destroy the moss spores that had invaded his body.

One by one, all kinds of strange and weird things come at your fingertips. In this slight narration, the old monk Hongchen transformed his countless years of experience, his insights, what he saw, heard, and thought into drops of nectar, which was poured into Lu Qian's heart. The soul turned into his own perception.

In Lu Qian's mind, the image of a three-eyed human being flashed violently, the Taichu Mixed Bead released a dazzling light, and the Taihu Emperor's ax flew around his mind like a playful pony.

Extremely happy, extremely excited, extremely pleased.

The 'preaching' of the old monk Hongchen was like a clear spring, washing away the thick dust on the three-eyed figure, gradually revealing his true face. Wisps of mellow and far-reaching Taoist rhyme spread in Lu Qian's mind, and merged with the old monk Hongchen's narrative, turning into an increasingly mellow wine, making Lu Qian even more ecstatic.

Time just flew by.

On the sea of ​​​​blood, the voice of the deputy chief of the Punishment Department has gradually disappeared... I don't know when, dozens of dim white figures appeared on the sea of ​​​​blood. Their whole bodies were shrouded in warm white light, with indifferent smiles, they took a deep look at the old monk Hongchen, then shook their heads, sighed, and disappeared into a little bit of light between heaven and earth.

The sea of ​​​​blood gathered and collapsed little by little, and finally turned into a drop of almost transparent blood, flowing back into the old monk Hongchen's body.

An extremely gentle light shines from the body of the old monk Hongchen, illuminating the entire Dangmosi Yamen. The palaces and pavilions filled with mysterious auras, and the squares and schools all become illuminated by this dim light filled with the smoke and smoke of the red dust. Quiet and peaceful, just like a summer evening, the smoke rises from the small village, and the laughter of children and the crowing of chickens and dogs are everywhere.

I don’t know how long it took, but the old monk Hongchen suddenly sighed softly, and tapped Lu Qian’s eyebrows with his finger: "I don’t know how much you can understand, and I don’t know how much you can comprehend. In short, if all of this is destined, , just pass it on to Da Feitian, if there is no chance, then that’s it.”

Lu Qian woke up from that sweet 'dream'. When he heard the incomprehensible words of the old monk Hongchen, he couldn't help but smile: "Your method of liberation is the fruit of supreme wisdom. Naturally..."

The old monk Hongchen waved his hand and chuckled: "You are a generous child, I can see that, but I wonder if Da Feitian is willing to accept this 'liberation method', haha..."

He shook his head slightly and sighed: "This method of liberation is vaguely opposite to the Buddhist method I passed down back then. Da Feitian has excellent qualifications... The problem is that his qualifications are so good that he takes all I have accepted the Buddhist teachings of that time and have been immersed in them so deeply that I think it will be difficult to turn back.”

He looked at Lu Qian with a subtle expression, and said softly: "This is the last point to mention... When you meet Da Feitian, you... must not say that you met me. Otherwise, if you tell me this method of relief, If he listens, you will be killed!"

Lu Qian looked at the old monk Hongchen in shock.

Is there a risk of death?

Is it that exaggerated?

After living for so many years in the past life, this life, and this life, I have seen a lot of messy people and weird things... However, Lu Qian felt that when he told Da Feitian the 'Liberation Method' personally taught by the Buddha, he actually... Is there a risk of death?

Do you want 'exclusive'?

Dafeitian doesn't seem to be such a 'greedy' and 'overbearing' person... In Liangyitian, everything he says and does is an extremely qualified one. He cares very much about his disciples and even protects his shortcomings to the point of not talking about them. The 'Buddhist Elder' of truth.

Will he have murderous intentions for Lu Qian and bring "murderous disaster" to Lu Qian?

Lu Qian looked at the old monk Hongchen noncommittally and smiled brightly.

The old monk Hongchen looked at Lu Qian with a subtle expression. He smiled, raised his head, and looked at the sky. Then, he waved his hand gently, and behind him there were more than 10,000 bright lights accompanied by a subtle tearing sound, "Crack, It cracked and fell apart little by little from behind him, and finally turned into a palm-sized warm Buddha wheel weighing 12,960 inside and outside.

The material of the Buddhist wheel is extremely strange. It is not gold, silver, copper, scrap iron, or jade, amber, clam, agate or other materials.

The old monk Hongchen handed the Buddha Wheel to Lu Qian. Lu Qian subconsciously took it with both hands. He felt that the small Buddha Wheel was as light as nothing, and its tentacles were smooth and moist, like a ray of light, a cloud, a thought, or... He is just a trace of 'presence'.

"This is the Buddhist kingdom that I finally achieved through countless years of hard work."

"He was once the Inverted Heaven, and he was once the Emperor Zun Heaven, but now, he is still a little short of the 'Red Dust Heaven'."

The old monk Hongchen looked at the small Buddha wheel with some reluctance, and said softly: "I am reluctant to let go, but if you don't let go, you will not be able to achieve true great liberation... This is sin, sin, involvement, and cause and effect... ...If I don’t cut him off, I can’t be pure.”

"But if he were to be purified like this, I would not be able to part with it. How many years, how many years of hard work, how many births and deaths, how many rounds of blood and sweat... Tsk, tsk, just throw it away like this, even if I clearly understand the 'way to liberation', It’s not something that can be given up so easily.”

"So, give it to you, give it to you!" The old monk Hongchen waved his hands, and the Buddha treasures that shone with a faint light kept emerging, and he stuffed them into Lu Qian's hands: "Give them all to you, it's so lucky Take it, hold it well, treat them well...it's all my hard work and effort over the years."

"Although you have inherited my method of liberation, you will inevitably need the power of the Dharma protector on the way to pursue liberation. I will give you these external things... just go on for a good life, and go on in a down-to-earth manner."

The old monk Hongchen stood up and simply took off the ordinary coarse cloth monk's robes on his body, turning it into a soft and graceful cloud light and throwing it to Lu Qian: "Take it, take it, Take them all. In this way, I will feel relaxed and can truly embark on that path."

Naked and laughing loudly, the old monk Hongchen clapped his hands and turned into an extremely gentle and subtle light that blended into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Qian looked at the piles of Buddha treasures around him, his face was dull and his mind was blank.

Is it really that neat and tidy to leave?

The Buddhist kingdom that he worked hard for countless years to cultivate.

Loot countless gods and demons accumulated in the heavens.

There were also these Buddhist treasures that had such terrifying auras that Lu Qian subconsciously did not dare to touch them. They were all given away and left like this?

"You really walked away cleanly and achieved pure liberation." Lu Qian pondered for a long time, and suddenly laughed: "But I, Lu Qian, are just a layman. The stronger the power, the better. The life span, the more I sing, the better. Protector of the Dharma The more means and treasures you have, the more the better!”

"You have lived for countless years and are tired of living, so you seek liberation."

"The young monk is just a layman. He has not yet reached the small goal of a thousand years. What can he say to a 'great enlightened person' like you who has lived for countless kalpas?"

Shaking his head, Lu Qian stood up, raised the Buddhist wheel, and gently pressed it against his heart.

Magnificent, blazing Buddha power surged forward one after another. The Buddha wheel penetrated Lu Qian's body like a living creature. Countless powerful and terrifying Buddha seals were accompanied by the low Sanskrit singing and Lu Qian's body, soul, and body. Every cell in the body and every thought in the mind are connected rapidly.

All the 'burdens', all the 'cares', all the 'karma', and all the 'sins' that the old monk Hongchen had put off, Lu Qian inherited them all without hesitation and fear!

Strength fills the whole body.

A layer of light slowly bloomed behind him like a lotus.

In each Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, countless gods and demons with the lowest level of cultivation above the third-level true Buddha cheered together and worshiped Lu Yi happily, shouting loudly and without hesitation, "Mystical powers are like the sea, my magic power is boundless, and I am supreme." Noble and glorious, the heaven is immortal, indestructible and has become the sky forever, the great majesty, the great virtue, the Dharma Sea, the Great Lord'!

Lu Qian shivered. He was horrified by the names shouted by these gods and demons, and had countless goosebumps all over his body.

God knows how these gods and demons managed to come up with such a long, stinky, and devoid of literary talent in such a short period of time.

And in such a short period of time, countless gods and demons in the 12,960 Pure Land Buddhist Kingdoms knew this title, and they all chanted it in unison in a serious manner!

Lu Qian couldn't help but touch the cold sweat on his forehead - could it be that the old monk Hongchen liked this tune back then?

As the thought flashed, countless Buddha treasures around him flew up like frightened locust swarms, turning into streams of light and flying into layers of bright light behind Lu Qian. These Buddha treasures are like huge, heavy shackles, and with a dull roar, they fall into the Buddhist kingdoms one after another, suppressing the key points of the Buddhist kingdoms.

The sound of "Qiang Qiang" was heard endlessly. These Buddha treasures took root and suppressed and banned these Pure Land Buddhist countries one by one.

A thought came to Lu Qian and he couldn't help but feel horrified.

The Buddha Wheel left by the old monk Hongchen, or in other words, is called the "Red Dust Heaven". The countless gods and demons in it are all transformed by the hundreds of millions of creatures he has looted many heavens and forcibly transformed over countless years.

These gods and demons are extremely powerful and nearly immortal. Some of the most powerful individuals of gods and demons, even the old monk Hongchen, had to spend a lot of effort to suppress them properly and drive them freely.

Now the old monk Hongchen has "liberated himself and left". To put it bluntly, he has left behind all causes and effects, all burdens, and gone to find his own fun... His realm is too lofty and lofty, and Lu Qian still cannot understand it for a while. How wonderful is the "realm of great liberation"?

But these gods and demons in the "Red Dust Heaven", those ordinary gods and demons whose cultivation level is only in the Buddha realm, can be driven by Lu Qian's current cultivation level. But those terrifying existences whose cultivation has gone beyond the realm of the Buddha, even reached the realm of the Lord Buddha, even surpassed the realm of the Lord Buddha, and reached the strength standard of the 'upper realm'...

Without the suppression of the old monk Hongchen, without his non-stop 'transformation' day and night, or without his non-stop 'brainwashing', these extremely tyrannical leaders of gods and demons have been around for as long as thirty to fifty thousand years, and as short as three years. In fifty years, it will be possible to break free from the shackles and forcefully break out of the "world of mortals".

It is conceivable that as the 'heirs' who inherited the old monk Hongchen's 'all karma'... once these gods and demon leaders get out of prison and understand the cause and effect of their previous lives and this life, they will not turn Lu Qian into a scumbag. There's a ghost!

In fact, not only Lu Yi, but also everyone involved with Lu Yi, all people who may be involved with Lu Yi... even the heaven of Liang Yi Tian will become the target of revenge of these gods and demons. With their abilities, it would be an unspeakable disaster!

Therefore, the old monk Hongchen left a backup plan, and used all his Buddhist treasures, combined with the 'Red Dust Heaven', the supreme Buddhist kingdom that took countless materials and countless hard work to refine, to build a mysterious and incomparable 'Red Dust Defilement Consciousness Only Nirvana' 'Buddha array.

All the gods and demons that were too powerful to be controlled by Lu Qian were forced into a deep sleep. They have become the eyes of this 'mortal' formation. Their endless power, their countless thoughts, their inextricable resentment towards the old monk in the mortal world, all tangible and intangible things will be destroyed. The large array extracted and refined it and became the material to assist Lu Qian in his cultivation and progress.

"So, there are one more powerful thugs." Lu Qian muttered in a low voice: "However, it is not considered invincible. Those beings who are truly invincible in the lower world are forced to enter 'eternal sleep'... Unless I One day they gained power comparable to that of mortals, otherwise, they would have been sleeping in the mortal world."

"Only one treasure!"

Lu Qian looked at the extremely soft and clear ray of cloud and smoke in his hand.

This treasure is the coarse cloth monk's robe that Old Monk Hongchen wore before. Its body is a top-notch 'celestial weapon' that Old Monk Hongchen obtained back then. It has subtle changes and infinite uses, and its benefits cannot be described in words. It was once called the 'Inverted Kasaya', it was once called the 'Emperor Dharma Seal', but now the old monk Hongchen calls it the 'Red Dust Pocket'!

"Hongchen Pocket? This name... Oh, yes, you turned into a coarse cloth monk's robe, and it only contained more than a hundred kilograms of flesh and blood. It is indeed just a bag." Lu Qian shook his head and roughly guessed the old monk Hongchen's. Somewhat implicit.

"However, the name is not pleasant. From now on, you will be called..."

In Lu Qian's mind, thoughts that were a thousand times more complicated than usual were constantly pouring out.

Countless thoughts sprang up, and then, like soap bubbles, they were all shattered under a ray of bright light... He suddenly remembered his previous life, this life, and that he was still in the capital of Dayinhao, leading a group of tiger men from Baihutang. , selling deep-fried stinky tofu piece by piece, selling red oil scraps by bowl, and accumulating copper coins one by one.

Even now he has the power to move mountains and seas.

Even now I have the authority to respond to everything.

Even now...

Ultimately, “What do I ask for?”

Lu Qian smiled. He pointed his hand, and this ray of cloud light turned into a bright light the size of a thumb, and then condensed into a small lotus platform. He smiled, and the lotus platform rose into the sky, quietly landed on top of his head, and turned into a faint light and shadow of a nine-fold thousand-petal lotus platform above his head.

Following Lu Qian's movements, the light and shadow of the lotus platform loomed, and a little bit of clear Buddha light swayed, as if there were countless lotus flowers floating and dancing behind his head at any time.

"Immortality!" Lu Qian said softly: "From now on, you will be the longevity lotus platform, the most powerful protection treasure for me, Lu Qian, in my pursuit of immortality."

As soon as the words 'the most powerful treasure to protect the Way' came out, the sandalwood merit staff in Lu Qian's hand shook violently, and the monk's robes of salvation and liberation cassocks simultaneously swayed with chaotic Buddha light... The three treasures of the Buddha's treasures were given by the Buddha. At the same time, he felt resentful.

The Eternal Life Lotus Platform emits a vague Buddha light and gently brushes it towards the three Buddha treasures.

very good!

Time suddenly became pure, and the three Buddhist treasures became extremely well-behaved at the same time!

The level gap is too big, and the original owner's cultivation level is even worse.

The three Buddhist treasures quickly recognized the reality and became extremely obedient. Lu Qian even felt that his control and use of the three Buddhist treasures was a hundred times more flexible than before, and he did not even need much magic input. It can drive three Buddhist treasures to exert a hundred times their power!

"Oh, you are still bullying me because I am just a little monk!" Lu Qian smiled and shook his head.

The resentment of the three Buddhist treasures was easily suppressed.

But in Lu Qian's mind, Taichu's mixed pearl was dimly gleaming, Taihu Emperor's ax shone coldly, and the two unpredictable treasures vibrated slightly, as if they were two hidden in the dark night, eyeing the plump buttocks of their prey. The vicious dog that just waits for the opportunity to rush in and take a bite, covets the lotus platform of immortality with evil intentions!

Lu Qian felt a little melancholy.

He could only throw away a wisp of thought to appease the Taichu Huntong Pearl and the Tailu Emperor Axe... If there is a chance, when Lu Qian has enough cultivation, he will definitely let the three uncles decide the winner and loser. Let's see. Who is Lu Qian's true "strongest treasure to protect the Tao"!

The strange movements in my mind subsided slightly.

Lu Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked into the distance.

Still the Dang Moji, still in this square in front of the main hall, Lu Qian's cultivation has not made any progress, whether it is physical strength or magic cultivation, or even the number of magical powers and secrets he has mastered, there has been no increase at all. .

But... the perspective of the eyes is different, the height is different, the same cultivation, the same body, the same pair of eyes can see things that are naturally very different.

At this glance, the thick smoke that originally covered Dang Moji, which was like chaos, making it difficult for Lu Qian to see through and understand, and even what the mode of existence was, has become Extremely thin.

The clear light in his eyes flickered, and it took Lu Qian a quarter of an hour to figure out the general details of this layer of smoke.

"Resentment, death, and endless disaster." Lu Qian's heart skipped a beat, and he patted his head gently: "Looking at it and asking Buddha, what happened to the ancient city of Loulan, and how did it become this Looks like this?"

"Yeah? He is really relieved. Are you really not afraid that a little monk like me from the lower world will encounter something powerful and vicious here and die like this?"

"It doesn't matter that I died. The liberation method you just passed down...and the world of mortals you entrusted to me, as well as so many treasures, so many gods and demons, weren't they all robbed along with me?"

"You old man, you are really big-hearted!"

Lu Qian muttered, and at one point with his hand, a god and demon shaped like a white elephant, with a jade-colored body, six teeth in its mouth, and white lotuses on its feet, slowly walked out of the "Red Dust Sky" and crawled obediently on Lu. In front of you.

Lu Qian patted the big guy, sat on his back, and gave a soft drink. The white elephant god opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of white lotus, releasing countless streaks of white light that separated the clouds and smoke above the Dangmo Si Yamen. He carried Lu Qian on his back and walked out.

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