Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 819 Confrontation between East and West

Loulan ancient city.


The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain occupies the earth, is thousands of miles high and stretches for hundreds of millions of miles. The mountains are majestic and surrounded by spiritual light.

Taking the main peak in the middle of the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain as the dividing line, the east side of the mountain range is full of spiritual mountains and rivers. There are countless temples and Zen forests. The light of the Buddha shines like candles and reaches the nine heavens. The sound of Sanskrit singing is accompanied by the evening drums and morning bells, stirring up large storms from time to time. On the white jade-paved avenues in the mountains, Buddhist disciples and monks walked back and forth, each with a calm demeanor and infinite majesty.

On the west side of the mountain range, the mountains are equally majestic and majestic, but many flat plains have been carved out in the mountains with great magical power and supernatural powers, and densely populated cities have been built on them. In the beautiful scenery in the mountains, among the deep pools and deep valleys, there are many palaces and pavilions with extremely gorgeous furnishings.

Huge warships floated in the air, and countless heavily armored warriors were practicing military formations around the warships. The evil spirits soared into the sky, and the shouts of killing were like thunder. The sound shook thousands of miles, faintly confronting the distant singing of Nafan on the east side.

On these battleships and on the tops of the cities in the mountains, large flags with gold characters on a blood background fluttered in the wind, with the word "Shen Yin" written on them!

Around the main peak of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, large ridges have been dented, turning into a huge basin that stretches for millions of miles. In the middle of the bare basin, there are mountains of corpses, and broken battleships, battle armor, military flags, weapons, etc. can be seen everywhere. On both sides of the basin, there are a group of Buddhist soldiers and a group of soldiers stationed respectively.

From time to time, elites with powerful auras would rise into the sky, either among the Buddhist soldiers or among the soldiers, taunting and provoking the other party.

As a result, a small-scale conflict involving perhaps three to five people, or thirty to fifty people, or three to five hundred people, will suddenly break out.

Sometimes, these small-scale conflicts end with one party losing and escaping in confusion.

Sometimes, the coaches of both sides suddenly became angry, and with a wave of the flag, armies from both sides came out, either three to five million, or three to five million, or even a larger-scale battle broke out in the void.

The sky is filled with blood and evil energy. The corpses fell like rain, and the corpses in the basin accumulated a thick layer, and then were blown into countless pieces by the falling thunder, fire, and magic.

Outside this small Vajra Sumeru Mountain is a vast and boundless plain.

Also with the main peak as the boundary, the plain on the east side is full of Zen monasteries, full of monks, and groups of Buddhist cultivators patrolling the world. All the people live and work in peace and contentment, paying taxes and offering incense to the senior officials of the Zen monasteries on time.

If there is a family with outstanding qualifications who is selected by the patrolling Buddhist cultivators to enter the local Zen monastery and become a monk, then all taxes for the three generations of this family will be exempted.

Occasionally, these Zen monasteries would issue corvée recruitment orders, and they would reward people with food, money, or various low-level elixirs, and hire people to build temples and Zen forests, and carve out mountains into giant, majestic and solemn Buddha statues.

If you look carefully, those Buddha statues, regardless of their various postures, look exactly like Lu Qiansheng.

On the west side of the main peak, there are cities everywhere on the plain, and the world has been transformed into thirty-five small and large feudal kingdoms, all with the "Shenyin Dynasty" as the co-lord. Under the feudal lord, there are countless nobles, large and small, who herd the world.

Unlike the Buddhist country on the east side, as long as you pay certain taxes on time and offer incense on time, your faith will be different. The king and lord of the Shenyin Dynasty almost broke the bones and sucked out the marrow of the people under his rule, and tried his best to squeeze out every drop of their wealth.

All the corruption, depravity, extravagance, debauchery, cruelty, ruthlessness, darkness, ruthlessness, etc. that can be displayed in the last dynasty and the fallen family can be seen everywhere in the Shenyin Dynasty.

In a secular dynasty, if the common people could no longer survive, they would rise up with a cry, and there would still be some chance of survival. However, in the Shenyin Dynasty, the people were like ants, and the kings and lords were all powerful men with superb cultivation and terrifying strength. Any people who dared to resist were often razed to the ground.

At the border between Foguo and Shenyin, both sides also stationed large armies.

Buddhist monks in the Buddhist Kingdom sit cross-legged on the border line and chant sutras day and night. If there are bold people of the Shenyin Dynasty who flee to the border line, they only need to recite the title of "Rescue the Suffering, the Great Merciful and the Great Compassionate Dharma Sea Buddha", These Buddhist cultivators will rise into the sky like chicken blood, help them at any cost, and force them to enter the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom.

The garrison of the Shenyin Dynasty was even more straightforward. The boundary line 10,000 miles to the west was designated as a death area by them. If ordinary people of the Shenyin Dynasty dare to step into this area, once discovered, they will be executed immediately, and if any relatives or even neighbors are implicated, they will be killed without leaving any trace!

Regardless of whether it is a Buddhist country or a Shenyin country, only about 10% of its people are ‘human races’ in the conventional sense.

As for the other people, there are all kinds of ant spirits, scorpion spirits, butterfly spirits, spider spirits, etc.; there are also all kinds of dog monsters, cat monsters, tiger monsters, and old fox monsters, which are also weird and strange.

In this vast territory that is so vast that even with the power of the Buddha, it would take hundreds of years to fly from the east pole to the west pole of the plain, and from the south pole to the north pole, the Buddha Kingdom and Shenyin have been formed. Due to the strange ecology, the wars, killings, and intrigues between each other have lasted for tens of thousands, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of years.

To the extreme west of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, at the southern foot of the mountain, there are hundreds of strange peaks, forming a natural formation of Vajra, surrounding a majestic city with a radius of one million miles. The city's streets, canals, mountains and forests, and all other furnishings are the same as those of the Supreme Holy Heaven Dayinhao Capital. Even the names of many neighbors are "good weather, peaceful country and peaceful people".

This majestic city, ‘Holy Hao Capital’, is a replica of Dayin Hao Capital, only slightly larger in scale.

To the north of Shenghao Capital, in the imperial city, in the majestic, vast and breathtaking main hall, Yu Dihu, dressed in rich clothes, holds a charming butterfly spirit in his left hand, and plays with an alluring three-tailed fox demon in his right hand. There were several cute fairies lying on their knees, gently squeezing his legs.

In the main hall, two strong men wearing heavy armor and standing three feet away were looking fiercely at each other with sullen faces and fierce eyes.

These are the kings of the 'Lü Kingdom' and the 'Bei Kingdom' among the thirty-five feudal kingdoms of the Shenyin Dynasty. Three days ago, the two of them led an army in a fierce battle on the national border, with a total loss of more than 100,000. Elite monk.

The cause was just two big lords on the border between the two countries. The playboys in the family committed a murderous crime in order to compete for a beautiful woman. The two people, who were usually dissatisfied with each other, immediately took the opportunity to start a fight and raised their troops to fight fiercely.

Yu Diaihu tilted his head slightly, and the little butterfly spirit carefully fed him a glass of wine and took a sip of the fragrance on his face.

He swallowed the drink with a "gudong" sound. Yu Dihu's eyes were gushing with dark blood, and his voice was rumbling like thunder. He said lazily: "Okay, okay, it's just a fight of will... a little thing, a The lives of the beauty and her whole family are just despicable. Is this such a big deal worth fighting for?"

"How many years have we been brothers? Back then, back then..."

Yu Diaihu was stunned. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the hall.

The ceiling made of various kinds of top-quality spiritual materials is carved with extremely complex and gorgeous geographical patterns of the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers. Orbs and gems of various sizes are inlaid with star patterns on the ceiling. Under the urging of the star, in broad daylight, this star map still emits brilliant brilliance, with faint glow, illuminating the whole hall without a trace of shadow.

"I think back then, we all trained and grew up together in that place... After we grew up, we gradually became the people around the emperor. Well, do you still remember, what is the name of His Majesty? I don't remembered."

"Because of our loyalty, or in other words, because of our stupidity. We were awarded to that 'sir' as a guard of honor. Haha, I didn't expect that this was the beginning of our creation... Great creation, great creation... Who Can you imagine that you can shine with the sun and the moon, live with the heaven and the earth, and control the life and death of hundreds of millions of people with the power of your hand?"

"We have been brothers for many years and have supported us all the way... Now the group of thieves in the east are still eyeing us. It is the critical moment when we all need to work together to fight against the powerful enemy... You are all for this Why bother with beating and killing people over trivial matters?”

Shaking his head and waving his hands, Yu Diaihu said calmly: "Go back, go back, those two little lords who caused trouble, slaughtered their whole family...tsk, tsk, provoked a bloody dispute between our old brothers, these two This idiot has a deplorable heart and deserves to die."

"Go back, go back, prepare the army for war. This time, each of your families will send out one hundred thousand true immortals and tens of millions of elite monks. I haven't fought against Ahu for more than a thousand years. This time, I am going to play a big game. "Yu Dianhu smiled brightly: "Over the years, those idiots like them always talk about 'loyalty', 'loyalty', but in the end it's still 'loyalty'!"

He suddenly grabbed the little vixen beside him, held her neck and threw her heavily to the ground. The charming beauty was smashed to the point of broken bones and tendons, and she transformed into her original shape on the spot, turning into a bloody white streak on the ground. Furry three-tailed fox.

Yu Diaihu muttered in a low voice: "Loyalty? Haha, what bullshit Baihutang, what bullshit loyalty... A group of low-life characters who hang out in the market, born bitches, born with a cheap life, got rich by luck, I don't know Enjoying glory and wealth, but still clinging to a sense of 'loyalty'...what? It shows how good they are, and how many, many, many brothers we have..."

The leaders of the Lu Kingdom and the Bei Kingdom looked at each other, waved to Yu Diaihu, turned around, and walked away with rumbling steps.

Yu Diaihu snorted coldly, snatched the wine cup from the little butterfly spirit's hand, and swallowed a few big gulps of the wine with "gudong" and "gudong".


Yu Dianhu threw the extremely gorgeous wine cup inlaid with gold and jade heavily, directly killing a dog-headed eunuch standing at the door with a simple and honest look. The eunuch was beaten until his head exploded and he flew hundreds of feet away. When he landed, he had turned into a big yellow dog about ten feet long.

"Hey, come here, drag this yellow dog out and stew it." Yu Diaihu chuckled: "You have a yellow dog? Haha, I will eat one every now and then... Haha!"

"That idiot Ahu keeps saying something. Sooner or later, you will come back to put things right... to put things right? Am I messing up? Am I wrong? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? A man is born in this world and has such extraordinary power. , shouldn’t there be prosperity and prosperity?”

"Why should I be your follower and your thug for the rest of my life? Why?"

Stomping his feet fiercely, Yu Dianhu roared: "Come, come beauties, come a hundred, no, come three hundred... Today I am going to fight all night long with these little goblins to the death!"

Yu Dianhu hissed and laughed wildly.

The little butterfly spirits and the little goblins beside him were all so frightened that their faces turned pale, and their eyes were full of despair.

At the same time, on the east side of the main peak of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, less than 100,000 miles away from the basin where the bloody battle took place, deep in the mountains, there was a replica of the Qionghua Ancient Temple, which was basically copied perfectly brick by brick, every plant and every tree. In the Qionghua Ancient Temple, Ah Hu, who was three feet tall and with flames rising all over his body, was shirtless and riding a horse in the courtyard.

Dozens of brave monks who had cultivated themselves as Buddhas carried Zen staffs shimmering with light and attacked Ahu violently.

The Zen staff, which is as thick as an ordinary person's waist, hit Ah Hu hard with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, causing sparks to fly. The loud sound was like muffled thunder, and the sound spread thousands of miles. Ahu's body was motionless, but the huge temple had been shaken slightly by the shock. Formation restrictions everywhere were activated, but the main hall of the Buddhist temple was still shaken to the point that the beams and columns were crooked and the bricks and tiles were broken.

After a long time, when a large hall behind him suddenly collapsed, Ahu shouted loudly, and the group of reckless monks stopped.

Scratching his head hard, Ahu turned around, looked at the collapsed hall, and cursed in a low voice: "Scared, a bunch of brainless bastards...Hey, tell me, are we all too stupid?" Why is it so difficult to arrange the Buddhist formation?"

"After all our efforts, the Buddhist formation we set up cannot withstand the aftermath of my practice... This is too... too, too embarrassing."

Before he finished speaking, a Mang monk had already strode over, shouting loudly as he ran wildly: "Brother Tiger, I wish that little thief bald sneaked down the mountain... He left a letter saying that he was going to His parents are seeking revenge... This little bastard, with his little cultivation, who can he kill?"

Ahu's face suddenly became distorted.

Ben Wish, the little disciple A Hu took in thirty years ago, is actually a strange green snake, and his whole family is a subject of the Shenyin Dynasty.

Thirty years ago, the most dandy young master of the lord's family that Ben Wan belonged to listened to someone's slander. He wanted to "soak in snake wine" to "strengthen the yang and kidneys" and spent a lot of money to reward exotic snakes for soaking in wine. Ben Wan's whole family was targeted. Except for Ben Wan's good luck and escaped from the disaster while playing outside, everyone in the family, young and old, was cleaned and soaked in wine jars.

The distraught Ben Yuan ran away in embarrassment, and luckily escaped to the Buddhist Kingdom under A Hu's rule. By chance, he was met by A Hu and found that he had excellent aptitude, and he was born almost exactly the same as Lu Qian's green snake. A Hu Out of pity and fun, I immediately accepted him as my disciple.

After thirty years of hard training, I have taken countless miraculous elixirs, and received a lot of incense and mind power to assist me in my practice. My original wish has made amazing progress. With Ahu's strong support, I have become a pinnacle little Bodhisattva in the 33rd heaven of the True Immortal Realm!

The head of the family who had offered a reward to capture the young master who wanted his whole family to have a drink was only a cultivation level in the 27th level of the True Immortal Realm. I thought I had a chance to take revenge, so I finally took advantage of the monks in the temple not paying attention, left a letter, and sneaked down the mountain!

"Stupid, stupid!"

Ahu stomped his foot fiercely, and the earth suddenly shook. Dozens of the main halls and Buddhist halls around him were collapsed. He said angrily: "How powerful does he think he can be? Just a cultivation level of the 33rd level of the True Immortal Realm, huh? How powerful does he think he can be? Can he break through the border of Shenyin? Can he? "

"Ha, this is good material delivered to your door!"

"Back then, he was just a little green snake, with no medicinal value. People didn't hunt him all over the world. This was his good luck... Now, his blood has transformed into a green dragon. The snake gallbladder is soaked in wine, which is the best. Great material!”

"Tsk, snake gallbladder is soaked in wine, snake skin is used as armor, snake meat is cooked in pot, snake blood is aphrodisiac...he is sending a whole snake dinner to your door!"

Ahu said angrily: "I don't have enough brains, but how can this guy be stupider than me?"

He pointed at the reckless monk and cursed: "And you guys, apart from eating and shitting, what else do you do? What else do you do? Ah? You can't even stand a bald little thief, so let him do this Sneaked away easily? Huh? Next time, your heads will be cut off secretly, and you won’t know anything? "

Ahu cursed loudly, and a large fire cloud rose under his feet, lifting him into the sky and heading straight to the Bloody Battle Basin to the west.

As soon as Ahu moved, the bells of countless temples and temples in all directions suddenly rang. Countless monks and young monks chanted sutras in unison. A large group of monks and soldiers in helmets and armor held Zen staffs in their hands, forming a neat Buddhist formation, turning into a large Buddha light, tightly Followed behind Ahu.

these years……

In the ancient city of Loulan, time flows at a strange speed. Ahu and the others have been operating on this plain for tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years. The laws of the Dao in this world are completely different from those in Liangyi Tian. It is easier for the monks to practice and break through. The upper limit of the entire world is much higher than that in Liangyi Tian. The weakest Taoist monks who were transformed by Lu Qiandu back then were already at the half-step Buddha level. About 30% of them had successfully broken through to the Buddha level!

Lu Qian 'disappeared', these Taoist monks only followed A Hu's orders.

At this moment, countless Taoist soldiers soared into the sky, and each Buddha showed his majestic Dharma appearance. What they practiced was the Buddhist Dharma of the Great Vajra Temple. The Vajra Dharma Appearances, which were ten thousand feet high, glared angrily, and the majestic pressure shook the void slightly.

In addition to these Taoist monks who originally belonged to Lu Qian, over the years, Ahu and a group of tiger men from Baihu Hall have vigorously built temples and raised countless believers and disciples. In this huge Buddhist country, there are trillions of Buddhist cultivators, among whom there are also There are many extremely talented monsters.

These monsters came from behind, and many of them were closer to the level of cultivation than those Taoist monks of Lu Qian.

Then I saw in the void, in the vast Buddha array, there were dog heads, bull heads, cat heads, horse heads, and all kinds of weird and weird 'demon' Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas walking on the clouds, each with a solemn treasure appearance. , the Buddha's light surges around the body, giving people an inexplicable sense of harmony of 'all beings are equal'.

When these alien Buddhas heard that Ahu's young disciple was willing to secretly go down the mountain to avenge his parents and relatives, many Buddhist cultivators shouted in unison, and they couldn't help but feel the same hatred!

In fact, in Ahu's Buddhist country, a large number of Buddhist disciples are the lower-class people who have gone through many hardships and finally escaped from the Shenyin Dynasty. They and the Shenyin Dynasty both had a deep hatred for destroying their families and clans. On weekdays, they would often go to the border to provoke and kill... now that they had the factor of Ben Wish, how could they not take advantage of the opportunity? The reason for causing trouble?

In the sky, the Buddha array is vast, and the Buddha's light shines for thousands of miles.

The golden mountains were released by the disciples of the Buddha Realm. On each of the mountains, there were a large number of Buddhist cultivators sitting cross-legged. Using these mountains, which were modeled after the Small Vajra Sumeru Mountain, as the hub, countless Buddhist cultivators formed an extremely strong Vajra Buddha Formation, which continuously rolled towards the western border.

Ahu carried a Zen staff with flames rising all over his body and walked at the front with his head held high.

Smoke rose in front of him, and more than 10,000 giant ships lined up in a line, forming a long snake formation blocking the way. A strong man wearing golden armor, several feet tall, and whose aura was no weaker than A-Hu's, stood on the bow of the Wan-Zhang flagship in the middle, and scolded in a low voice: "A-Hu, what's the matter, is your skin itchy?"

Ahu looked at the strong man with stern eyes and said coldly: "Yu Haoming, get out of here... I am not in the mood to fight with you today."

The strong man Yu Haoming was the king of the Hao Kingdom in the thirty-fifth state of the Shenyin Dynasty. He was the commander-in-chief of the border garrison in this bloody battle basin for the past thousand years. He was also the thirty-six divine weapons that Yinyuan awarded to Lu Qian as a guard of honor. One of the generals.

In the southern border of Liangyi Tianzhen Demon Ridge, he was also the lucky one who was injected with the ancient imperial veins. Relying on the ancient imperial veins extracted from the bodies of the Jiang clan, Yu Haoming's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, reaching an incredible level. .

Yu Haoming, who was wearing heavy armor and carrying a golden whip with a serious expression, couldn't help but sneered when he heard Ahu's words: "If you don't want to fight, why are you doing it in such a big way?"

Ahu blinked his eyes and suddenly turned his head to look at the vast and boundless Buddhist formation behind him. He couldn't help but swung his Zen staff on his forehead: "Una... What are you doing here, you bunch of bastards? I have nothing to do. It's... it's..."

Blinking his eyes, Ahu coughed heavily: "Old Yu, no matter what, we have been friends for many years... I think back then!"

Yu Haoming's face darkened, and he immediately interrupted Ah Hu: "Stop talking nonsense like 'thinking about those days'... Haha, thinking about those days, we were the emperor's servants, extremely noble... you are just a bunch of scum in the market. , Ignorant gangster! There is no friendship at all between you and me..."

Ahu was very angry: "Yeah, yeah, it's this rhetoric again... Ha, is it difficult to admit your background back then? Who can show you by putting on such an aristocratic face? Back then, you were just The orphans adopted by the husband of the palace guard Yu Yu don’t know what kind of male thieves and female prostitutes your parents are... How noble are you?"

Yu Haoming's face became more and more ugly.

He is now... the king of the Hao Kingdom of the Shenyin Dynasty. He has relied on one person to breed a huge and prosperous royal family, with hundreds of millions of direct blood descendants. His descendants were enfeoffed in the huge Hao Kingdom, and each controlled hundreds of millions of miles of land, and controlled the life and death of countless people. They were all nobles, with incredible honor!



He had long forgotten the origins of him, Yu Diaihu and others back then!

"Haha, ridiculous words." Yu Haoming said calmly: "Ahu, you are afraid that you are possessed by evil spirits. What do you mean by saying these ridiculous words? Palace guard? Mr. Yu? What are those? ? This king, I don’t remember!”

The golden whip in his hand swung, turning into countless dragon lights and shadows, and with an earth-shattering roar, he went straight to Ahu and smashed him on the head.

Ah Hu roared loudly, and without dodge or dodge, he rushed forward with his Zen staff.

"Crack, clang, clang", the golden whip and the Zen staff are extremely heavy magical weapons. Both guys follow the path of physical training and fierce fighting. They are too lazy to deal with any changes in magical powers and subtle magic powers.

For a time, it was like three thousand blacksmiths were forging iron at the same time. The sky was full of "clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang" and sparks flying everywhere.

Behind Ahu, a dozen former Tiger Masters from Baihutang shouted and rushed forward carrying various heavy weapons.

Behind Yu Haoming, there were also dozens of heavily armored generals, cursing in low voices, as they rushed forward in a mighty manner.

Back then, Lu Qian focused on the old brothers of Baihu Hall in terms of resources. They are also the people around them. The tiger masters of Baihu Hall are more or less integrated into the ancient imperial lineage of the Jiang family, and their foundation is very good.

But for these divine generals headed by Yu Diaihu, Lu Qian did not deduct any of them out of Yin Yuan's affection. Lu Qian also gave them training resources, magical skills, secret techniques, and other training qualifications. Great benefit.

Arriving at the ancient city of Loulan, on this plain, due to Lu Qian's long "disappearance", the Baihutang and the Shenwu Generals parted ways, each establishing its own forces.

Ah Hu and Mr. Hu uphold the most basic 'loyalty', follow Lu Qian's old routine, and are quite kind and generous to the people under their rule. As long as the people below pay taxes on time and offer incense, the tiger masters of Baihu Hall will do their best to protect them from living and working in peace and contentment.

Just like how Baihutang protected the folks in the neighborhood in Haojing City, this is how they do it now. After so many years, Baihutang’s ‘loyalty’ has never changed.

As for Yu Diaihu and others, they used all the methods of the tyrant and traitorous ministers on their own people.

Under the governance model of knocking the bones and absorbing the marrow, the senior leaders of the Shenyin Dynasty naturally received many more cultivation resources than Ahu and the others. In particular, Yu Diaihu and others obtained some evil methods from nowhere, and their cultivation progress was much faster than that of A Hu and Master Hu.

Therefore, in terms of basic information, Baihutang has the advantage.

However, in terms of practice progress, General Shenwu wins.

At this moment, the two sides were fighting against each other. At the beginning, Ahu and Yu Haoming were fighting to no avail. But gradually, a shrill howl rose from Yu Haoming's golden whip to the sky, and wisps of vicious cold air continued to flow towards Ahu.

Ah Hu's movements slowed down little by little, and he was whipped dozens of times by accident.

Behind A Hu, two tiger masters immediately rushed up to deal with Yu Haoming with A Hu.

The four of them fought together, and Ahu combined the power of the two tiger masters to barely equalize with the opponent.

The golden whip in Yu Haoming's hand whipped up countless dragon whip shadows, and he said coldly: "This is the gap, Ahu, you despicable scum of the market, how can you be compared with us? Hahaha, sooner or later there will be One day, this whole world will become the land of my God Yin...all the people here will become the slaves of my God Yin!"

Ah Hu hissed and cursed: "Fart...fart...you are really not afraid. One day, will Brother Gen get him back?"

The golden whip in Yu Haoming's hand froze slightly, and Ahu hit him on the forehead with a Zen stick, causing sparks to fly from his forehead, and he staggered back dozens of steps.

With a cold snort, Yu Haoming spat out bloody spit and said in a low voice: "What a disgusting name... I almost forgot this name... But, is he still alive? Hahaha, after so many years, Is he still alive?"

Shaking his head, Yu Haoming whispered: "No, he is dead, he is dead!"

As if he was crazy, Yu Haoming hissed: "He must be dead... Ahu, you wait, you wait... He can't come back... And we Shenyin will sooner or later kill you gangsters." Category, catch them all in one fell swoop!”

Amid the roar, four large flesh bumps sprouted from Yu Haoming's back. His armor separated, and four arms grew out of the flesh bumps. The golden whip in his hand flashed and turned into six, which were tightly grasped by six arms. As his body rotated, the six golden whips created a whirlwind and rolled towards Ahu and the two Tiger Masters.

There was a loud bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

In the Holy Hao Capital, Yu Diaihu, who was having a crazy battle with a group of goblins, suddenly raised his head and glanced in the direction of the Bloody Battle Basin.

"Pass on my imperial edict, the thirty-five kingdoms, as well as my Shen Yin headquarters, all the armies must be ready within ten days...Ten days later, I will lead the expedition in person! Hahaha, hahaha, Ahu, Ahu!" Yu Yu! Diahu waved his hands, and hundreds of enchanting and beautiful female fairies in the hall were turned into ashes at the same time, and wisps of pure blood and soul were swallowed by him.

"I am enough for this world!"

With a dim light in his eyes, Yu Dianhu said softly: "I alone am enough... Those thirty-five idiots who only know how to fight for power and are still obsessed with me, the position under the eldest brother's butt... have to find a way. , let them and Baihutang perish together."

Shaking his head, Yu Diaihu shouted again: "Come here, come here, three hundred more beauties, hahaha, three hundred more!"

In the ancient city of Loulan.

The Everlasting Lotus Platform emits sparkling light, dispersing the surrounding smoke.

The six-tusked jade elephant carried Lu Yi and moved forward along a winding alley... Lu Yi formed a seal with his hands, silently pursuing the trace of cause and effect and the trace of involvement between him and himself.

After obtaining the 'Liberation Method' and the 'Great Wisdom', the twisted heaven and chaotic Taoist rhyme in the ancient city of Loulan are still so chaotic and dangerous... But Lu Qian has been able to figure out a clue from a pond of muddy water. , guiding him to explore the past step by step.

"Well, this aura should be Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain."

Lu Qian whispered to himself: "I don't know if Da Feitian is there...or, Master and the others, are on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain? Hmm!"

"Here we are, here we are, right in front!"

Ahead, at the end of the alley, is a dilapidated deserted garden... In the middle of the garden is a half-dry pond. There are several withered lotus leaves in the pond. Smoke rises from one of the lotus leaves with a diameter of three feet. In the middle of the small lotus leaf, a very fine grain of dust can be faintly seen, emitting a faint golden light.

On that vast plain, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, which is hundreds of millions of miles long from beginning to end, is just a speck of dust on a lotus leaf in Lu Qian's eyes.

"Found it! This is Ahu's aura!" Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and said horrifiedly: "Ten kalpas of true Buddhahood? Oh, how many years have passed on this lotus leaf? Ahu doesn't even have a baby. Right? This is just..."

Shaking his head and patting the mount's head, the six-tusked jade elephant roared in a low voice, stepped on the white lotus, and walked towards the lotus leaf step by step.

Smoke rose, blocking the way.

Lu Qian gently waved his right hand forward, Taihu Emperor's ax shook slightly, the smoke blocking the way was torn apart, and Lu Qian rode a white elephant and broke into the world where the lotus leaves transformed.

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