Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 354: Reunion after a hard time

The wind and electricity of the trees in the forest generally flew behind him. In the palm of Ye Qingxuan, Bi Lan sword slammed out. Several large trees in front of him stopped and broke, and they continued to rush forward. Seeing a pink in the bushes, Ye Qingxuan Rising without hesitation, the sword gas swept across the sky, and the fierce flying flew down.

With a swipe of swords like a moon shining in the water, all the plants and trees blocking Ye Qingxuan were blown away, and when pink appeared again in front of him, Ye Qingxuan was near.

"My mercy ..."



Ye Jiaoxuan's cry sounded one after another, Ye Qingxuan was surprised, and hurriedly closed his sword.

But the sword cricket, which has been separated from the sword body, has unquestionably flew out ... Seeing that it will cause unavoidable accidental injury.

"Brother Ye!"

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's eardrums were suddenly filled with an extremely familiar exclamation.

this is……


Ye Qingxuan flashed a bright moon-like halo behind his head, and the speed that had already reached the limit increased by more than ten times again. The sound of a “knock” on the scene made an airburst sound. Ye Qingxuan had a shadow, and the real body had already broken the sound barrier. Stopped before the sword.

Peng Peng!

Qiu Qiushui's sword-like sword smashed into numerous light fragments on Ye Qingxuan's back, and Ye Qingxuan's body guard held his own sword's might.

Fluorescent stars are broken.

Xie Ye Qingxuan couldn't believe the women who suddenly appeared in front of her. The familiar appearance, the familiar voice, and the familiar every move turned out to be the long-lost Shen Chuer.

"Chu Er, are you? You are not dead !?" Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and grabbed Shen Chuer's shoulder, almost crying with joy.

But Shen Chuer cried and screamed directly into Ye Qingxuan's arms. "Brother Ye, I finally found you. Whoo, Chuer's parents are gone, her sister is gone, and now she is gone. Chuer should What to do, what to do? "

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, guilty, patted Shen Chuer's back, and said softly, "I have the revenge of Brother Peacock when I am here! It's great that you are fine, it's so nice! If the seniors knew, they would be relieved in the spirit of heaven. "

The time when the two of them disappeared was not far away, but during this period, too many things really happened, so they reunited again, but it was like reunion after a long absence.

Wu Suya's three women looked at each other. Ye Qingxuan, who had always been calm and restrained, could not be more excited when she saw this Shen Chuer.

Pu Xiaoyan, Pu Xiaoyan, pursed her lips, rubbed her ankles, and whispered: "It was an old acquaintance, hum, no wonder such intimacy."

Twenty-sixth class sister Ji Suyao glared at her and drank lowly: "You still said? If you were to run rampantly, you could make a chicken fly? Finally hurt your ankle, you deserve it!"

Xiao Xiaoshi's sister, Su Suyan, turned her back on her grievances and made a special move, "Master, you see ... Sister Liu Shi doesn't even help me, but also helps outsiders."

"Okay, okay. You need to say a few more words." Su Suya Meimei stared at Ye Qingxuan and Shen Chuer, and when she answered correctly, she stepped forward and said softly: "Miss Chuer, I haven't seen you for a long time. The teacher's door happened to be in a difficult situation. My sister and sister just overreacted. Please forgive me. "

怎么 "What? You started?" Ye Qingxuan asked in wonder.

Wu Suya's face was awkward, and she did meet unexpectedly just now, but the little girl immediately shot, but twisted her ankle halfway, but the person did not hit, but hurt herself. If you say it, it will be a great shame.

While hesitating, Shen Chuer quickly broke away from Ye Qingxuanhuai and smiled apologetically, saying, "No, no. I hurried to Xiayang House, so I didn't take the road. I didn't want to scare the teacher and sister, and hurt her slightly. ...... I'm wrong. "

Ye Qingxuan was relieved and laughed: "It's okay if you're not injured. Everyone is your own. Don't hurt your peace. If it's okay, let's go back quickly, the Ningge master is still waiting for us ..."

Su Suya smiled softly and said, "Okay, let's ..."

"Sister Chu'er, last time you said goodbye, where did you go, why haven't you seen it for a long time?" Ye Qingxuan anxiously inquired about Shen Chu'er's experience, and didn't care about answering Su Suya's words.

So Su Ya watched the two support each other and moved along.

Ji Suyan walked to her side with a tiptoe, and snorted coldly, saying, "This Ye Shaoxia is not a good person. They all say how he and Mei Yinxue are. I ca n’t think of it, so gentle to this Chuer sister ... man, no A good thing. "

With a coquettish laugh, Ji Suyao came from Yingying, and said, "You little girl, what kind of man do you know? This man is a cheap bone, the more he can't get it, the more he can catch up. I see this Shen Chuer Ah, it ’s not that simple. Ye Qingxuan was fascinated by a few words. There must be a way. Otherwise, how can I win the title of "the first beauty in the world". "

Su Suyan's mouth grew into a large circle, and she said, "Sister Liu, what do you think the first beauty in this world is beautiful? Master Sister is already a peerless beauty in my eyes, this Chu The girl is not inferior at all, I really don't know what Mei Yinxue can look like! "

"What is the beauty of being beautiful again? Isn't it human?" Ji Suyao giggled.

Su Suya glanced at her angrily, Shen said, "You two don't talk nonsense. Be careful the court handles your frivolous sin."

The two daughters looked at each other and spit out their tongues.

Seeing Su Suya's silent gaze ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ji Suyao looked cold, followed her, and whispered, "Master, do you have any doubts?"

Su Suya sighed and asked, "Do you think ..."

He spoke halfway, but stopped.

Ji Ji Suyao was more puzzled and asked, "What do you think?"

Su Suya shook her head and laughed, "Nothing, maybe I'm over-stressed."


Qi Ji Suyao poked his lips and glanced at Su Suyan, who was struggling to move next to him. He gave a cold sigh and stepped forward to support him.

He moved his eyes from Ye Qingxuan and Shen Chuer to the ankles of the younger sister, and a slight wrinkle between Wu Suya ’s eyebrows, she secretly thought: This place has always been deserted. Why is this Shen Chuer able to accurately find the trace of her own horse? Is it really a coincidence? Xiao Shimei is sparse in martial arts, but after all, she is an inner disciple of Fengyi Pavilion. When she was selected, she had already determined that she was talented. Even if she was bad, she would not sprain her ankle when she shot ...

That Shen Chuer ...

Was that the innocent little girl I knew then?

With doubts in her stomach, Qi Suya returned to the brigade with Ye Qingxuan.

I knew everything was just a false alarm, and everyone couldn't help feeling relieved.

宁 Under Ning Huiru's order, the daughters will go to the Xiayang Mansion in a hurry. When Ye Qingxuan found Shen Chu'er again, he had something to ask, and the two whispered all the way, finally reaching their destination before dark.

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