Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 355: Xiayang again

At this time the strong wind was rising.

The gate of the city opened by Xudong welcomed the last batch of entrants to Xiayang House.

Most of the farmers who came out of the city were farmers in the surrounding area. They sold their agricultural products for a day, or finished working in the city, and after eating and drinking enough, they used the remaining money to buy a bucket of rice and a cabbage for their wives and children. Right author eats the next day.

I went home at night and fell asleep, and went to town again early in the morning to make a living.

This is the day when ordinary farmers live around the city.

The cycle starts and ends.

If there is some surplus at the end of the year, buy more pieces of meat, pack dumplings, pull a few feet of coarse cloth, and make more clothes for your wife and children.

Simple and happy.

Most of the people who enter the city are merchants and darts who go north and south. These people are generally not alone. They are often accompanied by a whole convoy. They eat and sleep, put their heads around their waists, and only make more money to prevent their wives and children from starving. .

Different classes, but also all run for survival.

Ye Qingxuan, who has experienced many changes in life and death, looked at such simple people around him and his simple life for a while.

Speaking of which, too many people in this world have followed their whole life, like a little white mouse stepping on a circle ladder and running non-stop, seemingly busy, but in fact found nothing.

They don't know, as long as they step down and stand still, even taking a step outward will be enough to change the world.

But unfortunately, that step was good or bad, no one can guarantee.

有 Most of them also understand this truth, but even if this step is the difference, there may be a difference between life and death. Most people would rather die in situ than die.

Is he right or wrong?

Qi Yexuan and his party had already penetrated the city, and there was no pedestrian on the street. Only two convoys accompanied them. One is a caravan, carrying a full load of goods, and the other is a dart, which also escorts several darts.

The strong wind was rising and the team's torch was slamming.

Everyone didn't speak, but the clenched palms showed everyone's inner caution.

Qi Yexuan looked indifferently at the young force of a cart not far away.

The young man was only in his early twenties, with a strong body, and the arms of the cart were covered with sweat. Even the wind was strong, it was difficult to make his soaked clothes dry.

His life seems to be turning in place.

But as long as one step out, his world is completely different.

For example, he now took out the knife in the cargo pile and chopped it towards himself. If he could kill Ye Qingxuan, he would be able to become famous all over the world and become famous.

But this step, is it really easy to step out?

Now the young man is not only sweating on his arm, but also sweating on his forehead.

Several times staggered with Ye Qingxuan's gaze inadvertently, he hurriedly bowed his head and did not dare to look into each other.


Xie Ye Qingxuan sighed and said that the difference between this step was really a bad choice. If when he made this step himself, he also met such a person, would he still have a chance to reach today?

同行 Both parties have been together for a long time, and the atmosphere is extremely depressed.


At the intersection ahead, a team of people suddenly flashed to block the way. The crowd and the two teams could not help but stop at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

队 This team blocked the men and women on the way. Everyone was wrapped in green scarves, showing their fierce colors, like the most fierce bandit in the upper reaches of the river.

"Which person stopped the way?" 雅 Suya, a big disciple of Fengyi Pavilion, immediately stepped forward and asked.

The crowd on the other side surged, and a strong old man with gray and long beard fluttered out of his chest, looking at this loudly: "On the opposite side are the women of Fengyi Pavilion? I heard Ye Qingxuan Ye Shaoxia is also in the team I wonder if we can meet each other? "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and yelled, "It turned out to be the old master of Lu Gang, Ye Qingxuan is here."

Jie Lubailing laughed and waved, and the hundred-strong team behind him immediately separated from each other and guarded the sides of the road.

The well-established old man waved to welcome him, followed by a middle school, a young man, two heroes, the middle-aged man with a beard and a bold face, another young man in his early twenties, eyes full of vitality Both were dressed neatly, each holding a thick-backed machete, and the lining exposed by the corners was exquisite leather, clearly prepared.

Ye Yeqingxuan also emerged from the crowd. The two stepped forward and held their hands in one place.

Lu Bailing whispered: "The subordinates received the news, organized their staff overnight, and waited for Ye Shaoxia's order." Then he turned around and introduced the two good guys behind him. "This bearded man is my apprentice Peng Danian. This kid is my grandson. Lu Wanghai. From today on, the lives of our young and old will be left to Ye Shaoxia. "

The two heroes arched their hands together, and Shen drank, "Waiting for Ye Shaoxia to dispatch."

I could not think of Lu Bailing mobilizing all his family, and he couldn't help but be moved and thank him.

When I saw the women behind Fengyi Pavilion behind them, Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Master Lu, please come with me, and I'll introduce it for you."

He said, Ye Qingxuan introduced Lu and his party to Ning Huiru.

I heard that this beautiful woman, like the goddess of goddess of mercy, is the wife of the sword god. The current owner of the Fengyi Pavilion, the Lu family and others are very excited. Once upon a time, how could they talk to the two with their power The leader of the Dachao sect speaks ...

After seeing the ceremony, Lu Bailing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ respectfully said: "Received the news of Ye Shaoxia, he has mobilized all the forces in the gang, and must provide the greatest help, and the atmosphere of Xiayangfu is extremely strange these days, Where there are many strangers from the rivers and lakes, they usually come together, and everyone is hidden, unlike the locals. Most of them are mainly in Lingnan and North Hebei ... "

As he said, he watched vigilantly at the two convoys not far away.

鲁 Since Lu Bailing signaled to give way, the two teams hesitated for a while before leaving normally without incident.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Jibei, Lingnan? Huh, it seems that the peace and the Bailian religion are united."

Pu Ning Huiru frowned: "This is all coming to the cabinet, it seems that these cults are to take advantage of the weakness of the cabinet, and to eradicate Fengyi Pavilion in one fell swoop."

Lu Bailing said in a deep voice: "The owner is at ease, but if one person is still alive under the old deceased account, the enemy will not be allowed to do so. The inn in front has been secretly monitored, and the ladies will go to the gang station with the old deceased."

Su Ning Huiru looked to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Yexuanxuan nodded without hesitation, "There is work for you."

"I didn't say anything." Can be trusted by such figures as Ye Qingxuan and Ning Huiru, Lu Bailing and all three of them were flushed with excitement, turned around and whistled, and nearly a hundred insiders hula la came forward, all the way Go straight to the "Xiayang Gang" station.

Ye Qingxuan secretly sighed, the real helper arrived tomorrow, hoping to be safe and sound today.

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