"Little Sword God" Li Daozong is like a human-shaped laser cannon. The vast majestic internal force is transformed into a pale beam that directly hits the flowery monk in the air ...

"Old fifth--"

The brothers could not help but startled.


Such as a roar of a flower, the golden and red flames of his body suddenly rose, [Arhat Hanshendu Emu Guardian Power] fully operated, such as the entire human skin glowed with golden light, like a golden Buddha statue, his eyes were protected with arms The Shuimo Zen stick was lifted on the shoulder side, and suddenly rushed into the thick white sword-mang. The sharp golden gas blasted on the flowery gold body, and the sound of sand and stone hitting the metal ...

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, the monk's robe shattered like a powder, revealing a majestic body, and the muscles from the grave appeared dense blood spots under the impact of the sword, but it became a blood man in an instant. The situation was extremely extreme. Scary, a cruel smile appeared in Li Daozong's eyes, but then the smile was frozen ...

Because in his impression, the warriors who hit the sword basically end in an instant. Even if the opponent has practiced body exercises or horizontal exercises, they often persist for a while, but will appear because of their toughness. The effect is even more appalling. The huge white sword awn is composed entirely of sword gas. The person attacked by this trick will be penetrated by billions of gas needles, and the pain will exceed the death of Ling Chi. I just didn't expect that the body of this monk turned out to be so hard. At this moment, the entire person has reached the top of Li Daozong's head through the sword, and the arms that protected his eyes were pressed down, revealing a pair of evil eyes that were condensed behind. The fierce vision of the evil, the murderous. Let Li Daozong be shocked ...

This is impossible! How could anyone stop this sword. How could someone stop this "first sword in the world"!

Suddenly the flower came. Full of energy to fill the water-mill Zen stick, exhale--

The whole convenient shovel entangles the flames of gold and red. Especially the shovel head has a condensed radon mass with a large size on the grinding disc. The power of discoloration was smashed down, and the trick like Hua Hua was as powerful as the collapse of Mount Tai, making the whole space tremble endlessly. Thousands of martial arts masters are all discolored.

This was unexpectedly hit by Li Daozong. When he fell down and wanted to avoid it, it was too late. Looking at the blow from the other side, Li Daozong hardened his scalp, and poured his whole body strength into the right hand "Platinum Sword", struggling to meet ...


A wave of air swayed from the weapon where the two were fighting, and the characters who stood a little closer were all opened more than two feet by this sudden shock, including those innate masters who were also unstable. Raised their hands to cover their faces, resisting the burst of radon. Some people even stood unstable and suddenly took two steps back ...

Looking at the scene again, the crowd could not help but be shocked again.

For example, a Buddhist monk with a Zen stick actually suppressed Li Daozong's life. Li Daozong felt only an unmatchable and vigorous effort to smash it down. In horror, he held the sword in one hand instead of his hands, but the force still fell. "Platinum Sword" was placed on the left shoulder, relying on the strength of the entire body, in an attempt to resist the violent blow of Ruhua ...

But even so, Li Daozong still didn't realize how far the mighty attack came.

At the moment when the blade of the "Platinum Sword" was placed on his left shoulder, Li Daozong felt like a big mountain was pressed on himself, and he was so strong that he could not resist it. He fell to his knees on the ground with one knee, and he was in a good position. Passing to the bluestone platform, spider web-like cracks centered on the left knee and spread out!

Li Daozong's whole person was hit by a flower like a flower, and it was more than a foot lower than Wutai. A huge pit was formed ...

Li Daozong knelt down towards Ruhua. This blow was like Zhan Yu left a permanent scar on his face. The huge humiliation almost completely crushed Li Daozong ...


A mouthful of blood, out of mouth!

Li Daozong was injured by the earthquake, plus shame and dying, and a sudden burst of blood spewed uncontrollably!

In terms of strength, Li Daozong was absolutely sure to kill the monk. As long as he relied on his body to open the distance and then use the one-stop attack to defeat the "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu, it was only a matter of time. Unfortunately, because he didn't check for a moment, he was broken by the opponent's sword, and he couldn't avoid the attack of the opponent, and turned a contest into a contest between the two's anger and strength.

Ru Dahua's great strength immediately made Li Daozong a big loss!

Drop for ten sessions!

If a flower hit Li Daozong to the ground, and laughed wildly and wildly, under the anger, if Hua Huafeng was extremely fluent, he laughed loudly and said: "Yi Jian Shan Zhuang !? Little sword god, my aunt, isn't he about to kneel for the Sajia family! "

Someone finally reacted on the side, Wei Xiaotian was frightened, and exclaimed: "The master is merciful, and you must not take another shot--"

Qiu Yiping also shouted, "If you are a flower, don't cause trouble!" He is kind, and if he humiliates Li Daozong in the flower, it is tantamount to a complete wickedness with "One Sword Villa". If there is room for recovery, stop first, and then Besides ...

Ye Qingxuan and other brothers were very happy about Ruhua's burst, but they must not kill Li Daozong at this time!

But before a few people have spoken, Chu Tianjian in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Bold thief bald, offending 'One Sword Villa', you have already committed the crime of death, none of your brothers can live, waiting for others to catch you alive!" "

For example, Huahua laughed wildly, and the madness was so clear that with the blood and blood of him, the image of fierce and violent, everyone trembled. Ruhua screamed with a loud voice of "Lion Roar", "Go to your mother, Yijianshanzhuang, I'm afraid that you are not a good man! If you have flowers here, let's get revenge if you have any kind of— "

After roaring, the zen stick, which was pressed down like a flower, suddenly collapsed, and the other side of the crescent shovel with a sharp edge cut directly to the side of Li Daozong's neck!


Everyone, including Zhan Yu, was yelling!

tmd, this flower is crazy!

If Li Daozong is dead, everyone on the scene must be buried with him!

But I have to say ...

As flowers, only flowers can have the courage of this world! !! !!

Seeing that the rescue was not good, a figure emerged from behind Li Daozong, and suddenly pulled Li Daozong, who was already unable to counterattack, to pull it out of the flower attack range, and the crescent shovel in the hand of Huahua passed by the person, and the world condensed at this moment ...

It was his personal attendant who saved Li Daozong's life in that emergency. At this moment, the attendant looked at his body with a look of dementia, barely turned back and shouted "Master", squeaked, the servant's body was from the left The armpit was cut neatly into two halves to the right waist. The upper half of the body slowly slipped to the ground. Wow, the internal organs were scattered on the ground. The attendant was not dead for a while, humming like a dead dog, hands He was scratching constantly, while his lower body was still standing, the scene was extremely bloody.

Such as kicking the lower half of the flight attendant with a kick, stepping his head thinly with a kick, the red and white objects dyed the entire calf!


Li Daozong screamed, split his liver and gallbladder, and got up and ran ...

"The little cheap thief is off—"

If the flower carries a zen stick, you must catch up!

At this time, everyone can no longer make him confused. If Li Daozong is killed, there is really no room for turning things around.

The two great monks, God Seeing and Miao Xiu, stopped in front of Ruhua with a sound of a Buddhist horn.

"Don't stop me, I want to kill that beast and take revenge on my second brother!"

The two priests did not speak, and if they were going to break through, they shouted behind them, their left and right shoulders were pressed by each other, and the voices of Wan Guotai and Huangfu Taiming sounded at the same time: "The old five must not be impulsive, you do this right We have no advantage ... "

Ruhua yelled, "I don't care! The thief is uneasy, so he wants to kill the second brother. I can't keep him, leaving him a disaster!"

As soon as the two arms struggled, they broke free from the resistance of the two. On strength, Ye Qingxuan had a fight with him. The others were not opponents at all.

For example, when Hua Hua took two steps, her right hand was tightened, but she was caught by the water-milling zen stick in her hand. When Hua Hua turned back, she saw Ye Qingxuan, and the anger could not help but languish for a while, but the monk did not die at this time. Still roaring, "Lao Qi, do you want to stop me ..."

Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Brother, now is really not the time to kill him. Let ’s take a look at the second brother. I will take you to push the‘ I Jian Shan Zhuang ’flat, okay?”

Everyone was frowning all around. Why didn't this little priest speak with his mouth open? Can this be uttered? As violent as this monk ...

However, this sentence still failed to persuade him, struggling and chasing. Ye Qingxuan was already suffocated in his heart, and he split the hand to grab the water-milling Zen stick. "You can't go, give me a hand--"

Ruhua also choked on it, "The thief ran away. If you don't stop him, I won't let go—"


"Don't let go!"


The two are here to **** and **** the same as the children.

The people next to me just came forward to persuade the two sides, but the two of them shook their arms and flew out!

The two pulled the water-mill Zen stick together and squeak-

The straight stick of the zen stick has been bent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Good guy, the water-milled stick has been directly changed to the Qiankun circle!

If you stare blankly at the new baby in your hand, uh-

The facial features squeezed to the middle, poked his lips, and sat fiercely on the ground, wow--

Howl crying!

While crying, scolding there!

"Lao Qi! You deficient and smoking, turn your elbows out, the stuff you bought just now is ruined by you, one is twisted and the other is burnt. You are addicted to tmd, there is a kind You can also spit the sprinkles ... "

With a shake of his hand, when he shouted, the "Qiankun Circle" that was more than 300 kilograms of water-moulded zen stick was reformed, and a Martian child was thrown directly on the ground ...

The brothers counted fallen leaves and clear mysteries for a while, and when a dozen people came up, they carried the flowers out, which was too tmd shame. The child in this mountain is naive, and he will be happy when he is happy, and angry when he is angry ... (to be continued.)

ps: three more basic three.

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